Pureblood Lovers Draco X Y/N

By ReadingQueen_14

174K 3.6K 2.9K

DRACO X READER FANFICTION Finished The Valentine's is one of the most famous pureblood families in the wizar... More

1 - Seeing old friends
2 - The golden trio
3 - The sorting hat
4 - Christmas
5 - The train ride to Hogwarts
6 - Draco is hurt
7 - Sirius Black
8 - Page 394
9 - Hogsmeade visit
10 - Extra lessons
11 - What a show
12 - Expecto patronum
13 - Quidditch world cup
14 - Fourth year
15 - Three unforgivable curses
16 - The champions
17 - Dragons
18 - The first task
19- Lies
20 - Yule ball
21 - Black lake
22 - He's back
23-The Order
24- New year
25-New professor
26- Thestrals
27- Cat fight
28- Dumbledores army
29- R.O.R
30- I miss you
31- Occlumency
33- O.W.L.S
35- war has begun
36-Two sided
37-Tom Marvolo Riddle
38- Quidditch trails
40-Party crasher
41-Poison taste
42- Blood spilt
43-Dark times
47- quality time
48-Godric Hollow
49- See you again
52-Helena Ravenclaw
55-Lord Voldemort


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By ReadingQueen_14

You eyed the men silently and slyly as they wait to order from the woman late at night. You knew it was a bad idea to come into the cafe. Not until they pulled out wands.

'Down!' You ordered as they threw curses at you.

'Stupefy!' Harry cast first back defending you all. You then cast non-verbal spells as you defend yourself too.

'Expulso!' One of them cast. You recognised the voice, Dolohov. Hermione and Ron both cast non-verbal spells at the other man as Dolohov hid. You threw curse after curse at him till he was knocked out with your combat which came in handy. 

'Petrificus Totalus!' Hermione knocked out the other as you head up to them curiously to see who the other was.

'Go. Now.' You sighed as you told the woman of the cafe to run quickly. Which she listened.

'Lock the door, get the lights.' Harry ordered as Hermione locked the door and Ron used the deluminator.

'Rowle and Dolohov.' You scoffed.

'He was there the night Snape killed Dumbledore.' Harry muttered angrily.

'I recognise Dolohov from the wanted posters.' Ronald stated as he stared deeply.

'We need to erase their memories.' You called out as they turn to you.

'I don't want them telling the Dark Lord I'm alive or our whereabouts. They'll get Greyback to sniff us out.' You claimed.

'Hermione. Y/N. You're the best at spells. ' Ron whispered as he cleared the blood off Hermione's cheek. You and she then wiped their memories and left the cafe liked nothing happened.

'How did they know we were there?' Harry questioned walking the streets of London.

'Maybe they still had the trace on you?' Hermione spoke.

'Can't be trace breaks at age of 17 it's wizarding law.' Ron explained.

'Oh Shit.' You moaned angrily.

'What?' Ron and Harry spoke in a union.

'I, Mione, and Ginny made Harry a birthday cake.' You explained.

'We were going to bring it out and celebrate at the end of the wedding.' Hermione gasped upsettingly.

'Mione, Y/N, appreciate the thought but given the fact, we nearly got killed by some Death Eaters a couple of minutes ago.' Harry stated as he raised his voice.

'True but still a birthday is still a birthday.' You replied making Ron snigger.

'We need to get off the streets somewhere safe.' Ronald added as Harry and Mione glared at you both making jokes.

'I know where.' Harry replied as he headed straight forward making the three of you follow him.

You all then headed through some park gates and was outside Sirius' old house, Grimmauld place, The house expanded making sure no Muggle's noticed it. Soon enough you all entered and cramped at the front door of the narrow hall. 

As you all entered You stood in front as some grey smoke appeared out of nowhere. It grew larger at the second. A figure grew out of the smoke and zoomed forward with a hand at the grasp. Hermione shrieked as it came close but your light golden shield appeared protecting you all.

'What was that all about?' Ron gasped for air.

'Don't know about you but it looked like an inferius ghost Dumbledore.' You spoke up as you walked forward. Your boots hitting the floor harshly as Walburga screamed through her painting. You knocked it off as she walked away from the painting angrily.

'Think it was Mad-eyes idea in case Snape tried to come snooping.' Hermione muttered as she followed. As you all walked further down the hall you could hear clattering in the house. You all stared at each other and pulled your wands out. You headed first as you headed to the living room but there was nothing.

'It's like 2 am.' You yawned as you spoke. Soon enough you lied on the sofa and fell asleep.

You stretched as the light curtains were closed but still see it's daytime. It looked around 5 am in London. You woke up to see Hermione and Ron close and Harry sleeping on the floor. You headed to the kitchen for a drink and any sort of food left. Probably out of date but you had hope.

You found nothing of course. You drank your glass and put it in the sink. You grabbed your wand and decided to explore the house. You haven't been upstairs since the Order but also when you visited Sirius as family. But you were only a newborn at the time and never since then you came. You went into Sirius' room which still reminds you of teen spirit. He had an old picture of him, James, Remus and another boy Peter. You remember Harry telling you about them all from what Sirius, Remus, and Snape told him.

On his wall he had scantily dressed Muggle women and the band 'The Singing Sorceress' He also had a motorbike gang and a Gryffindor Lion. Everything was a mess and dusty and you could tell he hasn't been here in years when he was alive. You then heard footsteps downstairs which indicated someone was awake. You headed to another room and on the front door was 'Regulus Arcturus Black.' R.A.B.

'Guy's I think I found something.' You shouted as they came racing up the stairs. Once you connected the dots and told them. They asked you questions about your past life with the Blacks especially with being a Valentine and close with the Malfoy's. You would have knew the Blacks.

'You don't remember knowing a Regulus?' Hermione asked concerned.

'For the last time Mione. No, I haven't been here for years properly since I was a baby. Father or anyone didn't talk about the Black family after Sirius becoming a Gryffindor.' You explained as Ron and Hermione looked confused but Harry didn't he just stared blankly.

'What do you mean Y/N.' Ron asked.

'Every Black, Malfoy, Salazar, and Valentine have always been in the house of Salazar Slytherin. When Sirius became a Gryffindor they didn't talk about him. Even though Mother and Father adored him. But I didn't know much and still don't.' You claimed. Harry then decided to read out the Letter from the locket again.

'So R.A.B is Sirius' Brother?' Ron asked.

'Yes and he's one of my cousins down in the family tree.' You added as Hermione and Harry looked at you weirdly.

'Why do you look confuse?' Ron questioned.

'They don't know that Pureblood families keep it in the family.' You chuckled.

'Meaning you marry distance cousins?' Hermione added as you nodded.

'So we're related?' Harry asked.

'Not really no.' You giggled as the room went back into silence.

'Question is did he actually destroy the real Horcrux.' Hermione muttered.

Soon enough all you could hear was the same clattering again. You stood up as you headed over to the nose. It was coming from the cupboard in the kitchen. You jammed the door opened and came out was the house-elf Kreacher. Harry grabbed him by his cloth and dragged him to the end of the dining table.

'You've been spying on us haven't you?' Harry roared at the elf.

'Kreacher has been watching.' He muttered behind the table.

'Maybe he knows where the real locket is.' Hermione called out. You grabbed the locket and showed Kreacher.

'You have ever seen this before?' You asked.

'Kreacher?' Harry got even more furious.

'It's Master Regulus' Locket.' He explained.

'But there were two, weren't there?' Harry added.

'Where's the other one Kreacher?' You questioned him.

'Kreacher doesn't know where the other one is.' He whimpered as he came forward.

'Yes, but did you ever see it? In this house.' Hermione spoke up.

'Filthy Mudblood! Death eaters are coming for you! Blood traitor Weasley.' Kreacher roared as Ron pulled back Hermione from the evil creature.

'Be nice Kreacher or I won't be. You obey the Black's family and we're a part of it.' You stated, talking about you and Harry, as he whimpered again.

'Answer her.' Harry ordered as he stepped forward.

'Yes. It was in this house. The evilest object.' He whispered calming down as you headed behind him.

'How you mean?' Harry questioned wanting to know as you held the fake locket in front of him. Kreacher then explained how Regulus ordered him to destroy it but he couldn't. You listened to him carefully as he mentioned one name.


'Find him.' You and Harry ordered.



Hola mamacitassss. Hoped you enjoyed this juicy chapter because I did!!! Don't forget to vote and comment and especially voting!!! Boost the book <3 I will hopefully be writing another chapter at weekend. This book will soon be coming to an end but not yet!!!  


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