Love is an Adventure(Legolasx...

By Shadexshade01

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This is a LegolasxReader story. This a is a story about how you the Daughter of Elrond steal the young prince... More

They Arrive
The Council of Elrond
Before the Journey
The Ring Goes South
Cold Journey
The Walls of Moria

Through the Dark

66 2 2
By Shadexshade01

Y/N's Pov

Everything was pitch black and I couldn't see anything as I tried to look through the darkness. Suddenly I felt a cold clammy hand bump into mine. "AH! I touched something! I TOUCHED SOMETHING AND IT WAS ALIVE!", yelled Poppins voice. " It was me you idiot," I hissed at him. Suddenly the piercing light of Gandalf's staff filled the cave and you could see everything again. "Pippin stop annoying everyone in this fellowship and stop being a burden for just one moment would you," Gandalf snarled at Pippin. Realizing he had been a bit harsh he then added, "and that goes for everyone." Legolas looked at me obviously trying to hold back a laugh. Gandalf walked to the front of the group and walked forward into the darkness signaling us to fall behind.

We walked for I don't even know how long before we stopped. Our feet and backs were sore from hunching over and walking on the jagged rock floors all day. I let go of Pippin's hand and walked up to Gandalf. "Why did we stop Gandalf?" I asked. He looked at me with an empty look in his eyes before saying "I've forgotten the way. The hobbits groaned in dismay as they plopped down on the cold rock floor to rest their aching feet. I walked away from Gandalf to where Legolas was hoping to make some sort of conversation with him. He stood on a rock ledge looking out over the vast cavern with a blank look in his blue eyes. "Hey," I said as I nudged him gently to get his attention. He turned to look at me catching my eyes and making my heart skip a beat. Gosh he was handsome. I beat these thoughts out of my mind quickly. After all we were trying to save the world, this is definitely not the time or place to fall in love. "Hey, how are you holding up so far?" he asked me. I fought the blush trying to creep up onto my cheeks. "I'm fine, just missing Arwen." I responded. He furrowed his brows at me. "What about your father?" He asked. I looked away from his eyes, dropping his gaze. "I love my ada very much, just sometimes he can be intense gets upset with me when things don't go as he planned them for me." I said. "I get it, trust me I do," he said. I looked at him about to ask him about his ada but my attention was snapped away from him as Gandalf said "It's that way!"

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