Tumors on the wall

By _Ktje_

57.2K 1.1K 444

Meredith and Derek are married, they have 3 kids but Meredith discovered a lump in her breast // Collaborat... More

1 // AN


1.8K 52 37
By _Ktje_

I want to thank Merlucastan again for writing the most of this amazing chapter and the idea of the rest of this story. She's amazing and I absolutely love this co-writing // She has some stories on her own Wattpad account so check them out!

Tom, Amelia, and Derek's yells could be heard from the hallway outside the skills lab. Nurses and doctors alike passed by apprehensively, wondering what they could possibly be arguing about.

"So what you're saying is that your treatment plan was ineffective." Derek shouted at his sister from across the table. Amelia scoffed.

"No, I'm saying that the I.L.2 slowed the tumors growth but-"

"NO. You put her through hell and now we're rushing her into brain surgery. You're an arrogant, neurotic-"

"You've got a lot of nerve trashing ME right now. You let your sick, cancer ridden wife walk? How's that working out? Oh right... not very well seeing as she's laying in a HOSPITAL BED, INTUBATED."

"ENOUGH!" Tom yelled, getting both their attention. The room fell into an uncomfortable silence.

"This is getting us nowhere. The only thing that matters right now is forming a surgical plan so that the very sick woman you both love doesn't have noodles for brains when we're done slicing her open!" The speech was harsh, but effective.

"Now, as much as I love an episode of the Kardashians, now is not the time for sibling rivalry. So knock it off and help me save a life." Amelia picked up her instruments, but quickly dropped them again as Derek made his way around the table.

He pulled his sister into a hug, decomposing into sobs.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. And I'm sorry I didn't take care of her before she-"

"Shhh. It's not your fault. Meredith is stubborn, you did your best." Amelia whispered as she rubbed soothing circles on her brothers back.

"She's going to be okay Derek. You have to believe it. This is Meredith Grey we're talking about."

"I know. She's so strong, I can't imagine a world without her.

"Ugh." Tom groaned impatiently.

"Of course she's going to be okay, I'm her surgeon. Hello? Tom Korasick, world renowned neurosurgeon." The two siblings rolled their eyes, pulling away and wiping away their tears.

"Can we get back to being surgeons now?" They laughed and picked up their tools again, returning to doctor mode.

"And then we'll use the bio-synthetic laser to ensure clean margins." Amelia continued the plan, scribbling on their white board.

Derek had taken a break to go see Meredith. He was determined to spend as much time as possible before her surgery.

He rounded the corner of the ICU hallway, and paused in the doorway of her room.

He smiled at the sight of her extubated and awake.

"Derek?" Meredith whispered

"Meredith!" Derek said while walking to her bedside and grasping her hand.

"What happened?" She asked

"You.. coded and it got worse, we're operating in a few hours"

"I.. I want you to bring the kids"

"It's only 6 am Mer"

"I want to say goodbye to them"


"No Derek, both of us know there's a big chance I'll die or go blind or whatever.. I want to see them.. I'm serious Derek" She said while catching her breath a few times

"I'll go get them but... you have to promise to stay alive. You can't keep pushing yourself and dying in my arms, I need you alive."

Meredith sighed, cupping his jaw and pulling him in. They shared a passionate kiss, and Derek wished he could live in that tiny perfect moment forever.

"I'm sorry I scared you, but I'm not going anywhere. You're going to be taking care of me when I'm 103, old, smelly, and senile."

"This is forever." He replied, eyes sparkling.

"Can.. Can you let Alex and Jo come too after the kids? And just like everyone? But not all in once.."

"I'm gonna grab the kids first" He said as he walked out of the room to the elevator to go get the kids.

After 15 minutes he was back in Meredith's room. He helped the 3 of them on Meredith's hospital bed

"If you want to I can go get Alex and Jo" Derek said

The truth was he didn't want to hear his wife saying goodbye to their kids and to be honest, Meredith was more comfortable when Derek wasn't in that room, she didn't want to see him upset

"Baby's.. I really need you to realize how much I love you. All 3 of you have been the best thing that's ever happened in my life. Zozo, when we got you things were so difficult, daddy knew from second 1 that you were our daughter. You're a beautiful young girl and you're capable of so many things. You're the best great sister ever and never ever forget that I love you!" Meredith said, Zola was now hugging her mom

"Same for you Bails.. You look so much like your dad.. All the healthy food, your energy level.. you're such a sweet, emotional and beautiful boy! No matter what happens I keep looking out for all 3 of you. Even when you're not gonna see me I'll always be there. 

Ellie.. I.. We never thought we would have a 3th baby. When you were born you looked so much like daddy! You're such a smart and talky girl! You're so good to your older siblings as you have never stolen their toys" Meredith had to giggle lightly as she was talking when tears were streaming down her face

"I love all 3 of you and please never forget about me"

Ellis started hugging her mom and so did Zola and Bailey until Derek walked in. "It's time to get you changed and get some breakfast and then we'll come back until they come and get mommy" The kids agreed and walked out with Derek. Alex and Jo walked into the room

"Mer? Derek said you asked for us" Jo said

"Can.. Can you both take a seat please? Alex sat down on her bed and Jo in the chair next to Meredith.

"Derek said you're saying goodbye to people" Alex said

"Jo.. First I wanna tell you you're gonna be an amazing mom, the way you treat our kids.. You're gonna do wonderful! Second you're such a loyal friend and a very very good surgeon, just keep going the way you're going now" Jo stood up and hugged Mer

"For my little niece.. You're gonna have amazing parents, they will always love you no matter what and I really really hope I'll get the chance to meet you and even hold you but if not I want to tell you how much I already love you" Alex, Jo and Meredith had tears in their eyes. Mer was talking to Jo's tiny pregnancy belly, she let go and Jo went back to the chair

Meredith grabbed Alex's hand

"Alex.. You're my person and I'm sorry if I'll have to go and leave you but please promise me you'll take care of my kids. You've been the best uncle ever and I could have never done all of this without your help" Meredith said now sobbing "Thanks Alex.. Thank you so much for everything all these years. Now you're gonna be the only one left"

"Meredith, thank you for always staying by my side" Alex said before hugging Meredith. They didn't want to let go but Meredith knew she had to hurry to say goodbye to her loved ones and having the chance to spend some more time with her kids and husband

"Alex.. do you want to ask everyone to come over please? But first I want to see Richard and Maggie"

Richard and Maggie walked into Meredith's room while everyone of their friends was waiting outside her room, some of them doing charts, some of them biting on their nails or playing with their hair, a sign of stress.

She did the same with Richard and Maggie. She was thanking them for being her family for all these years. Even though she didn't like Maggie in the beginning and Meredith and Richard had some issues in the past she really did love them and she shouldn't have known what she would have done without them. She asked again to take a look at her family.

It's time for Amelia, Link and Scout. They stopped at daycare to give Meredith the chance to say goodbye to her newborn nephew. She knew Amelia was under a lot of pressure and sometimes things were rough between them but they loved each other. Meredith was a better sister to Amelia than her blood related sisters. Meredith was always there if Amelia needed her, she helped them when Scout was born.. Link was great for Amelia, someone who could be positive and who was loyal to her and her son. Amelia and Meredith ended with a hug "I'll do everything I can to not make this our final hug"

Meredith did the same with Callie, Arizona, Owen, April and Jackson

The only ones left were Addison and Bailey.. The 3 of them became actually pretty good friends over all these years.

"Addi.. I know we didn't start good and after everything.. your divorce with Derek and Mark's death.. When you came to Seattle to help us when I was pregnant with Ellie I was so happy I really gotta knew you" Meredith séid while reaching out for Addison's hand while her eyes were tearing up "I can't thank you enough Addi" Meredith gave her a smile before Addison pulled Meredith into a hug "I love you Meredith" She said before leaving Meredith and Bailey in the room

"Meredith Grey" Miranda said

"Miranda.. thanks"

"Grey you're not done here, this isn't a goodbye"

"Miranda we both know life is unpredictable.. I want to thank you for being my teacher, my friend and my boss. You have done almost all my surgeries.. you should be proud" Meredith said before laughing "Miranda you're one of the most amazing human beings I have ever known. You have taken care of me all these years"

"Grey, at this point you're immortal. So it better stay that way." Meredith chucked.

"Hey. I love you Grey, and I don't say that to just anyone. She grasped her hands and leaned in, lowering her voice to a whisper.

"I lied earlier, you were my favorite intern. If you die and see George in the afterlife, you better not tell him I said that." She released her hands and gave her a final smile before leaving the room.

Meredith couldn't help but smile at her rare, momentarily display of affection. She pulled out her phone and sent a text to derek.

"I've finished my goodbyes. Can you bring the kids when you get the chance?"

She placed the phone down and sank into the pillows, deciding to get some rest while she had the chance.

Derek pulled out his buzzing phone, temporarily diverting his attention from the laser he was testing.

He smiled at the text from Meredith and typed a quick response.

"Wrapping up in the lab- will bring kids soon."

"After I place the radioactive beads, we'll check the dissection plane and close." Amelia finished. Tom and Derek nodded in response.

They had just finished their final run through of Meredith's procedure. It was time. The two men turned and walked towards the door, ready to get their patient ready for the OR.

"Wait." Amelia called after them. They turned on their heels, directing their attention to her.

She stood up straighter, and placed her hands on her hips, turning around to face the scans projected on the wall.

"What is she doing? Maybe you were right about the neurotic part.." Tom whispered to Derek as they watched her.

"I can hear you." Amelia said, still facing the wall.

"It's a superhero pose. It's statically proven to increase performance in high stress situations." The men stared at her like she was the one with the giant brain tumor.

She craned her neck to glare at them.

"Do it or you're off my surgical team." They obliged hastily, stepping forward with their heads tilted upwards and hands on hips.

"Ohhh.. I like this." Tom confessed.

The three neurosurgeons stood in superhero poses, building courage for the long surgery ahead.

A little while later, Derek was walking down the ICU hallway followed by the kids. He paused outside her door and knelt down to talk to the kids.

"Remember what I told you guys about Momma having brain surgery?" They nodded inquisitively.

"Well, that is happening today. I don't want you guys to be scared, let's just have a good time and tell her how much you love her, okay?"

"Okay!" They agreed quickly, desperate to get into her room. He scooped up Ellis and beckoned the others to follow him into her room.

"Momma!" The kids yelled, climbing onto her bed and waking her gently.

"Hey guys!" She blinked sleepily, a big smile on her face. She made a weak attempt to sit up.

"Derek, can you help me?" He nodded, and raised the head of her bed so she could sit up more supported.

He pulled up a chair and handed the kids coloring books.

He tried to not pay close attention to the state of his wife. She was pale and fragile, and struggled to keep her eyes open as she joked with the kids.

He didn't want to remember her like this.

Instead he took in the scene as a whole. The laughing kids, her still dazzling smile, and the feeling of her warm hand in his.

He engraved every second, every word, every giggle into his brain. He couldn't believe he took moments like these for granted when he debated moving to D.C.

You think you have forever, but you don't.

His smile quickly faded from his face as Tom and Amelia walked in.

"Meredith, we're going to take you to surgery now."

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