Unraveling Darkness [abandone...

By FableSecrets

13.3K 450 145

She has a power she never knew she had. And he wants it. But all magic comes with a price. Will they be willi... More

Chapter One: Welcome to Neverland
Chapter Three: Flames
Chapter Four: Frustration and Confusion
Chapter Five: Rocks and rivers

Chapter Two: Safe?

2.9K 112 24
By FableSecrets

Song for this chapter: You're Safe by Rachel Plattern. 

Dedication: sweatersxdreams. You are the sweetest thing! Your comment nearly had me in tears! Thank you so much! The fact that you liked my trailer enough to show it to your mom, and to have her think it was real? I don't even know what to say! You are an absolute angel <33

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He pauses before answering. "Do you believe in magic?"

"What?" That's it. This guy is officially bonkers.

"It's a simple yes or no question"

"Um, no?"

His smirk grows into a smile, slowly walking towards me. "So, if I said you are a witch," He stops in front of me before disappearing. My heart nearly stops as I hear his voice whisper in my ear behind me. "Would you believe me?" 

. . . . . . . . . 

The urge to laugh overcomes me, though I bite my tongue. Not knowing what would be the best response to an insane question like that, I say nothing and stick to fidgeting with the hem of my shirt. 

"I'm going to take your silence as a no, then?" He voices, walking back around to face me. I struggle to find words, suddenly feeling three inches tall. "I figured as much, which is why I am going to leave you in here to think," He starts towards the entrance. Why do I suddenly feel like a five year old in time out? 

"Travis! Lucas!" 

Soon, two boys enter the hut. One holds a cocky smirk, thick arms and short bright hair, looking as if he had cut it himself. The other, the complete opposite. A blank sort of reserved look is placed on his face, which was as skinny as the rest of him. Great, babysitters. 

"Make sure she stays in here, but no harm is to come to her!" I notice how the last half of his sentence is directed at the one of the left. "Travis, if I come back an-" 

"Don't worry Pan, I won't try anything," The one called Travis interrupts him, his smirk growing. "Promise," 

"Is this really necessary?" I finally find my voice. Peter turns back at me, an amused look on his face.

"So, you wouldn't try and escape the moment I left you alone?" 

I go to respond, but stop myself, knowing he's right. Of course I would try to escape. Why wouldn't I? 

"I'll be back later, then." He exits the hut, leaving me alone with the two strangers who were now just staring at me. 

An hour, or what felt like an hour, of boredom passes before it finally hits me. The gravity of the situation I'm in. My throat begins to close up, and I sink to the floor. I have no idea where the hell I am or what I'm going to do. I've been freaking kidnapped and what have I been doing? Throwing sarcastic comments at my kidnapper. My chest tightens as a thought enters my mind. I'm going to die. This lunatic and his helpers and going to fucking kill me. 

A wetness starts filling my eyes, but I take a deep breath. Refusing to let them see me break. Grams raised me better than that. 

Grams. Oh god. I'm never going to see her again. Before I can stop it, a tear spills over. 

"No use crying," One of them speaks. Whipping my head up, I glare. "You belong to Pan now," 

"I don't belong to anyone. People aren't property, that's sick, all of you are sick," I hiss through clenched teeth. Travis's cocky grin fades into a scowl as he strides towards me. 

"Why you little-" 

"Travis!" The other one stops him, gripping his shoulder.  

"So the mute can speak!" Travis laughs. Lucas, (that was his name right?) ignores him. 

"You heard what Pan said." 

"Pan doesn't have to know, besides this little bitch has it coming," He shakes off Lucas's hand, glaring at me once again. My blood runs cold with the look he's giving me. Jumping to my feet, I take two steps back with every one he takes towards me until my back hits the wall. "No where to run," Travis says, too much joy in his voice. He grips my shoulders hard and shoves me into the wall. Pain radiates down my back with the impact, making it difficult to think. Okay breathe. 

Before panic sets in completely, I do the only thing I can think of. With as much force as I can muster, I knee him in the groin. Travis instantly doubles over to the ground, groaning vulgar remarks at me. Lucas bursts out with laughter, no longer paying attention to me. Seeing my chance, I run for the exit. Ripping the door open, I go to make my escape, only to crash into someone. My fists clench and my eyes squeeze shut. Crap, crap, crap.. Please let this not be Peter. 

"Whoa, you alright?" The person asks. My eyes open and I look up. My whole body relaxes when I see it's not Peter. He lets me go and I take a step back.

"Fine," Not fine. I need to get out of here.

"You must be Cassie, right?" Why does everyone here know my name?! 

"Uh, yeah. And you are?" I shift uncomfortably. 

"Nathan, but you can call me Nate. Peter told me to come get you," He motions for me to follow him. So much for escaping. 

As we're walking, he says, "I hope Travis didn't give you too much trouble. He can be kind of-" 

"A dick?" I finish for him. He laughs. 


My thoughts drift back to the hut, and what Travis was about to do. I'm not sure what would've happened if I hadn't of gotten out of there. 

"Hey, you okay?" Nate stops walking, eyeing me curiously. 

"Oh, yeah. Sorry," I shake myself out of the daze and force a smile. 

"Did Travis try something back there?"

"No," Yes.

"Cause If he did, don't be afraid to say something," He pursues. Afraid? No. I just don't want to be some damsel in distress. I can handle myself. 

"I'm fine," 

He just stares for a moment before nodding and continuing down the path. 

"Where are we going?" I ask, trying to keep pace with him. 

"I want to show you something," He smiles at me. 

We walked the rest of the way in silence. I just stared at the ground as I walked, every once in a while glancing up at Nate, noticing the small scars that were placed around his pale face. 

"Finally, we're here," He breaks the silence, stopping. I look up and my breath nearly leaves me. 

"Oh my.." I whisper. We were on a clifftop, overlooking the forest. The view was incredible. 

"I like to come up here to think sometimes," He says as he sits on the edge. I walk over and sit next to him. "It can be kind of intense at the camp sometimes," He halfway laughs. 

"Yeah, that's one way to put it," I say blankly, looking out at the view. I hear him sigh. 

"Listen, Cassie," Nate starts. I look back at him. "I know you have no reason to trust me. And I know you must be freaked out right now, wondering what the hell is going on," Understatement of the year. "But, it's not all bad. We're not all bad," He looks down encouragingly at me. 

He was right. I did have no reason to trust him. And I couldn't honestly say whether or not I did. My head screamed no. Trust no one. But my gut wanted to say yes. And that scared me. 

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Question: First impression of Nathan? Whattcha think of him? Can Cassie trust him? (;

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