An Unlikely Duo: Book 1

By RogueRapunzel

32.2K 749 68

My own version of Ahsoka and Darth Maul if they were to have their own relationship. I will be switching from... More

A new begining
Visions Part 2
2 Souls Tied
Connections Within
A Childhood Forgotten
A New Discovery
The Return of the Gray Jedi
An old Ally
Reunited Part 2
The Broken Man
Conflict Within
The Angry Frog
Windows to 2 Souls
The Darkness Within
Unexpected Events
Sparks Fly
Pleasure (NSFW/ LEMON)
Morning After
The Padawan
Pain in His Eyes
A Gentle Heart
Punishment Part 2 (NSFW/Lemon)
Meeting Maul ** in real life :)**
Photo #2 :)
Photo #3 :)
Photo #4 :)
Photo #5 :)
Dreams to Anothers Past
New Feelings
Tension Part 2
Turning Point
Emotional Bond
A New Look (NSFW)
Another update
The First Mission
A New Strength
A New Kind of Jedi
Vualnerable Past
The Next Step
The bedroom NSFW/LEMON
The Bedroom Part 2 NSFW/LEMON

Visions Part 1

1K 23 3
By RogueRapunzel

A month had passed since his medical experiment had begun. He found himself at the top of a mountain over looking the beautiful red forest of trees that engulfed the horizon. It was early morning and he was watching the sun rise as he sat with his cybernetic legs crossed. Maul took a deep breath in as he closed his eyes. He placed his hands flat on the surface of the planet as he fell deep into meditation. He started with his battle against Qui Gon. Maneuvering thru the fight changing his strategy to later defeat Qui Gon's padawan Obi Wan. He began filling with rage at the sight of Obi Wan and his meditation shifted. He was now walking in darkness hearing palpatines twisted laughter with echos of his old master "YOUR WORTHLESS". Mauls face began to twist in anger and hate he grabbed his saber in his meditation and ignited the 2 crimson red blades. Then he heard a soft small voice echo from behind. "I will help you Maul" he spun around to be met with a small hand reaching for him. He lifted his saber to illuminate the dark and saw Ashoka Tano staring into his deep gold eyes. Locked in her eyes his gaze softened as he stared back into her bright blue ocean eyes. He was now frozen in his thought the darkness began to lift and light was flooding in from around Ashoka. He still couldn't break his gaze on her he became so frustrated trying to avoid the gentle and calm presence he was stuck in. Her hand touched his and he awoke from his meditation dripping in sweat and physically fatigued.
Maul: " I do not understand I pushed my hate my anger and my destruction but I couldn't win." Lady Tano some how had this hold on me in my own vision!!" He said angrily. Frustrated he stormed back to the cave he had set up base in. " maybe I just shouldn't meditate in the day I need to do this in as much darkness as possible."

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