Fucking Feelings {Bakugo x Re...

By PikaJovi

131K 3.4K 4.9K

(Y/N) (L/N) is living a normal life with a normal family. Nothing could have been more perfect. Except maybe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 11

2.6K 74 75
By PikaJovi

(Y/N)'s POV:

Now it was time for the one-on-one battles! Everyone was excited to go up there and show off everything they've got. This was a real chance for the Pro Heroes to see what potential we have and if we would be a good addition to their agencies!

Everyone wanted to win, to be on top. But there could only be one winner! And that will be me! I'm going to prove my new dedication and seriousness of being on top in these battles! Bakugo will regret pushing me to be better.

As we were leaving the arena, so they can get it ready for the battles, I see Shinso talking to Deku. Thankfully Ojiro gets there before me and covers his mouth before he gets the chance to speak. "So, you realized it as well, Ojiro." I walk up to them and glare at Shinso.

I stand between him and Deku, "Do me a favor and stay away from our little broccoli. Just because he looks friendly doesn't mean he won't wipe the floor with you." I look down at him.

"B-Broccoli!?" Deku stutters at my new nickname for him.

"Well, I look forward to it." Shinso smirks and leaves. 

"Everything okay here, guys?" Kirishima comes over with Bakugo.

"Ya, just getting rid of some pests." I look back at Deku and put both my hands on his shoulders. "Listen to me, Deku; you will go up there and destroy him. Got me? I wasn't lucky enough to go against him, but you will have to defend my honor by murdering him! If you lose..." I give him a scary smile, "I will kill you!"

I pat his shoulders and walk to our stands with Kirishima and Bakugo. "You scared the shit out of him." Bakugo says as he laughs.

"Well, I was serious. I wanted to destroy that zombie-looking... thing! But they put me against Mina." I heave a sigh, "But I'd rather he lost from the start than get a chance to fight him later."

"Poor Midoriya, you didn't have to go all Bakugo on him." Kirishima comments.

"All Bakugo? No, no, I went all (Y/N) on him!"

"Ya, she was too soft to be on my level." he smirks.

"Oh please, I can be meaner than you. I can make someone cry just by saying their name." I reply to him with my head held high.

"Oh ya? Well, I just need to look at them!" he scoffs at me.

"Both of you scare me... Who argues about who's scarier?" sometimes, Kirishima feels like an angel hanging out with two demons.

We go to the second floor of the stadium and into our seatings, ready to watch the first match between Deku and Shinso. From what I've seen from Deku, he should be able to take him out. He just needs to keep his mouth shut.

Present Mic explains the battles' rules and introduces Deku and Shinso as they walk up the fighting area and wait for the signal to start. I'm sitting in the front row to get a better look at the battles and the student's quirks. Bakugo was sitting behind me with Kirishima next to him.

I look between the two fighters, and I see Shinso's lips moving. We were too far away to hear anything he's saying, but I bet he's trying to get Deku to talk. As soon as Present Mic tells them to start, Deku rushes towards him but suddenly freezes.

Oh, that idiot! "Ojiro! Did you not warn him?" I look back at him, but he was face-palming himself.

"I did! I explained it to the last theory I have." so Deku was basically provoked. Damn it.

"What happened to the Shitty Nerd?" Bakugo asks.

"Shinso has some kind of brainwashing quirk. If you reply to him, he could put you under his control and make you his puppet. You wouldn't even realize!" I explain to him and anyone who wanted to know.

"Oh, that's annoying." Kirishima says.

We continue to watch as Deku walks back towards the arena's edge. If he doesn't find a way to snap out of it, he's going to lose! Everyone was screaming for him to wake up, but that isn't going to help. Something needs to shock him awake.

Suddenly a burst of air comes from him, and we all lean forward to see what happened. "Did he just activate his quirk?" I ask as I see his fingers purple; that must hurt. 

"Midoriya is back and still in!" Present Mic says, and the crowd goes wild! This is now getting exciting! He turns around and marches towards Shinso again; he better not speak again. Once he was there, he grabs him from his shoulders and pushes him towards the edge to take him out.

They fight it out for a bit, and then Deku grabs Shinso's hand, does a shoulder toss, and takes him out of bounds!

I jump off my seat and cheer! "Yes! Take that!" I throw my fist in the air. I steal a glance at Bakugo; he did not look happy. He was shocked that Deku pulled it off, I guess? 

"Midoriya wins! He moves on to the second round!" Midnight announces, and the crowd cheers again.

"Who's next?" I ask.

"Todoroki and Sero!" Uraraka tells me.

I look back at Sero as he gets up to go get ready. "You can do it, Sero! You got this!" I encourage him, and he gives me a thumbs up. "Who do you think will win?" I turn in my seat and ask Bakugo.

"As much as I hate it, but Half-and-Half will easily win this." he says as he crosses his arms.

"How do you know? Sero is actually really good! I'm sure he can do this." I scoff at him and look forward.

"I know because of the look the bastard always has on his face. He will go all out." well, ya, Todoroki isn't the most friendly-looking guy...

Both classmates get into the arena and wait for the signal. Deku was back and sitting between Uraraka and me, but Bakugo grabs me by the back of my collar and makes me sit next to him.

"Dude, what's your issue? Just tell me, don't choke me." he, of course, doesn't answer me and just looks to the battle. But I guess I couldn't imagine Bakugo asking me to sit next to him. I laugh in my head, ya that would never happen.

I tap Deku's shoulder and smile at him. "Thank you for beating him for me." 

"Oh, n-no problem. But (Y/N), he isn't a bad guy; he's just had it rough a bit." of course, Deku would find the good in him.

"Well, if you say so." I let it go and get back to the battle.

The fight starts between Sero and Todoroki, and in a second, Sero has Todoroki wrapped up in his tape and is swinging him out of range. But just as fast, Todoroki stops the flow with his foot by freezing the area.

Or more than just the area...

A whole mountain of ice was formed around Sero, reaching some of the crowd and even us. "Holy s-shit..." I let out as I sat straight and back, just barely avoiding the ice.

"Told you. Unstable. It's written on his face." Bakugo says as he explodes the ice in front of my face, allowing me to sit comfortably.

"Right... that was crazy. Poor Sero." I felt bad for him. No one stood a chance against something like this. The crowd was shouting 'don't mind' to him, and Todoroki was using his left side to melt everything around him.

They take a little break to get all the ice out of the arena, and I try to talk Kaminari into taking this seriously. "Listen, just because it's a girl, don't underestimate her. She seems tough and hiding her real power. Just make sure you're calm and strategize it."

"You're wasting your time; he's going to lose." Bakugo... the ever-supportive friend.

"Come on! You don't know that! He can do this if he just plans it properly."

"Ya, maybe. But he won't. It's Pikachu we're talking about." he doesn't bat an eye. " And my prediction was right in the previous fight, so you should listen to me." he smirks at me.

Kaminari leaves for his battle; the smirk is already on his face when he sees the girl. I bet he's going to try to impress her by winning and ask her out... Why is he so obsessed with asking the wrong girls out?

What's worse... Present Mic actually introduced him as 'Sparkling Killing boy.' What kind of a name is that?!

"Just from that name, I know he's going to lose." Bakugo nudges me while he chuckles.

"Okay, I'll agree with you on that one." that name was really lame...

As soon as the fight started... it ended with Kaminari losing. These fights are ending too quickly!  Out of nowhere, a blonde guy peeped from the wall next to us where class 1B is and opens his mouth. 

"Huh? I thought he was going to finish this in a second? But he lost in a second! Isn't class 1A suppose to be better than 1B? Yet we just beat you so easily." Who is this fucker...?

I look at him with one eyebrow up, weirded out by him and also suppressing the urge to beat him up for looking down on us. But his classmate stopped him and took him away.

"See, I told you he would lose." he smirks at me.

"Oh, aren't you the all-knowing!" I roll my eyes at him, "Tell me then, who will win now? Iida or his opponent?" I challenge him.

"Oh, that's easy; Sonic will win." I just want him to be wrong, just once.

Iida's match was hard to watch... the girl whose name was Hatsume used him to show off to the sponsors all her equipment and her engineering capabilities. In the end, she just forfeited the match, and Iida advanced to the second round.

Bakugo just smirks at me, knowing he won. I stand up to go to the arena since I'm up next. "Then tell me, genius. Who will win? Me or Mina?"

"Is that even a question?" he raises his eyebrows at me. "Just don't destroy her too hard. She's kind of cool." he smirks at me. But this time, his smirk was a supportive one.

I walk up to the arena and face Mina. There is no way I'll allow myself to lose here, not when Bakugo was actually rooting for me. I'll make sure he acknowledges that we stand on the same level!

"Now for the fifth match! It's (L/N) (Y/N), who beat the record of the fastest run in the obstacle race! And her opponent, Mina Ashido! They are both from the same class. Wonder who will come on top." Present Mic introduces us, but I was too focused on her to listen to him.

As much as I want to finish this quickly, it won't be that easy. Mina has her acid, which she uses to move faster. Yes, I'm faster, but it makes her a tricky target to aim at. And I've seen her in training; she's flexible.

"START!" he screams, and Mina directly skates towards me using her acid.

"Don't take this personally (Y/N), but I'll be winning here! I'm going full out." she tells me as she gets closer.

Should I use my beams or my laser? I haven't fought another student since Bakugo. I don't want to go too far as I did. Which attack won't hurt her as much?

She gets too close for comfort, so I zoom to the other side as soon as she tries to attack me. I can't make up my mind. I keep avoiding her attacks without doing any myself.

"OI! Are you still a coward!? I only told you not to destroy her too hard, not pet her! Show me something interesting like before!" I hear Bakugo scream from the stands; he snapped me out of my spiraling thoughts.

I wink at him, signaling I got the message. I fix my stance and get myself ready for her attack. I put my hands up, aiming right at her. "Okay, Mina, I'm ready. I'll give it my all."

She comes at me, but I make no move. I keep aiming at her until she was very close to me; just before she attacks me, I zoom away but keep my aim at her. I fire a laser at her right leg, planning to stop her movement. But she jumps out of the way.

"Wow (Y/N)! Blue-Violet, what does that mean?" she asks me as she comes at me again.

I fire more lasers, but she keeps jumping out of the way. I knew she was flexible, but not like that! "It means I'm serious and concentrating."

"Well, I think you should concentrate more; you keep missing." she taunts me.

I know I should block those stuff out, but they just get to me. I raise my eyebrow at her and scowl; that's it, I'm ending this. I don't care if my quirk isn't what brings her down. I study her moves and her pattern, and my plan was set.

"You know Mina." I prepare my running stance, "It also means I'm confident." I zoom at her and grab both her arms. I use my leg and swing it under hers, dropping her to her stomach. I grab her hands from her wrists and make sure her palms are facing down.

She tries to get herself out of my grip, but with my body on her back and my hands pinning hers, she had nowhere to go. "I don't really like being taunted. It gets to me." I confess to her with a small victory smile.

"(Y/N) wins! She advances to the second round." Midnight announces, and I let go of Mina.

"Oh, man! I was so close!" she says, but I just smile at her and put my arm over her shoulders, and we walk back to the stands.

I get back to my seat and grin at Bakugo. "How was that?"

"Meh, I guess it was good." he says while shrugging his shoulders.

"Please! He was on the edge of his seat the entire time!" Kirishima laughs.

"It was only to see how lame it was going to be." he looks away.

I giggle and look at him; I'm starting to read him better and understand his hidden meanings more. "Well, thank you anyway. I'll do better next time." 

"You're doing fine." he mumbles and glances at me for a second before he looks away again.

I would have never thought that Bakugo had a cute side to him!




Victory in the first round! Woohoo. How are you finding it so far?

See you soon!!!

*PikaJovi* (^0^)/

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