Star Beings

Oleh Ghost_Writer143

442 90 8

I thought I was normal. That's what I was always led to believe anyways. But then one day a portal opened up... Lebih Banyak

I have no idea whats going on, please send snacks.
Knock knock! Who's there? Childhood trauma!
Zap zap bitches
I nearly die. Again.
..... I finally beat the shit outta caleb.
Someone please throw me off a cliff
I did NOT mean that
🎶What did I miss?🎶
I shouldn't have touched the danger rock
Happy birthday! Have fun getting stabbed.
D A D????
Party time bitches
...and this is why we can't have nice things
Time to fight the evil bitch boy.
A runaway, a pirate, and a merman
Caw caw motherfucker
Goddamit Kit
✨A R S O N✨
Time to do some stupid shit.
Sorry Nat
Hell hath no fury like a Star scorned
I sword fight my ex girlfriend in the middle of a fuckin casino
A Tooth for A Tooth
An Eye for An Eye
I have commited copious ammounts of homicide
A CHILD (well... actually two)
Code word: Adira
Yay, family bonding! Also pirates.
Remind me to slap creation
Welcome to Paradise
The House of Memories
The end?
Authors note!
Its up.

Elian's backstory

10 2 0
Oleh Ghost_Writer143

A young boy, about the age of fifteen, sits alone in a garden. His long blood red hair is pulled back in a tight ponytail. A woman enters. Her hair is long and dark blue, her eyes a slightly lighter shade. She has dark skin and a smile on her face. "Good morning Elian." The boy turns around and grins when he sees the woman. "Adira!" He exclaims. The woman sits down next to him. "So... how are you?" She asks, cocking her head. "Oh! Uh... I'm good."' Elian tugs down his sleeve, hiding a bruise. Adira scowls. "I came here to tell you something." "Is it about Eligio? Because if so it definitely wasn't me who hid that megaroach in his closet. Honest." Adira raises an eyebrow. "No.... I'm planning to take Anai and leave. Soon." Elian's eyebrows raise. "How soon?" "I don't know. A couple of months? Or maybe even a couple of years. But that's not why I'm telling you this. I'm part of the rebellion."
Elian jumps up, hand flying to a sheathed dagger on his side. "You're here to kill me, aren't you?" He asks nervously. Adira scoffs. "No. I see the look in your eyes when Innocent people are jailed and killed. You know what your family is doing is wrong. I'm giving you a chance to join me." Adira stands and extends a hand. "If you accept, you can leave when Anai and I do. You can finally get away from this horrible family." Elian stares at her hand. He shakes it. "Ok. Tell me when you're ready to go."

Three years passed. Elian grew up. He and Adira waited for the perfect moment to go. And eventually, unknowingly to Elian, it came. And it went. Elian stands alone in the garden, no longer that skittish boy he was three years ago. A small, red haired and gold eyed child steps into the garden. "Oh. Hello parvulus. Is there something you need?" Elian asks, getting down onto her level. "I can't find mommy. I looked in the tea room and everything." She says. "Well why don't I go and help you." Elian says with a chuckle. A taller, older man walks in. He looks about twenty six. His hair is long and red, his eyes golden like his brothers. "Anaideia, go to your room." The girl's eyes widen at her name. She looks up at her uncle, unsure. He nods. She scurries away. "She's looking for Adira. Where is she anyways?" Eligio extracts a locket from his coat pocket and hands it to Elian. The younger man's eyes widened in shock. Eligio stares at him coldly. "Dead."
"How?!" "I woke last night to her standing over me with a dagger in hand. You wouldn't know anything about that?" Elian gulps nervously. "N-no." Eligio raises an eyebrow. "Really? I could have sworn I overheard a conversation of your's. About... I don't know... three years ago?" Elian freezes. "You heard that?" Eligio nods, stepping closer to his brother. He snatches the locket and opens it. Inside, there's a picture of all of them. Eligio, who has a trace of a smile on his face, Elian, who's grinning nervously, and Adira, who's laughing. She's very pregnant in the photo. "We were all so close back then. What happened?" "You killed her. Didn't you?" "Elian-" "DIDN'T YOU?!?!" Elian yells, grabbing his brother by the shirt collar. "She was a traitor. And it seems so are you." Eligio slaps him so hard he falls to the ground with a thud. "Weakling... GUARDS!!!" Two soldiers rush in, grabbing Elian by either arm. He looks up at his brother, his expression a mix of anger and fear. "Eligio please. I'm your brother." He begs. "You are no brother of mine. You are weak and a traitor to the family name." Eligio snarls. Elian considers his words. "Weak?" The ground beneath the two guards rumbles. Then the rocks fling them through the air, landing on top of them and effectively crushing them. Elian forms to shadow daggers, holding onto them like his life depends on his next move. It does. "I wouldn't be so sure about that, brother."
Elian throws a dagger, hitting Eligio in the shoulder. "Ah! Dammit!" Elian bursts out of the garden, scrambling through the hallway. "ANAIDEIA!!!" He yells, running towards his nieces room. The small girl pokes her head out of her room. "Uncle?" "We need to go. Now." Elian reaches for Anai. "Stop. Right. There." Eligio growls, coming up from behind. The shadow dagger is gone, but there's still blood starting to seep through his shirt. Anaideia screams. "Anai, your mother is dead. Your uncle killed him." "What?!" Anaideia and Elian yelp at the same time.
          Elian's face twists, angry and desperate to protect his niece. "Eligio, you bastard. Anai, I didn't-"
           Two guards walk up behind Elian and clonk him over the head. He faints. Anai runs over to her father. "It'll be ok sweetie. The monster is gone now. And he won't be coming back."

Elian is tossed roughly into the cell. He looks up at the guard, a desperate look in his eyes. "Please... Don't do this." The guard slams the door shut. Elian slumps over onto the floor. There's a cut across the bridge of his nose. It's one of the many scars to come. He draws the locket from his pocket. He opens it, staring at the photo inside. "Where did everything go wrong?" He sighs. Now the only person that truly dealt like Family to him was dead. And her daughter is on the way to becoming a monster just like her father. Elian curls up in a ball. There's nothing he can do. His world is burning and there's absolutely nothing he can do.

It was three years before he finally got free. Three years that came and went. And the first thing he did when he escaped was get drunk. The color from his hair faded, leaving it a plain brown. His powers weakened too. Now he isn't even able to move a shadow. Or a rock bigger than a pebble. A young woman walks over to him, her dark hair wild. "Rough night?" She asks, taking a sip of her drink. "Yeah. You?" "Yeah." The woman looks to be around 18. And she definitely looks like she doesn't belong here. "What's your name?" Elian asks. "Hera. Yours?" "Elian." The woman nods and stares at her drink. "You don't look like your from around here." Elian says suddenly. "I'm not. I was taken from home. I escaped a week ago" Elian raises an eyebrow but doesn't pry. "Funny. We both escaped some sort of hell recently." Hera raises an eyebrow. "Slavers?" "Luminis Obumbratio prison." Hera jumps. "What the hell did you do to get stuck in prison?" "Long story." Elian chugs down the rest of his drink. "Well... if you want revenge..." Hera hands him a card. "Location is on the back. See you around?" Hera extends a hand. Elian stares silently at the card. "She's a rebellion recruitment officer?" He thinks to himself. He looks at her hand before shaking it. "Yeah. See you around."

"It's been twelve years to the day." Hera says, coming up behind Elian. He jumps. "Oh. Has it really?" He asks, turning around. Hera smiles. "Yeah. Life changed for both of us. It's been a crazy ride." She says, walking over and handing Elian a beer bottle. He takes a sip. "Damn right. But it was worth it." Elian kisses Hera on the forehead. "Hey, when all this is over..." Hera extracts a small box from her back pocket. "Marry me?" Elian laughs and pulls a ring box out from his pocket. "I was thinkin the same, sweetheart."

Anyone who ships Hera and Elian, come get your juice. Also, Elian!

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