a prinxiety/logicality onesho...

By 3monightmar3

6.7K 202 243

alright first one shot book go! i really hope you like this! (I dont own the charecters or the covor!) DONT R... More

Remile exclusive!
hair of color
hair of color pt.2 logicality
WATER CYCLE and dancing in the rain
the ghost of two theater kids (prinxiety)
okay AN
did the tags show up XD an
Game night
okay... AN
Poor Patt suffers
poor patt suffers pt. 2
the aftermath...
a fight...(a bit angsty)
coming out in the best way
Touch starved...
karaoke pt. i forget
online buds
for my weeb...
merry christmas!
chapter pt. 2
age regression
chapter part 3 (i think XD)
heywo AN
Virgil: "seriously...with him???"
"shush and go back to bed"
"you are my new pillow"
Lo...thats dangerously relaxing
kiss it better? please?
with your hoodie...
uuhh trans!Patton
this shit aint real AN
...im sorry...
All of Me...
im out of ideas so MORNING BITCH
Valentines day!
Roman angst because im ✨dying✨
a chapter
ayo soooooo
SFW ask the sides!
angsty fluff. logicality and prinxiety
oh my god go the FUCK away!
sunshine and movies
period pt. 2
Fire Drill
quotes from my friends
dont leave me...please...
demus fluff because i said so >:)
my innocence is long gone bitches
Roman i dont want this for you...
oh shit-
prinxiety soulmate AU
prinxiety....barbie girl
yall or too kind to me AN
✨prompts✨ day 1 logicality
✨prompts✨ day 2 prinxiety
✨prompts✨ day 3 demus
youre face... (❤prinxiety💜)
hes not gone!!! (🖤logicality💙)
✨prompts✨ day 4 (❤remile🖤)
✨prompts✨ day 5 💚demus💛
>:)) 💙logicality 🖤
✨my prompts✨day 6 💙l🖤o💙g🖤i💙c🖤a💙l🖤i💙t🖤y💙
secret ❤❤💜💜
hickeys 💜❤
late Roman birthday chapter
hoodie 💜❤
pole dancing💜❤


119 3 1
By 3monightmar3



Roman huffed. Virgil and Logan were spending a lot of time together lately...Virgil never spent any time with Roman anymore it was all with Logan. Roman had been even more insecure if possible ever since Virgil and Logan started to hang out...he thought 'Logan has a better jawline, posture, personality, he's a little quieter, eats less, ears healthier, funnier, better looking, better listening, more alert, etc.' Now Patton was feeling the same way..and they planned on having a conversation about the situation

"Hello Ro!" Patton said not as happy as usual. Roman sighed "h-hi Pat.." He looked down tears welling in his eyes. Patton was already crying "R-Roman..?" Patton looked over to Roman. Roman just nodded in response "m-maybe we should d-fdo the same thing..?" Patton suggests. Roman perks up "Patton...Yes that's a great idea we start today. Just stay here and we can have some fun together!" Roman smiled getting his nail Polish out. He started to paint Patton's nails..Patton let out a stream of giggles "isn't this fun?!" Roman asks as he does Patton's makeup. Patton nods frantically doing Romans blush

Virgil's POV

I had just finished piano lessons with Logan and decided to go see Roman. I then realized I haven't seen him in DAYS. literally haven't talked to him in DAYS. so I went to apologize. When I walked in I saw Roman on Patton's lap sobbing his eyes out (the two had brought up the topic of Virgil and Logan resulting in Roman being sad boi) and my eyes widened. I shut the door hearing Roman say "i-i don't even know if I want to do this anymore!" Patton shushed him then whispered "you're right...they've already found somebody better..." Then the crying just got louder. I ran to my room and his under my bedsheets

3rd POV

Once Roman and Patton got situated they heard a knock on the door. They opened it to reveal Logan. Patton made an angry face at Logans presence. Logan walked over to Patton and hugged him but was pushed off "why..?" Patton whispered but Logan was just confused "why what my love?" Patton snapped "DONT YOU DARE CALL ME THAT!" he yelled and Logan went silent confused as ever "YOU CAN RUN OFF WITH VIRGIL AND PLAY THAT SHIT NOT WITH ME. I WONT TOLERATE YOURE CHEATING AND VIRGIL SHOULDNT EITHER!!!" Patton screamed getting up. Roman nor Logan had seen Patton this mad ever "I didn't...cheat on you..? What's going on?" Logan questioned "THE FUCK YOU DONT KNOW! YOUVE BEEN RUNNING OFF WITH VIRGIL AND DOING WHATEVER SHIT YOU WANT. IM ASEXUAL AND YOUR HORNY ASS CANT HANDLE IT. JUST LEAVE ME IF YOU CANT DEAL WITH ME!" Patton yelled again "I..what?" Logan asked "Patton...what's going on...?" Then Virgil entered "Patton. We aren't cheating!" He defended. This just broke Romans heart even more. His whole love life was falling apart "wh-why were y-you spending s-so much t-time w-with Lo-Logan and ig-ignoring me I'm s-sorry I'm a b-bad boyfr-friend" Roman stuttered then ran out of the mind palace full on panic attack. Virgil ran after him

Virgil's POV

Oh no oh no I've fucked up. Oh shit. I would NEVET cheat. NEVER. especially not with LOGAN. ew. I ran after Roman...Roman probably thought I didn't love him anymore...

Roman POV

I ran to the water fountain-MY water fountain-weeping. I put my head under the water. I couldn't do it...I couldn't do it...nonono I just lost my love and I didn't even have evidence I just...couldn't. I kept my head under the water nearly passing out when it was lifted out "hey...heyheyhey its Virgil Roman its Virgil. I'm here. I'm here"

3rd POV

As Virgil lifted Romans head out of the water he hugged him but was pushed away by Roman "i-i don't kn-know V-Virgil help I'm not br-breathing I'm d-dying HELP" Roman screamed hyperventilating nearly passing out. Virgil held Romans head and guided him through a breathing pattern until his breathing was calm "RoRo my lively sunrise I would NEVER cheat on you. Me and Logan were just practicing piano..I'm sorry for not spending as much time with you. I love you" Roman nodded "regress...regr-regress please I need it. Please Virgil I ca-cant deal with being big right now please take care of me..." (I know its sudden but like I don't know..I just okay let it be) Virgil smiled "of course my love.." Virgil took Romans head in his lap and blew raspberries on his stomach earning a small giggle from Roman "mowe!" Roman whispered and Virgil gave. Roman giggled more moving into Virgil's lap "I wan' passi!" Roman crossed his amrs "and miwk" Roman crossed his arms more. Virgil gave Roman his milk and passi smiling. Roman put his milk and passi in his mouth making happy babble noises "dadda I wan' huggies!" Roman made grabby hands "don't get used to being spoiled baby" Virgil hummed hugging Roman. Roman nodded "otay!" He hugged Virgil. Virgil carried Roman off of the fountain edge and to the little cottage Roman stayed in when he was a little. Inside were all of the necessities

Passis, crayons, diapers, sippy cups, milk, cookies, fidget toys, chewys, stuffies, chewlery, coloring books, preschool worksheets, lullaby albums, a radio, books, and more. It was also bursting with colors from all over the place. Everywhere you look...RAINBOWS! Virgil set up the little cottage and little Roman loved it!

Roman toddled over to his drawer "fuzzy socks!" Virgil smiled putting fuzzy socks on Roman. Roman ran over to the painting part and painted all over his hand. Virgil's face dropped to a frown "tsk tsk tsk no no baby nono. I'll just have to punish you" Virgil grabbed a pencil and a piece of paper while Roman whined "nooooo I don' wan' wite!" Roman pouted but wrote anyways "nuh uh nonono two more sentences and then we can watch Barney" Romans whole face lit up. He finished his ten sentences then looked up at Virgil. Virgil carried Roman to the kitchen part grabbing him more milk this time heating it up a bit then sitting him on the couch to watch Barney "dadda daddy wook!" Roman pointed to the TV where Barney was wearing a fedora. Virgil smiled rubbing Romans chest "Barney is pwettyyyy" he whispered looking up at Virgil. Virgil laughed slightly watching with Roman "you're so pwetty daddy" Roman whispered yawning "oh am I?" Virgil asked smirking "mhm..." Roman whispered drifting off to sleep. Virgil let out a sigh of relief. When Roman was little he was a handful and getting him to nap wasnt always that easy. Virgil figured he'd just play on his phone and wait for Roman to wake up. When he did he would probably still be little but that's okay...little Roman was cute.

Romans nightmare

"Oh why hello Roman" a voice whispered. Roman looked around mute "we've been waiting to...well uh...degrade you" the voice then grabbed a knife stabbing Romans chest and with every stab was a bad thing about Roman "moron, ugly, stupid, idiotic, clingy-" it kept going on and on until Roman looked over to his side seeing a dead Virgil. Roman let out a blood curdling scream

Da end

Virgil heard Romans scream then shook his awake "baby wake up...cmon it's just daddy it'll be okay" Roman awoke crying. Virgil shushed him "shshsh it's okay...its okay...daddy loves you always. Let it out" Roman then screamed "DADDA DIED! I DIED!" he continued to weep in Virgil's chest "hey...baby Prince its okay. I loveses you so much" Roman eventually calmed down "t-tan I-I pwease sc-scwol fwough tiktok wifs you?" Roman looked up at Virgil and Virgil nodded opening tiktok and looking on the Disney tag. Romans face started to shimmer with a little happiness as he saw Mickey "MICKEY!" he yelled happily clapping his hands "of course its Mickey. Do you know how much Mickey loves you?" Virgil asked and Roman tilted his head "Mickey woves me..?" Virgil nodded "of course! Everyone loves you baby!" Romans smile widened "eek!" His cheeks lit up as he looked intensely at Mickey

Let's just say Roman was happy and so was Patton and Logan

1424 words...that was...wow. That was therapeutic

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