It's Complicated (Kagari x Re...

By Saraez_1243

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In a world in which you're judged by your Psycho-Pass, whom do you believe? A machine or a person? When you... More

Chapter 1: First Day
Chapter 2 : More than a Subordinate
Chapter 3 : Another Damn Killer
Chapter 4 : Nomen Fratris Mei
Chapter 5 : The Butterfly Effect
Chapter 6 : A Brother Long Lost
Chapter 7 : A Love I Can't Admit
Chapter 8 : We Meet Again
Chapter 9 : Last One Standing
Chapter 10: Alone Again
Chapter 11: Betrayed By Trust
Authors Note (Please Read)

Chapter 12: Lets Run Away Together

2.6K 87 36
By Saraez_1243

Akane looked you dead in the eye and honestly replied, "I'll help you." 

You smiled as you sighed in relief hope filled your entire being, "Thank you so, so much!"

She then continued to say, "Tomorrow at around 11:15 am I will arrange for the power to go out. You should be able to escape then. I'll get some manual guns, those special pills and paralyzer grenades while you get to the ground floor of the emergency staircase."

You nodded but before she could even begin to leave you asked, "But what about these bracelets? Don't they track where me and Shusagi are?" Akane smiled at you softly as she reassured, "Don't worry about those, the System owes me a little. Sadly the inspectors and enforcers on duty don't. So be careful regardlessly. We only have this one shot." 

As you raised an eyebrow you nervously asked, "Are you sure we can trust the Sybil System? How do I know that when me and Shusagi escape it won't just... you know." Your friend sighed as she stated, "I suppose you'll have to trust it this once." You nodded and thanked her once more before she left. When you were once again left alone you layed down onto the bed as you placed your hand on top of your stomach while whispering, "Everything will be okay..."

As you lay there you thought of all the events that had brought you here.

... Shougo... if you could see me now... I'll be saving a criminal... my boyfriend... with an Inspector... Out of context you'd probably have a fit...

The next day you paced around in your cell nervously as you saw the clock tick away. What if this plan didn't work? What if this plan got you and your children killed along with Kagari? What if everything that could go wrong does? Mixing the fact that you were pregnant and nervous didn't help since you vomited twice while waiting.

The door was only a few feet away as the power shut off. No time was wasted as you quickly ran over to and opened the door. You avoided the confused staff members (of which there were surprisingly few) as you ran to the emergency staircase to see you were on the -20 floor.

A groan escaped your lips at the thought of running up all those steps, but alas who were you to complain? 

It took you fifteen minutes to arrive at the ground floor of the emergency staircase without getting caught. After you caustiously looked around the room you saw a small box with new clothes, weapons and the special pills your brother had made before his death. ... Akane... you're amazing...

You quickly put on the clothes and took the pill while hiding the weapon on you. As soon as you had finished you walked out of the emergency staircase and into the lobby. When you saw Akane she walked over to you and pulled you out of the building by the wrist. After you had gotten into the car with her you asked, "How long until...?"

She suddenly started speeding down the road as she said, "We have about 15 minutes until they execute Kagari. I know that seems like a long time but the building isn't that close." ... Why didn't you cut the power earlier?!... Then we'd surely have enough time...

You quickly went over the plan with her. As she finished explaining it you asked, "How did you manage to get the power be cut anyways?" She smirked while chuckling, "Being the only inspector for a whole division does help!" It may not have been the time for jokes but it definitely lightened the mood, even if it was only a little.

As soon as you arrived you jumped out of the car and walked into the building while Akane hid her face with a hologram. Unlike you she had a reputation to uphold, this also explained her bland attire, she wore them so that they wouldn't be traced back to her. You ran toward the entrance where the two main guards said, "Excuse me, my lady. This is a prison especially for execution of criminals, so I must ask you to leave." ... Shusagi killed for me... time to return the favor...

You pulled out the manual gun and shot both of them in the chest while Akane ran over to you saying, "You could've shot them somewhere less fatal..." As you put the gun back you said, "It doesn't matter now, just throw the grenade!"

Akane nodded as she leaned in through the door and threw the paralyzer grenade into the main lobby. After everyone in the room was paralyzed and immovable you ran over to where they kept the 'criminals'. You took the keys for the cells from one of the paralyzed guards within the lobby. After you had unlocked the door Akane stood by it, guarding it as you looked through each of the cells.

In the distance you saw Kagari nervously pacing around the prison cell. You quickly ran up to him and unlocked his cell as you noticed that he had bags under his eyes and looked tired. ... he looks like he's been through hell... he probably was...

As the door opened completely he pulled you into a tight hug. While hugging him back you heard Akane shout in the distance, "Move your butts, we don't have forever! You can greet each other properly in the car!"

You pulled away and grabbed Kagaris hand while running out of the room and into the lobby (as Akane shut the door behind you). Later (after you had run out of the building) Kagari and you got into the backseat of Akanes car while she got into the drivers seat. As soon as she had gotten in Kagari looked at the both of you and tiredly thanked, "Thanks for getting me."

Akane smiled as she pulled out of the driveway and said, "Don't thank us just yet." Kagari wrapped his arms around you tightly before paranoidly asking, "Why not? What's going to happen?"  You looked up at Kagari and calmly said, "We're getting out of Japan. She's bringing us to a ship that will bring us out of the country." ... We'll be safe from the Sibyl System...

The young man clamed down as he sighed, it was probably due to the lack of sleep that he was so paranoid. Kagari smiled lightly while resting his head in the crook of your neck. After a while he began to doze as Akane said, "He must've been scared to fall asleep all night." You were saddened as she told you this, "Yeah, I can imagine."

You didn't like the idea that you were indirectly the cause of his pain. But what was done was done, you'd just have to make the future better so you both could drown out all the nightmares caused because of the Sybil System. While softly waking Kagari up, you placed his head onto your lap so that he could get some proper sleep before you arrived. His brown eyes looked up at your (e/c) eyes as he said, "I love you, (Y/n)."

As you gave him a quick kiss you whispered, "I love you too, Shusagi. Please forgive me." He looked at you strangely, barely keeping his eyes open as he stated, "Don't apologize... I did it for you and our kid... no one threatens my family." You smiled down at him as you told Akane, "Thank you so much."

Akane started tearing up a bit while driving as she said, "I'll really miss you guys." You started to tear up a little as well as you suggested, "You could come with us. It really wouldn't be the same without you." She shook her head, "My home is here, in japan. And I can't let the new Inspector be alone with Ginoza, now can I?" ... I wish you'd come with us... but I can't force you...

While chuckling lightly you said, "Of course not. But I'll call as soon as I can, I promise." Akane turned the car so that she drove down a dirt road as she began to turn off the hologram that hid her face. She smiled brightly as she laughed, "You better." You looked down at Kagari as he slept while asking, "Do you think the MWBSP will remember me as a traitor?"

She shook her head, "Even if, I know you're not a traitor or that you didn't mean to be. The Sibyl System has treated you both awfully so I don't blame you. And about Kagari, he may have killed someone but he shouldn't feel guilty. That man more than deserved it."

As you leaned your head onto the back of your seat you said, "Akane, you'll be the best inspector division one has ever had." Akane rolled her eyes as she joked, "That would be great if my competition wasn't Ginoza."

You laughed before she started to let the hologram hide her face again, "We'll be driving on a main road for a while." You nodded as the car was filled with a comfortable silence. Kagari continued to peacefully sleep on your lap as you played with strands of his hair. ... I'm so glad you're safe... kiwi-boy...

While giggling lightly you looked out the car window. The drive to the ship didn't take too long as you arrived within an hour. As you saw the port in the distance you gently woke up Kagari as he groggily opened his eyes, "Are we there, (Y/n)?"

While you nodded he sat up and (when the car had stopped) got out of the car, second to Akane. Being third to get out of the car you were also the last to say goodbye. You hugged her tightly as a few tears escaped her eyes. "Remember, you promised to call," she said, her emotions taking a hold of her. 

As you nodded you replied, "Don't worry, I will. Now you better get out of here since they're probably looking for us." ... you've helped us so much... I wouldn't want them catching you assisting us... She nodded as she gave you some money, "You'll need this. Now, take care. All right?"

Kagari gave Akane a quick hug as he thanked, "We'll need to call more than once to make it up to you." You nodded while smiling sadly as she got into her car. As you waved goodbye to each other you couldn't help but feel like you were leaving a part of you behind.

After you had gotten on the boat with Kagari, he wouldn't stop embracing you. The few days that you spent on the ship went by smoothly and quickly, except for the sea sickness here and there. The both of you also took the time to talk about the last few days, about Toma. Kagari clearly stated his disgust for Toma, you agreed with him and you promised each other to never keep secrets from each other. (He also revealed that he had no intention to kill Toma but as he attacked him he felt that he had no other choice.) 

When the ship reached the port in China, you and Kagari walked into the nearest town and rented a room in a motel with the money Akane had given you.  You sat down on the bed as you said, "We'll need to get jobs... you didn't finish an official school, did you?"

He shook his head as he sat down beside you, "Nope, but maybe I can work somewhere else?"

As you nodded he buried his head in the crook of your neck again, "I'm so sleepy, can we look for a job tomorrow?" You rolled your eyes as you teased, "Sorry but we don't have enough money to procrastinate. You can sleep while I go look for a job." Kagari leaned in to you as you started to leave, "Could you wait for me to fall asleep? Please?" ... He must still be shaken up about the incidents a few days ago...

While sighing you replied, "Of course, Kiwi-Boy."

He rolled his eyes playfully as you two lay down on the bed. Kagari wrapped his arms around you tightly as he started to close his eyes. You looked at him as you thought about the life you two were beginning. ... Soon we'll have two children... We'll be a family but... we need to start working for an apartment... I'll be damned if I give birth any where else other than a hospital... or that we can at least afford a mid-wife...

After he had fallen asleep you quietly left the motel room, locking the door behind you. You walked around the town as you saw a 'for sale' sign on top of what looked like a toy store.  As you walked through the door you saw dusty shelves and a cute elderly couple by the cash register. While smiling you asked, "Why are you selling this place? With a little work it would be a success."

The old woman smiled back at you as she replied, "We're not young enough to run this store correctly anymore so we've decided to sell it to someone who can. Are you here to buy this place?"

You walked up to the register as you said, "Me and my boyfriend are new in this town so we're looking for work. We're not rich enough to buy a place like this but maybe we could work here? Then you wouldn't have to sell it."

The woman smiled brightly as she said, "That'd be lovely but we wouldn't be able to pay you much. However we have a two bedroom apartment for rent not far from here. You could live in it until we can pay you, only if you'd like to of course."

While smiling brightly at the couple as you replied, "That would be perfect! Thank you so much!"

The old man then spoke up, "But don't you young fellows think you can slack off on the job! We don't tolerate any slackers!" You smiled at him sweetly as you held out your hand, "I'm (Y/n) (L/n), a known non-slacker! It's a pleasure to meet you."

The old man chuckled before shacking your hand. As the old woman shook your hand she said, "By the way, I'm Koemi Oka and this is my husband Nishiko Oka." ... Things are finally looking up...

After talking with the couple for a while you went back to the motel and into your room. As you opened the door you saw Kagari was still asleep on the bed. You smiled as you gently woke him up, "I found us jobs and even a two bedroom apartment."

He smiled up at you as he thanked, "Thanks, I was so tired." You kissed him and got into the bed with him, "No problem, but you owe me." Kagari pulled you closer as he said, "Anything."

As you looked into his brown eyes you blushed, "Marry me."

He blushed down at you while rubbing the beck of his neck as he said, "I was going to ask you that as soon as I could afford a ring." You put your arms around him, "I don't need a ring, Shusagi. Just a 'yes' and you'll have made me the happiest woman on earth." The young man blushed as he answered, "Then I'll gladly say yes."

You both shared a kiss before falling asleep in each others arms. 

After waking up the next morning you took a shower and woke Kagari up after you had gotten dressed. As he slowly opened his eyes the first question he asked was, "What time is it?" You looked at your watch as you replied, "It's 7:35 am. We'll have to be at work in 25 minutes." He jumped out of bed as he asked, "Why did you just wake me up now?!"

While smiling you said, "Well you looked like you needed the sleep. In fact you still look like you need some sleep, but i can't let you be a slacker."

Kagari quickly got dressed and followed you outside. As he saw you holding all of his and your belongings he asked, "Why are you bringing those?" You smiled while replying, "We're moving into the new apartment, before we go broke because of this surprisingly-not-cheap motel."

He rubbed the back of his neck as he blushed, "Oh yeah." As soon as you had given back the room key at the counter, you walked toward the toy store with Kagari. He helped you carry the few belongings you had, "(Y/N)... what exactly is the job you got us?"

"You'll like it, it's a toy store and the owners are really nice."

Kagari blushed as he asked, "Do you think we'll get a discount on toys when our kid arrive?" You looked down blushing as you corrected, "Kids, multiple. We're getting twins." ... How did I manage to forget to mention that?...

His eyes widened as he asked, "Are you sure?" While rolling your eyes you said, "I wouldn't be telling you this if I weren't. I know it's a bit of a shock bu-"

You were interrupted by Kagari pulling you into a hug, "This is great! It's like a two-for-one deal!" As you giggled softly you said, "We better hurry up. Don't want to be late on the first day!"

He nodded as he followed close behind you with the biggest and brightest smile on his face. Only now were you truly excited to have children. Since before the idea had only been surrounded by 'what ifs' and the fear of negative consequences. 

The toy store was only a few feet away as Kagari expressed how nervous he was to meet the two owner, "Don't worry, they're really nice. Even you're cheesy jokes couldn't scare them away!" Kagari smirked down at you as he asked, "Is that a dare?"

You rolled your eyes while pushing him into the store. After entering you saw that Mr. and Mrs. Oka weren't at the register. While sighing you yelled, "Koemi? Are you there?" Koemi then yelled back while coming down the stairs to the couples apartment, "Oh sorry, darling! Nishiko has a fever so I have to take care of him."

"Shouldn't you bring him to a hospital?"

She shook her head while smiling, "Oh, there's no need. He's never been able to put up a good fight with germs! But he'll be better by tonight at the very latest." You smiled softly as Kagari introduced himself, "I'm Shuusei Kagari. Pleasure to meet you."

Koemi smiled while grabbing Kagaris cheek as you giggled, "Well aren't you a cutie?"

The young man smiled awkwardly while blushing a bit, "I guess?" Mrs. Oka stopped grabbing Kagaris cheek to turn to you, "Anyways, could you run the store while I take care of Nishiko?" You nodded as she complimented, "You're such a dear!"

After Koemi had gone back to her apartment above the store you said, "Kagari, could you look for some cleaning supplies?" He grinned while putting away your belongings in a corner, "Aye, aye captain!"

A few hours went by with you and Kagari cleaning the store up while replacing the broken toys. You started making coupons for the store while Kagari looked around the workshop connected to the store. As you finished making the coupons you started sweeping the floor while Kagari walked toward you saying, "Look what I made!" ... So this is how a man feels when a woman asks if she looks fat...

You looked at what he was holding in his hands and giggled, "A carriage?"

He started pouting, "It's supposed to be a bird house."

While patting his back you said, "It's your first time building something, I'm sure Mr. Oka can show you how to do it properly when he's better." Kagari nodded while putting away the bird house he had built. As soon as you had finished sweeping the floor you said, "I'll be spreading these coupons, could you make this place seem a little more... 'friendly'?

He nodded as you left to hand out the coupons. An hour passed after you decided to return back to the toy store. You entered through the door and stood still in awe. Kagari had made the store seem brighter and more child-friendly. He ran up to you and proudly asked, "What do you think?"

While pulling him into a kiss you said, "I think you'll be a great father."

"I also ordered more toys and some video games."

... Of course, you did...

After you had closed the store you grabbed your belongings and walked up the stairs to their apartment with Kagari. You knocked on the door as Mr. Oka opened it, "Hello, (Y/n) and Shuusei." You smiled at him as Kagari stood there frozen, "We've finished up for the day, could Koemi show us to our apartment?" He clicked his tongue and stated, "I'll show you two were the apartment is."

Mr. Oka grabbed your and Kagaris wrist as he pulled you down the stairs. As he saw the shop he stopped and complimented, "You young fellows aren't bad. You're officially hired, congrats."

But before you could celebrate he pulled you out the door behind him. You only had to walk a few blocks with kagari until you saw the building. As you entered he said, "We used to live here until we moved to the apartment above the store. Didn't have the heart to sell it. We were going to move back in here before you two said you'd help make the store as popular as it was. I hope this'll be enough payment until we can pay you."

You and Kagari looked around the apartment with awe as he continued, "It's a two bedroom apartment, in case you two ever want to get kids." Kagari then immediately said, "(Y/n) is already pregnant! We're getting twins!" ... I get that you're proud but... he's our new boss!...

He smiled lightly as he said, "Congrats. Personally, me and Koemi couldn't have kids."

You looked down a bit sad as you said, "I'm sorry to hear that." Mr. Oka shook it off as he joked, "No need to feel sorry. We have each other and that's what matters. But I've got to go now, otherwise the wife's going to kill me before this fever does."

Kagari chuckled while pulling you closer as he kissed you on the cheek. After your boss had left, you and Kagari looked through the apartment. There was a bit of furniture here and there but nothing useful. "I guess we'll have to sleep on the floor. We need to go buy some furniture tomorrow."

Kagari came out of the bathroom as he smiled, "At least the electricity and water work."

You and Kagari lay down on the hardwood floor as you said, "Why didn't we think of the furniture before?" He shrugged while grinning, "You're the one that insisted we leave that motel." While playfully hitting him you said, "We'll just need to get the furniture tomorrow. Problem solved."

"Yeah, I guess."

The next morning you realized that you had used Kagaris chest as your cushion while he slept on the ground. You gently woke him up as he said, "Five more minutes."

You rolled your eyes while pulling him up, "I'm sorry but you've got to wake up."

He groaned as he stood up and hugged you from behind, "Are you sure?"

While nodding he added, "You so owe me a chocolate cake."

You turned around to kiss him while saying, "I know I do."

After you had arrived at work Koemi ran up to you and hugged you while saying, "Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant? And with twins! Oh, this is so exciting!" You smiled while asking, "Could I take the day off? We desperately need furniture and groceries."

She nodded as Kagari stood beside you speechless, "You can take the day off! I'll come with you and help! Kagari can spend the day with Nishiko learning how to craft toys." Before you could say anything she pulled you out of the store along with her. As you two arrived at a furniture store you said, "We don't have any money... do you mind if we borrow some money? We'll pay it back! I swear!"

She shook her head, "No need. The work you've done yesterday is astounding and well worth a bit of furniture." You smiled at her as she pulled you into the furniture store. After a few hours in there you had bought all the necessary furniture you needed except the ones needed for two babies. ... This is going to sound so ungrateful but...

"Koemi, thank you so much for buying all of this stuff but I still need two cribs. And everything else needed for two babies."

Koemi smiled at you softly, "Me and Nishiko made two cribs while we thought I was pregnant. It would be such a pity to let them continue to go to waste." As you walked into a grocery store and after buying all the food you'd need for the next month you walked home with Koemi. 

You reached the front of the building as the furniture started to arrive. Koemi said, "I'll carry the food up for you." ... You're almost like a mother... Koemi has been so nice... just like her husband has been...

While smiling you thanked her and started giving the men instructions on where to put the furniture. An hour or so passed until they had brought everything inside. As the men left you walked up to your apartment and thanked Koemi for putting away the food and cleaning the furniture. After she had left, you started cleaning the rest of the apartment. ... Hopefully Shusagi likes the choice in furniture me and Koemi made...

Kagari arrived just as you had finished cleaning and while looking at you as he said, "Our apartment looks amazing!" You hugged him tightly as you asked, "How was your day with Nishiko?" He sighed while rubbing the back of his neck, "He was strict, but now I know how to make a real bird house!"

A few tears escaped your eyes as Kagari hugged you while quickly asking, "(Y/n), what's wrong?" You smiled while looking into his brown eyes, "Nothing, I'm just so happy." He smiled down at you as he said, "I love you, (Y/N)."

"I love you too."

The next few weeks were easier since you now had furniture and food. Kagari continued to be taught how to craft toys while Koemi taught you how to run the register. After you had mostly paid back Koemi and Nishiko you called Akane to tell her how you were doing.

Akane told you about the new enforcers and the new Inspector. You were happy for her as you told her that you now worked in a toy store. You talked for a few hours before saying goodbye again. But during the conversation you had agreed on that she'd come visit you sometime after you'd have given birth.

Over the last few days more and more customers came in with the coupons you had handed out weeks ago, as the store began to become popular around the town. Closing time approached and Kagari wanted to leave with you but you said, "You can go on ahead. I'll clean up the store, it's the least I can do for Koemi since we still owe her for most of our furniture."

He nodded while you started sweeping the floor. As soon as you had finished Koemi came down holding a box while saying, "Here are the parts for the cribs. Thank you for sweeping the store, darling." You smiled as you said, "It's nothing and thanks for these baby beds."

As you looked at your watch you realized that it was already 11:55pm. You said goodbye and jogged home while holding the box with the crib parts in your hands. When you finally arrived at the front door you made sure to open it quietly since Kagari was probably already asleep. ... I wouldn't want to wake him up this late... especially since he has to work early tomorrow...

You opened the door to see a dim light coming from the kitchen as you put down the box with the crib parts. As you entered the kitchen you saw a wide eyed Kagari sitting at the table. You quickly ran over to him asking, "What's wrong?" ... He looks like he's seen someone die...

He slowly looked up at you while smiling weakly, "I-It's nothing... let's just go to bed, okay?"

You nodded as he stood up and pulled you close. Even while walking back into the room he refused to let go of your hand, almost as if he was afraid you weren't real. As you both lay in bed he asked, "You won't leave me, will you?" While snuggling closer to him you replied, "I'd never leave you."

He sighed in relief as you both fell asleep.

The next few weeks were normal again but after a while you noticed that whenever you had to work late Kagari would wait for you to come home before going to sleep. You would sometimes test if you were just imagining it or if he really did wait for you.

... Is he afraid to go to bed alone?... But he's not afraid of anything else... not spiders or burglars...

A few months passed like this until you decided to ask him. Not only because you were concerned about him but also because he would start getting an uneven sleeping pattern (you two had different shifts), "Why do you wait for me to come home before going to bed?" He rubbed the back of his neck as he said, "Because... Is it wrong to want to wait for my fiancee?"

"No, but I'm worried about you Shusagi. The few times that you have fallen asleep you woke up panicked and shaken up."

Kagari looked away as he admitted, "I just get nightmares, okay?" You pulled him into a hug as you asked, "About what? You can tell me. No secrets between us, remember?" ... What kind of relationship would this be if you couldn't?...

He looked into your (e/c) eyes as he replied, "I dream what would've happened if I had lost the fight between me and Toma. If I had lost you and our children. Or what that pervert would've done to you."

You leaned in and kissed him while cupping his face with your hands, "I love you Shusagi and I'll never leave you. I promise. You would've never lost me or our children. And  even if you had lost, I'm not just some damsel in distress, most of the time."

He chuckled before placing his ear onto your stomach, "But... Do you think it'll be two boys or two girls?" You played with his red hair, "Maybe it'll be one of both."

The next few months went by smoothly as Koemi and Nishiko had become something like a family to you and Kagari. Walking became increasingly harder the farther into your pregnancy you were. Around a week before your due date you walked around your apartment. You looked into the room your children would have, as the the cribs stood in the center of the room with toys surrounding them.

Kagari was at the toy store and Koemi was about to come over for tea as your water broke. You felt a piercing pain in your stomach as the fluid poured down your leg. While quickly going to the phone you called the midwife, Koemi and Kagari. ... Just my luck...

You lay yourself on your bed as the contractions started to last longer and hurt more. While trying not to cry Koemi ran into the bedroom as she said, "Oh dear! Hang in there, I'll get everything." As she left the room you heard her let some water run. You waited in the bedroom for a few minutes until Kagari came inside with the midwife. 

The midwifes eyes widened as she saw you trying to hold back your tears as you croaked, "This... hurts so... much." ... This is the last time I ever give birth... Hopefully this doesn't take too long...

Kagari ran over to you and picked you up as the midwife instructed, "Place her on the futon in the living room floor and Koemi get that hot water ready." As he looked down on you he said, "Don't worry, it'll be alright." ... Oh really?!... I don't see you giving birth to two babies!...

Kagari put you down on a futon as the midwife sent Koemi out of the room. Kagari held onto your hand as the midwife took off your pants and told you, "Okay, now push."

You don't know how much time of constant pain passed until you heard a small cry. The midwife smiled softly as she wrapped the baby into one of the towels, "It's a boy, congrats." ... Okay, (Y/n)! Only one more baby!... you can do this!...

She handed Kagari your son as she told you to start pushing again. Your son immediately stopped crying as soon as Kagari held him. You looked over at Kagari holding your son. Kagari smiled softly as he showed him to you. He had Kagaris brown eyes and your (h/c) hair.

Then you felt the familiar pain again as you pushed and heard the second baby cry. The midwife smiled again as she wrapped the baby in a towel and announced, "It's a girl. Congrats again."

You sighed in relief as the pain began to subside. ... It's finally over...

You sat up a bit so that you could hold your daughter. She stopped crying as soon as you held her and looked at you with her big eyes. She had Kagaris red hair and your (e/c) eyes. Kagari smiled at all three of you as the midwife asked, "What would you like to name them?"

While looking over at your son as you said, "His name is Maru."

Kagari inspected his daughter for a few seconds as he said, "Her name is Tsuki." ... at least it wasn't Holly...

As the midwife filled out the name certificate, Kagari leaned down and kissed you while whispering, "Thank you." You blushed while asking, "Why are you thanking me?"

He looked into Tsuki and Maru's eyes as he replied, "For coming into my life."

After the midwife had left, Kagari and you put Tsuki and Maru into their cribs. You immediately took a quick shower and went to bed with Kagari. The next day Koemi and Nishiko came to congratulate you. Koemi immediately started talking about how cute they were, while Nishiko warned that it wouldn't be that fun waking up at two in the morning.

The next few years passed by peacefully as the toy store started to become like a second home. Kagari and you sometimes had Koemi and Nishiko babysit the twins while you'd go out on a date. Life was blissful at that point.

On the 5th birthday of Tsuki and Maru you baked a chocolate cake and gave it to them. Kagari looked at the cake as he said, "Didn't you owe me one?"

You playfully hit Kagari as he put his arm around your hip, pulling you closer and said, "Happy Birthday, Maru and Tsuki! Make a wish!" ... Tsuki and Maru have become so cute...

Tsuki was about to blow out her candles as she looked over at your wrist and asked, "Mommy, Daddy, why do you have those strange metal bracelets on?" Maru looked up from his cake (he had already blown out the candles on his cake) and looked at the bracelets his sister was talking about.

You had nearly forgotten that you still had them on. As you were about to explain Kagari said, "They're our kissing bracelets!" ... Kissing bracelets? Seriously Kagari?...

Maru rolled his eyes as he asked, "What's a kissing bracelet?" Kagari smirked while holding up his wrist, "Whenever someone touches this bracelet I get to kiss mommy."

Tsuki jumped up happily as she ran over to her mother and grabbed her hand and made it touch Kagaris bracelet. He smirked again as he pulled you closer and kissed you. Maru put his hands over his eyes as he exclaimed, "Eww!"

While Tsuki was in a trance saying, "That's so romantic!" 

After Kagari pulled away he whispered, "I love you." 

You looked into his brown eyes and blushed, "I love you too."

As you looked at your children while in Kagaris arms you couldn't help but smile.

... Everything I... we have had to go through... it's all been worth it... I have no doubt about that...


The End!

Please comment on what you liked and/or disliked about this chapter! (And since it's the last chapter what you liked about the whole story)

And a few translations...

Tsuki means Moon

Maru means Boy (I know not very original but still :D)

A final Goodbye and have a lovely day!

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