Fly With Me (P.Sh)

By ClumsyPotatoes

137K 6.1K 1.1K

Following each other through a year, two girls go to chase their dreams. But one of them will be leaving alon... More

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3.2K 157 27
By ClumsyPotatoes

For the last test I had made it my duty to look after Sunoo, Niki, Daniel and Taki. I had developed the same protective sister gene I used to have over my own little brother, who was the same age as Daniel anyways.

It hadn't helped much when the eliminated boys from I-land had come as well, only a few days before we were supposed to perform 'I&credible'. At that time Geonu had gotten severe leg cramps, which I had felt the urge to take care of as well.

I guess I might've pressured myself a bit too much in the last week, and I could really feel that. Especially now that we were performing on stage, for the last time of part one.

I continued to give it my all on stage, and let myself mentally zone out in order to keep going with my usual energy. It had been an ability I had developed over the years, zone out when you couldn't handle much more before fainting, and then you should be able to go for the time being and until you snapped back into reality.

For me, that exact moment of snapping back into reality was with the loud beep that was followed up by the announcement that the test was finally over. I had immediately returned to reality and grabbed onto Jihye, who had stood right beside me.

"Unnie?" Jihye turned to me as my knees buckled below, "Edin!" she screeched out before I had fallen down onto my knees and she carefully had helped lay me down on the stage whilst I could hear voices and yells from around me, "Unnie, focus. My voice, focus," Jihye's voice clearly sounded as everything turned into a blur for me.

Soon I could feel something cold being placed between my vest and shirt, as well as on my forehead as someone also grabbed my hand.

"She's consious, yes," Jihye replied to someone, "don't worry. She'll be fine soon. It used to happen a lot in our trainee days. She strains herself a lot for some time and just gives out. She must've neglected sleep."

I have no sense of how much time was passing around me. I was just in a constant feeling of falling in and out of consiousness.

"Unnie, can you hear me?" Jihye questioned, making me give out a small nod, "okay, so we're gonna get moved to a training camp now. I'll assist you out in the cars and as long as you are in this state. Sunoo has offered to carry our bags for us as well. Are you willing to try and get up."

"Yeah," I muttered to her.

I could feel Jihye slip an arm under my shoulders before pulling me up on my feet as I tried to stay on my feet. I don't remember anything from the time it took for us to get out in the van, I didn't even remember the carride, I just know that once I had slowly begun being able to see clear once again, we had been transported to a training camp. Which we would be staying and sleeping at.

"We're gonna get Edin to the room fast, before we decide on roommates. We'll make one of the boys pull rommates for both of you. So you can stay by Edin until she is feeling better," a staff member explained as both Jihye and I nodded.

"Ah, I'm dizzy," I complained to Jihye who just nodded in agreement with me.

"You don't say," she commented as she helped assist me to the room I was sent to.

She basically threw me down on the bed and literally tugged me in before beginning to look through the plastic bag a staff member had given her.

"Hold on... unnie, you didn't eat anything with gluten or nuts in it?" Jihye turned to me, with suspicion written all over her face.

"No," I muttered in reply as I pushed myself to sit up and lean my head against the wall behind me, "not that I know of. Then they didn't write it on the package."

"They've literally only packed things in here, that you can't eat," Jihye sighed as she continued to look through it, "hold on. I have juice, we got juice."

"Just give me whatever snack," I sighed at her, "I'll throw it up later. I just need food."

"Oh, oh, no, that's not happening," Jihye sassily remarked, "I'm not just gonna put a little bit of food in you, just for you to throw more food up later on."

"Jihye-ssi?" Seon poked his head into the room and looked over at Jihye, "we pulled the room for you."

"Oh really?" Jihye questioned as she poked the straw into the juice in her hand, "who am I sharing with?"

"Hanbin," Seon replied making Jihye turn around as she gasped.

"Ah, he's such a sweetie!" Jihye exclaimed, "which room?"

"Uh... I don't remember. He'll find you somehow," Seon waved it off, as Jihye just nodded and he left.

"Drink this, and I'll go bring your bag," Jihye demanded as she walked over and handed me the juice.

"Who is my roommate?" someone cooed out before pushing the door open with their shoulder before pausing with two bags in hand, standing in the doorway.

"Hannie!" Sunghoon happily exclaimed with a wide grin.

"Gee, someone is happy to see you," Jihye commented before walking back to the plastic bag the staff had brought, "okay...I'm gonna leave a few things here with you unnie. The ones you can't eat I'm taking with me, and I'll distribute it to lucky hallway walkers."

"Is there even anything I can eat?" I questioned her as she looked through the bag in the search.

"Ah, there's these," Jihye exclaimed and pulled up a pack of quacker rice cakes, "lightly salted," Jihye commented as Sunghoon passed her and placed down our bags, "I mean... can it get any better?"

"I am genuinely disappointed," I commented to her as she handed me the rice cakes with a small laugh, "they even asked if I had any allergies."

"And clearly didn't listen," Jihye shrugged and picked up the plastic bag, "drink your juice, eat at least two rice cakes. I'll be leaving now. So take care of her ice prince."

With that Jihye left and closed the door, before making Sunghoon turn to me in confusion as I continued to sip my juice.

"Hello roomie," I cooed out to him.

"Wait... what did I miss?" he questioned as he slumped down on the other bed, "what happened? Are you sick?"

"Nah," I shook my head at him, "just passed out on stage," I excused and opened the pack of rice cakes before extending one to him.

"You passed out?" he exclaimed before shaking his head at the rice cake.

"I'm fine now," I assured him.

"How could you pass out?" he questioned me in shock.

"I just... might've pushed myself a bit too much and slept a bit to little," I shrugged at him.

"Okay, new rule. You fall asleep before me, and you go back to sleep if I'm still sleeping when you wake up," he pointed out to me with a stern voice, making me let out a small laugh at him.

"Deal," I nodded at him.

For the rest of the evening we spent on catching up with what has happened since I got eliminted from I-Land. We actually ended up sitting and talking, whilst just laughing, all the way till a staff member had to come and tell us we probably should sleep. We both had agreed and gotten ready for bed. I had been done first, so I had simply returned back to under my duvet once again.

"Hold on," Sunghoon spoke up as he returned from the bathroom. 

He quickly picked up the duvet on his bed, before draping it over my own, and I immediately let out a small laugh at him.

"I remembered," he proudly spoke as I just nodded at him.

"It's fine, I don't need it," I shook my head at him.

"Yes you do, you were shivering, just before," he pointed out to me making me let out a small sigh.

"So when are you gonna decide to just cuddle me warm yourself?" I questioned with a small smile, making him immediately turn a bright red color.

"I'll go to bed now," Sunghoon excused himself back to his bed.

"I'm just teasing you!" I exclaimed at him making him hum in reply, "Sunghoon-ah?" I called out in a serious voice.

"Yeah?" his voice was shaky as he replied, after having turned out the light.

"Thank you, for the duvet," I spoke up.

"Of course," he assured me, "anything to help."

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