Beautiful Curse-OHSHC fanfic

By camellia-

146K 4.5K 1.4K

{SLOWLY BEING EDITED} Meg Saya and Will, her twin brother, move to Japan for their father's job- all the wa... More

Beautiful Curse
First day of school; what's with this damn blonde?
The Host Club and tears
Meeting the hosts and becoming one of them
Hosts get a new idea: A swimming contest? Part 1
Swimming Contest Part 2
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Chocolate Cookies
Thing of the past
Movie Night!
We're going where...the beach?
Beach day and damn that blonde
Swimsuits and Twins
The Ocean and Jerks
Justified anger
Valentine's Day
Just a Nightmare
Author's note
Special Note~Love interest

Chocolate Cookies Part 2

3.4K 121 42
By camellia-

I felt my palms sweat. If only Haruhi hadn't brought up the whole 'pairing thing' when I had asked. Couldn't she have lied? I wouldn've known she was lying, but at least it was better than sitting here waiting to see who comes out with the same color as my dress. For Haruhi, judging by the glances she kept throwing in the direction of the boys' changing room, was just as a anxious as I. For her sake, I hope Tamaki and her matched. And for me ... I hope Will and I didn't.

"Still angry with Will?"

Haruhi's voice startles the silence and I jump a little. My head snaps in her direction and I furiously shake my head- even if it wasn't the truth. Haruhi, though, read right through me and gave me a hard glare. Half-way through my shaking of the head I change movements and start nodding, sighing as I do so.

"It's petty of me, isn't?"

She doesn't say anything right away, but her eyes tell another story. A sigh escapes me again and I lower my head onto her shoulder, finding comfort in Haruhi's silent undersatnding.

"I don't understand, Haruhi," I mumble, "where did I go wrong?"

Haruhi smiles sadly. "I don't think you've done anything wrong, but ending up in the hospital gave us all quite the scare."

"Did it, though?" I chuckle bitterly.

Haruhi turns to me fully, her eyes wide. "Meg-" she tightens her hold- "the twins didn't eat the whole time you were out, Tamaki practically kept Honey from crying everytime he looked at you. Mori spoke less than normal, and Kyoya made sure you got the best doctors avaible."

"But what about Will? You didn't mention Will's name." I whisper.

"He slept every night right there beside you. That blonde chick came a couple times to ask for him to go somewhere with her, but he turned her down and held your hand tightly." Harui said sharply. "So, yes, Meg, I know you haven't done anything wrong."

I gap, knowing I was being insecure and selfish. I had worried them needlessly and here I was complaining about Will choosing to go to some movie with Kanashimi. But my mind had slipped somewhere else, running around in circles to Haruhi's words about the twins. Had they really not eaten anything while I was out? Would Hikaru and Kaoru really feel that strongly towards me to not eat for almost a whole week if not more? Gratitude and warmth settles inside my chest and coils around the base of my throat and threatens to spill over within my eyes.

"Close your eyes, they're coming!" Haruhi smacks my arm and closes my eyelids herself. I giggle and do the same to her. Crying could wait until later.

We hear the curtains pull open, making a swishing sound, and footsteps falling. Anticipation and excitment race through me, jumping and doing summersults through my nerves. It was an amazing feeling, but doubt also set in along with those other emotions. Would they not want to partner with me? What if I wasn't good enough to host with them? Why did I feel as if I wanted to cry now instead of jumping up and down from excitment? Haruhi squeezes my hand, her palms slightly sweaty, and I knew right there that Haruhi was just as nervous as I was.

"Don't peak, okay!" I grip Haruhi's hand right back, smirking when she returns the pressure.

A throat clears from in front of us, demanding our attention. "Now, ladies, before you open your eyes, please pick a number between one and ten."

With our eyes clsoed, Haruhi and I turn to each other and raise our eyebrows.

"Stop doing that!" Tamaki taps us both lightly over the head. "You can't communicate with one another."

I hit tamaki's hand away in annoyance. Being hit on the head was not something on my bucket list- and if Tamaki were to do it again, I would take that hand while he's napping on the couch and put it in a bucket full of warm water.

"Tamaki, I couldn't do that again." Haruhi warns, irritation evident in her voice.

We hear him back away and shove someone in front of him. "Even with her eyes closed she's scary." He whispers.

Haruhi twitches beside me, her hand squeezing slightly over mine. I pat her hand in responce and my lips thin. Men. Did they not know how to choose their words carefully?

Silence echoes through the room, every now and then someone would take an unsteady breath. I sit nervously with my hands in my lap, still keeping my eyes closed, and tried not to think about who was paired with me. It seemed the boys were debating the best way to have Haruhi and I open our eyes. Appearntly you couldn't go the old fashion way and just open your eyes.

"Alright," Tamaki starts, "we've decided that we're going to have Haruhi and you open your eyes together."

"So, what's the hold up?" Haruhi snaps, becoming irritated.

"We're trying to find an interesting way to do so." Honey speaks up, thumping Tamaki on the arm. We hear Tamaki groan as he more than likely holds his hurting limb. Haruhi and I grin, enjoying the images running through our minds.

"How are we opening our eyes, then?" I ask.

"Glad that you asked." Kyoya said. "You'll both turn around and on my count spin around and open your eyes. I have established this as the best way to make this go quickly."

Ever so efficent, I grin to myself. Haruhi and I stand up from the couch and turn our backs to where we knew the boys were standing. Honey giggles from behind us and I have a feeling he was enjoying Haruhi and I squirm.


I spin around, my eyes fluttering open. It takes a second for my vision to clear, but when it does I try not to gasp. Hikaru and Kaoru were dressed in the same icy blue as I. Haruhi, as I had prayed, was matching with Tamaki. Both their eyes lit up, but neither spoke up. It seems Tamaki could hold his tongue when the moment called for it. Hikaru and I stared at each other wearily, unable to decipher what the other was feeling.

Kaoru spins me in his arms. "We're partners today!"

"Yeah," I was unable to bring myself to make his bright smile disappear.

Mori caught my eye, his dark brown eyes clashing handsomely with the dark blue silk shirt he wore. My breath lodged in my throat and I fely myself fumble to breathe. Mori, much to my started, yet pleased, surprise, sends me a warm smile. The fluttering heart in my chest explodes and I feel it sutter before beating again. How could two boys cause me to feel this way?

I look away from Mori, although it was hard, and glance at Hikaru- who was already staring at me with blazing amber eyes. I melt in those amber pools, feeling the shivers race up and down my spine. He wasn't saying anything, but his eyes told me everything he wasn't. The expression in his eyes brought warmth to my chest and I knew I couldn't look away from him.

He walks over to me, following his brother. I was unable to move, captivated by the primale look in his eyes. Leaning down, and touching my arm gently, his lips brush against my ear. "You look ravishing."

I inhale his intoxicating scent of pine and cinnamon, wanting to do nothing more than burry my head in his chest. Kaoru clears his throat beside us, his eyes cutting between us. I blush madly, but wasn't sorry for it. Hikaru's touch was soft, but it felt intiment and meant for me alone. It brought a warming sensation to my chest, driving away the earlier irritation I'd felt toward him.

"Let's head to our seats, then." Hikaru moves away from me, motioning for us to follow.

Kaoru grins, his eyes sparkling. Taking my hand he leads me after him and I follow willingly. He was letting me in again, as if the day after my release was a memory in the past. But I knew different. Something was eating away at Hikaru and I felt a rift between u- one where I would have to pull on my big-girl panties and talk to him.

"I'm sorry about my brother," Kaoru whispers, fringe falling into his eyes, giving him a boyish look.

I shake my head, smiling slightly. Leave it to Kaoru to know what was going on. "Don't worry about it. I'm going to talk to him soon enough."

"Let him come to you, but if he doesn't then I give you permission to knock some sense into his thick skull."

Hikaru turns around, amber eyes narrowed. "I can hear you two whispering back there."

Kaoru grins impishly, his way of telling his brother nothing was wrong. I, on the other hand, stare at him with unblinking eyes. He stares right back, intense and unbreakable. My cheeks flush, rememebering the words he'd told me earlier, and I have to look away from him. He raises an eyebrow, but doesn't comment. Kaoru settles down first on the couch closest to the windows, patting the spot between him and Hikaru.

Feeling slightly uncomfortable, I lower down and smooth the dress out around me. Sitting next to Hikaru I felt more vulnerable than ever, and I found myself wishing for the dress to cover more. The paleness of my legs had me nervously playing with the edges of the dress and fixing it every few seconds. Hikaru, growing irritated with my continous fidgeting, grabs my hand and clasps it in his.

"Stop moving around, you're making me nervous."

I could say the same thing! I shout in my head.

Too embarrassed to look at him, I gaze out the window and watch a group of birds flock in a tight formation. Birds had always fascinated me since I was little; the way they could fly and find freedom where I couldn't, the wind beneath their wings. It was all a fantasy for me ... a distant fantasy ... one that was what a little girl could dream about.

Tamaki rushes about the room, jerking me from my brewing thoughts. His hair was dishelved and he had a shine of panic in his gaze as he ran about. Haruhi watches from the couch where they were sitting, her mouth twitching. Probably more in worry than annoyance. She sighs, runs a hand through her hair, and gets up from the couch. Walking swiftly towards Tamaki, she touches his arm and whispers some words. Her words seemed to have eased Tamaki's worry, because in seconds Haruhi was leading him back to the couch they had been sharing. After Tamaki was seated and was locked in a conversation with Haruhi, Kyoya put away his black book and looked at the doors for their first customer.

He didn't wait long. A group of giggling girls walk through the doors, rose petals falling, and quickly disband to get to their favorite hosts. Kaoru stiffens beside me and presses closer to my side, causing me to look up at him with worry. "Kanashimi is with your brother."

His words brought pain. It pierced through my chest and punched my heart, clutching it in an iron fist. Hikaru's hold tighens, his knuckles paling, and he keeps me from turning my head and looking by pushing my head against his chest and running his fingers through my hair. That was how the girls found us: Hikaru with one hand clasped around mine and running his fingers through my hair, my head leaning against his chest, and Kaoru holding onto my other hand.

An eruption of giggles fill the room, washing away the peacefulness that once lay over the room. I twitch against Hikaru's chest, his even breathing lulling me to sleep. It was hard to open my eyes, but the girls demanded my attention- if not mine, then certainly the boys'.

"Look how cute she looks with the twins!" A girl giggles.

"Like a fairy. Kawaii!" Her friend blushes.

Kaoru chuckles, his eyes filling with amusment. At least someone was finding it funny. Their comments were making me fully aware of Hikaru beside me and the dress I wore. Please don't let my cheeks blush any redder! My prayer wasn't answered because Hikaru pressed a hand to my cheek and smirked.

"You're a little warm, love." His smirk turns crooked.

I scowl at him, thumping his chest. "I'm not entirely happy with you, yet."

He grins, presses a quick kiss to my cheek and engages the girl in front of him into a conversation. Leaving me no time to flownder and hit him again. Kaoru pulls my attention away from his brother and onto him. Compared to his brother, Kaoru's features were softer but more defined by the slight waves curling around his cheekbones when his hair got messed up. To me, they were perfect.

"My little Meg," he smiles, "what will I ever do without you?"

Was time already to act? An impish smile steals over my face before quickly disappearing.

I laugh. "Dear, Kaoru, I'm not sure either."

His eyes swarm with saddness. "Promise me, Meg. Promise you won't ever leave my side?"

I melt into him, allowing the girls to watch with wide eyes and gaping mouths. "Kaoru ..."

Someone pulls me away, posessively wrapping an arm around my waist and tilting my chin up. Hikaru's amber eyes burn into mine. "Don't go making promises, Meg. You're mine." His voice deepens and I'm lost to him.

The girls eat it up, but for some reason I got a feeling Hikaru wasn't just saying these words to say them. He meant them. Blushing madly, I dip my head and try to hide my burning face with my hair, but Hikaru tucks a finger under my chin and forcably makes me look at him. "You're mine, love, whether you like it or not."

Flushing more and feeling shivers running up and down my spine, I lean closer to him and cup my hands around his cheeks. I was feeling brave. Pulling him down, I tentatively brush my lips against the skin of his left cheek. Feeling him shudder against my touch, brought a pleasing emotion to me. Somewhere inside of me, a large part of me, liked the fact that I made him react like this when I touched him.

Staring into his eyes, I knew the rift had lessened and we were becoming closer. My heart swells with brimming emotions, threatening to spill over and bring tears to my eyes. Sensing the raw emotions and the threat of crying, Hikaru closes my eyes with gentle fingers and press little butterfly kisses to my closed eyelids.

"So cute!!" A brown haired, quiet girl falls against her chair, clutching her heart. Her friend nods her head and sits back, her eyes slightly glazed. They must be romantics.

Kaoru smirks, knowing they had done their job. Unlike Tamaki, the twins focused on giving a show rather than being intiment with the girls. Even if it meant causing me blushing and embarrassment along the way- if anything I think they enjoy that part the most.

"Next group." Kyoya's sharp voice stops the girls from giggling more and asking questions.

I relax into Hikaru's hold as the girls walk away. That group had been taxing on my nervous. They kept asking random personal questions, ones I weren't too comfortable answering. Hikaru and Kaoru, both on either side of me, had been enjoying the questions they were throwing at me because it mesnt my face kept going a darker shade of red and the more I pressed against them in hopes of turning invisable. My wish hadn't came true, because I found myself facing the next set of girls.

"Hello, Hikaru, Kaoru, Meg." A pretty red haired girl smiles shyly.

I answer her smile with one of my own. Maybe this girl wasn't as bad as the others? Kaoru groans softly beside me and I turn to him with a questioning gaze. Seeing my confusion, he dips his head and motions for me to listen.

"Her name's Emily, she's from Germany." He glanced at the girl from the corner of his eye.

"So what's wrong with her?"

"She's into some ... werid fantasies." Hikaru answers for his twin.

The way both their faces paled made my stomach turn and nervousness coil in the pits of my stomach. Glancing at Emily, I notice she's the only customer at our table. Just how weird was this girl and her fantasies? My question was answered sooner than I liked.


After going through introductions, mostly for her to get a feel on who I was as a person, Emily had became strangly silent. Hikaru and Kaoru did not seem pleased at the news and sight of her going quite. When she wasn't talking, Emily had a mouth on her. I'd found out more information on some TV shows than I had known before- and not exactly good things either. In fact, a lot of the information she'd given me was weird. Either it was about two girls making our or two guys getting it on in the back room. Where she found these shows was a mystery to me, one where I was glad to leave it as that: a mystery.

Emily clears her throat, gaining our attention. Blushing, she stammers out. "C-could Meg inch closer to Kaoru?"

Knowing Kyoya would scold me if I didn't do as the customer asked, I scooted away from Hikaru and got closer to Kaoru. Kaoru, who had grown even more pale (if that was possible), bit his bottom lip and tried to look anywhere but at me. Now I was starting to fear this little red head. Emily grins as I come to a stop. Her brown eyes were sparkling as she took out a camera and fiddled with it.

"Now, please don't be alarmed." She smiles. "I won't make you take off any of your clothes."

I gap at her. Take my clothes off? Like hell I would! This red head from Germany had another thing coming for if she thought I would! Hikaru and Kaoru were telling the truth, she was crazy. Hikaru lets a soft groan escape his lips as he runs a hand through his hair. I try to catch his eye, but like his brother, he refuses to look at me. Somehow I felt like this meeting was going to go down an intersting path- one the three of us weren't going to like.

"Now, Meg." Emily turns her full force onto me. The look in her eyes made it impossble for me to tell her no. "I want you to begin pulling at Kaoru's tie, as if you want to kiss him. Make sure you look at him through your lashes and pucker your lips slightly- there you go!"

I tried not to blush, but it was nearly impossible since I was practically begging for Kaoru to kiss me. Hikaru made a noise in the back of his throat, but I couldn't look at him without having Emily turn her attention back to me. "Hikaru, when Kaoru goes to kiss her, jerk her away and pull her onto your lap. Sending a clear sign to your brother that she's yours."

My eyes widen. I was going to straddle Hikaru! No freaking way. Emily was out of her mind if she thought Hikaur and Kaoru would go through with this. Astonishment crashes through me as Kaoru actually leans down to kiss me, his eyes pleading for an apology. If it had been anyone else I would've slapped them by now. As Kaoru neared, I felt a strong grip snake around my mid section and jerk me away with a strong forceful tug. I stumble away from Kaoru, unable to catch any balance, and topple onto Hikaru. As Emily wanted, I was now on top of Hikaru's lap with his hands on either side of my hips and our faces inches apart. He was reclined against the couch, eyes half lidded, and a possessive glint in his eyes made my body shudder with pleasent shivers.

Emily squeals, her camera flashing. The moment she took the photo, Hikaru's lips were a breaths away from touching mine, not touching but tauntingly there. I felt his warm breath brush against my skin and it was almost as if he was actually kissing me. A strong desire to crash my lips roughly against his and take the consequences for my actions later rushes through me, but the fact that everyone in the room was watching gave me pause. Hikaru's eyes blaze with a burning emotion, one I couldn't read, but if I took a guess I would say desire. Did he know what had passed through my mind only seconds ago?

"Oh my god! This is better than I thought, oh man." Emily gushes breathlessly, her brown eyes taking everything in.

I could feel Hikaru's body heat press around me, daring me to take action on my thoughts. I bit my lip, hard. I wanted to look away, so badly, but his gaze had me captivated. A crooked smirk tugs at his lips and a second strong desire rushes through me. One that makes me want to smack it right off his face. Prick.

"Okay, now Meg. Cup your hands around Hikaru's face and get even closer." She turns to Kaoru. "I want you to come up behind her and wrap your arms around her middle and kiss her cheek."

Now it was Kaoru turn to blush a deep shade of pink. Hikaru makes a grunting noise, but I felt like I was the one who should be complaining. It was my body she was practially playing with! Still feeling everyone's eyes on us, I didn't look up at all. "Now....action!"

Bitting my lip, I tentatively begin to cup my hands around Hikaru's face. Annoyance flashes through his features and he grabs my hands with his own and brings them to his face, pressing them gently to his skin. I flush, feeling the slight prickle beneath my fingers. Hikaru hitches me closer- if that was even possible- and brings his hands to lay on my thighs. Where his hands touched my bare skin, I felt warmth burn from the tingles running through my veins. Emily makes a noise from whre she sat, as if queing Kaoru to make his move, Knowing it was his time, Kaoru leans forward and snakes his thin arms around my wiast, prerssing his body close to mine,

"Stay there, don't move!" Emily nearly shouts.

As if we're going to move!

Her camera flashes again and I feel black spots dance across my vision. Once the spots disappeared, I begin to feel a pair of eyes burning a hole in the back of my head. Tilting my head slightly, afraid that Emily might catch on, I look up to see Will staring at me, Kanashimi forgotten at his side. I look away, unable to read the emotions swirling around in his golden gaze. He had chosen Kanashimi this morning, so why did guilt fill me?

Shaking my head, I return my attention back to Hikaru and Kaoru. "I understand why you two don't like her." I whisper, barely moving my lips.

"Kyoya won't make her leave because she pays really good money."

"Her mother is also pretty famous." Kaoru adds.

I groan and close my eyes. "Does this mean this won't be the last time I see her?"

"Correct." Hikaru and Kaoru say together.

Hikaru rubs soothing circles against my thigh, easing the tighness in my chest. We weren't back to normal, but whatever had caused a rift between us was slowly becoming a thing of the past. I would be lying if I said I wasn't pleased. Kaoru's sigh hits my ear and I twitch from the tickling sensation. Giggling at the feeling, I jerk a little and both Hikaru and Kaoru tighten their hold on me- afraid I might fall off.

"Thank you guys so much!" Emily grins. "These pictures will please the people of your fanclub."

The three of us raise our eyebrows. There was already a fanclub about the three of us? I would undertsand Hikaru and Kaoru, but one about the three of us...that was a little strange...

"Bye bye, Emily." I plaster a polite smile onto my face, Hikaru and Kaoru do the same. Our fake smiles stay on until she leaves the room completely.

Kaoru moves away from me, sitting back in his normal position. I climb off Hikaru, smooth my dress, and gaze at the both of them. "How long has she been seeing the two of you?"

"For two years by now. She's happy to have you now joining us." Kaoru scowls.

"We drew the line at actually kissing and taking our clothes off. Although," Hikaru grew a throughful expression. "We have, on occasio, taken our shirts off but only because Kyoya had told us too."

My eyes grew round. "You're kidding?"

"Afraid not." Kaoru said.

I groan, flinging my head in my hands. There was no way I was taking any of my clothes off, not now and not ever. Not even if Emily offered a lot of money or Kyoya threatened to put me in debt. My clothes stay on, whether they like it or not. They must've been following my thinking because they started cracking up.

"You aren't going to have to take your clothes off. We wouldn't alllow that to happen anyways." Hikaru grins, but his eyes are serious.

Gratiude runs through me. I could always count on these two to help me out, even if I didn't fully understand why. Happiness sets in. So what if Emily was a little off her rocker? I had Hikaru and Kaoru at my side to make it all better.

"Meet me out back later, we need to talk." Hikaru whispers in my ear.

Warmth washes through me. So, he felt it too...the need to fix whatever had happened between us. "I'll see you then."



I hope everyone likes this new addition! I had a lot of fun writing it.

Anyone have any thoughts about little Miss Emily from Germany and her odd ideas?



& READ ONWARDS.......<3

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