Just a Fan

By w2mm00

78.9K 2.1K 1.1K

Are you just a fan? Or are you genuinely in love with Ariana grande? I do NOT own any of these pictures. I re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 11

3.4K 109 28
By w2mm00

3k?? Ayeee

Arianas POV

It's been a week and y/n is back working. While I'm here at home...

But since the hotel they're building is literally only 3 blocks away from me, usually when she's on lunch break she stops by and I make her lunch.

But right now it's late and I think y/n/n gets off right about now. Wait no she got out like 10 minutes ago. But I'm with Frankie and Aaron in the living room and we're watching Hercules.

We ate a lot of popcorn. And French fries. And twizzlers. And more unnecessary snacks.

I was laying on Frankies shoulder when I heard the elevator door open.

Frankie gets up quickly and I stand behind him. He grabs a stick that was in the corner and walks up to the doorframe and then when the person got to the doorframe he hit them in the legs.

"what the fuck!?!" I heard a groan and a drop to the floor. I know that groan...

Frankie turns on the light and it's y/n/n in her work clothes and a coat being as though it's still fucking cold in New York.

"Frankieeee" I whined and walked over to my baby.

"Why are you Grandes so aggressive?"

"They're Italian" Aaron said and y/n shot up.

"Who the Fuck is that?"

"It's Aaron calm down" I rubbed her arm and she nodded her head.

She got up and I notice that she's not in an amazing mood.

"You okay?" I rubbed the side of her face.

"Uhh Yea.. yea I'm fine" she smiled and I know that smile all too well. It's a fake smile... But I'll let it slide.

"How was work?" I kissed her cheek.

"Could've been better" she walked over to the living room and saw Frankie.

"Hey Frankie" she gave him a hug and they swayed side to side.

"Okay Frankie let go of my girlfriend now..." I said which made y/n let out a little laugh.

At least that made her laugh.

"Frankie move" Aaron pushed Frankie off of y/n.

"I'm Aaron" he put his arms out for a hug.

"Yes I'm very well aware of that now" she smiled and gave him a hug.

"It's nice to meet you Aaron" she pulled back from the hug and he looked over at me and smirked.

I rolled my eyes because I know what he was thinking. "Ouu she's strong".... yes. Strong and mine.

"Same here. Ariana talks a lot about you in the group chat"

"Oh really?" She looked over at me and I rolled my eyes and walked over to the beanbag.

"Yes. Especially the se-"

"Okayyy leave my girlfriend alone." I cut him off and leaned against the beanbag with crossed legs.

"We'll talk about this later don't worry" she mumbled but I heard that.

I crossed my arms and y/n laughed. She walked over to me and leaned in and gave me a kiss.

"Are you leaving?"

"Well I was thinking about staying but if you want me to leave so you can spend time with them then I don't mind" she leaned her forehead on mine.

"Of course you can stay. I'll make you food if you want. Are you hungry?"

"Starving." She kissed me again.

"Did you eat lunch and breakfast?"

"Uhh do smoothies and protein shakes count?"

"That's all you had?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yea I wanted to eat but I didn't really have breaks today. So that's all I could have since it was there for the workers"

"Your uncle didn't let you go off for a break?"

"No because then the other workers want breaks" she said and I nodded.

"But y/n/n you need to eat and take breaks. You're a human not superwoman"

"I know. But at least I still have this" she stood up straight and lifted her coat, hoodie, and shirt.

She showed off her 6 pack and I traced my nails on them.

"Okay that's enough" she said and covered her stomach again. I look over at Frankie and Aaron and they looked at each other and then back at me.

I already know that they're about to say something.

"I'm going to go take a shower" she leaned back down and kissed me.


"I can leave my bag in your room right?"

"Mhm..." I kissed her softly.

"Can I borrow one of the merch sweats?"

I nodded my head and she leaned in again.

"I'll be right back" She pecked my lips and then walked away.

"I'll be back Imma go take a shower and then we can gossip about whatever" she said and we all agreed. And then she smiled back at me.

She walked away and that's when they came and threw themselves on top of the beanbag.

"Sooo what do you think Aaron?" Frankie asked.

"I like her" he said with a smile which made me smile.

"She's so sweet right?" Frankie asked and Aaron nodded his head.

"So... the dick. Did you see it?" Frankie asked.

"No" Aaron replied.

"That's probably cause she had on her work jeans and plus she wears compression shorts while she works." I said and I rolled my eyes.

"Or maybe it's just not that big and you're just small" Aaron stated and Frankie and I looked at each other shocked.

"Watch when she comes out wearing those sweats" Frankie said and I agreed with him.

"Is it just me or does she look extra attractive in those clothes?" Frankie said.

"Nope. Not just you at all" I said and played with my fingers.

"Ariana if I hear moaning tonight, I'm leaving and going to a hotel."

"We're not having sex tonight" I said and he gave me a look.

"Aaron I'm serious. She's tired and like extra tired. She said she barely had breaks"

"And yet she didn't complain or be rude" Frankie said and I smiled.

"Do y'all want to help me make y/n/n some food? She's hungry"

"What does she want to eat?" Aaron asked.

"I don't know but let's make something." I got up from the beanbag and they shrugged their shoulders and got up too.

"Lentil soup?" Frankie looked at me and asked. I nodded my head and we walked over to the kitchen.

After a couple of minutes of us cooking, my girlfriend finally came downstairs and into the kitchen. She was wearing merch sweats and a merch tee shirt.

"What y'all making?" She looked up from her phone because she turned off the music.

"Lentil soup" I said.

"Sounds good" she walked up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist and then kissed my cheek.

"Did you wash the lentils?" She asked.

I- I fucking forgot to wash the lentils...

We all looked at each other and y/n's jaw dropped.

"You want me to eat dirty lentils..."

"Look up if you can eat dirty lentils" I said and Aaron laughed and grabbed his phone.

After a while of looking Aaron spoke out.

"Yea you can eat it. It's not going to kill you"

"Oh okay. I still can't believe you didn't wash the lentils..." y/n/n said while holding onto me.

"We forgot Okay" I turned around and wrapped my arms around her neck and she leaned her forehead down onto mine.

"I'm fucking tired" she said and then kissed my head and leaned on it again.

"Take a nap until it's done"

"No that's rude... I wanna get to know those two a little more"

That made me smile and I don't know why.

"Okay. If they start asking you weird questions you don't have to answer them"

Knowing those two... they'll ask about her dick, does she manscape, how's sex, when was the last time she had sex before getting with me... that's just too awkward.

"I'm an opened book" She kissed me.

"Y/n come here" Aaron said and I shot him a look.

Y/n/n let go of me and walked over to Aaron.

He looked down at her print quickly and looked back over at me and was like "😯"

"Y'all are fresh" y/n/n covered her print with a chuckle and sat on the counter.

After a while of us making soup she was talking to someone on the phone on the balcony.

"Truth I can't go with you, find someone else. Ask Demetrious"

"I have a girlfriend now bro I don't do that shit anymore"

"Does it matter that I changed? I changed for the better man. I'm a better person now. You should be happy for me. I'm happy. Isn't that what fucking matters?

"Mmtch Truth I'm not going to the strip club with you."

"I don't give a fuck. That's cheating"

"We can hang out duh but why do we have to go to the strip club?"

"Ight then this weekend we can chill at my uncles place in queens."

"Ight bet."

"No you can't take Malissa on a date what the fuck"

"You know she don't like you"

"If you try to get with my best friend I'll beat your ass. And you know I'm not playing"

Okay daddy... damn

"Ight bye"

She put her phone in her pocket and ran her hand down her face and sat down.

Her head was down in her hands and then her hands ran down the back of her neck.

She took a deep breath and got up and stood in front of the glass that makes sure you don't fall.

I open the door and she turns around with a smile.

"Hey" she said.

"Hi" I giggled and she smiled wider and sat down on the little beach chair thing I had out there.

"Can I sit with you?"

"Of course, yea" she moved over and opened her arm telling me to cuddle with her.

"I missed you" she said as I cuddled into her.

"Aww did you really?"

"Mhm" she wrapped her arm around my waist and laid her head on my chest.

"So... what's wrong?"

"I'm okay"

"No you're not y/n please just talk to me"

"Ariana I'm fine you don't gotta worry about me. I'm fine" she rubbed my cheek softly.

Now I'm pissed off.

What the fuck is up?

"What's wrong y/n" I sat up and crossed my arms.

"Even if something is wrong you can't force me to tell you what the fuck is wrong. If I don't want to talk about it then respect that." She was pissed off too now.


"Just talk to me. What is so wrong with you talking to me?"

"Nothing is wrong. Leave it alone Ariana" she shrugged.

Ariana? Oh so now I'm Ariana now?


"Okay then what were you talking about on the phone?" I asked.

"Why do you care so much? I'm fine"

"Do you want to go to the strip club is that what it is?" I stood up and sat down on the other chair.

"You were listening to my conversation?" She sat up as well.

"I... overheard"

"Then you overheard when I said no. What the fuck is your issue?"

What is my issue??? MY issue????

"You! Why can't you just talk to me!?"

"I am talking to you" she said calmly.

"No you're not!!"

"Then what the fuck am I doing? Morse code?" She made that "the fuck" face.

"Stop being sarcastic"

"Then stop acting like this. Like I was trying to be sweet but you're pushing me to fucking talk about something that isn't even happening. I told you I'm fucking fine" she raised her voice and lifted my eyebrow.

"What is wrong?"

"Ariana nothing is wrong!!" She yelled.

"Then why are you yelling at me..."

"Oh my fucking goodness- because you just made me upset!! Stop pushing it!"

"Why were you upset in the first place?!?"

"Ariana because I had a rough day at work!!! Why does something have to be wrong?!? Like damn I'm not famous like you. I don't just have interviews and meetings and drink champagne in the studio!!! I fucking work hard labor and I'm tired. That's it"

I'm not buying it. But I'll let it go.

For now.

"Fine" I open the door and walk back to the kitchen.

"Ariana" she gets up and follows me. I stay on the other side of the kitchen with Frankie.

"Ariana" she tries to come over to me but I move over.

She takes a deep breath and walks away into the living room with Aaron.


"What the fuck happened?" Frankie asked.

"I don't fucking know that's what I'm trying to find out but she doesn't want to talk to me"

"You can't force her to talk to you ari. You don't like when people force you so why force her?"

I don't know.

"Exactly. Silence" he said and kept stirring the soup.

"Go apologize Ariana" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine" I walked over to the living room and she fell asleep on the couch with Aaron.

Awww they like each other.

She had her head leaned on Aaron and Aaron had his head leaned on hers.

I took a picture and posted it on my story.

"Y/n/n" I tapped her thigh and she opened her eyes.


"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. And I won't force you to talk to me. I would suggest it though"


"Are you still mad at me?"

"I don't fucking know I'm tired"

"Well can you come cuddle with me?" I pouted.



"Cause I'm cuddling with Aaron" she cuddled into him and I sucked my teeth.

"Fuck You"

"Just tell me when and I'll be down" she mumbled and I groaned and rolled my eyes.


It's Sunday morning and y/n is such a fucking cutie.

She brought me a dandelion and some dog treats.

"Dante stop fucking touching things" y/n told him.

We were all in my bedroom and he was sniffing one of my candles.

I love him so much.

And I think I might love y/n.

I can't help but feel as though she's the one. Something about her makes me not want to lose her.

I genuinely see myself being with her.

When I look into her eyes I see nothing but awe.

The late night conversations we have, will forever be held near and dear to my heart.

We could be talking about the most random things, but those most random things I'll remember.

Like how she thinks gravity falls isn't just some kids tv show.

Or how she thinks that there's other forms of life outside of earth.

The way y/n holds me in her arms make me feel like she'll never let go. Metaphorically speaking.

When she holds me it feels as though it's us against the world.

The way she looks at me is the way my grandpa looked at my grandma.

I don't think it's just puppy love anymore.

I think I'm growing feelings beyond just sexual and physical attraction.

Her soul is so pure. I can't say it's innocent because... it damn well isn't. But she's so... I can't even explain it.

"So are you coming?" She asked me snapping me out my thoughts.

"Coming where?"

"Come on... this whole time you weren't listening? I asked if you wanted to go with me to queens"

"To your uncles place?"

"Mhm. He wants to meet you. And plus I wanna finally put the breaks in for the Volvo"

"Yea I'll go" I run my hand through her hair.

"Then get ready baby" she kissed my jaw.

"Okay" I hold her face in the palms of my hands and give her a soft but passionate kiss.

"Mmm that was nice. What was that for?"

"Just don't change and you'll get more of those"

"I'll keep that in mind"

After a while I was half way done and y/n and Dante were sleeping on the bed.

His head was laid on her shoulder and Toulouse and Myron were laying on top of her.

Malissa was helping me pick out some clothes.

"What about this?" I asked her.

"So y/n can get into a fight?"

"Why would she get into a fight?"

"Being as though Truth is going to be there which means his best friend Demetrious is going to be there"


"They're flirts. And she's protective... especially around them"

"Ouuu makes me want to wear it even more"

"If she gets arrested it's not my fault."

I finish getting ready and I crawl on top of y/n and sit on top of her. I lean down and whisper in her ear.

"Wake up. I'm ready"

She groans and wrapped her arm around me tightly.

"Too tight too tight" I tap her arm and she lets go.

"Come on get up" I run my nails down her jawline and kiss it.


She taps me off of her and we get up. She slaps Dante awake.

"Wake up mf"

He groans and gets up.

After they started waking up fully we left from the penthouse to her uncles house.

"We're here" she says with a smile.

I see an opened garage door and a couple of cars.

I also see a man that looks just like y/n.

And then I see two light skin dudes.

Must be Truth and Demetrious.

Y/n gets out the car and then opened the door for everyone.

She helps me out the car and then kisses my forehead.

"Thank you"

"Mhm" she hummed with a smile.

I can tell she missed spending quality time with him. Even though they work together they don't really spend time together. You know?


"Yooo Wassup" she held my hand and we walked over to the guys.

She let go of my hand dapped each of them up.

"Wassup Truth."

"Wassup y/n/n"

"How you been Dee?"


"I feel you"

Okay is it just me or she either turned extra ghetto or this is her "bro" voice.

It's kind of hot.

"Damn I don't get a hug?"

"Wassup Uncle Luis?"

"Hey y/n/n" he gave her a hug and her smile got bigger.

"Hey Dante. Hey malissa" her uncle said.

"Yea... hey Malissa" Truth said.

Y/n looked at him and he stopped that smirk he had on his face.

"Truth please not today"

I chuckled and that's when all the attention went on me.

"Damn she is pretty" Demetrious said and y/n looked at him and then at her uncle.

He shrugged his shoulders and then she wrapped her arm around my waist.

"Gorgeous right? This is Ariana"

"It's nice to meet you three" I put my hand out and Truth takes it.

"Pleasure is ours"

"Okay that's enough... Truth back up"

"I'm Demetrious. Nice to meet you" he put his hand out and I shook it softly.

"Nice to meet you"

"Wow why the fuck am I always last???" Her uncle said.

"Oh I'm sorry I'm Ariana. It's nice to meet you Luis."

"As well" he gave me a hug and y/n let go.

When we pulled back from the hug her uncle spoke out.

"Y/n/n you brought the brakes?"

"Duh" she showed him the bookbag and smiled.

"Awww your girl came through for Christmas"

"Yea she really did" she sat down on the chair that was by the car.

"Baby come here" she said and that's what I did.

I'm pretty sure she can tell that I was nervous and a little shy so I'm guessing that's why she called me over.

I sat down on her lap and she was taking the piece of the brakes out of her bookbag.

"So malissa..." Truth said and y/n shot her head up and looked at Truth.

"I was just gonna ask something damn"

"Mhm" she hummed and I rubbed her ear.

She handed the breaks off to her uncle and he started looking at them.

"So... Malissa. I saw on your Instagram you chilling with some dude"

"Oh you mean Tommy?" I asked and Malissa nodded.

"So what does he do?" Truth asked.

"That's Ariana's producer. I think JB too" y/n told him.

"Yea he works with Justin too"

"Oh so he's a producer producer. Not those sound cloud mfs" Truth said.

"He's really sweet. He helped me through a lot. And I've known him since I was like 17." I said and he nodded his head and Malissa smiled to herself.

"Oh so he's never switched up?" He asked.

"No he's always been by my side musically and you know friendship wise"

I look at y/n and she's smiling.

Why is she fucking smiling?

I lean into her ear and whisper.

"Why are you smiling so hard?"

"Because I love when you talk about your friends and your family." She kissed ny cheek.

"Ew take that somewhere else" Demetrious said.

She looked at him and then looked back at me.

She held the side of my face and kissed me with a tiny bit of tongue. And then pecked me.

She better stop before I want her to finish what she started.

She looked back at Demetrious and he flipped her off making her laugh.

"Ight y/n/n you tryna do it now or nah?"

"Yea let's do it. Excuse me Ari" I got off of her and then she got up and took off her her jacket and then her hoodie.

"Can you hold it for me?" She asked.

"You sure you won't be cold? I don't want you getting sick"

"Awww" Truth, Demetrious, and Luis said.

"Fuck y'all. And yes I'm sure. Not my first time working on a car in the cold"

"At least wear the hat"



"Mmtch fine" she passed me the hoodie and jacket and kept the hat on.

"Ariana help yourself to anything in the mini fridge" Luis said.


Malissa and Dante sat on the couch and patted down next to them for me to go sit down.

I got up and grabbed the stuff and walked over to the sofa and sat down.

I can see why y/n/n was always here.

It's a cool garage.

There's a dart thing, mini fridge, a little bar area, a tv above the bar, and then there's one other car that isn't the Volvo and then a motorcycle.

It was nicely dimmed.

It's like a man cave.

So of course she likes it.

I see y/n sit down on the rolling thing and slides under the car.

Truth looks over at Demetrious and then at Malissa making her roll her eyes.

"Why do they keep trying?" She asked.

"Because they don't know what the fuck no means" Dante said without looking up from his phone.

I pull out mine and start recording y/n and then post it on Instagram "cast @therealy/n for the next Fast & Furious"

Not even 5 minutes pass and I have thousands of comments.

"@TanaMongeau: This girl gets finer and finer"

Yes. You know what rhymes with fine? MINE.

"@therock: we'll do it. She'll probably look better for a role than @kevinhart4real"

I like those and then turn off my phone and start talking to Malissa.


Just because I'm working on my car and chilling with my boys don't mean I'm not paying attention to Ariana.

I check up on her every like 10 minutes.

"She ain't going no where. Leave that girl alone" Truth said.

"So? I can't admire my girlfriend?"

"Every 2 seconds??"

"You know... that's exactly why you don't have a girlfriend"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You've been hitting on Malissa for years now and yet you still haven't bagged her. You know why?"

"Mmtch... why?"

"Because girls talk to each other. You think Malissa don't know that you cheat and don't give attention?"

"You used to do the same thing the fuck you mean??"

"Yea the girls knew... But my sex is fire so of course they wanted some of this."

I wiped my hands off with a rag and then left the rag on the hood of the car.

"So what you tryna say?"

"That you don't fuck the right way" Malissa said with no emotion at all. That's how you know she's not lying.

"Get with me one night and I'll show you if I fuck the right way" He said with a smile.

This fuck boy...

"Okay enough of that." I said and Dee cracked a laugh.

"Mmtch y/n you doing too much now."

"I'm doing what now?" I turned around and looked at him.

"I'm playing chill out"

"Mhm. Go get me a damn orange cream soda out the fridge for saying that shit" I said and that's exactly what he did.

"Mhm exactly" I said and Demetrious laughed.

"Dee you want one?" I asked.

"Yea I'll take one"

"Truth give him one too"

"Y/n/n you doing too much..."

I lifted my eyebrow and he sucked his teeth.

I love fucking with him cause he knows I'll beat his ass if we were to play fight.

He gave the soda to Demetrious and he couldn't open it.

I used my keys from my pocket and took it off.


"No problem"

"Imma take a break" I said and walked over to the couch and sat on Dante's lap.

"What the Fuck" Demetrious said and I bursted out laughing.

"He's like my bean bag chair. Soft and plumpy"

"Bitch.... get off me"

I got off him and sat on the floor in between Ariana's legs while she played with my hair.

"What you doing?"

"Reading tweets from my fans. They reposted a pic I posted of you"

"You posted a pic of me?"


I playfully rolled my eyes and then took a sip from my soda.

"You want some?" I asked ari.

"Yea" she took a sip of it and after a while I waited for my drink back but I never got it...

"Yo what the fuck happened to my soda?"

"It was good" Ariana said.

Was???? SIS???

"You drank my soda??? Girl I'm thirsty"

She leaned down in my ear and whispered.

"You can sip some stuff if you'd like"

"Mmtch I want my soda"

"Truth go get her another fucking soda she's gonna keep complaining" Uncle Luis said.


"Yea but go get her another one. That's what you get for flirting with Malissa."


"YEA LEAVE ME ALONE" Malissa said and I couldn't help but laugh.

He sucked his teeth and got me another one.

I opened it with my keys and put my keys back in my pocket.

I started to drink my soda and watch Gravity Falls on the TV above the bar.

And I don't care what the fuck anyone tells me... that shit was more than just some damn TV show.

"You see what I'm saying Ari?? This shit is full of conspiracies. You can't tell me that they don't remind you of NSYNC!!"

"Yes babe I get it." She chuckles and plays with my hair.

"Take a pick" Uncle Luis said while taking out his Polaroid.

Ari leaned in and wrapped her arms around my shoulders and placed her chin on my head and I smiled.

After a while the photo cleared up and I really like it.

"I like it" she said.

"Me too. It's cute" I pull out my phone and get up.

I put it on the bar table and add a couple of little things to make the picture look better.

I take a picture of the picture and then make it my wallpaper.

"The Fuck did you just do?" Dante said.

"Made it my wallpaper"

"Awww" everyone said and I rolled my eyes.

I took my last sip of my soda and threw out the bottle.

I went back to the car and finished installing the brakes.

After a while I finished and my shirt was dirty but it's worth it.

I get back up and clean my hands with the same rag from before.

I smile over at my uncle and he gets in the car in the passenger seat.

I sat in the drivers seat about to start the car but Ariana stops me.

"What?" I asked.

"I wanna record wait wait" she started recording and I laughed and turned on my baby.

I love that fucking sound.

I smile and look over at Ari and I can just feel myself blushing and shit.

I'm excited Okay...

"Take it for a ride" Ari said.

"You sure?"

"Yea" she smiled and I nodded.

I closed the door and Truth opened the garage door and I pulled out.

Damn it's been mad long since I did that.

"OH SHIT YOU FINISHED THE VOLVO???" one of the neighbors yelled out.

"Yea my girlfriend just got me the breaks" I said while driving passed his house.

I drove around the block and that's when my uncle spoke out.

"Your dad would be proud."

"About the car?"

"No... about Ariana."

"Oh... yea he would've loved her."

"I know" he patted my shoulder and we drove off back to the house.

We pulled back into the garage and everyone was recording.

My uncle got out the passenger seat and that's when I called out for Ariana.

"Hop in loser we're going around the block." That was the best Regina George impression I could do.

She smiled and walked over to the passenger side and sat in.

I leaned in for a kiss and she gladly gave it to me.

"Thank you. It really means a lot." I mumbled against her lips. She kissed me again slower and then pulled back.

"You're welcome"

"Y'all when I'm finished I'll come back and take y'all around the block too" I told the rest of them.

I pulled back off and the same neighbor, Carlos, spoke out.

"This is her???"

"Yea man"

"She's beautiful y/n/n!!"

"Thank you" she and I said.

I drove around the block for about five minutes and when we were coming back I stopped right in front of the Garage.

I whipped the tear from my eye and looked at Ariana.

"You don't know how much this means to me honestly."

"Y/n/n stop."

"No really... thank you. I just- I wish my dad was here"

"He would've loved it"

I nodded my head in agreement and turned to look at her.

I think it's time to tell her...

"I love you"

I think she was taken back from what I said... damn did I just fuck this up?

"You- you don't gotta say it back. I'll wait and you know I will... I just needed to tell you how I feel" I said and she looked me in the eyes searching for lord knows what.


Fuck... did I ruin this?

She leaned in and kissed me with so much fucking passion.

"I love you too"

I smiled into the kiss and kissed harder and then pulled back.


I know for a fact I just sounded like a nerd.

"Fucking dweeb"

"You love this dweeb"

"Mhm I do" she pecked them softly.

My girlfriend loves me back... and I couldn't be happier.


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