Collision (Mature) *Completed*

By Thewastelands

68.8K 4.8K 1K

Vivian Dash and Micheal Phoenix. The two had always been rivals in everything they did. Growing up together... More

The End


1.8K 146 44
By Thewastelands

"I wasn't going to call you a bitch," Micheal growled as he used his phone to check his reddening face, "although it seems applicable now."

"Sure." She rolled her eyes before returning to her position on the couch. Micheal had another thing coming if he thought he'd get away with the insult.

"I'm serious, Vivian. I've never called you that and it won't change. If you'd have listened to what I was saying, you'd know I was going to say you're a bit dense to believe you'll die happy at this rate."

"Oh, please. I know what I heard, Micheal." She rationalized despite the nagging feeling in her stomach. It was true. Micheal had never called her a bitch, even when they were younger.

"You didn't hear shit, Vivian, because your ego's so big you'd rather put your hands on me than bear to hear the truth." He spat as he pulled the book from her hands once more.

"Give it back!" She shot up to begin reaching for the book. Micheal stepped away from her hands and she averted her eyes from the redness that made its way towards his chin.

"Why can't you just be vulnerable with me? I've proven to you more than anyone else that I'll always be here. We've been through more than Brandon could even fathom yet I feel like he knows you better than I do." Desperation sat within his words.

"Is that what this is?" She chuckled, watching as he took on a look of confusion. "You're jealous."

"Yeah, I am and I've got the balls to say it. At least that makes one of us, huh?" He threw the book at her feet before making his way towards the door.

Vivian picked up the book, her body hustling to catch up as he threw the front door open, before she flung the novel at the back of his head. It smacked him dead on and he jerked his head forwards from the blow.

"Fuck you, Micheal Phoenix!" She found herself screaming, an overwhelming urge to cry filling her. "I hope you rot in hell!"

"Yeah? I'll see you there, sweetheart." He kicked the book back towards her before jumping into his car and racing down the street.

The piercing stares of her neighbors filled her with shame as she made her way down the stairs to grab the crumpled book from the cement landing. Dirt littered the pages, smudging the words until they seemed unreadable, and the corners of certain pages had been torn.

Once back inside her apartment, she threw the book into the trash and pulled a bottle of liquor from her cabinet. The harsh liquid went down smoothly as she attempted to drown her sorrows.

An hour later, Vivian giggled as she attempted to make her way towards her bedroom. The floor beneath her tilted as she slid along the wall, her feet clattering loudly against the floor. Just as she made it to her doorway, the doorbell rang along with a series of heavy knocks.

"Who goes there?" She hiccuped with a lazy smile as she slumped against the doorframe. The spinning of the area made her close her eyes.

"It's me!" Called a voice from her front door. "Open the door. I can tell you're drunk."

"Mmm, I...drunk." She giggled once more before groaning against the spinning in her vision. Before she could comprehend what was happening, her body moved from the doorway and she immediately began falling face first. Her head struck the doorknob on the way down before she landed against the cold flooring.

"Vivian!" The loud knocking and rattling of her front door woke her.

She cried out at the pounding headache that felt like someone had stomped against her skull. A pool of blood sat where her head had once been and she shakily dabbed at the blood streaming down her face.

Another groan fell from her lips as the drunken spinning made her headache feel ten times worse. Bending down once more, she sighed at the feeling of the cold floor against her hot forehead.

"Vivian! Open the door or I'm breaking it down!" The voice, which she now recognized as Micheal, spoke again.

Instead of responding, she reached into her sweatpants pocket and called him. Immediately he answered the call and she pulled the device away from her as he loudly scolded her.

"I've got a headache. Go home." Hanging up the phone, she allowed her body to relax against the floor. The fall had sobered her up enough but she knew she'd have a killer hangover.

A loud cracking followed by the sound of wood splitting made her shoot up from the floor. Her body tumbled right back to the floor as her headache amplified and she cradled her head against the splitting pain.

"Vivian!" His voice seemed like a yell directly into her ear despite being near her living room. She cried out against the unbearable pain, her hands pressing harshly against her ears to muffle the loud noises.

"Vivian? Drinking isn't going to solv-" his voice stopped just short of her doorway. "Holy shit."

"Please, please stop." She cried out over the ringing in her head. The pain felt blinding and tears streamed down her face.

"We have to get you checked out." Although he spoke softly, Vivian's head rang. As he attempted to lift her body, the spinning returned and she cried out as a sharp ache shot from her forehead to the base of her neck.

"Fuck, there's blood everywhere, Vivian. How the hell did you manage this?" Once she was finally in his arms, she allowed her head to lull back and wished for sleep to take the pain away.

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