By pastellpunk

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[MODERN AU] COMPLETED ☑️ Monkey D. Luffy, a viral female gamer on Youtube. She's one of the new trending You... More

chapter 1: main attraction
chapter 2: deal
chapter 4: reason
chapter 5: strange
chapter 6: secrets
chapter 7: tired
chapter 8: stay with me
chapter 9: hatred
chapter 10: small crush
chapter 11: true man
chapter 12: awake
chapter 13: exposed
chapter 14: confess

chapter 3: cold feet

4.3K 193 459
By pastellpunk

chapter 3:
cold feet

Luffy and Law were going to meet up for their first "date." It wasn't really a date, more like showing the media what they want. They weren't going to wear disguises, they were going to show the public they were dating.

Law spotted Luffy, he was wearing a kawaii clothing summer short sleeve A-line dress. It was baby blue colored as he wore white frilly stockings, he had a blue bow clip in his hair. He was really cute, Law blushed as he walked up to him.

Law shook his head, he wasn't gay. He was straight, he liked girls. He thinks Luffy is cute because he looks like a girl, Luffy is a guy, Luffy is a guy...

"Hey... Luffy." Law smiled.

"Oh Law!" Luffy jumped into his arms he whispered in his ear, "I saw a guy with a camera, I bet he's taking photos of us so just act."

Law nodded and kissed Luffy on the forehead. They're just doing this for views, it's not like they're going to actually fall in love. Law wanted to help Luffy start off his youtube channel and grow.

It seems like Luffy needed the money as well. Law saw how stiff Luffy was when he talked about his brother. There must be something going on, but Law wasn't about to pry in Luffy's personal life.

They held hands as they walked along the boardwalk. They were planning just to go to the pier, maybe get some food and ride the Ferris wheel. Luffy smiled as people gazed at them, Law was famous and Luffy was starting to get attention as well so of course, people were going to stare at the new hot couple on media.

"C-Can I get both of your autographs?" A few teenage girls walked up to both of them.

"Sure!" Luffy smiled and grabbed the pen.

He wrote down his name and handed Law the notepad. Law scribbled down his signature and gave it back to the girl. The group giggled and jumped around. Luffy was so happy that they wanted their autograph, he's never got this type of attention before.

"Could we take a photo with you guys as well?" The girl asked.

"Look me and my girlfriend are on a date right now," Law put his arm around Luffy, "Please don't interfere."

"Don't worry Law, it's just a photo." Luffy shrugged.

They took a photo with the group and watched as the left giggling. Luffy smiled and walked with Law. He can tell Law's mood was ruined by the serious look on his face. Luffy pouted, he quite liked making people happy. He liked being someone's idol and having people look up to him.

"Hey what's the big deal?" Luffy nudged Law.

"I just hate socializing," Law said.

"What? How? You have a youtube channel." Luffy laughed softly.

Law sighed, "I talk online not... in real life. It's more easier to talk to people on a screen rather than in person."

"Well, I quite love talking to people. I like helping others." Luffy held Law's hand.

"Tch, I don't." Law scoffed.

"Then why are you helping me?" Luffy asked.

Law paused, "You... seem like you need the help."

"So do you think I'm poor? I have depression?" Luffy asked.

"No, no. I just want to help you." Law shrugged, not knowing how to reply.

"Let's go get some food!" Luffy dragged him.

They entered the pier, it was full of food booths and noise. Law glared at how many people there were, he was never good at socializing which is why he hates it so much. Luffy on the other hand was amazed and so happy. Seagulls flew in the air while noise and laughter were heard from every corner.

Law would rather spend his day in his mansion alone and isolated, reading a book and having a cup of coffee. It's more peaceful being alone, though Luffy would most likely disagree. He seems more of an outgoing person.

An extrovert with amazing social skills. Luffy had this attitude that drew everyone to him, even in his videos he can catch a person's attention. Law chuckled seeing Luffy drool over the cotton candy and candy apples.

"Can we get one?" Luffy asked, cutely tugging at Law's shirt.

"No," Law replied.

"P-Please," Luffy begged, his doe eyes shimmering while his plump lips pouted.

He knows Luffy is trying to look cute so Law could give him what he wants. Luffy hugged Law's arm as he whimpered. Law looked away, Luffy was cute as hell. He's a guy, he's a guy, he's a guy. Remember Law, he has a penis, not a vagina...

But when Law looked at his sad eyes he gave in.

"Fine, I'll pay for it." Law rolled his eyes.

"Thank you!" Luffy giggled and hugged Law, "Let's go!"

They bought two candy apples, the man handed them the treats. Luffy already took a bite out of it. He smiled with joy at how sweet it was. Law looked at the treat in disgust, he hated sweet things. Especially candy, Law gave it to Luffy.

"Here, take it." Law handed it to him, "I don't like sweets."

"Really?" Luffy asked, "Okay then..."

Law watched as Luffy munched it down. Luffy licked his lips once he was done with it. Law blushed as Luffy licked his fingers, a string of saliva connecting his lips and finger. Luffy sucked on his finger in and out.

His face was bright red, why did Luffy have to look hot as well even though he was a guy. Law changed the subject.

"Do you ever get fat?" Law asked.

"Hm?" Luffy turned to him, "No, not really. I never gain weight it's actually a concern of mine."

"What?" Law looked at the small boy in shock, "No matter how much you eat you never gain anything?"

"No... not that much. I've mostly been underweight my whole life." Luffy shrugged, "I guess that's why most people assume I'm a girl since I don't really have a manly body."

"I see..." Law softly said.

Law always has to work out, he never wants to get fat. Whenever he eats he burns it all off in working out. Law swims, plays tennis, and runs every morning to stay in shape. But Luffy doesn't even do crap and he loses weight!

"Let's go on the Ferris wheel!" Luffy grabbed on to Law's arm.

They waited in line, Law watched Luffy's bright face. Luffy must've put on makeup since his scar wasn't visible. The dress looked absolutely adorable on him as well. He really does look like a girl, Luffy held on to Law's hand as he leaned his head on his arm. Law was much taller than the boy, Luffy was down to his chest after all.

It was finally their turn and they climbed into the cart. They sat beside each other as the worker buckled them in. It wasn't really a cart, more like a bench. It creaked as the sat on it, it seemed a bit wobbly. Luffy held on to Law, if they ever moved around on this or leaned then it'll probably flip.

"I'm scared." Luffy whimpered and held on to him.

"It's fine, you can hold on to me." Law offered.

Luffy was close to him, he held on to his arm while his head rested on Law's chest. Luffy's legs were rubbing against his as well. Law chuckled seeing the small boy's reaction even though it was his idea to go on this ride.

As the ride started Luffy clung on to Law.

The ride was slow as they moved, Luffy kept whimpering as they moved up. Law's face was red, does this guy know what he's doing? Luffy has a small high pitched voice that sounded like a girl's and he was whimpering as well. Law blushed wondering if people heard Luffy.

When they reached the top the ride stopped.

"W-Why did it stop?!" Luffy panicked.

"It's fine, the ride does that." Law calmed him down, "Look at the view."

Luffy gazed at the ocean, it was sunset and the sky looked like it came straight out of a painting. The sky was pink and there were white clouds scattered as the yellow sun glowed at the horizon. Luffy softly smiled while leaning his head on Law's arm.

Law softly smiled at Luffy's reaction, it was adorable.

When they got off the ride they walked down the boardwalk. Luffy held on to Law's arm, he didn't mind though. Law quite liked it, Luffy was warm and soft.

Paparazzi quickly ruined the mood though, photographers ran up to them. Luffy squinted his eyes as they flashed photos of them. Law held Luffy closely, Luffy hid his face in Law's chest.

"Is it true you're dating the newest It-girl on social media?"

"How do your viewers feel about this new relationship?"

"When did you two meet?"

Law got angry, "Would you please leave us alone? My girlfriend is scared right now."

"I-It's fine Law." Luffy whimpered.

"Would you show your dear fans your affection for each other?" A woman with a camera asked.

"What?" Law wore a confused expression.

"Kiss! Kiss right now!" The paparazzi members asked.

Law tried to push past them but he couldn't. Luffy tugged at Law's sleeve, he looked at him with those sad doe eyes.

"C'mon Law..." Luffy softly said, "It's just a kiss, they'll leave once we do."

"No!" Law yelled at him.

Luffy stood back, "Law..."

"Let's go!" Law grabbed on to Luffy's arm.

He shoved the paparazzi and started running. Dragging Luffy behind him, they sprinted as the paparazzi tried following them. Law turned to a corner and yanked Luffy into an alley.

They hid from the photographers. Law covered Luffy's mouth as the crowd left. They both gasped from holding their breath. Luffy's expression then turned angry.

"Why didn't you kiss me?" Luffy asked.

"We're not actually dating! It's weird!" Law responded.

"What? Kissing a guy?" Luffy interrogated.

"Yeah." Law shrugged.

"So? Girls kiss each other all the time! Why's it different with me. It's not like we're in love. It's like kissing a tree! You don't have feelings for it!" Luffy yelled, throwing his hands in the air.

"Look, it's over! They're gone now so let's just go back home."

"Hmph, I'd rather walk than be in the same car as you." Luffy pouted and turned around.

"Fine, go get your own ride." Law rolled his eyes and left.

What's the big deal? They got away from the paparazzi, it's not like they're dating. So why do they have to kiss? They're not serious.

God, Luffy really is troublesome...

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