Alone No More

By EmilyViolet17

124K 4.1K 2.1K

Kakashi, a nine year old chunnin is hiding a dark secret from his team. When his ten year old teammates, Obit... More

A Normal Day
Harsh Words
Missing Wolf
We're a Team
Mission Gone Wrong
A Loyal Pack
House Inspection
A Friend of the Family
Leaving Already?
Team Dinner
Piecing the Puzzle Together
Emergency Meeting
Tracking the Little Scarecrow
The Chase
Race Against Time
Please Don't Go
Prepare For My Arrival
Before It All Began
A Traitor or Savior
A Shared Mindscape
A Blessing to Burden

Let the War Begin

1.4K 67 16
By EmilyViolet17

Warning: swearing, minor character death, and alcohol (if you're picky about it)

Please enjoy!


The late autumn breeze makes the trees of red, brown, and yellow bend with a gentle sway. The cooling temperatures were becoming more noticeable as the time of daylight started to slowly shorten. Lighting the sky in vibrant colors of pink, orange, and yellow as the sun just about touches the horizon.

However, the people of Konoha continue going about their afternoon. While Kado sits in one of the Hidden Leaf Village's local bars, nursing on his glass of sake. Taiki leaned back in his chair after refilling his own glass, both tried and sore from the mission they just completed. The two Jonin waited for their third team member, who got out of coming with them on their mission to help at the hospital. Not that they blamed Ryo, more and more shinobi were returning from a mission with critical injuries. Due to the rising tension between the Five Shinobi Nations and Kado knows that something big was happening, much to his dismay.

"Kado, Taiki did you hear?" Ryo asked, taking a seat at the small table after entering the bar his team usually frequented.

"What?" Kado questioned as Taiki made an acknowledging hum while drinking from his sake glass.

"Sakumo Hatake is one of the candidates for the title of Fourth Hokage!" Ryo exclaimed with excitement Kado knew that Ryo tends to be a little of a fanboy when it comes to Konoha's famous White Fang.

"No shit. Really?" Taiki asked with a surprised and yet impressed tone.

"Yeah," "when I went to the tower to turn in our mission report, I heard some jonin talking about it."

"Hmph," was the only response the Fujino gave as he slowly swirled the clear liquid in his cup before downing it.

"Kado?" Ryo questioned, sending his grumpy-looking friend a concerned look.

"Ah, don't worry, Ryo," Taiki spoke with a wave of a hand and a sharp smirk. Before smiling showing his canine-like teeth, as he added joyfully, "Kado is still just holding grudges towards our beloved White Fang."

"Shut up, Taiki," Kado begrudgingly replied as he refilled his glass and filled Ryo's while he was already at it.

"Kado," Ryo started with a sigh. Before he Resumed scolding his friend, "it's been three years now! Just think about it. If you were an Anbu, none of us would be able to go on missions together."

Kado sighs out with a somewhat solemn tone, "I know."

Surprisingly, the man in the hour showed up not long after the group finished their first bottle of sake. Sakumo was wearing his standard jonin uniform, with his silver hair tied back into a short ponytail. While Reiji wore his plain shinobi black shirt and pants as they both enter the bar chatting about something that has Reiji all excited.

"Come on, Sakumo! We're celebrating here! Lighten up a little!" The Kudo exclaimed with a wide grin and excitement in his eyes. Much different from the furious expression Kado saw five to six years ago when Taiki yelled at Akari.

Sakumo chuckled as he clarified to be a joyful friend, "just because I don't plan on getting drunk doesn't mean I'm not celebrating." While they sat at the front counter near Kado's table, he was discretely listening to their conversation.

"What's the celebration for?" The bartender, a kind middle-aged gentleman who enjoys conversing with the customers, shinobi or civilian.

"I'm going to be a dad!" Reiji announced loudly, like a child happily exclaiming they got a puppy.

"Well, that is something worth celebrating, here the first round is on the house," the bartender happily replied.

"Oh, you don't have to do that!" Sakumo replied swiftly, taken back the man's generosity and not want to take advantage of it.

"I insist," the bartender replied. Before adding with a growing smirk, "take it as my congratulations to Reiji's future addition to his family, and for your future titles as the Fourth Hokage, Sakumo."

The Hatake release a little exaggerated sigh as he answered with, "I see. The rumor has already spread that quickly, huh."

"Of course, because it's going to happen!" Reiji declared confidently. Before adding with an amused smile, "hell, even Kagami-sensei said you had the heart and mind of a Hokage."

"Kagami-sensei was just encouraging us to grow strong and to inherit the Will of Fire," the White Fang countered with a slight pout.

"Wait, do you mean that your Sensei was Kagami Uchiha?" The bartender replied in shock as he places the Shinobis' drinks on the counter. "The Kagami Uchiha, who was one of the students of the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju?"

"Yep, Kagami-sensei was the best! One of the kindest Senseis' I've ever known. Sometimes it's still hard to think that it's been almost twenty years," Reiji spoke in a softer tone, with a slight grin, as if he was reminiscing on past memories.

"That's right. I heard that he was killed in action," The bartender thought aloud. Before quickly stuttering out, "my apologies, I shouldn't have brought up such painful memories."

"It's alright," Sakumo replied swiftly with a small hand gesture. Before commenting in a calm, understanding tone, "it happened a long time ago."

At that point, Sakumo and Reiji start talking about their days as genin, as Kado stopped listening and focused on the conversation with Ryo and Taiki. Talking about their recent mission, Ryo told them some things he had seen around the hospital and his work with Doctor Yoshida in the pediatric wing. Until an hour or so later when their attention shifted to Reiji's booming laugh.

Gaining the attention of everyone who sat at the nearby tables. Including the table that Ryo, Taiki, and Kado were sitting at. The Inuzuka let out an annoyed huff at the interruption since Reiji interrupted him. Unlike Ryo, who looked toward the almost drunk Kudo and Hatake with an amused side smile. While Kado's attention went back to the two shinobi at the front counter with the bartender.

"Pff, I lucky to get on the team, unlike Sakumo here..." Reiji started looking at the bartender, cheeks tinted red by the influence of the alcohol. Before added in a slightly buzzed voice and a toothy grin, as he pointed at the Hatake, "he was the Second Hokage's apprentice! The lucky bastard!"

As if sensing all the attention of the room focused on him, Sakumo gave a light nervous chuckle as he tells the bartender, "please ignore Reiji. He's had too much drink."

"Hey!" Reiji retorted in a slight offense tone before pouting.

"Is that true?" The bartender asked, stunned at the new information.

"Yes," Sakumo attempted with a sigh. Before elaborating, "but Master Tobirama passed away when I was ten. All he was able to teach me was some seal fundamentals and swordsmanship."

"Was that when you learn to use tanto?" The bartender asked curiously, trying not to pry.

"The basics, yes. However, Master Tobirama was mainly focused on seals and some survival lessons," Sakumo replied swiftly as if not to give away any information.

"Survival? What kind of lessons were they?" The bartender questioned out of curiosity.

"The most important Survival tips for a shinobi," A cold familiar, voice replied, making the Reiji and the bartender flinch and turn toward it. While Sakumo's expression turned serious, as he slowly turned to face Danzo Shimura. While he continued his interruption, "knowing how to use your opponent's strength against them. Am I right, Sakumo Hatake?"

"Lord Danzo," Sakumo greeted with a slight incline of his head. Then added in a more neutral tone, "that is one of them, but mostly Master Tobirama taught me was teamwork and to trust my comrades."

"Hmm," Danzo hummed as if he found the notion amusing. Then added in a flat tone, "sounds like something my late Sensei would say."

"Indeed," was Sakumo's response, but Kado could see how tense the White Fang had become.

"I have noticed that your son is quite gifted in the shinobi arts," Danzo spoke as the Hatake tensed, like a taut bowstring ready to snap.

"I know what you are going to suggest, Lord Danzo," Sakumo spoke in a cold voice that sent shivers down Kado's spine. Then added in that cold, sharp tone, "and my answer is still no."

"Shame. To waste such talent," Danzo replied. Before sulking away, seeming unfazed with the Hatake's tone. But Kado could feel the older Shinobi's chakra shrink slightly.

After the Shimura left, the three men at the front counter remained in a sobering silence. Until Reiji opened his mouth, "creepy fucker, isn't he?"

"Reiji!" Sakumo exclaimed, shocked at the Kudo's vulgar language towards one of the village's councilmen.

"Well, am I wrong!" The buzzed Kudo replied in defense at the same volume as the White Fang.

"No, I couldn't agree more," Sakumo admitted in his usual calm tone. Then stood up from his stool, as he continued, "sorry Reiji, but I to need to get head home. I promised Kakashi and my ninken I'd be home before dark."

"That's okay. I need to start heading home. Before Yuma kills me," Reiji spoke in amusement, referring to his wife, as he stood up and stretched out his back.

Kado watched as Sakumo paid for the drinks, making sure to give the bartender a generous tip for the first round of drinks. Same with Reiji, paying for his share of drinks before weaving some hand signs for some kind of water jutsu. Kado noticed the redness in Reiji's cheeks fade as his eyes became sharp and focused again. The Fujino was impressed and a little jealous of the Kudo for having a jutsu to rid the alcohol within the body. Kado watched as the two jonin left the bar. While wondering what Danzo wanted with Kakashi and why Sakumo looked so uneasy when the Shimura is around.


The memory fades again, and Inoichi finds himself at a loss for words. The White Fang, Sakumo Hatake, was the young apprentice of the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju. The Yamanaka wouldn't have believed it if Sakumo did not confirm it. This now makes him wonder about the relationship between the Hatake clan and the Senju clan. Mentally adding it to his list of questions and things he will need to research after they finish the memory reading and talking to Kakashi.

The Third Hokage was also a bit shocked at the knowledge of how close the Sakumo was to his Sensei. He already knows Kagami was Sakumo's Sensei since his Uchiha teammate refuses to take any other answer. Hiruzen remembers how Kagami Uchiha would brag about his little Hatake student a little more than his other students. At times the Uchiha sounded more like a proud father. Instead of a Sensei, which explained why Sakumo did not take Kagami's death well. However, the Sarutobi didn't expect his old friend to appear and hopes that Danzo didn't have any role in this.

Sakumo's past was not a shock to Jiraiya; he already knew all this and had a good idea when this happened. However, the mighty Toad Sage inwardly panics that Danzo Shimura is interested in Kakashi. His little honorary nephew! A young child, gifted in the shinobi arts but has such a vulnerable heart that he hides it from the world to avoid being hurt. Jiraiya knows that Danzo could manipulate Kakashi if he wanted to because Kakashi is still inexperienced with shinobi, who are masters in manipulation.

"Next," Jiraiya spoke calmly, but Inoichi and Hiruzen noticed how grim his voice turned.


The night was young as the soft light of the moon peers into the kitchen window of Kado's apartment. Mixing with the light of the hanging lamp over the circular table that still got plates filled with still-warm take-out food and filled cups of sake. A place where he and his friends congregate after missions or if they wanted to play cards or shogi.

However, this night was not one of those fun or relaxing nights. Earlier today, the Third Shinobi War was declared. Three days after the failed mission, that could of stop it before it even started. However, for some reason, the Hatake decided to abandon his team's mission, which led to the war breaking out.

"That Damn Hatake is too soft! This is all his fault!" Taiki growled in frustration, then runs his hands down his face. Now calmer, after the Inuzuka had time to blow off some of his anger.

Kado knew he wouldn't be so furious if the team was be split up the placed into the different sections for the war front. The Fujino was being placed in the stealth division. That is untitled to a mission more focused on infiltration, intel gathering, and assassinations. While Taiki will be moved to the tracking and mid to close combat division, and Ryo to the medic division, who will either work in the village or on the front lines as a field medic.

"Poor Reiji. Not only did he fail such an important s rank mission. But to come home to find out his child was stillborn and that his wife passed away as well," Ryo commented sadly, breaking the Fujino out of his thought.

Kado inwardly winced at the mention of the Kudo. The Fujino was there to let Ryo know he returned to his last mission when Reiji arrived at the hospital. The Kudo was out of breath with a slight panic tone asking the medic at the front desk about his wife and child. It wasn't long after Ryo and Kado heard the Kudo's grief echoing down the hall.

The Fujino saw a very twitchy, depressed-looking Reiji Kudo yesterday when he and Ryo left the training grounds. The two teammates could instantly tell that Reiji was starting to show signs of a mental breakdown. After coming home to find out his child was stillborn, and his wife's heart gave up from the stress of childbirth soon after. Hell, Kado would have been surprised if it didn't affect the Kudo as it did.

"And, besides, shouldn't the whole squad be held accountable?" The Kohaku medic suggested as he picked at his food with his chopsticks with an uncharacteristic, glum expression.

"Hatake was the fucking leader of the mission!" The Inuzuka yelled back at Ryo, making the medic slightly flinch at the sudden outburst. While Taiki yelled even louder, "and HE was the one who gave the order of retreat!"

"That's true," Ryo paused in consideration. Before adding, "but, I don't know." Then the Kohaku softly, almost hesitantly announced, "if it was my choice to save the two of you or complete the mission... I would choose you, two."

Silence fell over the three friends. A large part of the Fujino feels the same as the Kohaku medic. He is a shinobi and is prepared to perform his duties for his village when need. However, there are some duties that Kado is fully aware that he is not able to perform, like leave Taiki and Ryo to die. Does that make him any different from that bastard, Hatake?

"A group of people thinks Sakumo is too soft to be Hokage and think Danzo should be Hokage instead," Taiki spoke out some slightly changing the subject in a slightly awkward manner, but Kado knew that the Inuzuka would do the same as him and Ryo.

"That not a bad idea. It would be good to have a Hokage that has experience with fighting an offensive war." Kado replied, pondering the pros and cons of having a Hokage that rules with an iron fist.

"I don't know," Ryo started making an uncertain expression as he stared at his food. Then continued with a slight frown, "Lord Danzo tends to be too much of a cutthroat for my liking. I have seen how he treats of shinobi working under him, like nothing more than a tool at his beck and call."

"Who knows, we'll just have to see how everything plays out. We are heading out on our own missions soon, so let's focus on staying alive for right now." Kado replied, not wanting to continue the conversation, as they all clicked their cups and drank their sake.


When the memory fades, Jiraiya thinks that this medic, Ryo Kohaku, and how he was a man similar to Sakumo. Someone that could see the importance of life and the ability to understand people's hearts and distinguish their true personalities. The toad sage was actually glad that the Kohaku medic could tell what kind of person Danzo is. Even his own Sensei hasn't figured that out yet, and probably won't until it's too late.

No one bothered to talk as Inoichi led them to the next memory scroll. They all knew what happened around this time and that there was no preventing the war. Even if the mission was a success, so no words needed to be said. However, it was more hesitant to unravel, as Inoichi muttered about Kado resisting the jutsu. Until the scroll slowly unravels, allowing the memory to fill the void around them.


The Fujino sat at the same table he and his friends usually sit-in at their favorite bar, with a small pile of empty sake bottles next to him. The bar closes in thirty minutes, so he was the only customer in the building while the bartender was in the back prepared for closing. Kado quickly finished the last few swallows of his last bottle before burying his face in his hands. Before rubbing his bloodshot eyes with the heel of his palm, remembering the news he received only two weeks ago.

When Kado was trying to ignore how he continually paced around his apartment, his anxiety was at an all-time high. It's been six months since the start of the Third Shinobi War, and the body count was only growing at a very unnerving rate. Plus, the regiment that Taiki and Ryo were sent on has yet to return, making it two weeks since their original due date.

Then the Fujino noticed there was a knock on his front door. He could tell from the sound that it was not Ryo or Taiki, and he was right when he opened the door to the past jonin leader standing there, with his usual stoic expression.

"Kado Fujino?" The old jonin spoke in a neutral tone, looking as if he has been doing all day.

An uneasy sense of dread filled the Fujino heart as he answered, "Yes, Sir?"

The old commander took a deep breath before speaking, "I'm sorry to inform you, but Ryo Kohaku and Taiki Inuzuka have fallen in battle."

The world stopped, "W-what?" Then Kado takes a few deep breathes before thanking the jonin commander.

After softly closing the door listening to the older Shinobi's footsteps fade away. Only to go sit on the couch and let the silent tears flow. He cursed this godforsaken war for taking his friends and the bastard, Sakumo Hatake, for causing it. Taiki was right. The Hatake was the reason they were at war, as Kado felt a deep hatred grow toward the clan that took away his friends, his found family.

Even after two weeks, that hatred has not subsided, only grown denser and colder. The last time, Kado saw that bastard Hatake was a week ago when Reiji was yelling and cursing at him just outside the village market. The White Fang only stood there and listened, as his friend blamed him for all this war and death.

After placing the money for the drinks on the table, Kado noticed someone sitting on the other side of the table. Which was odd since the Fujino wasn't drunk enough yet, to not register someone else's presence. It took him a moment to recognize the scar-shaped X and bandaged right eye was Danzo Shimura.

"Kado Fujino, correct?" The councilman spoke in a quick, professional tone, sending a little shiver down Kado's back.

"Yes. Is there something I can help you with, Lord Danzo?" The Fujino not caring how his instincts are screaming at him to leave. He stopped caring for two weeks now.

"That remains to be seen." Danzo hummed as he studied the man before him and added, "I have a proposition for you."

Kado knew it must be something big because why else would one of the village's councilmen come to him. Kado nodded to let the Shimura see that he is listening, which led to Danzo giving him an eerie version of a friendly smile. Then the moment Danzo opened his mouth to start speaking, everything went black.


Hello everyone! Long time no see, sorry for the long wait. I have been busy with work and had not much time to write, so I hope this chapter helps make up for that. Please, comment let me know what you thought about the chapter or story so far, and if you like it, a vote is always appreciated. Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this chapter, and I hope you are looking forward to the next update. Thanks again!

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