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By Armyblink_0521

25.6K 1.7K 1K

"I'll kill you" he said with anger clearly written in his eyes. I just chucked. "Well you certainly have the... More

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318 28 25
By Armyblink_0521

*In the early morning*

*At your room*

You woke up earlier before alarm start buzzing, you wore your casual clothes set after you have done your morning routine.

Your outfit:

You opened the door quitely as you don't want to disturb others. You then closed the door from behind and make your way to the door.

*At Outside*

You then make your way towards the bus stop waiting for the bus arrived. However, you felt someone's presence that your familiar with but you ignore it.

Not long after, the bus have arrived so you went into the bus and the bus drove to the next stop.

*Yoongi's Pov*

*(Earlier)At His Room*

Another same dream about y/n is my childhood... I then woke up and headed to kitchen to grabbed something to drink.

I then heard a door opened. I then opened the door and saw y/n. Where is she going in the early morning? Curiosity hits me.

At first i don't even care about it but somehow my heart does not listening to my mind. Why? I wanna know that too..

I then sighed and getting ready for heading out. After that, i make my way towards the door. I put my hoodie on and mask so she not able to recognize me.

*At Outside*

I slowly walked behind her just to make sure she won't look back. I don't know why i feel like i'm stalking her but at same time, i want to make sure she is safe..just like i promised.

Then the bus have arrived, i saw y/n went into the bus so i went in. Luckily she didn't notice it and the bus drove to the next stop.

*Yoongi's Pov ended*

You have reached your stop so you went out from the bus and took out your phone to navigate the location where you need to meet with therapist.

You decided to headed alone instead of calling yoongi to came along with you.

'Why my mind couldn't stop thinking of that grumpy grandpa' you thought and you frustrated while holding your phone until you bumped into someone.

"Watch where your going, young lady" the man said and continue to walked.

'It's all your fault yoongi for keep bugging me throught my mind' you thought. Little did you know that yoongi is actually following you. You turned around see no one is there so you ignore it.

Yoongi is sighed in relieved that you didn't saw him and continue to follow you. You however have made it to the destination. Yoongi then followed you into the place where you went in.

*At the Therapist's place*

"Why hello, i assumed your miss y/n that called the appointment?" The therapist said. "Yes, i am." You said and both of you handshake.

The therapist then escort you to the couch and you followed his instruction.

"So tell me about the troubling thoughts you have" the therapist said and you told him about the memory flows throught your mind.

"I feel like puzzle to my memories." You said as you found it diffcult to explained what is going on to your mind. The therapist record the details on his work paper.

"Fascinating...but i'm afraid that you need a partner to help you with the memories." The therapist said in politely.

"What? Can i do it alone?" You asked. "I'm afraid not, miss. You need a partner to help up with the memories that your familiar with." The therapist said.

"Alright.." you then called the person that comes to your mind. Then you heard a phone rang that is coming from the door there.

You then went to the door and saw a man with mask and hoodie on.

"Okay, you will be my partner then." You grabbed the person's arm and dragged him with you. The therapist was speechless and continue to do the activity.

"So um. Where is the string that holds great past of yours?" The therapist said. "Here." You show him the necklace. "Oh ok good!" The therapist said then began the activity.

You close your eyes as therapist said so, you mind then slowly became flood with memories..

*In Your Memory*

You opened your eyes and saw nothing but an empty white. You look around something got your attention.

You then remembered that it is the child version of you with the couple. You don't exactly remember who was it but you then follow as the memories guide you.

"Mommy? Daddy? Who are those people?" The child ver of you said.

"We don't know sweetie, but we have to-" the women's voice got cut off by the car suddenly go in full speed and ended up getting crash.

You quickly ran towards it but you couldn't touched them as your not exist.

Then your mind began to crash another memories and felt the pain. Then another flash of memories but this time it is the elementary school.

"What does it have to do with this?" You spoke then you saw a bunch of kids running around happily and then you remembered it clearly but there is nothing to do it as you have remember that.

Then a girl stood up for a boy and the last thing you remember that he promised.

"When i grow stronger, then i will be able to protect you!" The boy said with the gummy smile. "Wanna be friend?" The girl said and bpth kf them make a pinkie promised.

You want to went towards the boy but then it faded.

Another memories have approached, but your mind couldn't consume all of it as your mind kept giving too many flashbacks causing you got an headache.

Then you heard a voice and you follow the voice and went back to reality.

*Back to Reality*

You came back from your memories and you touched your heard as the mind kept giving you a headache.

"How are you feeling?" The therapist said. "It kept giving me a vomit and a pain towards my head." You said while trying to relaxed.

The person then patted your back and rest your head to his shoulder. You panting non stop then therapist decided to call it a day and giving you the medicine.

"Thank you." You thank the therapist and went outside to get some fresh air. "Thank you for helping me." You thanked the person not knowing that it was yoongi.

You then lefted but you then saw a person with a knife coming towards both of you. You then quickly grabbed the person's wrist and began to run.

"No time to talked, your being followed." You said while running. The person didn't respond while running until you went in the crowds and the killer lost both of you.

You then went to the alley to dialed yoongi's number but suddenly you heard a phone rang coming from the person's pocket.

Without knowing anything or what's going on, you being pinned on the wall by the person. The person then took off his phone and show you the contact name which is your name.

You then realized it was yoongi all along. "Yoongi?" You shocked while yoongi lean in to your ear.

"Pabo.. took you long enough to notice me" yoongi said with deep husky voice. Yoongi then grabbed your wrist and walked out as if nothing happened. For awhile later, your vision started to get blurry then everything went black..

~To Be Continue~

Hiya! An updated! Thank you for reading! Sorry for confusing chap. Vote and comment of what do you think gonna happened to them!

Hope y/n will remember that her lil meow meow is actually yoongi all along! Stay safe, stay healthy and stay happy! :) hope everyone doing well!❤💜 Hope this chap turned out to be good for readers to read! Stay tuned for the upcoming chapters!

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