
By inluvwithri

14 1 0

"everyone turned into dolls..." Kelsey says. She was a 6 year old girl in a beautiful world when all of the s... More


14 1 0
By inluvwithri

TW: mentions of death, blood, sharp objects, dolls, etc.

I woke up to noises outside, it was a Monday morning. I had school I realized, I stayed in bed to expect a "good morning" or a kiss from my mother and father. They never came up to my room, I got confused cause mama and papa always would come to my room! I got up angry and went to my bathroom, it was 7 am, 2 hours before school starts.

I got on a stool to brush my teeth cause I couldn't reach the sink. I brushed my teeth as I stared at my reflection, I made funny faces while brushing. I washed my face with water, and wiped it with a soft towel. I reached for a pretty red-pink dress! My school was gonna have a dance today! I expected help from my mother cause I don't know how to put on a dress.

"MAMA!" I shouted, mama never responded. I was thinking, maybe she's asleep. I tried to put on the dress and I did it! I grabbed the ends of my dress and twirled. I look so pretty! I grab my sparkly shoes and put it on. I grabbed my hair brush and started brushing my soft, curly red hair. I decided to steal some makeup so I went to my mother's bedroom, she wasn't there! Awesome! I grabbed some makeup and starting putting it on.

I went downstairs to see my mom next to the stove, her hand was on it. The stove was on too... — my mama's hand started boiling, leaving her skin melting onto the stove.
"MAMA!! MAMA MAMA!!" I cried out, I looked over to my papa, he had a knife stuck into his hand, both of my parents looked doll-like, my parents weren't moving, they just had their eyes open and both of them were injured. "PAPA PAPA! WAKE UP PAPA PAPA!" I cried out again.

I went over to my papa, I touched his felt like a doll. I look at him, he had buttons covering his eyes. I turned to my mama and she looked the same like my papa. I was so confused, I looked out my window. It looked like I was in a little girls room, younger than me. I went to my door and peaked out, I was supposed to have a dance today! I was supposed to be in school! I want everything to go back to normal, my parents are dead, I'm so scared. I don't like this! I started crying and fall to my knees. "Please make everything go back to normal" I pleaded.

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