James and Oliver Phelps Imagi...

By _TomatoFace_

285K 5.9K 3.5K

A collection of Phelps Twins imagines for Y/N. If you want to send in a request I will try my best to complet... More

Scars (pt.1)
Scars (pt.2)
Scars (pt.3)
BSM - You have an eating disorder (Pt.1)
BSM - you have an eating disorder (Pt.2)
BSM - your boyfriend is abusive
Detention with Umbridge (Fred)
He saves you (Oliver)
BSM - you're bullied
He gets jealous (Oliver)
He cheats on you (Pt.1)
He cheats on you (Pt.2)
Family day out (Oliver)
Family day out (Pt.2)
BSM - Your parents are fighting
BSM - Your parents are fighting (pt.2)
Quidditch accident (Fred)
Meet&Greet (Oliver)
You're feeling insecure (Fred)
You had a bad day (George)
BSM - They yell at you
BSM - You're on your period
Road trip (Oliver)
Road trip - Oliver (pt.2)
Battle of Hogwarts (Fred)
BSM - You introduce them to your boyfriend
Press conference (James)
BSM - Your parents compare you to them
You're enough (James)
You have food poisoning - Fred
Your child is sick - James
He catches you self harming (James)
You baby sit Oliver's child (James)
You babysit Oliver's child - Pt.2
Anorexia (James)
You're insecure (Oliver)
Thank you!!
He hits you (Oliver)
Proposal (Oliver)
He finds out youre pregnant (James)
You teach him Spanish (James)
You flinch during an argument (Fred)
You come out to him (James)
You go on holiday with him (James)
Christmas at the Burrow(Fred)
You have oppositional defiance disorder (ODD)
You get caught👀 (George)
He's your teacher (James)
He's your teacher - James (pt.2)
Your child's first day at school (Oliver)
Family trip to Universal Studios (James)
Your child has separation anxiety (Fred)
BSM - You're non binary
BSM - They make you feel insecure
BSM - They protect you
BSM - They protect you (pt.2)
You defend him on social media - Oliver
Quarentine - James
You have ADHD - Fred
BSM - You wanna commit
You get cancer - James
You have a PTSD flashback - James
Requests closed for now😭
You get sick - George
You get sick - George (pt.2)
You have magic powers - Fred & George
You have magic powers (pt.2)
You're pregnant - George
Almost successful attempt - James
He saves you from your abusive boyfriend - Oliver
BSM - You come out to them
BSM - you come out to them (pt.2)
Your child meets Fred's ghost at Hogwarts - Fred
Your child meets Fred's ghost at Hogwarts (pt.2)
Author's note
You meet him at a golf course - Oliver
You're pregnant with a 2nd child - James
You go to the Yule Ball alone - Fred
BSM - you run away
He thinks you're cheating - Oliver
BSM - they help you through a panic attack
He's in love with you while dating Angelina - Fred
He needs therapy - Oliver
He falls in love with you - James
Fred meets James
BSM - they find out about your eating disorder
You get to marry him - George
BSM- you get casted in Harry Potter
You comfort him - George
Proposal - Oliver
He objects at your wedding - Oliver
He objects at your wedding (pt.2) - Oliver
He objects at your wedding (pt.3) - Oliver
For the rest of your life - Fred
BSM - you have Coliac disease
You meet for the first time. - Fred
The battle of Hogwarts - Fred
The battle of Hogwarts - Fred (happy ending)
You're having a bad day - Fred
Author's note
Waking up with James/Oliver
Him coming home after filming - James
Cuddly morning - James
Love - Fred
Brother's best friend - James
DDM - sick day (James)
You comfort George after Fred died
BSM - You break a bone
You fall asleep on him - Oliver
You're sick - George
Playdate - Oliver
He meets your family - James
BSM - You have a stalker
BSM - You have a stalker (pt.2)

Escaping detention (George)

1.9K 44 9
By _TomatoFace_

TRIGGER WARNINGS: umbridge (yes, she is still her own warning)
You dragged your feet along the corridors, sighing as you mentally prepared yourself for an hour detention with the pink hag. Just the mere thought of having to sit in her way too pink room with her and her 25 cats staring at you was enough to make you gag. Arriving at the pink wooden door, you contemplated setting her on fire but you decided against it.

You sighed and knocked on her door, wanting to get it over with as soon as possible. "Enter" said her ridiculously high pitched voice and you swallowed the bile that raised in your throat, entered, sat down in front of her praying that you would survive this session.

"You know the drill Ms. Y/L/N. You will write lines until I see fit. You picked up the quill and gritted your teeth, put the tip against the paper and prepared for the coming torture but you were interrupted by a knock on the door. Umbridge vanished the quills and replaced them with regular ones to cover her tracks then opened the door.

There stood Filch looking uneasy, like he was in a hurry. " I need you to come with me Professor, I wouldn't intterupt if it weren't important" he whispered. Umbridge glared at you, turned your quill back into her blood quill, then exited, following Filch to Godric knows where.

You were about to write your painful lines when two pairs of hands covered your eyes. "Guess who" "Hmmm, I don't know, Goyle?" you replied sarcastically and turning around. George placed a hand on his heart and dramatically laid down on the floor. "My own girlfriend didn't recognize, and mixed me up with....Goyle!!!!!!" "Get up you dramatic git" you laughed and he stood up kissing your forehead, chuckling at you.

He then held your hand, pulled you up and picked you up bridal style in one swift motion and carried you out through a secret passage on Umbridge's wall. He put you down and closed the entrance behind you. "That explains how you got in" you stated even though it was the most obvious thing in the world. "You really can be clueless sometimes love, now come on" "I'll get in even bigger trouble for this." "She'll forget the fact that you had detention in the first place, I spiked her tea with a forgetting potion" "If I get caught I'm blaming you Weasley" "Fair enough"

You both laughed with each other and the next thing you know you felt the soft evening breeze on your flushed cheeks. "You really can see everything from up here, even the stars are so clear." "That's why it's the astronomy tower" George stated as a matter of factly. "Weasley, I will spike your food with a puking pastille" "You wouldn't dare" he challenged narrowing his eyes and before you could react, he pinned you down and started tickling you mercilessly.

You tried to fight him off but all you could do was laugh uncontrollably. After a while of torture, he stopped and scooped you up onto his lap then ruffled your hair. "Haven't heard that laugh all morning, understandable though, who would laugh before having dention with that old toad" You chuckled at this and leaned your head against his chest, listening to the steady thumping of his heart.

You both sat there in a comfortable silence just enjoying each other's company, breathing in the calming scent of fresh grass that the cool evening breeze wafted over. "Let's start going back to the dorm, it's getting late and you're getting cold love" "But it's so nice up here Georgie, so peaceful and it's like there's no one else in the world, just us"

George smiled and sat back down. It was one of the things he loved about you, how you found joy and beauty in the smallest of things such as the peace and quiet of the astronomy tower. He pulled out his wand and conjured up a pile of blankets and pillows so the two of you could sleep up here. "Thank you Georgie" "Anything for my girl". Snuggling up to him, you gave him that infamous toothy smile of yours that for sure would make anyone smile with you. And that's exactly what George did.

His face broke out in a huge grin and he hugged you tight as his heart swelled with the love he had for you. " I love you so much Y/N, more than anything in the world, you make me so happy and you keep me grounded and out of trouble, well...as much as you can. You make my world a better place Y/N and I wouldn't have it any other way." You teared up at his sudden sentimental speech and engulfed him in a huge bear hug.

"I love you too Georgie, more than you could ever imagine."

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