Pureblood Lovers Draco X Y/N

By ReadingQueen_14

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DRACO X READER FANFICTION Finished The Valentine's is one of the most famous pureblood families in the wizar... More

1 - Seeing old friends
2 - The golden trio
3 - The sorting hat
4 - Christmas
5 - The train ride to Hogwarts
6 - Draco is hurt
7 - Sirius Black
8 - Page 394
9 - Hogsmeade visit
10 - Extra lessons
11 - What a show
12 - Expecto patronum
13 - Quidditch world cup
14 - Fourth year
15 - Three unforgivable curses
16 - The champions
17 - Dragons
18 - The first task
19- Lies
20 - Yule ball
21 - Black lake
22 - He's back
23-The Order
24- New year
25-New professor
26- Thestrals
27- Cat fight
28- Dumbledores army
29- R.O.R
30- I miss you
31- Occlumency
33- O.W.L.S
35- war has begun
36-Two sided
37-Tom Marvolo Riddle
38- Quidditch trails
40-Party crasher
41-Poison taste
42- Blood spilt
43-Dark times
47- quality time
48-Godric Hollow
49- See you again
52-Helena Ravenclaw
55-Lord Voldemort


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By ReadingQueen_14

Snow fell softly across the enchanted castle. It was a cold day to go to Hogsmeade. You head down to the Slytherin common room only to see some first years. No Draco, Theo or Blaise. You weren't disappointed you just wish you were with them. You head to the courtyard to meet with Harry, Hermione and Ron to go to Hogsmeade. Once you did you entered the Three Broom Sticks to get warm.

'Who's the Half-Blood Prince then?' You questioned.

'He's the person who helped him in Potions the other week.' Hermione snapped as you all sat down.

'Something to drink?' A waiter asked.

'Four butterbeer please.' You spoke up as you stared at Draco. 'What was he doing here?' You thought.

'You saw what I saw correct?' Harry nudged you.


'Oh bloody hell.' Ron moaned as everyone followed his eyes.

'Honestly Ronald they're only holding hands.' Hermione stated.

'And snogging.' You coughed.

'I'd like to leave.' Ron muttered.

'No.' You said simply as you got your drinks.

'She's my sister Y/N.' Ron scoffed.

'So? what if she saw you and Mione snogging you'd think she'd leave?' You chuckled as they went silent awkwardly.

'Hey? My boy.' Professor Slughorn walked over.

'Hello, sir. Wonderful to see you.' Harry greeted the Professor.

'And you Harry, Y/N.' He shook both of your hands.

'What brings you here sir.' You questioned politely as you saw Blaise and Theo walk in.

'Three broomsticks I go way further back than I can admit.' Slughorn grinned.

'Listen, my boy, in my old days, I used to throw excellent, occasional supper parties for the select few students. Would you be game?' The Professor claimed.

'I'd consider it an honour sir.' Harry smiled.

'You'd be welcome too Y/N, Granger.' Sir offered.

'We'd be delighted, sir.' Hermione spoke up.

'Splendid! Look for my owl.' Slughorn then walked away.

'What was all that about?' Hermione questioned.

'Yeah, what are you playing at?' Ron asked curiously.

'Dumbledore asked me to get to him.' Harry whispered.

'Get to know him?' You repeated.

'I don't know. It must be important if Dumbledore asked.' Harry stated.

'True.' You admitted.

As you all finished your drinks to headed to the bathroom to see Draco come out of it. You wanted to ask why but the look in his eyes made you not. From what you heard last night it was something bad for the Dark Lord.

Once you finished up in the restroom you headed outside to meet Harry, Hermione and Ron to head back to the castle on a long walk. You talked about many things including Ginny and Dean and the Half-Blood Prince. When you were halfway there, arms around one another, you heard the torture of a scream. You quickly trenched through the thick snow following the scream.

'I warned her not to touch it.' The Gryffindor girl cried.

'Katie?' Harry shouted.

Katie was laying on the floor till she aggressively moved side to side. It was like a devil took over her. Possessed from the object she held. She then swiftly flew into the air standing like a dark goddess. Her mouth wide open as she spoke like a reptile. She then crashed into the white snow. Hagrid stormed over and picked her up quickly. You, Harry, Hermione and Ron headed towards the object. An ancient necklace.

'Do not touch that, except for the wrapping, understand?' Hagrid warned us.

We then headed back to the Castle; Katie was sent to St Mungos for her injuries. The news spread quickly around the castle. You, Harry, Hermione, Ron and the girl was in Professor McGonagall Office. She inspects the necklace slowly.

'You're sure Katie didn't have this in her possession when she entered the three broomsticks?' The Professor questioned.

'As I said, she left to go to the loo, then came back with the package. She said it was important. Had to be delivered.' The girl explained for the third time.

'Did she say to whom?' McGonagall asked.

'To Professor Dumbledore.' She answered.

'Very well Leane you may go.' Professor said as she left.

'Why is it when something happens, it is always you four?' She sighed.

'Believe me, Professor, I've been asking myself the same question for six years.' Ron chuckled.

'Oh, Severus.' McGonagall cried out as Snape observed the object.

'What do you think?' The Professor questioned.

'I think Miss Bell is lucky to be alive.' Snape replied.

'She was cursed, wasn't she? I know Katie. Off the pitch, she wouldn't hurt a fly. ' Harry spoke up.

'If she was delivering that to Dumbledore she was doing it unknowingly.' Harry claimed.

' Miss Valentine, Granger and Weasley you can go now.' McGonagall ordered as you headed to your dorm.


Later that day you decided to get ready for the Slughorn party. You had a shower and did your hair. You did some light makeup while putting an emerald green floral dress on for the supper party. You then headed downstairs thinking no one was there.

'Where are you going gorgeous?' Theo joked as Blaise whistled.

'In fact I could ask Blaise the same thing. Why you dressed fancy?' You questioned.

'Slug club. It'll make my Mother happy.' He muttered.

'Same Blaise let's go then?' You said as you both headed to Slughorns office.

The Office was full of many students including Harry and Hermione, Marcus Belby and Cormac McLaggen, Nevile and now you and Blaise. You all sat around the table eating and having small conversations. You were sat next to Blaise while eating some ice cream.

'So how's your Uncle Belby?' Professor asked each student about family members.

'Is he working on anything new?' He asked.

'I don't know. He and my dad don't get on. Probably because he calls his potions rubbish.' Marcus spoke with a mouth full of ice cream.

'What about you Valentine? How is your Mother.' Professor Slughorn questioned.

'Oh, she's doing fine. Doing some writing and the usual.' You spoke quietly.

'I knew your Father very well Y/N. He was very good at all subjects. Very special in Potions I dare say.' He chuckled as you smiled at the memory of your Father. Blaise held your hand tightly knowing how you felt secretly. Soon enough Ginny walked into the Office. Her dress was gorgeous but her face was pale and drained, clearly been crying, as she sat down.

'Sorry, I'm not usually late.' She apologised as Harry stood up awkwardly.

Another hour went by. It was time to go back to the common room from the supper. You and many other students thanked the professor and said your goodbyes. You and Blaise then headed back to the Slytherin common room. You both sat on the sofa silently till Theo and Draco came over.

'How was your Dinner, my loves.' Theo spoke poshly.

'Oh shut up.' You giggled as you slipped your shoes off and the room went silent again.

'Awkward.' Blaise chirped up.

'Well, I'm going to go. Night.' You said as you headed up to your dorm.

'How was it?' Draco asked Blaise.

'It was nice. Slughorn brought up her Father though.' Blaise spoke.

'She looked lovely.' Draco whispered.

'You can't keep this secret forever.' Theo claimed.

'I know.' Draco sighed.


Hi guysssssss if you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did don't forget to vote and comment!! I won't lie this took a while to write but I have good news. My friend has made the cover for the new book!! I will be doing the introduction today but won't be writing till I've finished Pureblood and Broken promises!! byeeee

edited 20 minutes later
that's a lie i will be writing whenever i can :))

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