Marked ( Nigerian) #4

By MideYussuff

16.4K 2.4K 476

The last of the Islanders series Following the life of the last of the trio in the Islanders series, Tob... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 32
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50 - Final Chapter
Chapter 50

Chapter Seven

271 53 2
By MideYussuff

"Tobi, I believe I don't need to tell you what you have...not have but need to do" Grandfather said slowly, not looking up from the paper he was signing. The staff took the paper off the table and slipped another one on. They watched as Grandfather did a quick glance through the paper before dipping the quill into the ink and signing the paper. His staff repeated the process again and so did grandfather.

The lack of response made him look up through his glasses at his two grandsons. Great Men he believed they would become one day if they just lived by everything he has taught and still teaches them.

"If you play your cards right she could be the answer to you becoming the president of the country without any manipulation"

"I know grandfather...I am already on it...I am just having my bit of fun" he said without breaking eye contact with his cousin Timi who stared  back at him blankly. Tobi knew that behind that blank look was a little hint of disgust about what he was already doing or planning to do.

"Don't get carried away" Timi warned

"When have I ever, brother" he said gulping his glass of scotch and pushing the empty glass into his chest, till he felt his grip on it, he then pat Timi's shoulder before walking past him.

He walked past the staffs that greeted and opened doors for him with a grin on his face. In his head , Beethoven's 5th symphony played as he walked down the halls and into the foyer and out the door and down the steps of his Grandfathers palace and into the car that was being held open for him.
He felt like the joker.

He  planned to have as much fun as he would have in a game of chess with a million dollars at stake. He lived for the thrill. The little silly act of hers had almost cost him his whole campaign and future. He wasn't a very proud or egoistic person but his temper had a reputation.


"Remi, wake up" she heard her father say while shaking her a little "Remi"

She refused to wake up because it would mean the life she was living only a moment ago was a dream. Her home with Chima, their Kids, Her business, The company her father now ran slowly disappeared had he summoned her into reality. It was all a dream.

"Remilekun" her moms thunderous yell woke her straight up. She abruptly jerked her upper body up like one did after waking up from a near death dream  experience making her father's body jerk away from hers.

The noise of chaos was near yet distinct. "You've been sleeping for 15 hours" Her father said

That couldn't be possible, she had trouble sleeping longer than 4hrs at a go. How has she managed to sleep 15 hours straight during one of the most chaotic time of her life.

"There's a moving van outside, we have to start parking now" her mom said before proceeding to leave the room.

In one swift move, Remi was off the bed and rushing behind her. Despite her baffled and half conscious state she still managed to ask a question that seemed relevant.

"Why" She blurted out forgetting everything that has happened in her life until this moment for a brief second.

Her mom stopped abruptly making Remi spill into her and then stepping back as fast as she could out the fear of being hit across the face as her mom turned around and repeated "Why!....Whyyy!"

"Do you really want an answer now, In the middle of all this chaos, do you want to seat down so I can explain the ABC of our family's sudden spells of misfortune"

Everywhere fell silent for a brief moment that seemed to last forever.

"Thats what I thought" She said  and walked away as she looked from father to daughter.

"We will stay at your uncles, I bought some ghana must go so only take clothes and documents. Important things" He said in his ever soft and loving voice "We have just 7  hours left"

"What happening, Daddy." Remi managed to say as she thought about how pointless it would be to cry, blindly hoping it had nothing to do with her and her recent encounter.

"My siblings. They sold the land behind my back" He said "If they give me a share it should help us get back on our feet with time"

"hmmm" was all Remi could manage to let out. Her throat felt tight. Rubbing at her chest as if that would stop or ease the tears behind her eyes. "I am sorry". A tear rolling down her face as she and her dad just stood in silence.

"Good evening ma" She heard Chima say and she and her father look towards the living room.

She went to her room to start packing but she focused on every sound he made for the next ten minutes. She focused on his footstep as it got closer and louder. Despite the level of concentration her ears had on his actions, she still got scared the closer his footstep got, she jumped away from his grasp when he reached out to her from behind.

It wasn't Him. Her ears heard Chima but her mind thought it was Him, the bastard.

He held her arms and looked at her as if to inspect her for injuries or signs of harm. He stared at her as if he was gaping into her soul. Maybe he was. Maybe their bond was so strong he could see through her and wished he could lift the burden off her.

He pulled her in and hugged her and all hell broke loose. The tears came gushing out.

"Its him isn't it"

"I am sorry, Remi. I really am"

He let her cry till she felt breathless and her legs started to shake and she just knelt down and he followed suit.

Thirty means later and she was void of tears and dehydrated. They walked their way through her files as they organised them into some boxes Chima ordered for. He had hired a moving van and some men to help. He had also told her family not to wake her up and had been assisting them move things around.

He helped them sort out a storage unit to put the rest of their property. "How is he allowed to do this" She said breaking the silence between them. "We don't even have time to fight for anything"

"He is very well connected, Remi"

"I know, Chima. It just doesn't feel right not being able to fight in anyway"

"If this happened from the little encounter you had with him, I don't think you want to know what would happen if you actually tried to fight"

She looked at Chima as he uttered his statement, he avoided making eye contact with her and his voice changed a bit. It was slightly deeper as if to note that there was more to it that he wasn't saying or couldn't say but he hoped his statement conveyed enough.

"I will reschedule your meeting with my mom till you guys settle in with your uncle. I will find you guys somewhere to stay before the week ends. I will make sure you don't stay there longer than you have to.

She was going to protest to his offer but she hated her uncle and his wife so much her pride didnt really matter at this point. "Thank you" she said and stretched to touch his face and plant a kiss on his lips.


I am apologise for the delay. Don't forget to leave a comment.

More chapters coming your way.

Yes Grandfather is still alive. These things happened while he was still alive.

Remember the first intro about Remi was in the previous engagement and a small cameo in islanders.

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