To Fear or to Love? Freddy K...

By protivogaz_cryptid

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You encounter Freddy and become his messenger. He uses you as bait to grow stronger. You are terrified of him... More

Author's note
1. the news
2. first time in dream world
3. The article
4. Meeting him
5. meeting him part 2
6. Collage/spread the massage
7. parking lot with friends
8. His irritation
9. Making a post
10. Scars
11. waking up in the hospital
12. Dream some place nice
13. who's this?
14. trying to google
15. you tell him about the pills
16. meeting her
17. the pills
18. His story and taking him into the real world
19. The real world
20. Getting the computer
21. Getting into the dark web
22. Biography and a plan
23. The walkie talkie system
24. The appointment
25. Figuring it out
26. Hiding evidence & finding a place
27. Discussing the plan
28. Where am I?
29. Freddy's discovery
30. A little trick
31. Freddy's search.
32. Freddy's Interrogation
Hiatus and Proofreading
Chapter 34: Calling the phone number
Chapter 35: Seeing him again
Chaper 36: Back to the cabin

33. Painful Dreaming

784 26 17
By protivogaz_cryptid

You squirmed around in the corner until you finally got more comfortable. You were tired and hurt but it took a while before your brain felt safe enough to fall asleep. You close your eyes and let the slumber take you.

You open them and appear in the boiler room. What a relief. You look around hoping to see Freddy. You weren't even afraid of he was pissed off at you, you just wanted to see him and maybe even hug him. You could use that after the torture Nancy put through.

You paced around the catwalk for a while. Nothing. You look around and even call out Freddy's name.

"Freddy! Where are you?"

Nothing. Maybe he is awake? that could explain it. Rats. you could only guess how long you would have to wait till he goes to bed. You pace around for what seemed like an hour. Until he finally appears. He stood right in front of you and before he could do anything you ran up to him and almost toppled him down with a hug.

"Freddy, Oh my gosh, you're here!"

He was pretty shocked but hugged you back immediately. He then pulled you away and he firmly grasped your shoulders.

"Where are you?" He huffed. He looked mad but at least he wasn't fuming with anger.

You freeze. "Oh right, that Ahah." You awkwardly look down and fidget with your fingers.

Freddy lets go of you and sighs.

"Okay look, I'm not mad. I just want to get your ass out of where ever you are."

You laugh nervously "yeaaah about that... I don't even know where I am."

He takes a step back and eyes you. "What do you mean? How?"

You take a deep breath.

"Okay so basically I went to Kyle's house to do research and I found where the main warehouse is!
It's on the edge of Crow's creek."

Freddy's ears perked up.

You continued "So anyway, turns out Kyle is a traitor. He called up whoever was looking for me because I was on the news, wanted. They knocked me out and I woke up in this white room and was questioned by Nancy herself on where you are and all but I stood my ground. I didn't break. She then tried to force me to take hypnocil but I didn't swallow it! I simply hid it under my tongue and spat it out after I was taken back to my room."

Freddy nodded slowly. He then smiled. And started laughing. You chuckle along with him, not sure what exactly it is that he found humorous. He takes a deep breath and cracked his knuckles with his gloved hand.

"Well... I guess that's all I need. I know where the warehouse is located. All that's left is for me to go there and just shut it down. Sure it may be tough but I'll figure something out."

You were baffled. Is he... ditching you. "WAIT WHAT?"

You started to tear up a little. "But I thought you needed me?"

Freddy shrugs "I mean yeah, I needed someone to help me get into the real world. But That's done. And after all the people I killed I have enough power to go back. Really, the only reason I even wanted to figure out where you were was that I thought I needed you for the location." He pauses and murmurs to himself. "But then again I probably could've done it myself... Whatever!" He claps his hands. "The point is, you served your duty. You're not needed anymore."

Tears were rolling out. You couldn't believe nor properly process what was going on. How, what, when, where.

Freddy turned already and was walking away when you called out to him. "WAIT! Where are you going?"

He doesn't even look back. "I'm waking up bitch." And just like that, he disappeared.

You fell to your knees and cried. How could he? This whole thing felt so weird. And it hurt. A lot. You didn't know where to go. You wanted to run away. But where? Looks like you were stuck with Nancy now. And she isn't letting you out anytime soon.

Lots of ideas rushed through your head but you shook em off. You slumped down and curled up yourself hoping the pain of betrayal would somehow go away.

A/N: HI GUYS OKAY so sorry for not updating for a whole month. I was too swepted up in my personal art projects and school. Plus other stuff.
Now this part is a little important: recently I've been loosing motivation for this fanfic. I started writing this in 2017 in my phone notes as a joke and it kind evolved into what we have now. But I now I feel like I have to force myself to continue. But leaving it unfinished is to hard as well. So I'm proposing 2 ideas. Either I make 2 more last chapters and finish this fanfic this week.
I will make a few more chapters with a more romantic ending but then you'll have to wait a long time when I find motivation.
Plz comment which one you'd prefer.

Published: February 17 2021
Edited: May 20 2021

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