Perfectly Incomplete (Zayn Ma...

By brokenwritter_

7.8K 970 370

Her life is perfect but incomplete without love. She's got everything she ever wanted in her life except one... More

Perfectly Incomplete
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 (The End)

Chapter 8

359 29 12
By brokenwritter_


We were both quietly sitting in his car as he drove and I on the other hand was feeling awkward. I coughed in hopes of earning his attention to start some kind of conversation. I couldn't trust myself to start one as I would end up making things more awkward.

I have no idea why but I was getting so curious whether he is still single like I am or he already has a girlfriend. I was just staring at him as he drove focusing on the road, that's when I realised how much tattoo's he had on his arms making him look mysteriously dangerous, where as his jet black hair was always set perfectly in a quiff on top of his head. Oh God I have never seen such a sexy yet mysterious man.

"So.. tell me something about yourself." he questioned glancing towards me for a second.

"Umm I am a photographer as you know. I love to travel and visit beautiful places." I answered nervously staring at the side of his face. Damn those perfect Jawlines.

"Okay nothing more?"


"Tell me something about yourself." I repeated the same question he asked a minute ago. I cant even function properly let alone remember how to breath when he is around me and sitting in a car so close to him just made it more difficult for me.

"Well there is nothing much to know about me! I like to draw and paint. I own a shop where I sell my artworks." He smiled warmly at me and I felt millions of butterflies in my stomach or maybe zoo it was.

"Okay" I smiled back.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked hesitantly fiddling with my fingers.


"Do you.. err.. have a .. girlfriend?" I stuttered and mentally slapped myself.

"No I don't." I heard him chuckle as I was gazing at my hands slightly embarrassed though his answer shocked me, how can he be single I mean look at him he looks like a fucking Greek God. Is it possible he is lying? Wait what if he is gay? Oh no.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"


I saw a giant Ferris Wheel and I quickly recognised the place. We are back at the London Eye! I don't know why he brought me here although he knew that I've been to all tourist and famous places.

"I've al-" before I can complete my sentence he interrupted me, "I know you've already seen it but have you been in that?" he pointed towards the sealed and air-conditioned ovoidal passenger capsules that were attached to the external circumference of the wheel rotated by electric motors.


"Come you'll love the view from that capsules." he climbed out of his seat, rounding the car he came to my side and opened the door for me offering his hand. My heart started beating uncontrollably against my ribcage by the sweet gestures. Such a gentlemen. I wish I could kiss him once. I groaned internally because of my thoughts. Thankful that no sound was came out of my mouth.

As I took his hand I felt his warm hands cover my small cold ones in his large hand. We both then headed towards the direction of that capsules or whatever it is called.

God I touched him for the first time and it feels so good, so good that I can hold his hand forever. Whats wrong with me? Stupid brain!

We were standing in a line hand in hand which really felt good. He took tickets for both of us and we headed towards the passenger capsule. I was actually scared because of heights. As it started I squeezed his hand shutting my eyes tightly. I don't want to die today.

"Evelyn are you afraid of heights?" he asked.

"N-no" I answered without opening my eyes.

"I know You are lying Evelyn. Open your eyes." He whispered in my ears. I can feel his warm breath on my neck.

Oh God cant he just stop being so seductive!

"Okay." I slowly opened my eyes. He was so close to me while his dark brown eyes gazing mine. His eyes are so beautiful.

"See this you'll love it." he pointed out of the glass we were in.

"Oh My God!" I gasp looking at the view.

"Its just.." I struggled for a right word "Amazing!"

I saw zayn smiling from the corners of my eyes he was a bit taller than me and offcourse more beautiful than me! Wait are men beautiful?

"Thank you Zayn!" I smiled.

"Thank you its such a beautiful view!" I said staring out.

"Not more beautiful than you." he smiled warmly as I felt my cheeks burn. Wow! he thinks I am beautiful.

Sorry for the grammatical mistakes in this chapter. Thank you.

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