Love Me.

By NeetaHalai

103K 9.2K 2K

He is calm and composed, she's loud and bubbly, It's like they fit into each other's lives perfectly, but he... More

Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57

Part 2

2.7K 166 30
By NeetaHalai

There was something strange about talking to Arnav, no, let me rephrase that, there was something strange about me feeling so attracted towards him, it was new to me, trust me when I said it was new.

I mean look at me, I listen to Darshan Raval songs, so of course I believe too much in love and being a wedding planner means planning lots of weddings, and I mostly attend all the weddings that I plan, imagine the number of guys attending those weddings.

The weird part of all this is, I have never been attracted to any of those guys like I feel attracted towards Arnav, and trust me, you do get to meet some really hot guys in weddings, of course it wasn't just about looks, but it was just strange, so many weddings, so many boys, yet I feel attracted to him. I mean half of those guys I met wouldn't stop flirting around with me you know, so I should have been attracted to at least one of them but I never was.

Then I meet Arnav, just a normal human being, nothing too extra ordinary, he doesn't even flirt or anything and suddenly my mind and heart feels butterflies towards him, like why? It doesn't even make sense. Plus, how do you get attracted to a person in just one meeting? How????

I sigh as I look at all the photos on my table, I printed out a few pictures to lay them out and see if the kind of color coordination Sonali wanted was going to work and look good.

Everything seems good but there's something off about the color coordination, I did arrange everything according to the discussion Arnav and I had yesterday about Sonali's preferences but it just doesn't seem to work, which means I would have to make some changes.

I grab my phone and dial her number hoping she was going to receive the call, I mean she was the bride and her wedding was like two week away, she had to be pretty busy.

"Hey Khushi." I heard her cheerful voice on the other side on the call.

"Hey, I needed to show you something and make some changes, would you be free anytime?" I asked.

"I am at Samar's house right now going through some clothes, can you come here so we can discuss it? I have a busy schedule I don't think I would manage to visit you anytime soon." Sonali said.

"Sure, text me the address I'll be there as soon as I can."


A few seconds after she disconnected the call, I received a text message with the address so I grabbed the pictures and everything that I needed and headed straight to the parking lot so I could drive to Samar's house.

Planning weddings was hectic, but it was something I loved to do so I always enjoyed it, working on something you enjoy never feels like work.

As soon as I switched on my car, Tera Zikr by Darshan started playing, this guy with his romantic songs would make you feel like you were in love even when you weren't, but with his sad songs, he would make you feel like you just went through the most devastating break up of your life even though you hadn't dated anyone. Am I making any sense? Let's just say I am a crazy fangirl.

I couldn't imagine what I would do if someday I had a chance to meet Darshan, imagine the excitement and the happiness, oh my God.

Okay Khushi, stop making up scenarios in your mind that might never happen.


Well, I got lost.

The address was pretty clear but somehow, I just managed to get lost, so I should have arrived in like twenty minutes but I wasted like an entire hour, and finally reached the Raizada mansion.

I stopped at the gate and hooted waiting for the watchman to open it, which he did in a moment, he dint ask any questions so I figured Sonali must have informed that I was coming.

As I drove inside, I was left amazed, the beautiful Palace like mansion in front of me left me in awe, the first thought that came to my mind was why would anyone want to get married anywhere else if they could get married at this mansion? Trust me it was so beautiful from the outside, I couldn't wait to see it from the inside.

There were more than ten cars parked outside, all black and white, I parked my car in an empty parking space and stepped out, I suddenly felt nervous just seeing this place.

Okay, how rich were this people?

I walked inside the mansion slowly looking around, the beautiful interiors all in white and gold made it look like it was some sort of a royal palace. The hall was huge, so freaking huge you could accommodate a hundred people here.

There were two ladies seated on the sofa that were also white and gold and were set perfectly in the middle of the hall.

I recognized one of the ladies, she was Sonali's mother Neelam, I had met her but I dint know the other lady, I guessed she was Arnav's mother.

"Hello." I greeted both the ladies with a smile, they smiled back at me immediately.

"I came to see Sonali, we had somethings to discuss about the wedding." I said in a very low voice, I don't know why I just felt like I had to talk in a low tone, naturally I had a loud tone, so whenever I talked people would always think I was shouting.

"Oh, you are the wedding planner." The other lady smiled.

"Yes ma'am." I nodded politely.

"I am the groom's mother, Barkha." She held her hand for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you Ma'am." I smiled as I shook hands with her.

"Sonali is upstairs in Samar's room, just use the staircase and go to the left." Barkha said. I nodded as I headed up the beautiful staircases I had come across, I'd like to meet the interior designer of this house and tell them what a beautiful job they had done, I was in love with everything about it.

I headed to my left and saw the room, the door was open so I walked straight inside.

Just as I had put my foot in, a door in front of me opened up and Arnav walked out of it with a towel wrapped around his waist and his care chest.

Holy Shit!

"I am so sorry I thought Sonali was here." I said as I turned around immediately, wow this was awkward but why was the image of his freaking six pack abs saved in my mind like a full resolution jpeg. I had looked at him for like a second and turned around immediately, yet it was stuck in my mind already.

Wow, something was seriously wrong with me.

"It's okay, you can turn around now." I heard him laugh, I turned around slowly and looked at him again, he had already put on his pants and was now buttoning his white shirt, he had a beautiful smile on his face.

"I dint mean to walk in on you like that, I am really sorry Mr. Raizada." I apologized once again.

"I should have shut the door, it's okay Miss. Khushi, it happens." He said.

"I was told Sonali was in the room to my left..." I tried to explain.

"She is, the second room though, this is the first room, it's mine, the second one is Samar's. She is there." Arnav said as he walked towards me, stopped beside me and pointed towards the room directing me.

Wow, all I could concentrate on at this moment was how close he was standing to me and how great he smelled just out of the shower.

"Miss Khushi." He called out my name bringing me out of the trance I was in. Oh God, why did I have to feel attracted to someone that was completely out of my league, I was going to blame Darshan Raval and his romantic songs for this.

"Yeah." I looked at him in confusion, he just smiled at me.

"How about I just take you there." He said as he started walking so I followed him, the room wasn't even that far, yet he decided to walk me till there, how sweet was he?

I had to do something about this attraction of mine though, if I was going to behave so confused the whole while, I was going to mess up this wedding planning and I dint want to do that. This was a big deal for me.

"Here you are, I hope you won't get lost again." He smiled at me. Please stop smiling, it's so cute.

Okay Khushi, you are officially crazy.

"Thank you and I am sorry once again." I said.

"Looks like you will apologize to me every time you meet me." He laughed as he walked away and headed back to his room, I stood in the same position staring at him until her had disappeared.

God! This wasn't fair okay.

I sighed and knocked at the door in front of me.

"Come in." I heard Sonali's voice from the inside so I slowly pushed the door open and walked inside, wow this room was huge and so beautiful. Sonali was lying on the bed doing something on her phone, she smiled at me as I walked in and I smiled back.

I dint even notice Arnav's room actually, all I noticed was his and everything about him. Oh god! Khushi stop it already.

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