TENNESSEE WHISKEY -corpse hus...

By caliginouscorpse

1.3M 48.1K 24.9K

"i am used to destroying myself so other people can't." - Weston understood why he thought this was a bad... More

TALK (8)
SANTA (11)
BAD DAY (12)
KISS (15)
CORPSE? (19)
PLANS (21)
MORE (26.5)
DAY (28)
CRY (31)
CURLS (34)
SICK (43)
5:42AM (44)
MOM (49)
MR. AND MRS. (52)
END (53)

VISIT (22)

25.5K 977 461
By caliginouscorpse

Weston tried to hide her own nervousness, knowing it wouldn't help Corpse at all. This was big for him, and she wasn't going to make this about her.

She was nervous too, but not as anxious about this. This was Corpse's livelihood. He'd been talking to these people for months, and the more fame he got, the less probable it became that they would ever see him in person. He meant it when he said he wouldn't go if she wasn't there with him.

Rae had been texting him all morning, excited to see Killian, but also letting Corpse know that she would try her best to divert attention away from him.

At first, it was just meeting for lunch, in public, and Corpse was anxious, but it seemed okay. Then it became going to Rae's house instead, since they knew they would be recognized, and people would probably put the pieces together about who they were. It was just Rae and Sykkuno, until Corpse realized that Rae had roommates, and it would be rude not to meet them too. But then, they're the amigops... wouldn't it be rude not to invite Toast?

The list of people they were supposed to meet, had tripled, all in 48 hours.

Corpse fiddled his rings, too anxious to stop. He could feel Weston's hand brushing over his leg soothingly, but he couldn't stop it from shaking. They were almost there, he recognized, after hearing the navigation announce their final destination in .2 miles.

Killian was so excited, and Weston tried her best to remind him that he had to be respectful, and there would be more people around that he hadn't met before.

He was still reeling though, too focused on seeing all of "his" friends he had been waiting to meet in person.

Weston pulled into the long driveway, trying not to notice the amount of cars already there. It was incredibly intimidating. They knew Corpse, and they knew Killian, but no one had met Weston before. They didn't even know her name, except for Rae. What if they believed what everyone online said? That she was a bad mother? Couldn't afford her son?

She got Killian out of the car, fixing some of his long curls. He had wanted to leave his hair down, which was fine, except he always smushed them in the car.

"Killian, if you have any issues, come to me, okay? I'll be with you the whole time," Weston reminded.

She wasn't worried about him getting treated a certain way, but he was concerned that he would be too shy, and feel too flustered. He never did well with new people; not usually, at least.

She let Corpse sit in the car alone, keeping Killian at bay by letting him look at the pretty flowers lining the driveway. When Corpse exited the car, he was wearing a mask, pulled up to his lower lashes, and his hair was falling in front of his face, nearly in his eyes. With one hand holding onto Killian's small palm, Weston brushed away his hair, and pulled the mask down slightly.

"You're doing great, baby," she muttered quietly. "They already love you, they're just putting a face to a voice, right?" she reminded.

Corpse nodded, but his hands were shaking and he looked like he was going to pass out.

With Killian on her hip, and Corpse shyly holding her left hand with his right one, he knocked on the front door. Almost instantly, it opened, Rae standing in front of the other five people they were supposed to meet. At the sight of his friends, Corpse released Weston's hand shyly, standing awkwardly next to her.

Weston ignored the pang in her chest, and tried to be normal. "Hi," she said softly.

"Hi! Oh my gosh, please come in!!" Rachel was loud, and charismatic, and Weston loved it. She hadn't been around a girl her age in so long.

Killian was hugging her tightly, his head buried into his neck, and she ignored whatever was going on with Corpse. They had done it, they had entered the house; he would have to do this part on his own.

"Killy, baby, Rae wants to see you," Weston muttered in his ear. She stroked her hand over his back, trying to soothe him.

He lifted his head, looking around at all the slightly familiar faces. "Woah," he said loudly, "your house is huge!" he nearly shouted.

Everyone laughed at him, aw'ing over his cuteness. Weston couldn't help but smile with pride, watching him introduce himself politely to everyone. While Killian made his rounds, each one of their friends introduced themselves to Weston. They were incredibly sweet, complimenting her accent and beauty and telling her how well she had raised Killian.

Killian hugged Rae tightly, complimenting her house, and asking to see her dog, Mika. Weston could tell how much he admired Rae.

Watching Killian go with Rae and her roommates off to some room to see the dog, Weston opted to stay, not being invited to go. She wasn't the type to explore on her own, so she was able to turn her attention to Corpse, Sykkuno, and Toast. Seeing them in the midst of a conversation, she tried not to interrupt them, opting to stand alone in the far side of the living room.

Killian was right, the house was large, and held lots of expensive things. It was impressive.


Corpse's voice drew her out of her imagination.

"Yeah?" she said kindly, smiling softly at the men looking at her. She felt shy with so many eyes judging her, but she tried to focus on what she could see of Corpse, comforted by his softness.

"Would you mind stepping outside?"

The hairs on her arms stood, and she felt a chill pass over her body. Oh god.

She looked down quickly, avoiding their eyes. She had been in the way, without meaning to be, but still. Weston nodded before quickly leaving the house, shutting the door gently behind her.

She couldn't pinpoint why this bothered her so much, but she wanted to cry. She should've let Corpse take Killian alone. These people didn't know her, or merely care about her existence. Killian was who they cared about, and she was so stupid to think otherwise. Corpse wanted to spend time with his friends, and she couldn't be upset with that, but she felt left out. Not like she needed to be included anyway.

She sat on the concrete, staring at the way the wind blew the flowers in the driveway. They were nice, and Weston could tell they were tended to often. She tried to breathe deep breaths, ignoring her desire to breakdown. Corpse hadn't meant it to be rude, she knew that.

She heard the front door shut, turning quickly to see who had exited the house. She stood, seeing it was Toast.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt earlie-"

"You didn't," he reassured. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Corpse is busy simping over Sykkuno and trying to find the ability to breathe," Toast laughed lightly, making Weston chuckle. She had seen the compilations, and it was hilarious how flustered Corpse got over Sykkuno. It was silly.

"He was most nervous to meet him, I think," she commented.

"He's just nervous in general," Toast replied quickly.

Weston didn't know how much any of Corpse's friends knew about their relationship. She didn't want to mess this up for him, so she chose to keep her distance. It was easier that way.

"I guess so, yeah," she said, trying not to make it too obvious.

Toast gave her a knowing smile, but turned around anyway. "Let's go back inside," he said casually.

The house was more chaotic now, with everyone in the living room, including Mika, who was licking Killian's face, and trying to lay in his small lap.

"I didn't think Mika liked anyone," Imane said, laughing at the chaotic mess that was that dog.

"He doesn't usually, but I guess Killian stole his heart," Rae joked.

Corpse was standing alone, behind a couch. His mask had fallen more, showing more of his cheeks and nearly the top of his nose.

When she caught his eye, he made a gesture for her to come to him. She hoped it wasn't to tell her to leave again, but she went over anyway.

With her being close enough, he pulled her into his chest for a hug. "I'm sorry I sounded ruder than I intended..." he muttered, kissing her head softly.

"It's okay," Weston mumbled, feeling anxious that someone would see them.

Corpse didn't offer any more of an  explanation, but didn't release her. Grateful Killian was distracted, Weston stayed, wrapped in his embrace. She separated from him slightly to look up at his face. Using both hands, she gently took the loops of his face mask in her fingers.

"Gotta put a face to a voice," she told him, sounding confident. She waited for him to agree with her, wanting his full consent in her actions.

He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, before nodding slightly. She took his mask completely off, holding his face in her hands. His cheeks were warm from the heat of his breathing, but her cold hands soothed it slightly.

"You're perfectly fine; they love you," she reminded again, coaxing him to open his eyes.

He was shaking, but Weston gave him time. She could still hear how loud the room was around them.

"They're not even paying attention," she whispered.

Corpse opened his eyes, fear trapped within them. He glanced around frantically, relaxing his shoulders slightly at the realization that she was right. No one was looking at them. No one was ostracizing him. No one was taking pictures. They were too focused on Killian, and setting up the Wii to play games.

He looked at her work grateful eyes. "If I had the balls to kiss you in public right now, I would," he stuttered out.

Weston smiled at him. "I bet," she challenged playfully, stepping away from him.

She sat on the couch next to Rae after being invited to sit with her. Killian climbed into her lap, a remote in his hands.

"Mommy, I don't know what to do," he said quietly.

"We'll learn together, then baby." She kissed his head as he laid back into her chest. Rae showed Killian what to do for the first few rounds of whatever game they were playing, and quickly, Killian got it.

Weston felt part of something as she laughed with everyone, her son on her lap loving every second. It was weird, to feel like she had friends.

She tried to continue to remind herself that this wouldn't last. She would eventually have to go back to her regular job on Monday, and continue to struggle to pay bills. She would have to listen to Killian cry over wanting to see Rae again, and play with the fancy TV and gaming system. She knew it was coming, but she wanted to relish in it, at least while it lasted.

sorry this is getting posted so late in the day
i'm so sorry ill try to be better about that tomorrow
hope you enjoy

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