I reincarnated as the Villain...

By Novelgeek101

763K 21.4K 6.6K

In my first life, I Josephine de Franzaie, fell in love with the Crown Prince Edgar who was also My fiancรฉ, b... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1: The past
Chapter 2: I Reincarnated as her again!
Chapter 3: The next day
Chapter 4: Magic Ceremony
Chapter 5: Step brother??!!
Chapter 6: My fiance
Chapter 7: 6 years later
Chapter 8: Crown princes Debut
Chapter 9: Getting to know one another
Chapter 10: Midnight Festival Fun
Chapter 11: Assigned knight
Chapter 12: Debut
Illustration 2
Chapter 13: Entering the Academy
Chapter 14: New changes New feelings
Chapter 15: What is this?
Chapter 16: School Formal
Chapter 17: Perspective
Chapter 18: Exams
Chapter 19: The Second Year might be worse
Chapter 20: Who kisses who
Chapter 21: The Enemy
Chapter 22: CP coming of age
Chapter 24: Goodbye
Chapter 25: War starts
Chapter 26: Captured
Serious talk
Chapter 27: Transform
Chapter 28: New year New start
Chapter 29: Complicated feelings
Chapter 30: The future starts
Chaoter 31: The Cristalic Kingdom
Chapter 32: Torn inbetween
Chapter 33: Physical connections
Chapter 34: Witch awakens
Chapter 35: They remember everything
Chapter 36: My life here
Chapter 37: I don't want to see them
Chapter 38: That feeling
Chapter 39: Stay away from my mask
Chapter 40: Get the hell away from me
Chapter 41: Hello again
Chapter 42: Revealed in a fight
Chapter 43: Surprise
Chapter 44: Dead Sea
Check it out
Chapter 45: Hostage
chapter 46
Chapter 47: I'm fine
Chapter 48: Family
Chapter 49:
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 23: Training for war

9.1K 300 192
By Novelgeek101

Josephines POV

"To all students of this academy, it has been confirmed that will be going to ear against the Demon Kingdom, the following students will be participating;

Luke Kalikas

Alex Le Franzaie

Lance Deper (Author: I don't remember if I put a last name for him or not.)

Josephine de Franzaie

Selina Hawkman







It seems that Edgar won't be participating because he has to be along with the king in managing everything.

But I'm getting nervous, this was never in the actually story, I mean what changed? Why? How? In the last life, right now I should be bullying Selina....


Maybe it's because I'm not being the villain so the world is using someone else as one?

Argh.....I hate life.

Obviously we all know why the boys and I are going, Amy is pretty good too, but why Selina? First off, she can't fight, even though she can heal, if she dies it's no use.

But, she's the heroine, I guess everything just works for her.

For the next 6 months We've all been training like crazy.

Am I stronger? Yes, probably

Am I dead? Defiantly

Am I tired? 100%

I've better honed my magic and weaponry skills. I've changed from Daggers to Sphere. Why? because it's alot more handy and I can do Alot more damage

It's my ice wrapped around with my shadow. Saves mana, deals more damaging, and it looks cooler.

Luke... Well, let's just say I never want to go up against him again. His Fire and Crystal magic created a death weapon of a sword. Similar to my sphere, his sword is made from his crystal and wrapped around with his fire. But with one strike from his sword, a medium classed fighter could take alot of damage, and a demon would probably just turn to ash from a close distance.

I'm exaggerating but still. His teleportation with his fighting have come together really well, so right now no one can fight them.


Part from skills our relationship has... done down the hills. He and I fight alot, like more than before, sometimes about the littlest things, sometimes about complaints, and sometimes about his and my relationships.

OH, and FYI, he and Selina are still dating. It's annoying.

I've caught them kissing a few times, or sometimes making out. it really makes me mad!

Also, whenever I accidentally walk in on them kissing, I'm sometimes always in the direction of his eyes. Selinas back is to me while his face is to me, and when ever I see them, he would open his eyes and glare/stare at me.

What ever.

Right now I'm in class with Amy when the teacher calls on me.

"Lady Josephine, please go down with Lady Amy to the supplies room to get 4 textbooks."

Well this is a pain.

Amy and I walk down the halls and down stairs to where the supplies room is located.

"Are you ok Jose?"

"Hm? Yeah...Why?"

"Well ever since Selina and Luke started dating, you...."


"Let's just say your temper got bit out of control and your colder.

I frowned at her words.

Have I? has Luke been a great impact on me?

"Whatever" I mumbled under my breath

We finally got to the supplies room after 5mins of walking in silence after Amy told me about my change

Amy slid the room open and gasped.

I frowned to question why she was surprised about, she looked at me with a nervous look as I walked over to see what she was looking at.


It was Luke and Selina making out.

Like was sitting on the table with Selina sitting on his lap.

Luke had his blazer off and his tie was loose. Selina had 2 of her buttons on her shirt unbuttoned, exposing abit of her bra.

The two of them looked at us both shocked.
Selina smiled shyly and put her head into Lukes shoulder as Luke just looked at us and frowned.

I didn't show any of my anger for this picture. I frowned and lifted one brow as in saying 'really?'

I looked at amy as she still had that worried expression on.

I turned to Amy

"This is why you were shocked and didn't go in?" I asked

She looked shocked for a moment

"Well... they're..."

"Who cares what they're doing. We're all friend here so there's no need to be shy."

I walked in and went passed them calmly to and got the supplies we needed.

I got them one by one as all three of Amy, Selina and Luke were just looking at me.

The last item was behind Luke.

I went close to the 2 'lovers' nut my knee on the table and pushed myself up.

I leaned towards Luke's shoulder as I went to get one of the textbooks instructed us to get.

I looked around the shelf behind Luke, I looked around for anything else I need until I see something purple and round on Luke's neck.

Looks like Selina isn't as shy as everyone thinks.

"You mind not leaning on me?" Luke asks with obvious anger in his voice

"You mind not making out in the 'supplies room?' Not exactly the best place to do it."

I smiled as I got down.

I walked out with everything I need, giving half to Amy and walking off.

"Jose... are you ok?" She asked worried

I looked at her and smiled

"Of course, why wouldn't I."

"Because Luke and S-.... never mind."

She stopped talking and we went back to class.

After class, as I was walking to the library alone, Selina come sup to me all pink and perky.

"Hi Josephine!"

"Lady Selina, I haven't given you permission to drop any honorifics."

"But we're all friend!!" She said all excited

"Sorry but we arnt"

"B-B-But in the supplies room you said-"

"I meant Luke and Amy, you and I are nothing more than class mates."

"H-H-How can you be so cruel as to say something like that?"

"It's not cruel. You and I are strangers, we don't know each other, you and I can't be counted as friends."

"W-W-We can! Everyone are friends here."

This girl is delusional

"Ok. What's my favourite colour?"


"What. Is. My. Favourite. Colour."

"I-I-I don't know"

"What's my favourite food?"


"You don't anything about me, I don't know anything about you. Lady Selina, we aren't friends. And it's not a bad thing."

after finishing my statement I turned and walked away.

The library was a place I usually went to, a nice warm quiet place, well... that's what I though before what's going to happen now.

I'm sitting at one of the tables finishing off one of my assessments until a person comes up to me with a frown.

"Can I help you?" I looked at the blonde.

"You made Selina cry, what did you do?"

"Luke, I didn't do anything."

"you made her cry."

"She cries about everything."

"What did you say."

"What did she say I say?"

"That's not important."

"Of course it is, I need to see what she could say that made you so agitated."

"You said to her that you and her aren't friends and that she's lonely."

"Ok... did say we aren't friends, but I never said she was lonely." I said while leaning back on my chair and crossing my arms.

I mean the audacity of that girl, does she know who I am? does she know I can kill her and no one would care? does she know I can throw her whole family into the mud?

She's playing with fire that girl.

"Well she said you did."

"And you believe her?"

"Yes, I do."

"You and I have been friends for 3 to 4 years, you should know that I don't target the weak, I don't care about them nor do I give a fuck. I don't have the energy when I already have a lot on my plate. and you think she's special? Here's the thing, you believe in someone you've been dating for what, 3 weeks? and you don't believe in a friend that you've know for 3 YEARS. You know what that makes you? An Asshole."

"Wow, Jose, you consider her as nothing? Weak people as nothing?"

"Are you seriously picking words that I say?"

"Josephine, you are way out of Lin-"

"And you're on the line? Oh please! What happened to bros before hoes? I mean seriously. You know what. you and I are done. Over! don't talk to me, you and I are no longer friends. GOODBYE SIR!"

I walked past him and literally stomped out.

Seriously! Why do I always like the people who treat me badly because of Selina? And fuck! I'm not even bullying her!?


is what I hear last when I exit the place.


I'm hitting the dummy while releasing the dummy


The dummy falls after just a few hits.

That's probably the 30th one in the last 25mins.

"Ok Jose, you have to calm down." Amy says while putting her hand on my arm.

"I'm very calm right now." I say with no expression.

"Yeah...you've killed 15 dummies, and you're not calm?"

"They're dead anyways."

I kept slicing and sclicing, but suddenly a weapon comes flying towards me with ecelerating speed, it was slight but I managed to dodge it. 

I'm fine and alive, but I can't say the same about my arm. There is now an opened flesh wound that is a line that covers the length of my forearm.

I looked in the direction of the person who threw that. it was Selina with Luke behind her. I'm guessing she was throwing it but with Lukes strength.

I don't know who was the one out of the two that was aiming for me. I don't care. they're both blacklisted for me anyway...


I still like him... OH shit! this is killing me!

"Jose! Are you ok?"

"Huh? oh, yeah I'm fine."

"You're not fine. Geez, that's going to live a scar."


I left the training area due to my exhaustion and the wound on my arm, I didn't;t even bother looking at Lukes expression, maybe he was worried? Maybe he didn't care?

I don't know. I hate not knowing.

I laied in bed when the day ended looking at my wounded arm, the infirmary said that the wound was deep, and that the small healing pills could only do this much but leave a scar.

Well isn't my life fantastic. 

I like Luke who is dating Selina, he hates me cause of her now, Edgar in this life has feelings for me, the story isn't going according to the book, we're going to war. on top of that I have this ugly scar on my forearm.

Great. Just great.

Looking at my arm, I think about what I can do. Can I cover it up?


OH! got it!


I put a hooded coat over my sleepwear and shadow jump into the city.

I walk around until I find the shop I wanted to find. I push the door open and see a man with tattoos on his arm.

"Little girl, go home, not a place for kids."

I put a bad of gold coins on the table causing the man to widen his eyes.

"This should do it. I want a tattoo that can cover up this hideous scar."

Lukes pov:

I have no idea what is wrong with me. I know that Selina was probably exaggerating what Josephine said. 

Josephine isn't someone that would randomly say something like 'You're lonely'.

But even so, I went to her and confronted her about doing it, making her believe that I believe Selina more than her.

Geez, I guess I wanted her to feel abit of pain like mine when I saw her and Edgar kissing in the corner...

Fuck. When did I become a loser to feeling of love?

That isn't even the worst part, during the training session, I was helping out Selina with dagger slicing techniques, but she accidentally threw it with the force I lent her and threw it towards Josephine.

Josephine then got hurt.

I should've helped her but...I just froze. I mean I didn't know what to do.

***(Next day)***

I'm waiting in the training area with the other students for the everyone to get here.

I'm mainly waiting fro Josephine so I can apologise. 

The moment she came into the training grounds is the moment everyone widened there eyes.

She wore:

Which isn't why people are staring but because of the tattoo on her right arm that is supposed to be where the scar from yesterday is.

it's a tattoo of a dagger and a snake around it.

Basically saying even if you have a weapon I can still wrap you around my figure and crush you.

She looked to me and glared, naturally out of instincts I glared back.

argh! bad habit.

But looking at the scar I gave her covered with a tattoo... kind of makes me abit mad. Like she's covering me up and not looking at me.


I'm just thinking too much.

End of chapter 23

Authors note: it's fine...bit boring but we're getting to good parts.

28th Sunday February 2021


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