Interminable E. Cullen

By slytherdor01

346K 12K 2.4K

in·ter·mi·na·ble /inˈtərmənəb(ə)l/ adjective: interminable endless "My love, I have waited forever for y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
New Moon
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Breaking Dawn
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 40

4.1K 165 10
By slytherdor01

Try as he might, Edward could not get his tiny girlfriend to leave. Ophelia insisted on staying with his family, not wanting to split them up once again after the fight.

Approaching the terrified new born, everyone called out for her to stop only to be ignored. 

"W-what are you doing?" The vampire asked, still scared that they would hurt her. 

"Ophelia!" Edward called out harshly, watching as the love of his life put herself in a dangerous situation. Alice simply placed her hand on his shoulder, sending him reassuring thoughts that she had seen nothing bad happen. 

Ophelia reached out carefully, feeling around the air until she reached the cold skin of the girl crouched in front of her. "What's your name?"

The girl looked up at the Cullen's and back down at Ophelia. 


She smiled, grabbing Bree's stone like hand and holding it tightly. "We're not going to hurt you. Were you waiting for someone?" 

Bree's eyes widened and she could feel her throat tighten in pain when she unintentionally took in a breath and smelled Ophelia's potent blood. "What if I hurt you?"

Edward snarled from a few feet away. 

"You won't." 

Ophelia's words were simple yet effective. Her glazed over eyes that held such kindness calmed Bree. "I was waiting for Diego. I was supposed to go away with our friend Fred because we didn't want to fight but I couldn't find Diego. Riley must have killed him." 

Bree felt warm arms wrap around her and once again tried to remember not to inhale. "I'm so sorry. My fiance can take you to Fred if you'd like." 

Edward scoffed loudly in protest behind them before they heard it. 

"Enough, Ophelia. Now it's too late," Edward growled, lifting her up and away from the newborn. 

"Well well well. It appears you missed one." A new voice entered the clearing, making Edward's grip tighten around Ophelia. 

"Jane," he spoke through his teeth. 

Her red eyes glowered at the Cullen's, soon falling on Ophelia. Jane smiled, never taking her eyes off the human. "You look a lot different than the last time we saw you, Edward." Ophelia's head snapped up towards him, face confused. "Aro will be interested to know what was missing in his vision." 

It wasn't until the screaming started that Ophelia finally felt scared. Unaware of what was going on, she quivered in Edward's grasp while he mumbled in her ear to stay quiet. The sounds of limbs breaking off sent shivers down her spine, tears pushing towards her eyes as she fought to not let them fall. 

"You're so angry," Ophelia whispered, causing Jane to stop walking. "You're filled with so much hatred and want everyone to feel the pain you do. It's sad. You're sad. I hope you find something that helps." 

Jane glared and Alec put his hand on her shoulder as if asking for permission to hurt Ophelia but she shook her head and continued walking. 



Ophelia stumbled towards Jasper, giving him a small smile of appreciation when he grabbed her hand and put it on his shoulder for stability. She sat down next to him with a huff and wrapped one side of the blanket she had on around his shoulders as well.

"You know I can't get cold." 

"No, but you can get comfy," she responded. She grabbed his arm and leaned against it with a sigh. "Are you okay? It was awful," she sniffled. "I can't imagine how bad it must have felt for you." 

Jasper chuckled, leaning his head on top of hers. "I'll be just fine darlin'."

At home, Ophelia carefully pulled stuff out of her bag to put in the laundry as Bella leaned against her door frame. 

"I can't believe you're gonna be married," Bella mumbled. "How are you gonna tell dad?" Her question made Ophelia stop moving, suddenly realizing that they had to do that. Bella walked over, hugging her before helping to pull clothes out. "It'll be okay. Just don't tell him right after he gets home from work because he'll have his gu- Oh my god is that lingerie?" 

Edward came in much later that night, ignoring the grumble of attitude Kingsley gave him. 

"You saw him? Did you give him everything?" Ophelia questioned. 

"Yes. He very much appreciated the letter you gave him. And the blanket, and the picture of her, and everything else you insisted I bring to him," Edward laughed, cuddling Ophelia close to his body. She had demanded that Edward go meet Fred and tell him what happened. 

"Was he nice? I bet he was nice." 

"He was ... " Edward paused for a second to think. "Smelly. He had quite the gift. And he politely declined your offer to adopt him but he said he'd be glad to meet you some day." 

She hugged him tighter. "Why didn't you ever tell me you went to the Volturi?" 

He sighed, kissing her forehead lightly. He knew she'd ask eventually. "I thought you had died. I was torn between ruining the treaty and killing Jacob or going to Italy. I knew I'd end up dead in the end either way and I was content with that. I didn't want to be in a world you didn't live in anymore." 

"But you must have known I would have died eventually. Would you have still offed yourself if in 80 years if I died of old age?" She questioned. 

"It wouldn't have mattered. Aro said I was too "gifted" to be wasted. When he read me I tried so hard to not think of anything that could connect me to you. I knew he'd think you were special." Ophelia's hand went up to rub his jaw soothingly, while the other one grabbed one of his hands and kissed the back of it. "I thought we would get away with it until yesterday." 

She leaned up and kissed him, trying to show that she wasn't angry like he had predicted. "We'll be okay. But for now we have a wedding to plan." 

"And a father who will be very unhappy to confront," Edward finished. 

"If you make it out of that, I think we'll be able to make it passed anything." He kissed her once more and she pulled away. 

"Can I please take a nap now?"

That's it for Eclipse! And thank you to everyone who wished for my mom to get well. She is finally home and is in recovery. I love you all. 


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