Let me Love you

By iam_dolly

91.8K 5K 339

Everything and anything we do serves a purpose. What if the purpose we have in life is to love someone who do... More

Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.
Part 4.
Part 5.
Part 6.
Part 7.
Part 8.
Part 9.
Part 10.
Part 11.
Part 12.
Part 13.
Part 14.
Part 15.
Part 16.
Part 17.
Part 19.
Part 20.
Part 21.
Part 22.

Part 18.

3.2K 216 10
By iam_dolly

"Going somewhere Mr. Thiwat?" Tharn smirks, leaning on the door. San, Win and Sarawat is waiting at the door, guarding it.

The old man's eyes widen at the sudden visitor. He was hoping that the guards or his receptionist can at least hold Tharn off for a bit so he can get away.

"Don't think that you can get away because this place is secured and all your means of leaving the place is guarded." Tharn said. He wants to kill the man but he is his mate's father so he will spare his life. The old man is just silent. Tharn went to the president's seat. "Why don't you sit down Mr. Thiwat and let's talk" Tharn grins.

The old man followed him obediently and sit.

"Does your son knows that his father is not just a normal employee? Instead he is a president of a big company doing the most illegal means to obtain a project?" Tharn smirks as he lean on the table.

"Does your mate know what you're going to do to his father?" The old man rebuked.

"Hmm, good question. Speaking of my mate, where did you bring him?" Tharn asks. He just want to kill the man right there that very same moment.

"Why would I tell you? It's my son after all. I can do whatever I want!" The old man slyly said making Tharn's blood boil even more.

Tharn slammed his hand on the table, "Don't make me repeat myself!" Tharn's Alpha dominant aura shows. "You won't like what will happen to you"

"Like your mate will gonna like what will happen to me?" The old man smirks, try to hide his fear.

Tharn slammed on the table and holds the collar of Type's father. The old man trembles in fear, Tharn is a superior alpha. No one could defy him.

"I-In an island" The old man answered, stuttering. Tharn released the man's collar so he slumped to the floor.

"Where is that Island?"

"I- I don't know" Mr. Thiwat trembles in fear.

"How come you don't know?" Tharn's voice is deep and full of authority.

"Mr. Pattarabut is the one who hid them"

"And what's his deal on this?" Tharn asks, does San know what his father is up to?

"To bring you down of course!" The old man regained himself and is now sitting comfortably.

"San! Come in!" Tharn shouted and the old man got shocked that San entered the place.

San goes in leaving Win and Sarawat outside. "What is it?"

"What is your father up to?" Tharn throws a slight glare at San and San the quick he is, he knows what Tharn's talking about.

"He did make a move didn't he?" He said that confuses Tharn himself and his mate's father. "If that's the case, I know where they are" San said.

Tharn immediately stands up and grabbed Type's father's collar again. "We're not done yet! If something happened to my mate, I won't think twice even if you're his father. I will kill you myself." Tharn said. "Oh, by the way, Goodluck dealing with the police and the media" Tharn smirks at the elder man before he left. He will deal with Type for it but searching and finding him is the priority.

Tharn walks to the car followed by the three.

"I have already made arrangements Tharn. We'll go there directly. I have defied my father and he will surely not going to forgive me for this, so the cost is big time but since it's for Type. Well, you got yourself a discount" San said as he drive the car.

"How certain are you that they were brought there?" Tharn asked.

"Well, you'll know when we get there. If they're really there then let's have a vacation" San said. He is sure that if his dad is involved then Type will be brought to that island. Tharn just nods.

It's night when the boys arrived at the island. It's really the perfect place to hide someone. It's far, no reception and a well hidden Island.

"Good evening, sirs." The head maid greeted them and help with some of their things.

"Gather all the person we have here. Everyone must be in the living room in 10 minutes!" San ordered. The head maid bowed and immediately leaves to gather all the house helpers.

Ten minutes have passed and everyone's standing before them.

"Is this everyone?" San asks. The head maid nodded. It is not, someone is missing. Samantha didn't join them, though she is not officially working for the Pattarabut's she still helps.

San showed them two pictures. A picture of Type and Techno.
"did any of you see them? Are they here? I want the truth!" Everyone's head is lowered down aside from the head made.

San impatiently raised his voice, "Are they here?" The helpers flinched before they shake their heads.

"How come you say haven't seen them if you didn't looked at the picture?" San asked. "You! Come closer" San points to the elder man.

"Have you seen them here? Are they here?" He asked full of authority. The boys at the back were just silent including Tharn.

"I haven't seen them sir. I don't know if they're here" He didn't lie. He really didn't see the two. Only few house helpers knows the existence of the two and since the place is huge the head maid is good keeping them out of sight.

San gritted his teeth. They might just be hiding the two here.

"Are they here?" He shoots the question towards the head maid.

"They're not." She answered.

"If I caught anyone of you lying to me. I going to deal with you all. This is not the time to be loyal to the old man because if I kill all of you here right now, he won't save you" San said which made them tremble.

"They're not here sir." The head maid firmly said. San shoots her an angry look, he knows that person is loyal to his father and will not betray him. They will have to search the place.

"I don't want to see your face" San said dismissing them. He flops to the sofa next to Tharn and release a heavy sigh.

"They're not here?" Tharn asks.

"Those fvckers says they're not but I got a feeling they are" San said as he wash his hand on his face. "Let's rest for tonight and just search the place tomorrow" he added.

Though San already said that but no one seems to move out of their seats. They're still in the living room


At the same time, Type and Techno is in the room given to them. They were given a separate room but since Type might get lonely or will have panic attack since they're in an unfamiliar place so Techno decides to stay with Type.

"I don't know what to do Tech... Three weeks is just too long for me. This one week is like hell, how much more for three more weeks. I'm going crazy by then" He said, he is just as devastated. The longing for his mate just keeps on getting stronger.

Type suddenly stands up and walk to the door.

"Where are you going Type?" Techno asks.

"I'll be back Tech, I'll just check something" Type immediately hurries and run.

He feels someone is talking from afar and something pulls him to go there. He hid a bit and observe. His eyes glowed and see the person he is longing for. Tharn. He is there.

Type's POV.

I see Tharn, he is here. My mate is here. Did he search for me?

My tears starts flowing, I walked to where they are.

I can smell Tharn's scent. I want to embrace it.

"Tharn..." I called out to him. They all turned their heads to look at me. Tharn looks so shocked, they all do.

Tharn runs to hug me, "You're safe love, thank god!" He said as he tightly hugged me. I cried. Finally, the stress that built up was released. He sighed in relief.

"Tharn... I was afraid.. I'm afraid" I said as I continue to cry in his embrace.

"Shhh.. Its fine now. I'm here now. We're here for you" He said as he tries to calm me down while I release all the stress in me.

I am so happy. I would thank Sam, she said to go here. She asks me to go here when she saw me running out of the room, trying to find something and running the opposite way, lost.

"You're okay now" He said as he slightly release me from the hug and carry me to the sofa.


// This is chaotic, the story line and me 😂
Did it make you confused? Hahaha I'm sorry 😂

Well.. 🙏😅😂 The important thing is they're together now 😂

Love lots 💙❤️♥️

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