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The Dawn of X has arrived in the Marvel Universe. Xavier and his allies have founded the new mutant nation of... Еще

Issue 1- Home
Issue 2- Back To You
Issue 3- Friend or Foe
Issue 4- Invaders Must Die
Issue 5- Disgwyl y Diwedd
Issue 6- Dangerous Games
Issue 8- Dream a Little Crazy
Issue 9- Starlight
Issue 10- Old Wounds
Issue 11- Ghosts
Paragons Annual #1- Lonely Christmas
Issue 12- Graves
Issue 13- Lovesick
Issue 14- The Story of Us
Issue 15- Do I Wanna Know?
Issue 16- The Pretender
Issue 17- Fire
Issue 18- Brick By Boring Brick
Issue 19- War Machine
Issue 20- Imposter Syndrome
Issue 21- Immortal
Issue 22- Be Yourself
Issue 23- Last Time We Danced (Hellfire Gala)

Issue 7- This Modern Love

23 0 4

From the Journal of Beast

Xavier spoke to me about the situation with Darktruth and his Paragons this morning, that they're going off on their own. I told him it was a terrible idea, and he agreed. I told him we need to keep an eye on them, and he agreed. He then asked me to put forward a list of anyone I believe could be trusted to do so, and perhaps even gain their trust. He specified no X-Force, which works since I don't want any of them to be any more likely to be unavailable when we need them. He also specified no telepaths, a point we fought furiously on. His key point seemed to be that they don't work on Darktruth, but when I tried to argue that he still has humans there without psychic defences he refused to listen. I can only assume he has his reasons, though he did not wish to share them at all.

I've got a short-list put together to give to him tonight, all good candidates if they want to do it. I doubt any would refuse when told that it's for the good of Krakoa. Each is definitely capable of taking him down if they learn that he's up to anything unsavoury, which he almost certainly is. I can only hope they found out before he gets too far.



Darktruth swallowed as he glanced out the hotel window to the narrow street below, a steady river of people moved along as they filtered in and out of various small stores along the street. A light rain fell from the darkened skies above, making it look like night when it was only about five in the afternoon.

"Looks like it should be safe," stated the young and green reptilian man beside him, Anole.

 "Sure," replied Cody from the other window as he glanced across. "If you call a crowd in the most crime-ridden place on Earth safe. What's the bet at least half of those people have a gun somewhere on them, while the other half have a knife?"

 "I meant as safe as it's going to get," Anole replied back, the defensiveness heavy in his voice. "I mean, we could be here for weeks and never see a better chance."

 "He's right," came a soft, Irish accent from within the room. "We should move now."

 Darktruth glanced back over his shoulder towards the fair-skinned, red-headed woman that stood by the bed with arms crossed. Her eyes locked with his for a moment before they dropped to the brown-skinned man that sat upon the bed, dressed in a finely tailored blue suit.

 Xavier had placed both Siryn and Anole with the Paragons, to keep an eye on him and make sure he wasn't doing any of the things he was absolutely doing. Though of the pair he knew Anole was there simply there for when (if) Pixie joined, it was Siryn who was truly meant to keep an eye on him and even put him down if necessary. She'd watched him like a hawk since she'd first stepped through the portal into the Paragons' base.

 He was only glad that Xavier hadn't sent a telepath. He imagined that there wasn't seen to be any point to it, since they couldn't read his mind anyway. That didn't mean they couldn't have read the minds of Cody or Amira, however, and so he knew he had to keep any mutant telepaths away from them until he could work something out. A lizard-guy and a woman who can scream were things he could deal with, not that he expected he could win a fight with either if it came to it.

 "I-I'll go if you all think it's safe," the man upon the bed muttered as he glanced about the grimy hotel room. "I don't want to be shot, but I'm also terrified of knowing when these sheets were last cleaned."

 The man was Antonio Diego, the kind of entrepreneur who gets so much money they then decide to start giving it away. His particular thought was that it would earn him some favour amongst the other nations in South Asia if he helped clean up the poverty and crime in Madripoor, a concept that the gangs who controlled the corrupt government didn't take well.

 "Am I the only one going to ask where we're even going?" Cody said as he turned into the room with arms held wide. "Just gonna swim to mainland Asia?"

 Darktruth flicked the cowboy hat upon his head up as he pressed a finger to his ear. "You got anything for me on that?"

 "I, well, maybe I do," Amira's voice drifted over his ear-piece. "I would like to remind you that this kinda thing isn't exactly my area of expertise. Maps do not stop me getting lost. Ask Allison."

 "Yeah, I'm workin' on finding somebody else," he replied as he glanced out the window again, the street look much the same as it did before. "Just do whatever you can."

 He could hear Amira take a slow breath. "Okay. Best I've got is a boat at the docks in the harbour directly west of where you are. Not big or flashy, so should keep you from getting noticed. Just don't get shot in it. And next time, before you go anywhere that's just full of bad-guys maybe let me finish the teleporter first."

 "Yeah, I'll remember that I'm sure," he replied with a smile, then turned to the room. "Okay, we're headed to the docks. If anyone knows how to drive a boat, great. Otherwise somebody better Google it on the way."



The Next Day

 Darktruth stared up at the naked, petite form of Pixie above him, her head tilted back as she let out soft moans and her hips thrust desperately against him. She had wanted this, perhaps even needed it. He had barely even returned to the island before she dragged him away to her room and practically tore the clothes from his body.

 He didn't complain, of course. He wanted this almost as much as she seemed to, it was simply Megan who had been ready to make the first move and initiate it.

 Darktruth couldn't help but drink in every part of her with his eyes; from the way her pink hair splayed out behind her to frame her body, to the sweat that looked like a fine dew across her skin, to the gentle flutter of her wings. She was such a glorious vision he would have almost thought that she'd hit him with her pixie dust, except that this was exactly how he'd remembered her. This was the way she always looked in his dreams, when he closed his eyes. This was Pixie in all of her glory, and he was a fortunate soul to gaze upon it for a moment, even more fortunate to simply know her. They hadn't spoken much since they'd reunited and yet he could still see how much of the girl that he had fallen in love with was still there, the girl who always tried to look on the bright side of everything. Even him.

 His hands slid across the sides of her hips, then one cupped her buttocks as the other slowly slid up along her smooth stomach until it found its way to one of her perky breasts, which he immediately kneaded gently between his fingers. He took her hardened nipple between his forefinger and thumb, before squeezing it gently.

 An excited grunt rippled out of Megan's throat, before she looked down at him with passion in her black eyes and a pure smile upon her lips. She leaned in and kissed him firmly, her tongue instantly forced inside of his mouth before it began to gently massage his own.

 He could feel her passage begin to tighten around his member, at the same moment she deepened the kiss even further, and he knew she was close. Wanting to ensure she was delivered to the deepest depths of pleasure he took the hand that had still been half-heartedly against her breast and slid it down until his fingers brushed across her clitoris.

 At his touch she began to buck her hips frantically, and he smiled into her mouth as he ensured the hood was entirely slid back and began to massage the sensitive spot in rhythmn with her movements. One small hand clasped at his head and fingers dug into his scalp, while the other moved and held onto his hand that was busy at work on her erogenous zone.

 Then it finally came, heralded by a tightening around his cock as she was forced to finally break the kiss and let out a long, vibrant moan as her wings fluttered with the spasm that rocked her small body. Her wings beat so frantically from the pleasure she almost lifted straight off of him, she would have if she hadn't grasped him tightly in order to hold her body against his.

 Then her pleasure subsided and she began to thrust against him again, no longer searching for her own gratification but instead seeking to bring Darktruth the same thing she had just experienced. She didn't have to try for long, as only a minute or so later he was gripped by his own orgasm as he unloaded himself within her.

 Megan held herself above him so the tips of their noses just brushed against each other, her eyes sparkled as she smiled down at him. "Heh. Probably should have had some protection, hey?"

 Darktruth felt his chest tighten, his expression dropped for a moment before he caught himself and forced a smile. It was too late though, he could see it in her eyes that she'd noticed.

 He was thankful when, instead of mentioning it, she simply gave him another soft kiss before she sat herself up upon him and trailed her fingers through the hairs upon his chest. "So... you said you wanted to talk? Before I interrupted you with sexy times."

 "You'll hear no complaints about the interruption," he replied with a breath. "I just... I wanted to ask you something."

 She took a quick breath. "You want me to give up paradise and go running around with your team. Is that right? Need a taxi to get you around?"

 He blinked. "It's... it's not like that. You'd still get to live here, and you won't just be a taxi. Yes, a teleporter would have helped a load in Madripoor, would have at least stopped Cody from grumbling about being shot at a thousand times, and getting to places without gates is a lot more expensive that I'd like... But I want you there. You're incredible and amazing, and I love you, and you're beautiful and incredible. I swear I'm not just trying to..."

 She cut him off with a giggle. "I know, okay? I know you'd be the last person to just use me. You're melys like that. Though it is also totally nice to hear you compliment so much. Big softie."

 He smiled meekly at her. "So... is that a...?"

 "Of course it's a yes," she replied. "I'd love to be your taxi, though it sounds completely dirty when I say it like that. We going anywhere soon?"

 He gave a shake of his head. "At least I hope not. Gotta take care of a few things."

 She bit her lip. "So will you have time to come to the party tonight? You kind of, like, ditched on the last one to go pick a fight with Krakoa or whatever."

 "Yeah, I think I can make time for a party."


 He chuckled. "Yeah, tidy."

 Her face suddenly froze before she bit her lower lip. "Um, so, there's, um, something I needed to... I need to ask you..." His brow furrowed at her as she struggled to find the way to say whatever it was she was trying to. Then finally she just said it, "so Cable has been asking for me to go out with him, him and Armor, and I was thinking I might. You, like, said you were okay with this kind of thing before, but I thought I should ask you just in case you... aren't. Is it okay?"

 He stared up at the naked form upon him, careful to make sure he kept his eyes locked with hers. He could see a frantic uncertainty within her, not only anxious about asking the question but about what answer he may give.

 "Cable? He's young now, right?"

 Her tongue slid over her lip. "Um, yeah. It's okay if you aren't comfortable. You said you were, but I get the feeling you were just being nice to me."

 He'd have almost thought she'd done this deliberately, waited to ask this particular question after they'd engaged in some physical pleasure and she still had him between her naked thighs; it certainly made it harder for him to say 'no'. But he knew her, and Megan was most certainly not the kind to try and manipulate him like that. This was, on her part, an entirely innocent question that she had suddenly found the courage to ask. Even if his own anxiety screamed at him to give a different answer, there was only one he could give to the sweet creature before him.

 "It's okay," he told her as he moved his hands to take hers within their grasp. He hated lying to her. "I'm okay with it. Honestly. If you really want to go on a date with Armor and Cable, then you can. I don't control you."

 She leaned in and gave him a peck on the forehead. "No, but you care about me. A lot. I know this is a bit weird and all, I just wanna try it. See if this works for us."

 "Then try it out. You don't have to ask my permission."

 "Thanks. Um, well what if we just be open about it then. No asking, but no secrets either." She paused a moment in thought. "That goes for you as well, y'know. You should ask Allison out, she might like that."

 Darktruth's chest tightened once more. At one time it would have been the most confusing thing in his life, to have one woman he loves telling him to ask another woman he loves on a date. Yet that wasn't even the thing that caused his mind to scream at him the most, and his true problem was something he wasn't quite ready to open up to her about just yet.



Okay, I got your message and it made about as much sense as your usual nonsense. I'm going to need you to explain it all in person, particularly the part about how you usurped my company while I've still gotta deal with the damn taxes on it.

You mentioned needing to go to New York, so how about we meet there? Just give me a day or two notice so I can make it, or at least have the decency to wait around until I get there. We don't all suddenly have access to miracle teleportation gates, though whatever idiot decided you did really needs to get examined. That's exactly the kind of thing that gets their island burnt down because you become convinced it's infested with Skrulls just because somebody keeps moving your drink.

I'm actually looking forward to seeing you again, for some damn reason.



The Paragons' Base,

Newcastle, Australia,


Darktruth adjusted his cowboy hat atop his head as he stepped out of the Krakoan portal into the office, which now had a few desks set-up for various uses. One back corner had a couple of moveable walls set up to separate Amira's 'lab' space away from everything else, although what qualified as a 'lab' was not much more than a toy chemistry set.

 Cody sat at a desk off to one side as he played some first-person shooter, and gave Darktruth only a single nod before he returned to his game. Siryn and Anole had both returned to Krakoa, unwilling to miss out on the party that night.

 "That took you a while, boss man," came a voice and Darktruth's eyes followed it to a young, Japanese girl with vibrant blue hair and metal gauntlets. Surge, who had basically forced herself to be part of his Paragons the moment they returned from Madripoor "So did you manage to convince Pixie to join or did you get too... distracted?"

 "She's with us," he replied with a smile. He disliked another Krakoan being there, especially somebody as strong-willed as Surge. If things come down to it he knows that she wouldn't hesitate to drop every one of them and drag them before the Quiet Council, which made it only more imperative that nobody finds out what they were really doing before they wanted them to. "I need to speak with Amira. Are you going to the party tonight? Pixie convinced me to go."

 She smiled. "Bet that wasn't difficult. Yeah, I'll be heading off soon to get ready. Have fun with Amira, girl is a little uptight."

 He cocked an eyebrow at that remark but decided not to inquire and instead headed towards Amira's lab, stopping only momentarily to grab some letters from a drawer of his desk as he passed. He moved into the small enclosed area to find Amira at her computer, deeply involved in the same game as Cody.

 She glanced his way. "Oh, hey. Back already? Thought you'd want to spend more time with Megan."

 "I'm going to a party with her later," he replied somewhat dismissively. "Playing against Cody?"

 She smirked. "Yeah, he thinks he's a god or something. Decided to put a little humbleness in him." She glanced at his face again. "Everything alright? You look, well, you look how you look when you're trying to hide something, except you have a terrible poker face. And I hate poker."

 He took a breath. Did he really want to talk about it with Amira? "Um, what are your thoughts on people dating multiple people?"

 She froze for a moment, then clicked a button on her keyboard. "Alright, you win this time. Something came up," she muttered into her headset, then shut the game down and turned to him. "Okay, out of context that question can be a bit creepy. Which you can be, but I don't think you are here. So..." She lowered her voice. "Pixie wants you guys to be a bit more open?"

 He hesitated. "Yeah. I'm not sure how I feel about it."

 "Did you tell her that?" She didn't even give him a chance to respond before she continued, "of course not. That would be too difficult, and smart. So she's already looking to go out with someone?"

 He nodded.

 "Okay. She is a very pretty girl, so I imagine she was getting asked a lot."

 "What do you think about it?" he asked as he sat down in a spare chair. "Would you...?"

 She rubbed at her neck. "Geez, this feels like talking about it with my dad. Look, I don't think that kind of relationship is for me. I'm confident enough to say I've been in love once in my life, and I couldn't imagine loving anyone other than her in that way. But that's me. This is you. This is something you have to decide if you're into or not, and then let her know. But when you do that be damn well sure that you know that if she doesn't like what you say she is well right to be done with you. If she wants it and you don't, then it isn't meant to be I'm afraid. If you were into it is there anyone you'd be interested in?"

 He cracked his jaw. "Pixie suggested I give Allison a call."

 Amira tensed up at that. "Ah. Yeah, you guys had a thing at one point." Amira hesitated. "Look, I haven't spoken with Allison in a while but... even if she isn't interested in a date I think she'd love to hear from you again. No matter what you decide, you should talk to her. But you should decide what you want soon, before Pixie thinks you're totally okay with all this only to have her heart broken by you. Again."

 He nodded slowly. She was right. Of course, she was, she was about ten times smarter than he was.

 "I'll call her," he said. "When I figure out how to talk to our next potential, maybe I can visit both at the same time."

 "You got any ideas on that? I'd love to get to work with her."

 He shook his head. "Nope. Nothing." He glanced down to the letters in his hand. "So in the meantime, I have a personal favour to ask."

 He held out the letters and she took them from him. Each envelope was stamped with a medical crest, though different doctors and hospitals. Some of them looked very new while others were older, and the oldest of them were opened while the newest were not.

 "I need you to go over these and confirm their findings or not," he told her. "It's for a friend, so keep it quiet if you can. He just wants to confirm something. If you can."

 She put the letters aside and looked to him. "I'm not really a medical person, more tech and stuff. But... I'll do my best. I may even be able to ask someone to help out."

 "Just keep it quiet," he replied as he stood up.

 "Of course," she smiled and watched him leave.

 As he left Amira's space he glanced to Surge, who gave him a nod with a coy smile, and further concerns about her being there bubbled up inside him. He then glanced out the window to the water and took a slow breath as he watched a large bulk carrier entering the harbour, no doubt looking to load up on coal. It had been a long time since he'd been in the city, and even longer since he'd been able to be there without almost crippling anxiety. The anxiety was still there, though thankfully nowhere near as severe.

 He sat himself down at his desk and glanced over the papers that littered its surface as the computer booted up, each covered in scribbles of names, phone numbers, and addresses. A large number had been scribbled out, some had multiple addendums added or question marks scribbled around them.

 They were his guide, his map to building his team. A team that could do everything he needed it to, without everything he was doing coming to light.

 He glanced to a name on a sheet next to his keyboard, an address in Manhattan below it. The next person to talk to, even if he had no idea how. Things had been tense there recently, in relation to mutants. He had to be careful and calculated in his approach, two things he was most certainly not good at.

 He brushed those concerns from his head as he turned to his screen and booted up 'Sin City Hustle', and then waited for the game to load. When it finally did he didn't jump into the next mission he had to complete, or just engage in some mindless chaos. Instead, he focused on one of the NPCs on the street, a man who leaned against a wall as he smoked, and then he focused. He thought about what Beast had said, about what his 'true' powers were, and he focused everything he could into that NPC.

 Suddenly the digital man froze in mid animation, before their head snapped about with the pre-programmed expression of confusion as the cigarette vanished from their fingers. Darktruth sucked in a sharp breath as he watched them; almost as if they were a newborn who suddenly found themselves in a fully formed and capable body.

 Darktruth brushed his finger across them on the screen. "Now to find a way to let us talk."

To be Continued

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