Just One Look

By karlij201

3.3K 128 55

When countless attacks are enacted within the city of Gotham, there is no answer. No one knows who this crimi... More

Just One Look
Boom Boom Pow
Cold Sweat
The Run
Chapter 10: Help
The Batman
Hold On
Damsel in Distress
"Back from the Dead."
Witch Doctor
Love and Stuff
Jokers Plan
And Here We Go
Total Paranoia
World of War
Intruder Alert
The Sum of It
Hal Jordan
Arkham Asylum

Horse and Pony Show

102 9 2
By karlij201

After one week and two days, I decided that my boring life at home was too much to take. So I returned to the red locker lined halls, with the imitation marble flooring and florescent lights that flickered on the ceiling. People stopped and stared, at my scared and still healing face. People ran up to me, ones who I barely talked to hugged me, telling me that they were open to talking about it. I know that, if I did, if I would open up to them about what happened behind closed doors. That the whole school would know my story and I would be the center of gossip. So, I smiled politely and made small talk about school.

That is, until science class. If Jared was still alive, or if he heard that I was back at school, you would think he would be the kind of guy to skip a week or so of science. But no, he was still there, present in my life. My body froze and I stood dumbfounded in the doorway. He hadn't seen me yet, I still had the opportunity to run and hide. I knew who he was working for, he was working for that psychopathic, serial killing monster. Or he was that psychopathic, serial killing monster. I hesitated, just a moment too long and his blaring blue eyes fell on me. He suddenly looked as if a bus was about to hit him. He got up and made his way towards me, just as I was walking briskly away from the classroom. He started to follow me and my heart started to pound.

"Catrina." He called, making gain on my pounding feet. I started to walk faster, and he kept gaining. "Catrina." He called, his tone more guilt-ridden.

"Get away from me." I demanded, walking faster still, closer to a jog. He wouldn't stop following me. I rounded a corner, we were alone in the science hallway. The bell had rung and everyone was in their classrooms.

"Catrina." He called again, reaching out with his hand. His fingers grazed my arm and I flipped out.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I screamed, I whipped around and threw my books at him to get him away. "You sold me out! You let him get to me! It was because of you, that I was captured, and that I was held captive for God knows how long!" I roared. He looked at me like a scolded puppy.

"I didn't know what he was going to do to you!" He shouted, his eyes flashed.

"And you didn't stop to think, that whatever deal you made with that freak would have some kind of negative impact on my life?"

"I didn't know!"

"Of course! I totally believe you! So you did it anyway! You, you, you betrayed every single moral in society!" I hollered, "You bargained someone for your own well being, and look where that got Karen! She's dead! She died! He got to her too, and now she's gone. There's no getting her back. How does that make you feel? Knowing that you'll never see Karen again?"


"Don't say anything, whatever you say now. After now, is just going to make you look like an even bigger pilgarlic, asshole, than you've already made yourself." I said, my hands were shaking so bad I had to tuck them under my armpits. I turned and sprinted down the hallway, I didn't hear any following footsteps. Teachers and students alike peered outside of their classrooms, Jared stood there his pride and dignity ripped to shreds. I heard, later on in the day that he had gathered my things and brought them to science class. I played hooky for the rest of the day. I went home and locked myself in my room, I was terrified that he would find me, and Joker would come to get me again. I couldn't let that happen again. Never again. I had assumed in that moment that they were too different people with two different motives and two different personalities.

The next day, my Mom forced me to go to school. No matter how much begging ensued, she drove me to the front doors and dropped me off. I walked blindly to my locker and opened it, a white notecard fluttered to the ground. I set my bag on the ground and picked up the card. On the front it read my name. Within, there was a letter.


This is for you, and only for you. I truly didn't know what the Joker was going to do to you. Karen is the one who got me involved in this mess. You would have to take the matter up with her, but knowing now that she's gone for good. That can't be possible. I didn't know about her passing, she said a few weeks ago that she had to go, because she had pissed off the Joker. I never saw her again. She was supposed to close a deal with him, but she said that she hadn't met the quota. So she had to run. I am not the one who sold you out, that was her. I'm sorry that you had to go through that, I really am. I'm sorry that I scared you, I just wanted to ask you how you were. I guess I know, kind of. I'll make sure to get a schedule change, I don't want to bother you anymore than I have to.



Lies, these were all lies! Did he really care? Or was this a way for him to try and lure me into the Jokers grasp again? Into his grasp again. My nostrils flared and I ripped up the letter. I didn't care, he sold me out, he almost got me killed. If the Joker had any intention to kill me.

"You read it?" Jared asked from behind. I whirled around to see him standing on the other side of the hallway.

"Yeah, I read it." I said coldly.

"Catrina, I really am sorry." He said, I inspected his eyes, they held no emotion. He and the Joker had to be one in the same, there was no way around it. The letter was trying to persuade me otherwise.

"I don't believe you." I snapped.

"You should, I really am sorry about this. I didn't know what they were going to do to you."

"Did you know who they really were?" I asked, he shook his head.

"It was all over the phone and through certain people."

"What certain people?"

"Whoever was working for him at the time. He changes people all the time. Most of them are out of Arkham."

"Who's not? You? Karen?" I asked.

"A few others." He nodded.

"Do me a favor," I said, he listened intently. "Stay away from me." I demanded, his eyes began to burn as I walked away. His shoulders were tense and his fists were clenched. I knew that he would challenge me in the future, and that he might be the person to deliver me to my doom if I ever gave him that opportunity. I had to keep a sharp mind, and my eyes peeled for any kind of predator. I gathered my books and went through the day, Jared didn't show up for science class.


You would think that a bunch of flowers at your door step would be a nice kind of surprise? Think again! When I got home at the end of the day, I was acquainted with a big bushel of flowers. From Castor buds, to Doll Eyes, Wolfsbane, and Water Hemlock the flowers were large and beautiful. There was no card, only the vase that held them. I took them inside, and put them on the counter. I sat and stared at them, trying to figure out who they could have come from, but the only answer in my mind was, Joker. Who else would send me a batch of killer flowers? Bruce? No, I don't think so.

I sat there for a while, pondering my answer. Could it be? Couldn't it be? It had to be Joker.

"Catrina?" Dean asked, walking in from the garage.

"Hey." I said, spinning on the bar stool.

"Who gave you those?" He asked, pointing at the plants.

"I have no idea." I leaned my head on my hand. He shrugged, and asked no further questions.

I let the plants wither and die, I threw them in the garbage and continued on with my life.

I can't let this psycho get in the way of what I want to do with my life, I can't let him shut me down. I want to live, not be afraid to go outside. I don't want to be afraid of the dark. I won't be, he can't make me afraid.


A few weeks after I came back, after I got on my feet again. The nightmares seemed to disappear, and Joker was pushed to the farthest reaches of my mind. My life became happy again, I was living. Fast, yes, but telling you about the process of my becoming a better human being would take way too long to tell you. I don't have that kind of time, and you would lose interest if I described every little footstep to you. Anyway, life was once again normal, I was happy. And thats the end of my story. That is until...

(A/N If you enjoyed this book, because it looks as if I'm at a midway point, please vote and comment! I'd like to see what you guys think of it so far, and what you think might happen. I challenge you to read the "sequel" Gotham, that I actually wrote before this one. I'm really excited to continue this book, don't worry, it's not over yet. Thank you for reading! I really appreciate it. Please, vote, comment, and share! I will publish probably tomorrow, but still...) Date: 2/6/15 Expected return 2/7/15 to 2/8/15

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