MCYT Oneshots ✨

By A-MCYT-Cult

24.6K 519 272

A fanfiction book with MCYT. Main Ships: dreamnoblade, schlattbur, georgebur We don't like shipping real peo... More

requests open
Silent Pain {Georgebur} 🐱
Just some information 🐱
Failing {Dreamnoblade}🐱
Cliff {Skephalo}🐱
Eternity {DreamXD}🐱
Diner {Dreamnoblade & Georgebur} 🐱
Diner Pt 2 {Dreamnoblade & Georgebur} 🐱
Assignment {Schlattbur} 🐱
Arcade {Dreamnoblade}🐱
One Night {Karlnap} 🐱
Just King Things {dreamnoblade} 🐱
Rescue {dreamnoblade}🐱
Addicting Pain {dreamnoblade}🐱
Addicting Pain pt2 🐱
Trauma {dreamnoblade} 🐱
Just Business {schlattbur}
Reality {Any Ship}
Mafia {dreamnoblade}
Joys of Late Night Movies {dreamnoblade}
Pokemon AU
Cuddles at 3 am {dreamnoblade}
New Student {schlattbur}
Numb {dreamnoblade}
New World {dreamnoblade}

Lost Hope..? {Philza}🐱

1.3K 17 11
By A-MCYT-Cult

There's no ship in this one shot. Anything in italics is dialogue/event of a past memory. Enjoy!

3rd POV

Philza quietly walked down the wooden path towards the beach. It was a bright sunny day and his children were on the beach with some of their friends. He felt like it had been ages since he last saw them all hang out together. He doesn't remember the last time his children were this happy. Reaching the edge of the path, he gazed out onto the sandy beach. His children: Technoblade, Wilbur, and Tommy were all there smiling. Philza's eyes started to blur as he looked at how happy his sons were able to be despite all the sadness that had recently occurred. Blinking out the tears, he looked back out at all of their friends that had gathered.

There was Tubbo and Ranboo building a sandcastle. They were chatting and laughing over something funny. Tubbo was also like a son to Philza but was never officially adopted. Now he won't ever get the chance to. Tubbo's blonde hair was waving slightly in the wind as a slight breeze was present. He was wearing his favorite swimming trunks as well. The one Philza had bought just before the tragedy had occurred. It was a solid forest green color with a little bee on the side. Ranboo's black and white hair was also blowing in the wind. It was as if the wind was running her fingers through both of their hair. Philza loved Ranboo and greatly appreciated how much he helped his sons through the pain. As a big wave in and hit their castle, caving in one side, Philza was hit with a strong memory.

"Dadza!!!!" Tubbo cried. "I can't figure it out! The castle won't stay up." Philza bent down and picked up the young boy. "Patience Tubbo, let me show you how to do it."

Philza remembers how badly Tubbo wanted to learn to build a sandcastle at this time.

He carried the teary eyed Tubbo to a smooth spot of sand and showed him how to make a sandcastle with the bucket. They spent the next hour just working on the one sandcastle and till Tubbo was practically the embodiment of joy. He jumped up and down screaming as saltwater was suddenly dumped on him.

"Got you Tubbo!" Tommy shouted, "Catch me if you can!" and with that, Tommy took off in a dash with Tubbo chasing after him. They ran past Techno who was relaxing on a towel. In the next flash of a moment, Tommy was on the ground with Techno pinning him.

"Caught you" Techno said in his usual monotone voice, only this time higher pitched than it was presently. Wilbur then proceeded to laugh hysterically as Techno released Tommy and brushed himself off.

"That's no fair, of course you can catch me. I was talking to Tubbo" Tommy huffed as Tubbo gave Tommy a hug.

"Well maybe you should specify next time" Techno remarked as he looked over at Philza who was smiling.

"Well I'm sorry English professor, I didn't realize that my speech was going to be graded" Tommy responded rolling his eyes.

"Hey, it's not my fault I get a better grade in English. Guess you'll have to train for another 500 years" Techno snapped back.

"Alright boys, that's enough fighting-" Philza started before being cut off by a thud behind him. They looked past Philza to see Wilbur on the ground, having doubled over from all the laughing. His face was a deep shade of red as he struggled to breathe. Looking at the state he was in, all the boys couldn't help but smile at the sight.

Snapping back into reality, Philza sighed softly. From that day forward, Tubbo had worked tremendously on his sandcastle building skills; even winning a few competitions. They met Ranboo at the park. Philza remembered Ranboo was being picked by other kids when Techno and Tommy first stepped in, backed up by Wilbur and Tubbo who made sure that Ranboo was ok.

"Leave him alone" Techno growled as he shoved the leader back.

"Who the hell do you think you are" the black haired leader said as he walked up to Techno. "You have no business inter-" thud

The black haired boy backed up clutching his nose. Techno had punched his in the face, clear bloodlust filling his eyes.

"You son of bi-" he started before getting straight up kneed in the groin by Techno.

"Hey kid, are you alright?" Wilbur asked Ranboo.

"It'll be ok, we're here to help you," Phil added.

"Get em Techno!" Tommy shouted, getting Wilbur and Phil's attention. Techno was fighting all three of the group and easily winning.

"That's enough Techno. Don't listen to them, they only want blood" Philza said firmly, referring to the voices Techno often hears. As they all scattered, Philza pulled Techno into a tight hug.

Techno then mutters through the embrace, "I drop kicked that child in self defense."

Philza's eye pricked with tears with that memory. Not only was that the day Ranboo became a close friend to the entire family, it was also one of the first days where people could tell Techno had gained some more self control when the voices got loud. His thoughts were abruptly interrupted from a shout from Tubbo. Tommy had run over his and Ranboo's sandcastle after he finished his swim race with Fundy. Wilbur was sitting nearby on a beach towel laughing hysterically.

"You're awfully protective of him aren't you?" Techno asked.

Philza smile softly at the memory. It was the first time the family was meeting Fundy. Wilbur had grown quite attached to the little fox boy.

"Oh course! He's my son!" Wilbur had responded.

Philza felt more tears prick his eyes as he recalled the memory. Wilbur had always spoke and taken care of Fundy as if he was his own son. None of the sleepy boys knew where Fundy actually came from. Wilbur and Fundy always insisted that Fundy was the son of Wilbur and everyone eventually just went with it. Wiping his tears, Philza looked past them and saw Techno with Badboyhalo and Skeppy versus Dream with Sapnap and George. They were playing a game of volleyball. Phil thought back to the day Techno first met Dream.

"Onnn one side of the area, we have the almighty Techno! Will he finally be defeated today by the new challenger Dream!" the announcer shouted. They were sparring in the national tournament that occurred against all the high schools. After a tough long fight, Techno barely managed to win 6-4.

"I just praised Jesus and I'm not even a Christian. That's how happy I am" Techno said after he took the W.

Snapping back into reality, Philza saw that they ended the game with a draw. He recalled that the Dream Team entered their life shortly after the competition. Dream was so astounded by Techno's skill that he managed to get his phone number and they started to hang out more. Shortly after, their two friend groups met up and now they are where they are today. Skeppy and Bad had always been close friends with Techno since they were very little. Skeppy loved to challenge Techno to anything he could think of. Bad often tagged along to make sure his best friend didn't do anything irrational. Everyone on the beach had gathered around each other to bask in the beauty of the setting sun.

"Son, do you see the setting sun? Past Philza asked younger Wilbur.

"Of course dad. It's really pretty!" Wilbur answered with a wide grin.

"The sun setting truly beautiful indeed. What do you think of when you see the setting sun?"

"A beautiful ending of course! A happily ever after; a beautiful symphony finally finished" Wilbur replied enthusiastically.

"While that is true, every end is a new beginning. The darkness that follows the ending light. But even in the darkest times, there is still light present. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist." Philza said, gaze returning to the sun.

"You mean the moon and stars right. Oh I remember a quote I read once! It went something like 'don't lose the moon counting the stars' or something like that" Wilbur said also relaxing in the presence of the setting sun.

"That is true but you have to remember, even the stars help light up the darkness. In times the moon goes dark, there will still be stars to help light up the sky. And at the end of the day, the sun will rise again. It is a cycle. Light and Darkness are always present; always working together. Never forget this son."

As Philza started to cry at the memory, his eyes met Techno's. As Techno started to wave in his general direction, Phil took a step forward into the sand before being pulled back into an embrace. He saw Wilbur walking past him smiling, carrying some takeout they were going to all enjoy together with the setting sun.

"You can't always watch them Philza" a soft voice murmured. At those words, he instantly broke down. All the events came flashing back to him. He was testing his new wings with his sons spectating him.

"YEAH! PHILZA MINECRAFT!" Tommy shouted.

"This is going to be incredible," Wilbur said smiling.

"There really isn't anything he can't do" Techno commented as Philza got ready for take off. As he leapt off the tower, he glided smoothly through the air. As sudden as he happened, it was over. He was rapidly crashing towards the ground.

"Dad! Oh god please let him... call... don't leave me... I'm sorry... 911?... stay with us... " voices were fading in and out as he wavered in and out of consciousness. Bright lights and lots of pain was all he felt. With one final breath, he muttered

"Don't lose hope"

Philza couldn't take it anymore. He released all the sadness he had been carrying. All of the tears he held in seeing his sons and his friends in pain. All the pain from watching the people he loved spiral into depression and being unable to do anything. He watched as they all started to lose hope. 

"Let's go dear... You'll see them again some day. They'll never be too far" Kristin said softly. He let his wife lead him back up the wooden path and away from all the laughter and joy of his living friends and family. All he could do now was hope they wouldn't give up and hold onto great memories such as the present one currently taking place on the beach. 

I really asked if ducks were present at the beach while coming up with this story. I legit made up this story as I went so I apologize if it sucked ;-;

1818 words

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