Keeper Of The Dragon Flame (W...

By Gerlithequeen

158K 3K 159

"People think fire is dangerous, I think it's the most beautiful thing in the world." - Echo Princess of Domi... More

First Things First
1.1 The New Fairy
1.2 The Ball
1.3 A Day With The Boys
1.4 Stella's Date
1.5 Cloud Tower
1.6 Party Night With The Specialists
1.7 The Day of The Rose
1.8 Messing With The Witches
1.9 The Test
1.10 The Truth
1.11 Lake Roccaluce
1.12 The Nightmare Monster
1.13 Diaspro
1.14 Sisters
1.15 Domino
1.16 Mission Cloud Tower
1.17 Getting Her Powers Back
1.18 It's Over
1.19 The Girl
1.20 Layla
1.21 Cave
1.22 Saving the Pixies
1.23 Avalon
1.24 Red Fountain Party
1.25 Professor Avalon
1.26 Relationship Trouble
1.27 Homesick Pixies
1.28 Eraklyon
1.29 Cloud Tower
1.30 Shadow Virus
1.31 Vacation
1.32 Wildlands
1.33 Darkar
1.34 Invitation
1.35 Stella's Party Disaster
1.36 The Mirror Of Truth
1.37 Valtor
1.38 Storytime
1.39 A Surprise For Echo
1.40 Off To Eraklyon
1.41 Attack on Alfea
1.42 Flora's Enchantix
1.43 Tecna's Sacrifice
1.44 Echo's Enchantix
1.45 Omega Dimension
1.46 The Agador Box
1.47 Trouble In Paradise
1.49 Water Stars
1.50 Weakening Valtor
1.51 Valtor
1.52 "It's Over"
1.53 Freeing Queen Marion and King Oritel
1.54 New Year, New Problems
1.55 The Tree Of Life
1.56 Earth
1.57 The Specialists
1.58 Monster Pets
1.59 Believix
1.60 Working with the boys
1.61 "She's Gonna Eat Him Alive"
1.62 Erendor
1.63 "You Know I Love You, Right?"
1.64 Musa's Audition
1.65 The White Circle
1.66 Trust
1.67 "Celebrities"
1.68 Net
1.69 Morgana
1.70 Diana
1.71 Diana's Realm
1.72 Lovix
1.73 "Nabu!"
1.74 Over
1.75 Mutants
1.76 "Who Are You?"
1.77 Diaspro
1.78 Selkie
1.79 Race
1.80 Domino
1.81 Sirenix
1.82 Council
1.83 Flora
1.84 "It's Over "
1.85 Welcome Home Party
1.86 Pixies
1.87 Linphea
1.88 Blomix
1.89 Fire Eaters
1.90 Egypt
1.91 Dragons
1.92 Antidote
1.93 Eldora
1.94 Mythix
1.95 Fog
1.96 Pirates
1.97 Werewolves
1.98 Helia
1.99 Queen Stella
1.100 Musa's voice
1.101 Riven's Leaving
1.102 Acheron
1.103 A Wedding

1.48 The Red Tower

1.1K 24 0
By Gerlithequeen

A few days later. in the woods. 

Stella created small portals around me. 

I sighed "All right, I can handle this."

Then i attacked the portals and they closed. 

Musa "Okay, let's see if you can handle this now. Sound Cage!"

She created a cage of rings that trapped me. 

I struggled to break free. 

Flora "Wow, it's working!"

I broke free and breathed out relieved.

The other girls turned back normal. 

Musa breathed out exhausted "I need a break. I used up all my power on this one."

Caramel flew to us shocked "My oh my! What's going on here? Why are you fighting?!"

Stella "Don't worry Caramel, we're not really fighting."

I nodded " Yeah, since Valtor and I both get our power from the Dragon Fire, we figured if we can find a way to beat my power, we can use it to beat his and so that's what we're trying to do. Flora, your turn."

Flora "Okay, here goes. Sorry, sweetie."

I smirked. 


We were all sitting in a circle. 

Tecna opened a book"This book relates the story of how the magical universe came to be. In the beginning when the great Dragon Fire was born, an opposite force was also created. This force was contained in Water Stars and these were the..."

Amore"Uh, Tecna, hang on a second. I thought Water Stars didn't exist anymore."

Tecna" In this dimension, they don't. That's true."

Bloom" Where do they exist, then?"

Tecna"Well, because they're naturally opposed to one another, the Dragon Fire and the Water Stars couldn't exist in the same dimension without causing an absolute chaos. Something had to be done to restore the balance. And so the Ancient Wizards came together to collect the Water Stars and seal them off from our dimension."

Me " Do we know where they are?"

Tecna nodded " Yes, they're in the Golden Kingdom."

Musa "Okay, where's that?"

Tecna "The portal to the Golden Kingdom lies at the base of the Red Tower."

Chatta" Yikes! That's in the Veil Mist Forest beyond the Barrier Mountains. That's a dangerous place!"

On the Red Fountain Ship. 

Timmy "Well, that's weird."

Digit "What is?"

Timmy"The navi-transmitter is acting kinda funny."

Sky" It's probably broken. There's gotta be a spare at the supply bay, Timmy."

Bloom"And if it's not broken, then what?"

Timmy "Well, if it's not broken, it's kind of scary because it's showing a great big void where the Veil Mist Forest should be. In other words, there's literally nothing in front of us."

Stella asked confused "Nothing?"

Timmy" Yeah. According to this navi-transmitter, we're going to end up flying right off the edge of the world if we keep going in that direction."


I was leaning against the wall. 

Caramel was talking to Sky and she was pretty pissed. 

I saw Sky sighing.

Caramel pointed in my direction and Sky looked at me. 

I could hear her saying "Go talk to her ! now!"

I looked at him before walking into the supply bay since i knew he was gonna follow me. 


Sky "i am sorry, Echo, i shouldn't have lost my temper"

Me "I need you to trust me. Because i meant when i told that if you can't trust me then i can't be with you. And that sad because i love"

Sky nodded "and i love you "

I asked confused "then why did you go off like that?  "

Sky " i was scared and worried because you didn't tell me what had happened, okay?"

I nodded "Well, i didn't tell anyone. because it was nothing and because it was no one's business. "

Sky sighed, nodding "yeah, i know, i do trust you but the anger got the best of me"

I nodded "i understand"

He looked at me confused. 

Me "i know how it is when the anger gets the best of you. But you have to trust me"

Sky nodded "i know"

Suddenly the ship started to shake a little and i fell against Sky who caught me. 

He put his arms around my middle. 

I smiled.

Sky "i love you, princess"

I smiled and pulled him in for a kiss. 

Suddenly we heard a bunch of "awwsss"

I rolled my eyes and broke the kiss. 

The girls and the pixies were watching us from the open door. 

Amore smiled "i love it"

Caramel flew over to me "do we love Sky again?"

I smiled and nodded "yes, we love him again"

Caramel smiled and sat down on Sky's shoulder. 

Sky chuckled. 


Sky "It's just a glitch, Timmy."

Timmy shook her head " I don't know, maybe we should land in the Barrier Mountains and walk from there just in case this isn't a glitch. What do you think?"

Layla walked in, angrily "Look what I found!"

We turned to her. 

Ophir was with her, handcuffed. 

Sky raised an eyebrow " What? You again?"

Layla threw the new transmitter over to Timmy "Here, Timmy."

Timmy caught it. 

Ohpir " I-I can explain."

Bloom "You better."

Musa"And it better be good."

Ophir" You know, I wanted to go to Veil Mist Forest practice my invisibility spells against the monsters that live there. But with all that's going on with Valtor, I couldn't find any transport, so here I am."

Tecna eyed him "He's lying."

Ophir shook his head "No, I am not lying. I snuck aboard just as you were getting ready to leave."

Stella"Okay then, how do you know where we were going?"

Ophir"I heard you talk about it at Alfea and I, um..."

Tecna "Lies."

I sat down on the chair next to Sky. 

Flora"Hey, we don't know that!"

Tecna"Flora, you forget that it's because of him that Valtor got away with the Agador Box?"

Layla nodded " Yes I totally agree with Tecna. This guy's got spy written all over him. I don't think we can trust it."

Timmy" Guys, I really hate to interrupt, but we'll soon be on the other side of the Barrier Mountains. So if you have messages you want to send or anything like that, now's the time to do it."

Stella"Have we decided what to do with this guy yet?"

Layla" Yeah, I'm taking him to the break."

Sky" Musa, the best thing to do is to put addle-shackles on him. They're in the compartment next to you. That'll keep him from using magic."

Ophir"That won't be nessacary."

Me "We think so. Better than sorry."

Musa"I couldn't agree more."


Flora uses her phone to record a video message for Helia " Hey Helia, it's me. I hope everything is all right. I just wanted to say hi before we got to the other side of the mountains. Say hi, everybody!"

Stella smiled " Hi, Helia."

Sky nodded " Hey, buddy!"

Tecna "Hi, Helia."

Layla " Hi."

I smiled and waved a him "hello, handsome guy"

Sky pinched my side and i squealed out. 

Stella and Flora started to laugh. 

Flora " Well, I'll see you when I get back. Bye."

She turned off the phone. 

Musa put some cuffs on Ophir. 

Layla walked away with him "Come on."

Timmy froze " Uh-oh!"

Stella"What "uh-oh"?"

I shook my head "i do not like the sounds of that"

Timmy"I just installed the new navi-transmitter and..."

Musa" And?"

Timmy" The readings are the same and of we are to believe them in five minutes give or take a few seconds, we're gonna fly right off the edge of the world."

everyone gasped shocked. 

I nodded "nice"


The ship started to shake. 

Timmy "Hang on, we're going down!"

Sky" I'm going everything I can stabilize it Timmy, but..."

Suddenly he put an arm around me and pulled me against him as the ship crashed on the gound. 


We were walking down a path. 

Lockette " It's this way! We're on the right track!"

Stella" Listen, are you sure?"

Chatta nodded " We're positive, Stella. We says these things. It's a gift pixies have, trust us!"

Digit nodded " Yeah, it's a good thing you brought us along, because if you hadn't, you wouldn't be..."

Suddenly a monster eyeball hit Digit. 

She flew back. 

Sky looked around, confused "What was that?"

The eyeball hit Sky and he fell to the ground. 

My eyes widened "Sky"

Sky stood up, groaning. 

Layla grabbed the eye stalk. A monster was about to attack Layla, but Sky sliced the eyes off.

I smirked. 

Bloom " Let's take him on. Winx Enchantix!"

The monster had grabbed Musa and then Layla. 

Layla screamed. 

Ophir "Layla, unlock the shackles. I can help."

Layla shook her head "uh-uh. Not a chance!"

Suddenly i saw Ophir getting out of the cuffs himself and then he attacked the monster with magic. 

The monster let go of Layla. 

Layla "You saved me."

Ophir" Believe me now? I told you, I'm one of the good guys."

Suddenly i got grabbed by it and it shook me around in the air. 

I cried out. 

Suddenly i saw Flora using her fairy dust to beat the monster "Return to Nature!"

The monster let go of me and Musa before walking off. 

I fell through the air but Sky caught me. 

He smirked at me. 

I smiled and him before he let me down "Thank you, my prince"


Amore "We've got to stop now, we can't go any further."

i asked confused "Why is that?"

Chatta "It's very dangerous to go near the Red Tower."

Flora"But you always said pixies weren't afraid of danger."

Tune" Well, there's danger and danger, okay?"

I raised an eyebrow. 

Chatta "Besides, we have to get back to Pixie Village."

Caramel gave me a a quick kiss on the cheek "goodbye, Bloom."

I smiled and gave her a little hug "Don't worry, Cara, we'll be back before you know it, I promise. But you've got to understand that we have to find a way to stop Valtor. And when we do, all of you will be able to come to Alfea and we'll all be together again."

Caramel nodded and looked at Sky "you keep an eye on her, you hear me?"

Sky nodded and put an arm around my shoulder "ay ay, boss"

Caramel nodded. 

I smiled. 

Tune "All right, everybody follow me. Single file."

The Pixies started to fly away. 

We walked to the Red tower. 

Flora "Let's do this. Huh?"

Stella looked around "So where is this "famous portal"?"

Flora " I think this is it."

She opened a door. 

Stella " Come on, open it!"

Flora opened the second door"Guys, there's something written on this one."

Sky"Well, what does it say?"

Suddenly two pitchforks hit Sky.

I gasped "Sky!"

Ophir "Up there! Look!"

A group of flying centaurs attacked us. 

We all started to walk around. 

I used a fireball on the centaurs' pitchforks, but it had no effect on them.

Layla " Morphix Surfboard!"

She surfed on the Morphix water to save me. 

Ophir looked at me "you okay?"

I nodded "Duck"

Suddenly i got hit by a pitchfork. 

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