the complete future from the...

By rianne322008

118K 3.2K 752

mdzs life's from another dimension it means characters will see the future but that future they see is their... More

chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19

chapter 1

15.1K 296 128
By rianne322008


cloud recessess:

wwx: its so  boring i been here so long yet its boring*he murmurs*

looks at lan zhan

wwx:lan zhan burnt my porn sadly...


everyone sees a blind light

jin zixuan and jiang cheng covers eyes wwx and lwj closes eyes nie huai sang covers his eyes with his fan everyone looks at the back or covrs eyes

someone: hello can you see us?

everyone looks at the 2 unfamiliar lan disciples and 1 jin disciples inside a very big screen 

wwx:y-yes we can see you

jin disciple: ah i thought you didnt seee us rn

lan disciple 2: you shutup young mistress

jin disciple: who are you calling misstress

lan disciple 2:who elese but you?

jin disciple: YOU!

lan disciple 1: be queit jingyi and jin ling

lan qiren : who are you

them: we are from the future our parents dont know we did this we are gonna introduce ourself's when evryone is here

lan disciple 1: *snaps his fingers*

everyone transports to a place everyone sits down on the chair with their names then sect leader jiang,nie,jin,lan with their sons and daughther and wifes sits down in their chairs with some disciples

lan disciple 1: greetings everyone as you see we are from the future we are here to show you the future there are some 2 special persons that will come here

wen qing and wen ning transports and sits down to their chairs everyone was confused

lan qiren: you said you will introduce yourselfs 

jin disciple: ah yes,.... I am jin ling courtesy name Rulan heir of the jin sect

madam jin...heir of the jin sect... who is your mother?

jin ling: grandma my parents are jin zixuan and jiang yanli

madam jin literally vibrating with happiness with madam yu ,jin zixuan and jiang yanli shocked and gaping ,wwx and jiang cheng complaining about the peacock but happy for their shijie lan disciples just watching them

lan disciple 2: ehem

everyone looks at the screen

lan disciple 2: im lan jingyi my parents are lan mingyan and lan xingyu

lan qiren: aren't they our relatives  so youre a inner disciple and  your our direct bloodline

lan jingyi: yes

everyone looks at the lan disciple 1

lan disciple 1: i am lan yuan courtsey name sizhui 3rd heir of lan clan answering granduncle

lan qiren: such a good diciple you are with a lan forehead ribbon withh direct bloodline  wait,.....
                     granduncle who are your parents xichen or wangji?

xichen: ehem uncle


sizhui: ahhh my father is lan wangji

lan qiren: ofc my wangji son is a good disciple

xichen looks at wangji: 'wangji who is the mother?'

wangji: 'my son?'

wwx:' lan zhan's son......i wonder who is the mother my heartbreaks just at the thought of it* sniffs*'

lan qiren: who is your mother?

jingyi : should we tell grandmaster

jin ling: i feel like he will spit blood

everyone giggles when they heard that

lan qiren: just say it

sizhui: granduncle dont spit blood if my gonna tell you who my mother is..

everyone listening even lan wangji with an impassive face

lan qiren: fine

sizhui: my mother is....

everyone looks at the screen with intensity

lan qiren :??

wwx and jc looking at screen nvm llets just say glare

sizhui: is the head disciple of lotus pier wei ying courtsey name wuxian

lan qiren eyes twitches

lan xichen is beaming

lan zhan's eyes widen

wwx is gaping with a blush then smiles brightly in the inside he is feeling butterflies

jiang yanli is smiling

jiang cheng is rolling eyes

nie huaisang is fanning himself feeling proud

everyone is gaping

lan qiren: wei wuxian is your mother

sizhui: ehem ill correct myself granduncle i am wen by blood my ADOPTIVE PARENTS are lan wangji and wei wuxian

lan qiren points at wwx: YOU!!! 

wwx: what is it grandmaster lan?

lan qiren: wangji cant possibly love him right? maybe its arranged marriage!

everyone murmurs

sizhui:master lan your wrong father loves mother thats why he married him 
              and yes my mother has always loved my father as my mother said she loved my father since he saw my father caught him for bringing alchohol in cloud recessess so it means my mother already fell in love with my father because my mom said he loved him since he was 15 in cloud recessess

lan qiren was speechless

everyone was speechless 

everyone looked at wwx

xichen was smiling that he was lucky that he did rip his face in half

wangji was speechless ' wei ying loves me since he was 15 he is 15 right now and he is in cloud recessess he loves me!' in the poutside he was impassive in the inside he was in happy turmoil

madam yu was happy in the inside because she was happy for her nephew and also can make an alliance to lan and jiang

sect jiang was happy but ofcourse being a protective uncle suspicious about lan wangji if he will care about his SWORN nephew ofcourse he is happy with his SWORN nephew 

( Wei cangze is jfm's SWORN BROTHER and Cangse sanren is jfm's SWORN SISTER)

jyl was feeling tears in her eyes her axian is gonna have a family with a gentelmen

jiang cheng was glaring at lwj at th same time happy for wwx because he deserve to be happy


everyone looked at the screen again there were another LAN 9 disciples(girls and boys) , 2 jiang disciples(girl and boy) and 1 jin girl they bowed together to sizhui,jingyi and jin ling

lan qiren : who are THEY?

sizhui: ahhh the lan disciples are my siblings

everyone was like the F!

lan qiren: you have 9 siblings?!

sizhui: actually yes

sizhui :introduce your selfs


everyone BIAO-GE??TANG-GE


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