
By MJH024

101K 2.7K 164

The Howard's and the Chapman's are the two richest and most influential families in the world. After gangs a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Parents POV (before the engagement)
Parents POV (at the end)

Chapter 10

3.3K 95 3
By MJH024

The entire ride to the house was dead silent.  The radio wasn't even playing.  Peyton didn't have the courage to look at Lainey so she kept her gaze straight ahead, and Lainey kept hers on the road the entire time with a death grip on her steering wheel.

Once they got home Lainey got out and stormed inside, not waiting for Peyton, and slamming the door open. Peyton got out slowly and walked as slow as she could trying to avoid the rant she was about to endure, but she knew she was going to have to take it without any complaints because the whole thing was her fault.

Peyton took one step inside the house and expected to be ambushed, but to her surprise Lainey was no where to be found. Peyton creeped through the house looking for Lainey, but trying to be as careful as possible not to do anything to anger her further. She was in the kitchen when she heard Lainey coming down the stairs so she went to the living room to meet her at the bottom.

"La-Lainey" Peyton stuttered as Lainey made her way down the stairs.

Lainey ignored her and continued on past Peyton towards the front door.

"Lainey please talk to me" Peyton choked out through her tears that were threatening to escape.

Lainey turned around realizing Peyton was about to cry. She opened her mouth to respond but decided against it and turned back towards the door.

"Wait Lainey please!" Peyton begged "Please give me a chance to fix this. Please I know it's my fault. Just please hear me out before you go. Please, please, please, don't leave."

Lainey turned back around to face Peyton but didn't say anything. She stood at the door with her arms crossed and waited for the girl to say whatever she needed to so that she could leave.

Peyton took advantage of the situation and started apologizing. "Lainey I am so, so, so, sorry. Please you have to believe me." She said taking a step closer to where Lainey was.

Lainey didn't move a muscle or change her expression at all so Peyton continued. "I didn't mean any of those things I said about you, and I damn sure didn't mean for you to hear me say them. I only said them because I knew there was no other way to shut Amber up without her asking a million questions and trying to poke holes in our story. No one was supposed to know that we were engaged yet, and I didn't know what else to say. I'm so sorry please believe me."

Lainey still stayed completely the same as she was before not giving any indication that she was listening or caring one bit about Peyton's apology. Peyton continued with her apology taking a couple more steps towards Lainey. "I'm not even asking for you to forgive me because I know I don't deserve it, but please believe me when I tell you that I didn't mean any of it. If anything it's the complete opposite of how it really is. You are so kind, caring, and trusting, and I took advantage of that and I am so sorry about that."

Lainey still hadn't moved and Peyton had now taken enough steps to be only a couple of inches from her. Neither of them said anything for a while. Peyton had nothing else to say for herself so all there was to do now was wait for Lainey to blow up.

"Done?" Lainey questioned breaking the awkward silence.

"I am so sorry Lainey. Please let me make it up to you."

Lainey just raised her eyebrow at Peyton as if to ask if she was done again.

"Ok I-I'm done."

Lainey turned around to leave without saying another word.

"Lainey! Please don't leave!" Peyton yelled out as Lainey was walking down the drive.

Lainey rolled her eyes and turned around so Peyton took the chance to continue, "Get mad, yell at me, tell me how awful I am and how I don't deserve your forgiveness, but please please please don't just leave without saying anything. I need you to say something." She said with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Peyton," Lainey sighed out deeply. "I'm not even mad at you anymore. I'm disappointed in myself for trusting you, and believing you had changed. If I stay here any longer I am going to do or say something I will regret, and as much as I hate how you made me feel yesterday the last thing I want to do is hurt you because that won't make anyone feel better." Lainey finished and turned around to leave again.

Peyton watched as Lainey got in her car and left. There was nothing she could do to stop Lainey from leaving. She didn't even know when Lainey would be back or where she was going.

After Lainey was gone Peyton made her way back inside.

"Hey honey, I watched your interview with Lainey this morning you guys really sold it."

"Thanks, Chef- I mean Rue." Peyton sighed taking a seat at the bar and putting her head in her hands.

"Would you like something to drink dear?"


"At 3:40 in the afternoon?"

Peyton let out an annoyed sigh knowing Rue was right, that she shouldn't start drinking this early. Especially if she planned on talking to Lainey when she got home. "Fine, just a water then please."

"With everything that just happened I'm just going to go ahead and assume that Lainey will not be joining you for dinner again tonight?"

"Probably not. She didn't really tell me where she was going or when she'd be back so I don't know." Peyton said lifting her head to see that Rue had just set a water in front of her.

"I know it's hard honey, but she'll come around trust me."

"How do you know that though?" Peyton choked out. "Her friends said they've never seen her like this before."

"Because, I've known her longer than even they have, and to be honest I've never seen her like this either, but trust me if she wasn't going to forgive you she would have already cut you off, that much I do know. Once she decides she's done with people that's it she doesn't give them a chance to explain, or need time to mull it over. She's just done, period, end of story, but with you she asked for time. She just needs space right now, so just give her that and trust me when I tell you that she will come to you when she's ready and she will talk it out with you because I can see it in her eyes that she cares about you, and that is why it hurt her so much when she heard you say those things."

"Do you think I should go and apologize to her little sister? I mean she was there too, and I could tell when they left that Megan was sad too."

"No, I don't think you should go over there at all if she's mad at you because as much as I love that little girl I will be the first to tell you that she might actually scratch your eyeballs out and laugh while doing it. Megan, terrifies me." Rue joked making Peyton laugh a little. "No, but in all seriousness I'm assuming that her parents don't know considering no one has been over here to 'fix it' and you going there without Lainey would tip them off that something was wrong. I think the best thing you can do now is wait for Lainey to come around. Then after you've made up with her you can try fixing things with Megan too, but you're definitely going to need Lainey by your side for that one. She's the only one that even has a chance at calming Megan down when she gets upset."

After talking with Rue Peyton decided to go upstairs to her room. She fell asleep on accident while scrolling through her phone. At dinner time Rue brought up her food and left it on her night stand, but didn't wake the girl knowing she hadn't slept well the night before.

Lainey came home around midnight and found the house dead. The chef and maids had already gone home, and Peyton was nowhere to be found. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water from the fridge before making her way upstairs.

With how quite the house was she expected Peyton to be asleep, but she could see the light was on from the crack under her door.

Lainey knocked on her door, but got no response. She knocked again and still got no response but decided to go in anyway this time. She walked in and found Peyton asleep on her bed with her phone still in her hand. She walked over and took the phone and put it on the charger, covered Peyton with her blankets, and took the plate of untouched food downstairs. Shutting the light off and door behind her after she walked out.

Lainey was sitting in the moonlight at the table eating leftovers when she heard Peyton coming down the stairs.


"AAAHH!" Peyton jumped holding her chest.

Lainey chuckled a bit "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"You couldn't have turned on a light or something before you sat down?"

"I didn't want one. Why are you up? Sorry if I woke you, I was just trying to help you out and make you a bit more comfortable."

"Well, that explains why I had a blanket and my phone was charging. You didn't wake me I just needed a drink."

"Glad you didn't have to pee too" Lainey smirked.

"Yeah, or else we'd be cleaning up a mess because the maids have all gone home already."

"We? Uh, no. You would be cleaning up that mess." Lainey laughed.

"What? No way! You scared me so you'd be helping." Peyton laughed.

They both quit laughing and there was an awkward silence between them. "Sorry" Lainey said breaking it.

Peyton raised an eyebrow. "For what? I'm the one who messed things up not you."

"For not telling you where I was going or when I'd be back. Mack and Eli told me that you asked where I went." Lainey said.

"Yeah, but if I were in your shoes I probably wouldn't have told me either so I get why you didn't. I was just worried something had happened to you. And if it makes you feel better they didn't tell me where you went so I guess your little hiding place is still safe for now."

"Haha, yeah. I hope I don't need to use it to get away from you again though. I didn't like not being here with you."

"Are you ready to talk about it or do you still want to wait. Because I don't want to rush you." Peyton added the last part quickly.

"Yeah, but can we talk upstairs instead?"

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