Halstead Sister One Shots

By oneChicago2000

896K 10.4K 1.6K

This is a bunch of one shots following the life of Gracie Halstead. She lives with her brothers Jay and Will... More

Forbidden Party Part 1
Forbidden party part 2
Thunder Storm
First Period
Not An Update! Requests!
AN help!
Skipping School
A Bit About The Halsteads
The Friends Of Firemen Barbecue
Mothers Day
Pretending to be sick
Halstead Apartment
Gracies Seventh Birthday
The Car Incident
Gracie gets caught
A Regular Day In Lockdown
Gracie Gets Sick
Scared For Jay
Football Watch Party
AN Requests
A Date?!
A Date?! Part 2
The Bank Robbery
Gracie Needs Glasses
Jay Gets Shot
Gracie Makes a Run For It
Broken Bones
Jay and Hailey What?!
Fire Alarm
Grocery Store Tantrum
Smoking Again?!
I Hate Her!
The Zoo
Mothers Day Picnic
Ruined Homework
Supply Teacher
Not Fair!
Introducing The Boyfriend
Missing Money
A Not So Secret Admirer
Adam Babysits
The Audition
Running Away
Instagram Part 2
Instagram Part 3
Opening Night
Tooth Fairy
But What Does It Mean?
Gracies First Breakup
Trick Or Treat
Stella's Birthday
That Time Of The Month
Late Nights And Bad Attitudes
The Break In
Instagram Part 4
Instagram Part 5
Do You Love Me?
To Old For Spanking
Sneaking Out
The Dress
Christmas Eve
I Don't Wanna Go To School
Scraped Knees And Bandaids
The Playground Mega Tantrum!
Instagram Part 6
Expelled Part One
Expelled Part Two
Truth or Dare
Anxiety?! Part One
A Six Year Old In Lockdown
Car Theft
CPD Family Picnic
A Weekend Away and A Lost Bunny?
Instagram Part 7
Instagram Part 8
Hawaii Part One
Hawaii Part 2 (Final Part)
Aprils Birthday Surprise
Bad Advice
Hit By a Car?!
Nine Going On Nineteen
How It Started
Fathers Day
Hailey Puts Her Foot Down
Instagram Part 9
Instagram Part 10
Instagram Part 11
Fake ID
The Crayola Adventure
Trouble At The Diner
Instagram Part 12
Instagram Part 13
Allergic Reaction
Bathtime Tantrum
Chores = Allowance
A Day At 51
Instagram Part 14
Instagram Part 15
Instagram Part 16
Instagram Part 17 (Disney Edition)
Christmas Party Tantrum Part 1
Christmas Party Tantrum Part 2
Updated Halstead Apartment
Stage Fright
Skipping School 2
Christmas Day
Running In To The Road
Sick At School
The Evil Dance Teacher
The Ice Cream Fit
Wedding Reception Disaster
Instagram Part 18
Will Doesn't Spank
Push and Shove
Instagram Part 19
You Better Be Sick
Quality Time
Mood board/ AN
Instagram Part 20
No Kids Allowed!

Bedtime Tantrum

9K 66 5
By oneChicago2000

Gracie's POV (6 years old)

I sat on the sofa watching Sofia The First when Will walked over to the sofa rudely interrupting my episode,

"Right Gracie" he announced "time to get ready for bed. It's nearly bedtime." I groaned in annoyance,

"Can't I at least watch until the end of this episode?" I pleaded with puppy dog eyes as Will checked to see how long there was left of the episode,

"Fine" he sighed "but as soon as that finishes its bedtime" he sternly informed as he walked back over to the kitchen island and continued to work on his laptop.

I frowned as my episode came to an end and the countdown to the next episode came on, urging me to click on it. I looked over my shoulder and saw that Will was still engrossed in whatever was on his laptop so I decided to click on the next episode and see how far I could get in to it. Unluckily, the answer is not very far,

"Turn that off now Gracie it's time for bed" my brother announced as the theme tune began. I ignored him in a hope that he would leave me alone but luck just wasn't on my side, "Gracie" Will said in a sterner voice "turn it off" he ordered with a pointed stare causing me to whine, "One" he began to count, "two" he continued "Gracie if I get to three you're gonna be in trouble" he warned as I angrily gave in and turned the tv off, keeping hold of the remote.

"I'm not going to bed" I stated adamantly as Will sighed,

"I'm not arguing with you about this Grace" he said making me stomp my foot and scream,

"NO" I cried,

"Hey" Will shouted "enough' he pointed at me as I whined with a frown, "you want me to get Jay?" He threatened, referring to my other brother who was in the shower.

"Why are you getting Jay?" A voice spoke from behind us causing me to whine even more,

"Gracie has decided she's not going to bed" Will informed Jay who frowned,

"Don't be stupid Gracie" Jay scoffed "Now go, it's getting late" he ordered as my frown deepened and my grip on the tv remote tightened. Without a second thought I screamed,

"NO!" And raised my hand to throw the remote only to have my wrist grabbed by Jay,

"Don't you dare" he threatened as he prised the remote from my hands, "now get your ass in your room and get changed" he ordered as I stormed off angrily in to my bedroom.

I sat on my bed, defiantly crossing my arms in protest of getting changed when Will walked in to my room and grabbed me a pair of pyjamas out of my dresser, "five minutes Gracie" Will informed me as he went to leave my room, "get moving".

I whined angrily at how unfair my brothers were being to me as I stared daggers at my pink Little Mermaid Pyjamas that were folded next to me on my bed. There's no way I'm putting those on. I peaked my head round the door, checking to see if my brothers were around to catch me, before I snuck into the kitchen and retrieved my Nintendo switch from the kitchen counter. I snuck back to my room and happily flopped on to my bed as I turned on my Nintendo switch and began playing Animal Crossing.

"Gracie!" Will shouted when he came in to my room "give that to me" he demanded, holding his hand out expectantly.

"No, I'm playing it" I explained angrily,

"You've got until the count of three to turn it off" he warned with his eyebrows raised.

"I said no!" I screamed as I jumped off my bed and ducked under Wills' arm, making an escape in to the living room. Unfortunately, Jay saw me running in and grabbed my arm stopping me in my tracks. In one swift motion he removed the Nintendo switch from my hands and turned me around, delivering a flurry of smacks to my jean clad butt, causing me to burst in to tears.

"This behaviour stops now Gracelyn. Do you understand me?" He asked as he held my firmly by the shoulders.

I gave a teary nod, "yes" I replied as I tried to rub the sting from my butt.

"Corner" he stated pointing to the corner of the living room. Not wanting to cause any more trouble I sadly made my way over to the corner of the living room.

I stood silently for six minutes in the corner with tears running down my cheeks, regretting my behaviour and wishing that I had just got ready for bed without an argument.

"Gracie" Will spoke from behind me "are you ready to apologise?" He asked. I nodded as I turned around facing my brothers,

"I'm sorry, I promise I'll go straight to bed next time" I looked at the floor,

"I'll believe that when I see it" Jay said with a slight smirk "come here" he instructed as he opened his arms, allowing me to snuggle in to him.

"Love you" I said as I rested my head on his shoulder,

"I love you to" he replied with a kiss on the head, "now, are you gonna go and get ready for bed?" He asked with raised eyebrows. I nodded my head as I went in to my room and changed in to my pyjamas.

Two minutes later Will came in and pulled the covers back, allowing me to get under them. He leant down and gave me a kiss on the head, "Night sweetheart" he said as he switched my fairy nightlight on,

"Night, love you" I replied as he was leaving my room.

"Love you to Gracie" he smiled as he left my room, leaving the door open slightly. Just as I liked it.

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