The Nanny

נכתב על ידי Moms4boys

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Greenlee gets a job as a nanny. Is it more than she bargained for? Maybe she should have read the contract. עוד

Chapter One- She's the one.
Chapter Two-Making moves
Chapter Three- Do you always do what you're told?
Chapter Four- Things are weird.
Chapter Five- She seems off.
Chapter Seven- Feelings Change.
Chapter Eight- Devastation
Chapter Nine- This is all your fault.
Chapter Ten- Reassigned.
Chapter Eleven- The Christmas party.
Chapter Twelve- Nothing is perfect.
Chapter Thirteen- Hard conversations.
Chapter Fourteen- Man to man.
Chapter Fifteen- Lots to talk about.
Chapter Sixteen-Coming home.
Chapter Seventeen- Home.
Chapter Eighteen- The end.

Chapter Six-Bonding with Arianna.

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נכתב על ידי Moms4boys

~~Greenlee's point of view~~

I hear Bria cry, so I try to move. I can't because Callen has his arm around me. I go to move his arm he moved and pulls me closer.

Callen: "Where are you going?"

Greenlee: "To get your daughter."

Callen: "Oh..."

He kisses my cheek then moves.

I get up and head to the nursery. I smell her as soon as I open the door. I go to the crib and pick her up.

Greenlee: "Goodness gracious Chunky Monkey, you stink."

Callen: "I can get her."

Greenlee: "I got her. You go spend time with Ari."

That's weird to say. I'm in a relationship with a married man; I'm not ashamed of it; I want him. He loves her.

We all love Bria.

Callen: "She's still sleeping. I checked on her before coming in here. So, I choose to spend time with you two until then."

He comes over and kisses me.

Greenlee: "I have her, though."

Callen: "I'm not leaving, so deal with it."

Greenlee: "I wasn't saying that you had to leave."

I change her diaper. As soon as I finish, I feel his arms around me. I turn to him, and his mouth meets mine. The last two times he's kissed me has been different than any of the other kisses we've shared. There is more passion behind them. We break apart when Bria cries.

Callen: "I'll go get her bottle."

Greenlee: "We will meet you up there."

Callen: "Ok."

I pick her up as he leaves the room. I get her dressed for the day and start to head upstairs. My phone rings. It's Arianna.

~Phone Conversation~

Greenlee: "Hello?"

Arianna: "Would you mind coming to my room for a moment, please?"

Greenlee: "I will be right there."

Arianna: "Thank you."

~End conversation~

I turn and head down the steps instead of up. I make my way to her door and knock.

Arianna: "Come in."

I open her door and go in. I immediately know she isn't feeling well. I would never tell her that she looks like shit, but she does. I am not sure what is wrong with her, but I can see whatever it is causes her massive pain. She's lying in bed motionless everywhere but her head.

Arianna: "Please have a seat."

I sit in the chair in her room Bria on my lap. Arianna doesn't say anything for a while; she just lays there and watches us. I feel uncomfortable; I don't want her to know that. So, I sit and wait.

Arianna: "You've been here a week today."

Greenlee: "I have."

Arianna: "How're things going?"

Greenlee: "I am thoroughly enjoying my job. I love your daughter."

Arianna: "How do you feel about Callen?"

I know my face has turned red.

Greenlee: "He's been wonderful."

I know that he says she wants us together. I don't know if that is true. He could be lying his ass off. Not that I doubt him, but you never know it has only been a week.

Arianna: "Just wonderful?"

Greenlee: "He has been great. Very different than any other family I have worked for."

Arianna giggled.

Arianna: "I bet he's different than the families you've worked for."

Greenlee: "Very."

Arianna: "That's the way we well; I wanted it. I know that you are uncomfortable right now. I ask that you not be. Everything that is happening in this home with you is was my idea. I wanted you for Bria. I wanted you for Callen."

Greenlee: "He has said that himself. He made it clear that he didn't want this."

Arianna: "He does now. Don't let him fool you."

Greenlee: "He admitted that last night."

Arianna: "He won't admit it to me. He doesn't want to admit that I was right."

I laugh.

Greenlee: "I can see that with him."

Arianna: "You care about him, don't you?"

I'm not going to lie to her. If she makes me leave, she makes me leave.

Greenlee: "I do."

Arianna: "You still have walls up."

She obviously knows what's going on. At least I know that he wasn't lying about that. I do have to decide how much I tell her. I don't know what he has told her, and I won't step on his toes.

Greenlee: "Wouldn't you if you were in my shoes?"

Arianna: "I'm a lawyer. I would have read the contract."

Greenlee: "There is that. Did he tell you?"

Arianna: "No, I figured it out."

Greenlee: "I misplaced it. He offered to replace it, but I choose not to read it now."

I've done everything you're not supposed to do while on an assignment. They have both made it clear that this isn't a normal assignment. I do wish I would have read the contract, but now it seems like a moot point.

Arianna: "It's not important. I see how things are going. I am happy with it so far. I need him to fulfill his end."

I should ask her what his end is, but I am sure that we have already fulfilled his end. I think we have anyway.

Arianna: "Promise me something, Greenlee."

Greenlee: "What tha..."

The door comes open, and Callen walks in.

Callen: "Hey, Babe."

Arianna: "Hey."

Callen: "How are you feeling?"

Arianna: "Not as terrible as yesterday. I can probably go to the living room with my shots."

Callen: "Do you want to?"

He hasn't noticed that Bria and me and are in here. Then Bria makes a noise, and his eyes dart to me.

Callen: "Hey, Sweetheart. I thought you two were out on the deck."

Greenlee: "Nope."

Arianna: "Take Bria and give me five minutes, please, Callen?"

Callen: "Of course."

He goes to Arianna and kisses her, then makes his way to me. He takes Bria, then kisses my forehead, and leaves. I have no idea what she wants me to promise or if I can even follow through with it. She waits a bit before she says anything.

Arianna: "Before he rudely interrupted..."

I burst out laughing.

Greenlee: "He was actually calmer than I thought he would be. He had no clue that we were in here."

Arianna: "You didn't tell him?"

Greenlee: "I was alone with Bria when you called."

Arianna: "Ahh. You thought he would freak out?"

Greenlee: "I did. He surprised me. He surprises me every day."

Arianna: "Good surprises?"

Greenlee: "Yes. He's incredible."

Arianna: "That is what I need you to promise me."

Greenlee: "What's that?"

Arianna: "I need you to let your walls down. Please let him in. If you let your walls down, it will break his own. I desperately need his to be shattered."

She didn't have to explain it. I knew what she meant. I still don't know what he has told her, so I am not going to assume that she knows that we've had sex. I decided before I came back last night that I was going to let whatever happens to happen. Even if it ends badly for me, I am willing to take that chance.

Greenlee: "After spending the day with Aubrey yesterday, then coming back to him and Bria, I can promise I will try. I don't know why the three of you were brought into my life, but I know this is where I am supposed to be. Even it has been just a week."

Arianna: "I'm happy to hear you say that. I knew the moment you walked in the door that you were perfect."

Greenlee: "I hope that I can fulfill everything that you and Callen are both looking for."

Arianna: "I believe you can."

The door opens exactly five minutes later. He is definitely punctual. I assume it's because she needs the shots she was talking about. I immediately stand and take Bria.

Callen: "Her bottle is already made and on the counter."

Greenlee: "Ok."

Callen: "Grab it and meet us down here, please."

Greenlee: "Ok."

I go to walk away, and he grabs my arm to stop me. His mouth meets mine. I don't fight it. I assume he is giving Arianna what she needs. Whatever the agreement is between the two of them is on them. He breaks it.

I don't say anything; I just head up the third floor for her bottle then make my way back down the steps. I stop by my room long enough to change.

~~Arianna's point of view~~

I called Greenlee in my room for a reason. Callen won't tell me details; he just tells me that things have progressed. I knew by just looking at her like I did, things have gone further than he has admitted. I'm not angry; I am over the moon happy about it. I need them to progress; I need her to take my place. I know that she will never take my place. I need her to fulfill the void I am leaving for both Callen and Bria.

I need him to love her. Not that he will love me any less. I know that he will always love me. I know he won't let his walls down if she has hers up. I am good at reading people. I learned a lot on the time I just watched her sit there with Bria. I also know she was nervous as hell too. She and I have not had a ton of interactions since she has been here.

Each day I feel like my condition gets worse. I don't tell Callen because he worries enough. I keep it to myself. I deal with it. He has given me my shots, and we are just sitting here in silence. I know he wants to question me about why Greenlee was in here. I know that he won't ask. I am going to give him a hard time.

Arianna: "That kiss..."

Callen: "I couldn't let her walk away without it."

Arianna: "For my benefit or your own?"

Callen: "Mine."

Arianna: "Are you admitting that I was right?"

Callen: "I am. Arianna, this has been unexpected. I don't have feelings for her, but I do care. I like where we are. I will continue to do as you asked, but I can't and won't force things. They have to be consensual for both of us."

That tells me what I need to know. He cares more than he wants me to know. I know by both of their body language that things have escalated between them. I know that they have the physical part down; I need them to have the emotional side. I knew he didn't want that. I need him to have it.

I don't worry about her. Just thirty minutes with her, and I know she will devote her life to my husband and daughter. I won't put her in a position where she gives all and receives just the physical aspects. I know that she would live with it and not complain. She is a rule follower. She gave herself to him so she will give it her all, regardless of how it is. The great thing about that is that if she is that devoted to him, she will be just as devoted to my daughter.

That's what made me a good lawyer. I could pick out people's personalities. Callen was the brawn, and I was the brains. He is the big scary man I was the tiny nerd. I did the same thing to my own husband and the woman I want to take over my place in my daughter's life.

I am thankful he picked her. She is everything I want for Bria. After this morning, she is everything I want for Callen. I just need them to both be on the same page. I have her there. I need him right there with her.

Arianna: "I just wanted to spend time with her, Callen. She didn't say anything other than you were incredible."

Callen: "Is that what she said?"

Arianna: "She did."

Callen: "That surprises me."

Arianna: "Why?"

Callen: "It just does. I know where we are. I wouldn't expect the word incredible to come out of her mouth when describing me."

~~Callen's Point of view~~

Incredible is not the word I expected to come out of her mouth. We have good physical chemistry; I love being around her. I like spending time with her. Waking up to her in my bed was incredible. Outside of that, we still don't talk a lot. Last night was the most we have talked. That just defined our relationship. We would have had one if she wanted it or not. That's if I forced the contract.

I like the way it's naturally happening. Physically it's been perfect. She is everything I would want. We are compatible in the bedroom. Until Arianna told me she said I was incredible, I didn't have a problem. I don't have a problem now. I just realize that I only know what was on the paper that Nancy sent. I know she was raised by her grandmother. I know that her grandmother made sure her future was secure. I don't know the why's.

She was perfect on paper. She is perfect physically. She is perfect for Bria That should be enough for me. It's not; It's been a week; I know we have time. I feel like if I keep my promise to Arianna, I need more. I know the answers to those why's; It won't make me run, I am committed to this. I just need to know more. She knows nothing about me either. This has all happened so quickly that we bypassed a lot.

That was the way I wanted it. Now I want the complete opposite. I want to know her. I want to know who is going to be in my daughters' life. I want to know the woman who is going to be in my life. That should have been done before anything physical. I do shit, ass-backward, though. Leave it to me to make shit harder on myself.

Arianna: "Stop overthinking it, Callen."

Callen: "I'm just curious about her reasoning behind it."

Arianna: "I think she may like you just a little bit."

I laugh.

Callen: "That's obvious."

Arianna: "Let me get dressed, then we will go out there. I want to spend time with the three of you while I feel good."

Thirty minutes later, we make it to the living room. As always, Ari takes the chair. I know why she does. She doesn't like to be touched. Since she has gotten diagnosed, all I am allowed to do is kiss her. That's because I don't have to touch her anywhere but her lips. She cringes when I touch her hip to give her the shots.

I find myself on the loveseat next to Greenlee. That is where my feet led me. Bria was asleep in her arms. This is the first time in the seven days all three of us have been in a room together for more than just a few minutes. Arianna has always found a reason to leave us alone. I guess now that she has assessed it herself, she is ready to see it for herself.

Arianna: "I will let her sleep, but when she wakes up, I would like to take her."

Greenlee: "Of course."

Things got silent for a bit. My hands couldn't keep to themselves; one found her bare thigh. There is no denying the intense physical attraction. It may also be that I have been without that level of intimacy for five years. She is more than willing when it comes to me touching her. I have craved it since she allowed it.

Arianna: "Greenlee, why did you choose early childhood development?"

Greenlee: "I have always loved kids. Even as a kid, I was drawn to others. It got stronger as I got older. It changed from wanting to play with kids to I want my own someday. I thought this path would fulfill the need until I get to that point."

Arianna: "Has it fulfilled it?"

Greenlee: "Moments like this right here..."

She points to Bria, asleep on her chest.

Greenlee: "Makes it worth it."

Arianna: "Have you worked with a lot of babies?"

Greenlee: "Bria is the youngest I've worked with. Before her, I had a lot of toddlers."

Callen: "That's surprising."

Greenlee: "Why?"

Callen: "Because you have been amazing with Bria."

Arianna: "I agree."

Greenlee: "Well, thank you."

Several hours pass. Greenlee had made breakfast and brought it down. She did the same at lunch.

Arianna has asked a ton of questions, which Greenlee answered without hesitation. If she were interviewing for a job, she would have gotten it without a doubt. I was hoping that she would ask some of those personal questions I had, but she didn't. I bit my tongue so that I didn't interrupt her. I get that Arianna needs answers to what she feels she needs answers to. I am the one who may potentially have to be in Greenlee's life for the rest of my life.

I know what that contract has in it. I know what I signed up for. I know it's wrong, but I was never more thankful when Arianna said she needed to lay down. Greenlee took Bria from her and went upstairs. I helped Arianna to bed, gave her the second set of shots. I then made my way up to the third floor.

Greenlee had bathed Bria and had changed her clothes. I assume she fed her. She was in the chair with her. I don't think I have ever seen her sit in the chair. I sit on the couch. It has been a couple of hours since we've been in the same room. As soon as I sit, she moves to the couch.

Callen: "Hey, Sweetheart."

Greenlee: "Hello. I assumed you might want her."

Callen: "I do."

Bria has been in both Arianna's and Greenlee's arms, but this is the first I have had her all day. I know that Ari got what she needed from it, though. I am thankful that Greenlee picked up on it. She could have been selfish and kept her. I wouldn't have asked for her even though she is my daughter.

Callen: "Greenlee, I know you've answered a ton of questions today, but I have a few of my own."

Greenlee: "Ok."

Callen: "Why did your Grandma raise you?"

Greenlee: "My parents live in Italy and have no use for a child. They left me with her when I was three months old. My mom got her tubes tied immediately after having me, and my dad also had a vasectomy. They wanted to make sure they didn't have any more accidents."

Damn, that was not what I was expecting. I was thinking drugs or death or something like that. She just has shitty ass parents. It makes me wonder how she got to be the way she is. She is excellent with Bria. You would think she would have some resentment from it.

Callen: "So they are alive and well?"

I am still trying to wrap my head around it.

Greenlee: "Yep. I get cards on my birthday and at Christmas. It's just a card signed by them, not even mom and dad. I get Jim and Barbara."

Callen: "Your Grandmother must have been one hell of a woman."

Greenlee: "She was. I have no complaints. She did everything she could for me."

Callen: "I would have loved to have met her."

Greenlee: "I wish you could have too."

Callen: "How did you meet Aubrey?"

Greenlee: "She was the new kid that got picked on. I was the only one who didn't pick on her. We clicked and have been close ever since."

Callen: "She mentioned that you are all she has."

Greenlee: "Her Mom died when she was sixteen. Her dad took off the day she turned eighteen. He hasn't been seen or heard from since."

Callen: "What shit luck you two have."

Greenlee: "Right. I think for the first time in my life, I have done something right."

Callen: "What's that?"

Greenlee: "Signing that contract."

Damn. She just blew every doubt I have all day out of the water. I need to let my walls down and let this happen. I need to follow through with my end of this deal. I just hope that she means everything that she has said today.

המשך קריאה

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