What Now? | N.H.

By LXWriting

66.4K 1.4K 720

Diana and Harry have been best friends since childhood. After One Direction starts touring Harry misses her e... More

Chapter 1 | September 19, 2010
Chapter 2 | X-Factor
Chapter 3 | Nandos
Chapter 4 | February 20, 2013
Chapter 5 | Tattoos
Chapter 6 | Hotel Room
Chapter 7 | Phone call
Chapter 8 | The Interview
Chapter 9 | Dumpsters
Chapter 10 | Secrets
Chapter 11 | Runway
Chapter 12 | New York City
Chapter 13 | Cafe
Chapter 14 | I'm Sorry
Chapter 15 | Out
Chapter 16 | Media
Chapter 17 | New Years
Chapter 18 | New Year's PT.2
Chapter 19 | Diana
Chapter 20 | AMAS
Chapter 21 | Sunrise
Chapter 22 | Home
Chapter 23 | London
Chapter 24 | Pink Carpet
Chapter 25 | Meet the Family
Chapter 26 | The Aldaine's
Chapter 27 | The Wait
Chapter 28 | Hospital Room
Chapter 29 | Football
Chapter 30 | Group Date
Chapter 31 | Midnight Memories
Chapter 32| Time Zones
Chapter 33 | San Fransisco
Chapter 34 | Take Me Back
Chapter 35 | Epilogue Pt.1
Chapter 37 | Epilogue Pt.3

Chapter 36 | Epilogue pt.2

911 29 14
By LXWriting


"Kenny!" Diana shouts as she stares at herself in the old mirror hung delicately on the cracked wall. Her arms are stretched behind her back, her teeth are clamped down on her bottom lip as she struggles with her dress. "I need help!" 

Niall had decided to get an Airbnb for their wedding since they decided they wanted to get married in Italy. He booked a hotel room for the night for himself because of the infamous superstition. Diana didn't want to be by herself so she invited Kendall, Gigi, Bella, Maya, Gemma, and Lottie to stay over. It turned out to be chaotic, to say the least, with all of the girls in one house. Not in a bad way though. Diana was glad they were there because, if they weren't she probably would have stayed up all night stressed about the next day. 

Kendall comes running in with her hair in a mess and her bare feet slapping against the cool tile. "Can you help me with this last button?" Kendall releases the front of her dress from her hands and lets it fall, the green fabric stopping just above her feet. 

"Yeah, sure," She flicks her hair to the side and focuses on fastening the button on her lower back. "Nervous?" Kendall asks when she finally gets the button closed. 

"Surprisingly no," They look at each other through the gold framed mirror. "I've been worried about this day for so long and now that it's here, it's kind of peaceful. I was expecting to be more nervous but, everything feels so right that it's hard to." 

"God, you're going to make me tear up listening to you. I can't even imagine the wreck I'm going to be in when you recite your vows," Diana laughs a flicks her wrist up applying another coat of mascara. 

"You'd better bring some extra tissues then," Just then the rest of the girls come piling into the bathroom all in their stunning dress of different colors, shades, and design showcasing each of their personalities. 

It was easier not to have any bridesmaids, Diana thought. It's a small wedding and it wouldn't make sense for most of the people there to be stood up next to her. She tried to see if she could narrow it down but, it was impossible to choose. Besides, they're basically her unofficial bridesmaids anyway just without all of the responsibilities which made it easier for everyone. 

"Everyone smile or whatever you want to do!" Bella runs in front of the group but stays behind Diana so she can be in the front of the photo. Her phone is already out and pointed to the mirror before anyone really has any time to react. Diana was still applying lip gloss to her naturally pink lips and the rest of the girls were mid-conversation and laughing at something one of them said. Bella snaps the photo and another once they are all posed and smiling with one another. 

She passes the phone around and d then sends it to the chat with all of them in it. Diana takes a better look at the photos and comes to find out she likes the first one much better. There is something so pure, so unfiltered about it. No one's trying too hard or putting on a face, it's just genuine happiness spread across each of their faces. She makes sure to save the pictures and sets her phone back down on the bathroom counter. 

"One hour till Di's getting married!" Gigi shouts and lifts up her glass of champagne after she's handed everyone else a glass. They all toast their glasses with a cheer and they pull Diana into the center of one of the biggest group hugs she's been in. 

"Alright, alright," She finally says once she's not suffocated by the arms of all of her closest friends (well, minus the boys of course). "Now, I need some help with my hair," Lottie walks up behind her, comb already in hand, and starts brushing her hair as the girls file out to get themselves ready. 



Niall rocks back and forth on his heel with his hands closed in front of him, biting his lips waiting for her car to pull up in front of the opposite end of the aisle. The bright morning sun hung right above them all as the cool breeze dusted his shoulders. 

His eyes scan the crowd, landing on his mum first. She's smiling at him brightly with tears glossing her eyes and her hands are folded in her husband's lap. She nods at him and mouths an 'I love you' he mouths it back and then finds the boys all seated on the second row. They're all giving him thumbs-ups and silently cheering him on from their chairs. He laughs and his head falls to the cobblestone beneath his feet. 

Niall's head jerks up when he hears the cracking sound of tires coming up the gravel road. His breath catches in his throat when the white Volkswagon Beetle that looks to be no less than thirty years old, makes a complete stop. Sweat builds upon his palms and he wipes them on his trousers before nervously wringing them together. 

Everybody's gaze has shifted to the car. 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran slowly begins to play and Niall's heart is beating harder and harder in his chest until the music is almost completely drowned out by the pulses. The car door swings open and Niall feels like his legs are going to collapse under him. Her dad helps her out of the car. She's stunning, Niall thinks to himself. He can't help the tears that well up in his eyes and the goofy smile that stretches across his face. 

Diana locks eyes with him and he can tell she feels the same way. He can't believe how lucky he got with her, he couldn't imagine anyone more perfect. Diana's dad lets go of her arm at the alter. She takes a slight step up and interlocks her fingers with his. 

"Hi," She whispers. 

"You're so beautiful," She smiles and giggles softly as she reaches up to brush away the tear from his cheek. He stares at her for a moment, holding her hand against his cheek, admiring how her skin glows the sunlight and how her green eyes are dusted with flakes of gold and twisted with shades of blue. "I love you,"

"I love you too," Niall drops her hand so they hang intertwined between them and the ceremony can begin. 


Diana was right. By the end of their vows, almost all of the 50 people who attended the wedding are in tears or close to it. Harry is the worst of them all. By the looks of it, you would have thought his entire family had been murdered in front of him not just his two best friends exchanging vows. 

As they run down the aisle under a shower of dancing rose petals, their hearts are exploding with pure happiness. Diana collapses on top of him as soon as they get in the car with her head landing on his lap. She stares up at him with complete adoration. Niall runs his hands through her hair and smiles at his wife. 'Wife' something he thinks he couldn't ever get used to, it's too good to be true and Niall hasn't processed it yet. 

"Can't get rid of me now Horan," She leans into his touch. 

"Wouldn't dream of it," He strokes her cheek with his thumb and thinks about waking up to those eyes each day for the rest of forever. He leans down and kisses her gently. 

"God, I'm starving," She says with her eyes still closed and Niall's face hovering hers. 

"Well, that moments ruined," She giggles and Niall does too. 

"We were both thinking it."

"Oh! That reminds me-" Niall starts shuffling around in his seat and Diana leans up on one arm to see what he's doing. 

"You did not," She says as he pulls a bag of chicken nuggets out of his suit pocket. He stuffs one into his mouth, shrugs his shoulders, and then hands her the bag. "Oh wow. This is exactly why I married you."

"Really? Not my irresistible charm or my sexy nose?"

"Your nose is pretty sexy," She agrees. 

"Yeah, it is."

The drive to the reception isn't long. When they get there the tables are all set up with candles and flower arrangements placed perfectly on them. Niall walks up beside her and joins his hand in hers as they take in the scene in front of them. Nothing but rolling hills, vineyards, and small towns for miles and miles. There's silence, there's peace. 

Diana takes a deep breath and when she opens her eyes again it's to the sound of Harry and Zayn yelling and gravel being kicked into the air. 

"Opie!" Harry yells chasing after the dog. "No!" 

"Get back here Shark!" Zayn yells following closely behind the smiley doberman. They had gotten quite large since Diana and Niall had adopted them but, they are still as clumsy as they were when they first went home with them. Harry ends up on his stomach trying to catch Opie from barreling towards them with his muddy paws. 

Diana just laughs at they're weak, but sweet attempts to stop the dogs from getting their paws on her dress because they had a tendancy to jump on people. Opie's just about to them when Diana lifts her hand in the air and both Opie and Shark come skidding to a stop. 

"They can do that?!" Zayn pants leaning over with his hands propping him up on his knees. 

"Yeah, taught them last week," She kneels down to pet the two dogs who had been dressed up in little bow ties. "I appreciate your effort though," She smiles up at the two as they walk slowly towards the reception area the rest of the group trailing slowly behind and the relatives arrive shortly after. 

Harry starts tapping on the side of his glass with a spoon. "I would like to make a toast," He announces once everyone has had a chance to indugle themselves at the little buffet set up against an old stone wall. Diana raises her eyebrows in surprise and looks at Niall who just shrugs his shoulders. They both watch in amusement considering Harry was a little bit tipsy after a few too many glasses of wine. "As you all know two of my very best friends were married today," Not a bad start, Diana thinks. "Webster's dictionary defines wedding as 'the fusing of two metals with a hot torch.' Well, you know something? I think you guys are two medals. Gold medals." There it is. 

Niall bursts into a fit of laughter and so does Diana at the completely appropriate use of a Michael Scott quote. 

"Well, Niall is more of one of those chocolate coins. You wanna know why? I'll let you all in on a little secret," His voice shifts into a whisper. "Niall's not actually blonde. I know, I know, crazy, who would've thought. Not me, that's for sure. Now I know this news must be devestating for a lot of you, it certainly was for me but, it's okay," Niall's smiling so hard he can barely feel his cheeks anymore. This speech was certainly not disappointing. "He's still cute so nobody needs to panic. On a more serious note, I couldn't be happier for the two of them. I have known Diana for as long as I can remember and I have never seen her as happy as she is with Niall, my bandmate and best friend. It was kind of wierd at first and that image of you two in the hotel room when I first found out about their relationship will forever be burned into my brain but, I've made peace with it now. I don't want this to be too long so, congradulations and here's to the future," He raises his glass and is about to sit down as the applause die down when he speaks again. "Oh, and Niall, if you ever hurt her, castration is never off the table," Niall's eyes go wide and Harry takes a sip of his champagne and winks at him. Diana's laughing beside him and eventually stops so she can place a chaste kiss on his lips. 


A couple hours later the sun has dipped below the horizon. The only source of light left is the edison bulbs strung in rows over the tables. No one's in a hurry to leave and they spend most of their time spinning eachother around the 'dance floor.'

A slow song starts playing and Niall holds Diana close, swaying her side to side with him. After a minute he leans in close to her ear. "Do you want to get out of here?" He whispers. She pulls her head away from where it rested against his shoulder. She crinkles her eyebrows at him and in repsonse he grabs her hand and does a quick pan of the crowd to make sure no one was watching. "Come on," She doesn't know where they're going but, she's happy to go anywhere as long as it's with him. He snags a still full bottle of champagne of the table and he slips in between the tall Italian cypress shrubs. 

"Where are we going?" He just smiles at her and then breaks out into a sprint heading towards the moonlit vineyard. She laughs as he spins with the bottle of champagne in his extended arms, staring up at the endless sea of stars. Diana quickly takes her heels off and hikes her dress up to run after him with the cool grass crunching beneath her feet. 

"It's beatiful isn't it?" She says once she catches up to him and joins him admiring the twinkling lights hung in the dark sky. 

"-S Amazing," He passes the bottle of champagne to her after taking a short swig. "I've never seen them like this," The London sky could never compare to this. No big cities around for miles to hide the millions of stars. 

"Me neither," It's breathtaking. The scene looks like it should be painted and hung up in an art gallery. They make it far enough up the hill and both collapse onto the grass with grapevines on either side of them. Niall takes her hand and holds it between them. Her face is painted with the familiar glow of the moon mixed with the glittering light of the stars and Niall can't help but admire her as she stares up at the vast sky with such fascination. 

"What are yout thinking about?" Diana asks without moving her gaze from the velvet curtain draped over the sky. 

"Everything," He sighs, she turns to face him only to find him looking up as she just was. 


"Our future mostly."

"Really?" She props herself up on her elbow as she watches him get lost in thought. "What's it like?"

"We have a house in London. Like a proper house with more than one floor and a garage out back,"

"Yeah?" She asks urging him on. 

"We've got kids too. Two of 'em, two girls. They've got your eyes," He smiles and giggles softly. "And your sass." Diana lets out a breathy laugh.

"What are they're names?"

"I haven't gotten that far yet," She nods her head and smiles at the way he searches his the back of his mind. 

"We've got time," She sinks her head back into the grass and envisions all of the possible futures they could share and she's excited. Today was only the beginning of the rest of their lives.

(A/N) I'm planning on writing one more part to this epilogue but, this is pretty mch the end until then so thank you all for reading, it means so much to me. I hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for a part 3!

Please don't forget to follow, vote, and comment! xx 

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