Whatever It Takes

By LonelyEyes19

32.6K 978 89

Jemily story What does this two friends with beneficts have in common? Is Emily going to get what she wants? More

Can you?
Phone Call
Im sorry im not ready yet
Shower sex
First Doctor Appointment
We can?
First Time
New case
Hello there
What the hell?
Office talk
Excuse Me
Look Up
Its Time
Sandy's call
Christmas surprise
The driver
Officer Jonas
You belong with me
Forgive me
He is a bad guy
The operation
Looking at you
Can she do that?
Who does he think he is?
Queen Bee
But why?
someone help me out
And how is she?
I could have been there
You are a pain in the ass
Who is he?
The helper
The plan
Let the game begin
What the hell is this
We need something
Please Stop
Its all over

In Your Dreams

570 21 2
By LonelyEyes19

Emily Pov

"Emily!!" Garcia yells as she enters the police station bathdroom

"I haven't been gone for five minutes and you guys need my help already" I joke

When she doesn't laugh I turn around and see her worried face

"What happend?" I ask now precupied for what she was going to tell me

"Morgan and JJ are in the hospital" I heard her words slowly

"Are they okay?" I ask

Fuck I can't raise our baby alone

"Well Morgan is okay, but JJ has two broken ribs and has to stay in the hospital" she explains

"We have to go now Pen" I say as I exit the bathdroom with her now following

"That's the thing Em, we can't go" she tells me

"What do you mean by that?" I ask going mad

"Hotch believes that it was the unsubs work" she says

"So are you saying that we can't leave this station because an unsub has targeted all of us?" I ask her

She nods

"This is unbelievable, I must be dreaming or something, please Pen tell me that I'm dreaming" I plead her as my make up runs trough my face

"I wish I could tell you that Em, but we are not in your dreams" she says as she hugs me

"Girls" Rossi says as he comes where we are standing

"We have something" he adds

I dry my tears with a napkin and follow him with Garcia beside me

"Okay, when the unsub attacked JJ's and Morgan's car, he was actually coming back from something, so we asked the sheriff to search in that place" Reid says

"And?" I ask

"We have found another ten body's, he crashed their car because they entered his particular cementery" He explains

"We have to work on the profile, if he has killed thirteen people, he might want to kill all of us starting with Morgan and JJ" Hotch states

"I need some air" I say as I go

"Emily wait" I hear Rossi shout but it's too late I'm already outside

A police officer comes near me

"It must suck" He comments

"It does fuck, my girlfriend is in the hospital and I can't even go to see her because we can't leave the station" I don't know why I'm telling all of this to a completely stranger

"I have to make some rounds on the car, I could drive you there if you want" He offers

"I would love too, but I can't.." I trail off because he didn't introduce himself

"Jason, Jason Jonas" he says

"Nobody would know, I would be back in thirty minutes and you would be with your girlfriend" he says

" We should get going then" I say, he nods and I go with him to the car and enter it

"You know I've never had a case like this, never one with three murders in months, this was a very quiet town" he tell me as he drives off

"You're wrong the unsub, that how we call the killer, has killed at least thirteen people more, I thought that the sheriff already told you that" I tell him

"I was on my lunch break with my girlfriend " he explains

"I didn't even asked your name" he says stoping at the red traffic light

"Emily, Emily Prentiss" I tell him

"Well Emily, this is a thirty minutes drive so tell me about that girlfriend of yours" he says

"Her name is Jennifer Jareau, she was actually my best friend but I've always had a crush on her you know, so one day after a case that involved kids I figured that the thing that was missing from my life was a child" I tell him

"I want to have kids too, one day I guess, sorry I didn't meant to interrupt you" he says

"Okay, so in one of our nights I told them my idea and a colleague suggested to ask her to be my donor you know, at first I was terrified of her reaction but when she accepted, in that moment I knew that I didn't want anybody else to be my partner to raise my child but her" I tell him

"Woah, quite a story you got there, I actually meet mine at one of my mother parties" He says

"And how is the baby making?" He ask

"Well I actually found out yesterday but I'm carrying our baby right now" I tell Jason

"This is a pretty dangerous job don't you think" he says

"Most of the time, but I never been in real danger and always had my collages watching my back " I explain him

"And do you think that you have a possible future with her?" I ask him

"I don't think that she deserves me, I work as a police officer and I love her too much to leave her the heartbreak when somebody tells her that I died on the job, I don't want to do that to her" he says

"Loving a person is always a risk you have to take, you never know if the relationship is going to work but you have to try and don't let your work be that thing that is doubting you relationship" I tell him

"I sense that you had nasty break-ups before " he says laughing

"Don't even get me started" I say just as I was to continue on the road of my failed relationship my phone rangs

"Sorry I have to take this" I say as I take it out of my pocket

"I don't mind, we have o my five minutes left and I could go with you to you girlfriends room, just to be sure that nothing happens to you" he says

"Thank you Jason" I tell him

'Prentiss' I say answering

'Emily where are you we have been looking for you all over the town' she says worried

'I'm on my way to the hospital to see JJ and Morgan' I tell her

'But you didn't take the SUV, how are you going?' She ask confused

'Officer Jonas is bringing me, don't worry Pen' I tell her

'Emily' she says

'What Pen' I say

'There is no one working at the station by the surname Jonas' I hear Rossi say

Hope you have a great day guys!!

Do you guys listen to the song that I put before each chapter?

Comments and votes are appreciated

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