The Flash (Danmachi x OC)

By Sora_Flashing12

368K 6.4K 3.5K

Sora Yatagami was a former member of Zeus Familia. When the Zeus Familia was wiped out by the black dragon, S... More

Info & Chapter1: Arriving at Orario
Chapter 2 Monster Festival
Chapter 3 The Blade of the Gods
Chapter 4 The Murder
Chapter 5 The Red Tamer
Chapter 6 The Supporter
Chapter 7 The Book
Chapter 8 Reason
Chapter 9 Request
Chapter 10 The Corruption (Part 1)
Chapter 11 The Corruption (part 2)
Chapter 12 Training Start
Chapter 13 Wanting to be a Hero
Chapter 15 New Allies
Chapter 16 Pass Parade
Chapter 17 Under Resort
Chapter 18 Malice
Season 1 Finale Chapter 19 A Familia Myth
Chapter 20 (Orion) Holy Moon Festival
Chapter 21 (Orion) Journey
Chapter 22 (Orion) Under the Night Sky
Chapter 23 (Orion) Raid
Chapter 24 (Orion Finale) Arrows of Orion
Season 2 Chapter 25 Party
Season 2 Chapter 26 Surprise Attack
Season 2 Chapter 27 Surprise Rescue
Season 2 Chapter 28 War Game
Season 2 Chapter 29 The Hearthfire Mansion
Season 2 Chapter 30 Ishtar Familia
Season 2 Chapter 31 Renard
Season 2 Chapter 32 Slaystone
Season 2 Chapter 33 War Prostitute
Season 2 Chapter 34 True Heroes
Season 2 Chapter 35 Rakia
Season 2 Finale Chapter 36 Song of Love
Chapter 37 (Astrea Record) Prologue: Where it Begins
Chapter 38 (Astrea Record) Unforgettable Search for Justice
Chapter 39 (Astrea Record) Justice Question and Answer
Chapter 40 (Astrea Record) Stray Justice
Chapter 41 (Astrea Record) Song of Justice
Chapter 42 (Astrea Record) All You need is JUSTICE
Chapter 43 (Astrea Record) Night before the War
Chapter 44 (Astrea Record) Silent Battle
Chapter 45 (Astrea Record) Origin Myth and The Boy's Wish
Chapter 46 (Astrea Record) The Light of Hope
Chapter 47 (Astrea Record Finale) It's an Unending Journey of Justice
Season 3 Chapter 48 Dragon's Daughter
Season 3 Chapter 49 One Wing
Season 3 Chapter 50 Xenos
Season 3 Chapter 51 Distant Dream
Season 3 Chapter 52 Calm before the Storm
Season 3 Chapter 53 Knossos
Season 3 Chapter 54 Dreams of Beast
Season 3 Chapter 55 The Fool
Season 3 Chapter 56 Downfall
Season 3 Chapter 57 Forced BreakThrough
Season 3 Chapter 58 Ultra Soul
Season 3 Chapter 59 A Decisive Battle
Season 3 Finale Chapter 60 The Return of the Hero
The Flash Sora BIO
Season 4 Chapter 61 First Expedition
Season 4 Chapter 62 The Great Falls
Season 4 Chapter 63 Baptism at The Water's Edge
Season 4 Chapter 64 The Girl of Water City
Season 4 Chapter 65 Raikou Vesta
Season 4 Chapter 66 Gale Wind's News
Season 4 Chapter 67 The Prophetess of Tradgedy
Season 4 Chapter 68 The True Intentions of Gale Wind
Season 4 Chapter 69 Countdown
Season 4 Chapter 70 Calamity Arrives
Season 4 Chapter 71 And so They Spin their Cruel Fate
Season 4 Chapter 72 A Song of Despair
Season 4 Chapter 73 The Priestess Awakening
Season 4 Chapter 74 Poem of Triumph
Season 4 Chapter 75 Ignis Vulcanus
Season 4 Chapter 76 The More, the Merrier
Season 4 Chapter 77 Hello Deep Levels
Season 4 Chapter 78, Interlude 1 Let's Talk about Justice
Season 4 Chapter 79 The White Magic Palace
Season 4 Chapter 80, Interlude 2 Our own Idealistic Justice
Season 4 Chapter 81 Do or Die Time
Season 4 Chapter 82, Interlude 3 Ideal and Reality of Justice
Season 4 Chapter 83 The Colosseum
Season 4 Chapter 84, Interlude 4 Astrea Familia
Season 4 Chapter 85 You will Always have Justice
Season 4 Chapter 86, Interlude 5 A Spirit Calling
Season 4 Chapter 87 A Sweet Lie
Season 4 Chapter 88 Starry Flower
Season 4 Finale Chapter 89 You'll be Back
Sword Oratoria(Spirit War) Trailer
The Flash Backstory

Chapter 14 Alias

5.8K 117 47
By Sora_Flashing12

No one's POV

Currently, Bell and Sora were at the guild and Bell had a smug on his face and Eina noticed it.

Eina: Bell? Has something good happened to you?

Bell looked surprised.

Bell: You could tell?

Eina: I think anyone could, just from your expression.

Sora: You have a really bad poker face. But I can't blame you, I'm excited as well.

Eina: So, what happened?

Bell and Sora then told Eina and she was completely and utterly shocked.

Eina: Le-Level 2 in one and a half month?! And Level 7 in 2 years?! And on top of that, Bell defeated a Minotaur and Sora defeated Ottar?!

Her sudden outburst completely shocked the adventures that were at the guild and they all looked at Sora and Bell completely shocked.

Eina: Ah, So-Sorry! I shouldn't have shouted in a place like this...

Sora: It's fine don't worry...

Bell: Besides, levels will become public knowledge sooner or later after all.

Eina then sighed and scolded Bell and Sora for being reckless and told them not to over do it and after she was done she smiled at them.

Eina: Bell, Sora, Congratulation on ranking up!

Bell: Thank you!


Bell and Sora had return to the church after informing about their rank up and they were greeted by Hestia.

Bell: We're back, Goddess!

Hestia: Welcome back you two. Well then let's get right into it, your rank up!

Sora and Bell: Right!

Bell then went first and laid on the bed and Hestia ask them some question.

Hestia: So Bell. Have you decided on your Development ability? You too Sora?

Bell: I choose the ability "Luck".

Sora: I choose the ability "Abnormal Resistance"

Hestia then started giving their status update.

STR: S982->IO
DEX: SS1000->IO
AGL: SS1100->IO
MAG: B751->IO


ARGONAUT: Ability to charge up active actions. ( Argonaut's kanji can also be read as heroic aspiration)


STR: SSS2150->IO
DEX: SS1700-> IO
AGL: SSS3200-> IO
MAG: SS1200-> IO

AERO MANA: Aero mana increases attack power the faster the users become.

ABNORMAL RESISTANCE: It negates the effect of abnormalities such as poison or paralysis.

After Sora was done with his status updates, he check on Bell status and he noticed his new skill and he smirked.

Sora: Heroic aspiration... eh. Nice...

Hestia: Even though you already reached this age of most kids abandoning that dream, but here you are~ you're adorable, you know?

Bell screamed out of embarrassment and hid under the bed and Sora pulled him out.

Sora: Hey come on now. I understand how you feel. Even I who is older than you want to be a hero as well! So if I can do it! You can too!

Hestia: Sora's right, and if it hurts you i'm sorry.

Bell then got up and looked at his skill one more time.

Bell: Aside from the name, I'm still confused about the skill? Do you know the effect of it?

Sora: I think that it was a charge of power once the users think and act like a hero. But that's just my intuition.

Hestia then stood up and wear her coat saying that she had to leave and Bell looked confused.

Bell: Where are you going? Is it work?

Sora: Oh yeah, if I remember right? Today is the day that the God's meeting. Where they decided on the title of those who rank up. Am I right?

Hestia: That's right! Since both of you rank up, I get to be seated in front row. Because being the second Familia to have a Level 7 is a big dea, you know? Today Bell's second name will probable be decided...and Sora might get a new Alias be fitting a level 7.

Bell: Really? Then I'll get something cool like Sora, Miss Aiz and Miss Asuna?

Hestia: You seem really excited for this...?

Sora: Who wouldn't be?

Bell: Yeah, being called by a title is like being recognized as an adventurer! Especially if Gods talk about them right? Someone who seem strong just by having a name like "Fallen Angel", right?

Hestia: -_- Ah. So that's why, huh? Well then I'll be on my way, but even if I have to drink mud I will win a possible nickname for you both!


Hestia was currently, and the God's meeting and everyone was discussing about any information. It's a meeting of the Gods held once every three months. Although it's only a title, the guild has recognized it as an advisory body compromised of the Gods. As they were talking among each other Loki started the meeting.

Loki: Are you all here? Let's begin! This will be our something thousandth Denatus. I Loki, will be chairing this meeting!

Gods: Yeah!

Hestia: Why is Loki chair?

Hephaestus: I heard she volunteered. Most of her Familia members are out on an expedition so she's pretty bored.

Loki: Alright, first let's exchange information!

All of the Gods started exchanged information and Hestia just sweats drop until Loki spoke up.

Loki: Alright, quit down! To summarize, what we need to be concerned about right now id Rakia. I'll inform the Guild about this. Your Familias might be called to fight so be prepared.

Loki started explaining about Evilus and the new species of monsters hoping that one of the Gods that was working along side Evilus will respond, but they managed to keep their poker face on.

Loki(mind): I guess this isn't enough to get them to show themselves...

After that the naming Ceremony had come.

Loki: Okay then! The long awaited ceremony has begun.

All of the document about the child that rank up was announced and all of the Gods were giving them weird Title such as "Burning fighting fighter" or "Violante" and all of the Gods started due to how lame it was. In particular, members of weaker Familia are commonly toyed around with by the Gods of veteran Familia. And currently they were naming one of the member of the Takemikazuchi Familia.

Loki: Oh she looks cute, so since she was born in the far east, her name is pronounced backwards. So this is Yamato Mikoto.

Some of the Gods started giving her name such as "Jeanne the Yamato" or "Saint Tail" and Takemikazuchi started begging them to stop.

Takemikazuchi: Mikoto is someone I personally raised all the way to this point you know?

Than after a few minutes she was given the Title Zetsu Ei and leaving an irritated Takemikazuchi. The next Familia was the Loki Familia and it was Aiz.

Loki: The next adventurer is my favorite!

Some of the Gods were surprised about how she managed to defeat a deep floor boss by herself.

God 1: Her Alias should be "Our Wife"

The boy Gods started agreeing, but Loki threatened them about killing them. Since no one could come up with anything her name was unchanged.

Hestia: Damn Loki and her high influence!

Loki: Let see the last two is being Bell Cranel and Sora Yatagami.

Hephaestus: They really rank up, eh. This children of yours.

Loki(mind): They rank up, a month and a half and 2 years? What's up with that? Eight years ago an 8 year old girl managed to rank up to level 2 at an abnormal rate. It took her a 1 year. And for Ottar to rank up to level 7 was 8 years. They managed to broke their record in just a month and a half and 2 years...? I guess I should investigate this.

Loki then slammed the table and looked at Hestia.

Loki: Before we get to the naming, I want you to tell me something, brat! Eight years ago my Aiz took a whole year before she can reach level 2 and from Freya Familia, Ottar took 8 years before he turned to level 7. Even my Aiz took 3 years to reach level 6. For Sora-chi to do that in 2 years is just impossible. I respect the kid, but really? And that goes for the other one too, a month and a half, there's just no way?! This isn't how our Falna works. Hurry up and answer!

Loki(mind): The creature Revis, Vandetta, and the strengthened species... it wouldn't be impossible to accomplish this if the brat was connected with them... But I doubt it, since Sora was able to help Finn and the others during the crisis. And there's no way this slow goddess could be connected with Evilus. It's probably a skill that assist with Growth. They probably have it.

Loki: Hurry up and spill it! It shouldn't be a hard if your not hiding anything?

Hestia was left speechless. If she was to reveal their Growth Skill, all of the Gods will use them as toys or worst. Before she could reply with an excuse Freya spoke up.

Freya: Why do you care? I mean for this child to beat a Minotaur even with the difference in level is enough for him to rank up. And for the other boy to beat mu Ottar is also impressive to the point it is an achievement all on its own. It's a taboo to interfere with Familia internal business, especially concerning the statuses of its members.

Loki: It's a month and a half and 2 years! Do you understand what that means, you perverted Goddess?

Freya started mocking Loki on how jealous she was that her favorite child record was broken and Loki had an annoyed looked, but she realized something.

Loki(mind): It can be... This woman... Her next prey is this two child.

Freya looked at Hestia with a smile on her face and stood up.

Freya: It's a shameI have to leave, but please at least give a proper name. The white haired boy should have at least a cute nickname and the other boy should be something flashing.

The Gods started agreeing with Freya before she left and they were currently giving a nickname for Sora.

God 1: I heard that the black haired boy used to be called the Flashing Strike?

God 2: Let's change a little?

God 3: I heard that his speed is the best in all of Orario. So "Sonic Flash"?

God 2: No, it's gotta have more spark on it! I heard that he was good at combat and swords so how about "Flashing Ace"

God 1: Nah, to much of a fairy tale. I heard he beat Ottar with lighting. So how about...


After the meeting, the guild started announcing the adventurers about the new title. Everyone was excited about the results with Eina being the happiest among all of the guilds members.

Misha: Your late! Eina, how did your little bros do?

Eina: Bell is "Little Rookie" and Sora is...

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