She wolf (James Potter)

By lugofyourself

69K 1.6K 197

Eloise Lorelei Lupin was the twin sister of none other than Remus John Lupin; when they were both very young... More



1.5K 42 2
By lugofyourself

"We are all broken, that's how the light gets in"

"I swear to Godric, James," barked Eloise as Prongs swung her over his shoulder, "if you don't put me down-"
"-What was that, princess?" Smirked Prongs, wiggling his eyebrows, while she kept hitting his back.
Lily and Remus were bent over laughing at the sight of them, everyone was completely white because of the flour for the pizza they were trying to cook. The whole floor was dirty as well, though they had finally let the mixture leaven under a blanket for a few hours and they were ready to eat something for lunch, since their pizza wasn't going to be ready before dinner.
"JAMES POTTER!" Ordered Lunar, giggles escaping her lips, and James finally let her down on the floor.
The raven haired began laughing hysterically at the sight of the girl before him and the whole room, then he glanced at the other two people there and laughed even more.
"You lot should see your faces!" He stated.
"You're the one to talk!" Giggled Remus, throwing a bit of flour at his best friend.
"Hey! Food war no more!" Warned Lily, holding her index finger towards the two boys.
"Oh come on, Evans," cockily grinned Prongs, "you can't possibly tell me you weren't having fun"
He approached her with a smirk and Eloise swore to have noticed an hint of blush on the redhead's cheeks. Not in a million years would've she thought that the Lily Evans might have blushed because of James Potter. Lunar shook her head when she felt her heart sinking in her skin, strangely, and a very strong emotion crossed her body suddenly.
She couldn't exactly put a finger on what was it that she was feeling currently, though it didn't feel nice.
"You alright there, little one?" Questioned Remus as he stood by his sister's side, resting his hand on her shoulder.
Eloise nodded and rested her head comfortably on the back of his hand.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She noted with side grin, "I mean, you lot are here, what more could I wish for?"
Moony could easily see through her fake smile and tilted his head, signaling he didn't believe her, not even remotely close. Though, the blond just shrugged her shoulders and tried her best to look happy again.
"Come on now," clapped her hands together Lily, "let's clean up"
"Whyyyyy?" Whined James like a toddler and El rolled her eyes.
"Now." She barked and winked at the raven haired before the quartet began cleaning the kitchen.

"Where's your family, by the way, Lily?" Suddenly raised an eyebrow in deep thought Moony.
"They had to drive Petunia to her boyfriend-"
"-oh, I'm sorry for him" Lunar chimed in and James choked on his drink, trying to not laugh.
"Actually, he's even worse than her" declared the redhead.
"And that's something"
The four of them had their lunch chatting and laughing together; then, they decided to go have a walk around the neighborhood in order to do something.
Once they reached a park for kids, the two girls rushed towards the swings and chuckled.
Remus and James locked eyes and giggled at their friends' childish behavior, though the second couldn't help but notice how cute those two witches looked all smiley and happy.
After a while, Lily and Remus distanced themselves to have a walk and the other two just lay on the soft grass, gazing the sky, which was darkening by the minute.
"Els?" Called Prongs and turned his head in order to face her, though her eyes were still fixed on the sky.
"What's really going on?" He asked and Eloise finally looked at him.
She would've wanted to play dumb and ask what he meant by that, however it was obvious she wasn't alright and it was only a matter of time before everyone would've begun pestering her about it. She knew she could've trusted James and her brother as well of course, but there was something growing inside of her which she couldn't understand and it might just concern them more than it was supposed to. She didn't want to be a burden, mostly not now that James was getting closer to his loved one. It would only complicate things and ruin them, she didn't want that.
"It's nothing, Jamie" she sighed.
Lunar also didn't want to talk about her nightmare, only the thought of it made her eyes become glassy. And she didn't want to seem even more broken than she already was.
"I know you, Eloise." Stated Prongs, moving his weight on his right elbow so that he could stare into her eyes directly, "I know that something isn't alright, so just tell me"
Her hands covered her eyes, avoiding eye contact with the boy beside her. Then, a sigh escaped her lips, she knew she couldn't lie to James, he would've noticed if she actually did.
Jamie softly grabbed her hands with his left one and moved them away from her face, while a sheepish grin played on his lips.
"I can feel it getting stronger, Jamie..." shakily replied Lunar as she tried her best to hold her tears back, "I-I don't think I'll be able to control it an-anymore"
The raven haired tucked a stray of blond hair behind her ear, a goofy smile still on his features.
"We'll find a way to control it, Els-"
"-And that's the problem, James," Eloise stood up, her eyes teary and voice cracking, "there can't be any we! It's too dangerous for you"
James got up as well and ran an hand through his hair frustratingly.
"You think I don't know that?" Slightly scoffed the wizard, "But I don't give a fuck about it if it means I can ensure you're alright!"
Even his eyes were turning glassy and his tone was heightening because of all of his strong emotions. Eloise stood there, looking puzzled at him, tears streamed down her cheeks. She didn't know what to do, she knew how stubborn James was and if he wanted to help her he would've found a way to.
"Why? Why do you always have to ensure I'm alright?" Her voice broke completely and seemed almost a whisper, though Prongs heard it loud and clear, "Is it because I'm just broken and you're a fixer, trying to glue my pieces back together?"
"Because I..I care about you, Els!" He stated, looking directly in her big puffy blue eyes, "And if-if anything ever happened to you, I would lose my mind!"
They both stood there, staring deeply into each other's eyes, awaiting for the other to say something and break that tense silence. Though neither of them found to strength to speak, too caught up in their own thoughts.
"Just...please, let me help you-"
"Do you want to know what I dream about?" She cut him off before he could've finished his sentence, "You, RJ, Wormtail and Pads were dead, because I had lost control an-and...and killed you"
James felt his heart shattering at the sight of his friend, looking so fragile and about to break completely. Tears stained her usual rosy cheeks and he immediately rushed to her, pulling her in a warm embrace. Eloise sobbed in his chest while his hands caressed the back of her head and hair.
Meanwhile, Lily and Remus had finally gotten back and stayed a little behind, giving the other two more space.
"He really cares about her, doesn't he?" She softly smiled, more to herself actually.
"Yeah, we all do, really," smirked slightly Moony, "but it seems they have the strongest bond among us marauders"

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