my so called step brother | Y...

By ateezstories

45.1K 1.8K 326

One step brother is gay and the other one is homophobic. contains: f l u f f / s m u t [ still in process ] More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
Chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five

chapter six

2K 94 12
By ateezstories

After washing off his long day, Yunho went downstairs to help Mingi's mom cook, it had became an habit of them and they both enjoyed each other's company.

They, Yunho and his dad, have been living for four months in the house of Mingi and his mom.
Little memories we're hung up on the walls in photo frames such as the dates their parent's had, Yunho and his dad when he was little, the cooking moments of Yunho and Mingi's mom and so on.
There also was one and only one picture of Mingi and Yunho, it was when they went out to a restaurant all four together and Mingi and Yunho sat next to each other, facing their parent's. They didn't want to, they simply hadn't a choice that evening.

As the food was ready Yunho called for his dad and Mingi, both coming in the kitchen and taking a seat.

Yunho noticed how Mingi's hair was still wet from his shower, he had begun to find himself noticing more and more little things of Mingi, paying more attention to it and wanting to find out more from this boy.
The fact is that Yunho had slowly developed feelings over the time he lived here, he knows he shouldn't with their past and their parent's, but he couldn't control his feelings because liking someone is not something you chose.
And Yunho was aware of his feelings, he tried to deny it but he knew he can't, seeing Mingi everyday made it hard to hide it but until now it seemed like he was not that bad at it. He just did like it was before, pretending to be annoyed with his presence, but in fact he craved and longed for it.

He caught Mingi's eyes, patiently waiting for Yunho to give him his meal. Yunho roughly coughed and gave everyone their meal before picking his and starting eating.

That night it was thundering and lightning. Mingi was scared of it, since little he tried to get rid of his phobia but he couldn't, as soon as the weather was like this, memories kept appearing in his head. He saw the accident, the blood, the lights, the screams and his dad. His dad who died in a car accident while it was storming really bad. Since then he developed this phobia from which he couldn't escape.
He curled up in his bed, trying to stop the memories from coming, but nothing worked, he used to go to his mom's room but now he couldn't, because his mom and Yunho's dad slept together now.
He got up and decided to go to Yunho's room. He didn't want to but he figured he had no other choice. He knocked silently on the door waiting for Yunho to respond.

"come in", Mingi hesitated for a moment, a loud thunder forcing him to go in. "uh hi" Mingi played with his sleeves of his sweater looking down. "What do you want?" Yunho's harsh words rather hurting him. "I was wondering if maybe I could sleep here tonight?" Mingi asked. "Are u scared of thunder?" Yunho laughed at him, he the cool and hard Mingi was scared of thunder. "Nevermind" Mingi mumbled as he turned around to leave the room. Yunho frowned, being sure to have heard Mingi's voice crack. "No no, Mingi come here" He finally spoke before Mingi closed the door. Mingi turned back around with big eyes "Really?", "Hurry up before I change my mind." Yunho placed himself on the left side of the bed, lifting up the covers for Mingi and patting on the, now, empty spot beside him. Mingi quickly closed the door and layed down next to Yunho. Both backs facing each other. "Thank you" Mingi spoke softly, almost wispering. "Good night.".

Yunho's dreams were broken by the sound of a crying Mingi, Yunho turned around now facing Mingi's back before speaking up. "Mingi are you alright?" Mingi didn't answer though,  loud sniffles escaped his mouth, making Yunho worried. "What's wrong?" Yunho spoke again. "My dad died in a car accident while it was thundering, that's why I'm so scared of it and the memories just keep on coming back no matter how hard I try not to think about it." Mingi tried to explain it as fast as he could before breaking in tears again. "Hey Mingi, turn around." Mingi did as Yunho asked, he turned around, being awaited by Yunho's huge arms, open for a hug. Mingi looked at Yunho for a while, Yunho nodded as sign it was okay for Mingi to cuddle in his arms, so Mingi did. He got closer to Yunho, hiding his face in Yunho's chest. Yunho rubbed little patterns on this boys back, trying to calm him and stop his sniffles, waiting until he felt asleep.

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