
بواسطة Miss_Hoodnificent

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Part 3 To "X-Tra Credit" and "Sextasy" Follow Along As More Petty Ass Drama Unravels Amongst The Females As T... المزيد

Lesson 1: Welcome Back
Lesson 3: Sculpting To Your Pleasure
Lesson 4: Curiosity Killed The Cooch
Lesson 6: Don't Make This Harder Than It Already Is
Lesson 7: Umm...Wow...
Lesson 8: No Fucking Way
Lesson 9: Marry Me?

Lesson 5: Distractions Cum At A Price

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بواسطة Miss_Hoodnificent

Lesson 5: Distractions Cum At A Price

Mr. Kingston

I was called to sub in for Mr. T-Money, which isn't a problem at all till I saw the roll call sheet.

"Not these females again." I said with a slight shake of my head to accompany my small laugh. I looked over each and every name and just said a prayer to myself.

"Mr. T-Money?" A female said as she walked in. Her curls pulled up into a neat bun and a slightly nervous smile on her face. She looked kind of familiar.

"This is his class but he's in a meeting with Principal G. Are you new?" She nodded her head and set the paper on the desk. "You're not new, I remember your name." I smiled up at her to make her feel more comfortable.

"Where should I sit?"

"Well Ajalae, you can sit in Chanelle's seat for now since she's not going to be here today. I'll request a new desk right now for next class." I pointed to Chanelle's desk and wrote a note for the janitor to see later on once class was over.

"Thank you Mr-"

"Kingston. How long are you here for?" I looked out the window and saw Mr. Jenkins walking hand in hand with Yvonne up to the classroom. A bouquet of roses in her other arm and blushing cheeks that harnessed a smile.

"The next 5 weeks. My art class at Stanford was full so I came here so I could get my art credits."

"Oh, well you'll like this class. Mr. T-Money is pretty dope when it comes to art- aye you two." Mr. Jenkins held the door open and Yvonne came walking in.

"Aye Kingston. Bye Yvonne, I'll see you after class." Mr. Jenkins said before continuing on his way. Yvonne took a seat at her desk and looked up at Ajalae.

"Hi Ajalae." She said reaching over to give her a hug.

"So why the bouquet?" I asked.

"Well last week Romeo gave me a single rose and I thought that was nice of him. So Mr. Jenkins gave me a dozen red roses and there were truffles but we already ate them during sixth." She said burying her nose in the flowers. "They smell really good."

"They do, I can smell 'em from here." I said smiling back at her. I'm not gonna lie, Yvonne was a cutie pie as far as her overall personality. Ajalae settled into her desk and was now talking-

"Did you guy see the new detention teacher?!" Mariah yelled as she walked in with Amber right behind. "Like I'm not even playing-"

"What were you doing in detention?" Yvonne asked. Amber gladly took her seat and Mariah sat right on her desk, tossing her bag onto the floor.

"We went by to see Chanelle-"

"Wait. That rumor was true? She really is in detention?" Yvonne questioned as she shifted her glance between Amber and Mariah. Ajalae put on her beats and was occupied with her binder while I just sat here trying to figure out what was going on.

"Yes! Ms. Sealy was being a bitch in geography today so she sent Leah and Chanelle to the detention room. So Amber and I-"

"Why is she there?" I asked cutting off an overly lusted Mariah.

"See what happened was..."



I was sitting behind Chanelle in our row like always and we were just talking. I was telling her about my experience with the three teachers and Auburn, which is an experience I'll never forget, and Leah came walking in.

"I swear, this bitch just doesn't know how to dress." Chanelle said to me, not really caring if Leah heard her or not. "I can always lend her my clothes if she wants? Just anything to put her damn loose cooch away." An annoyed roll of her eyes had me let out a laugh.

"Amber wears even more clothes than Leah. That says something."

"Amber is my whore, so I'll allow it but seriously. Why even wear shorts when we can see everything underneath-"

"Chanelle be quiet." Ms. Sealy snapped as she looked dead at Chanelle.

"Well your student is a distraction to my learning. She should be sent to the office for wearing such distracting clothing." Chanelle snapped back with just as much, if not more attitude.

"Shut up Chanelle. I already know you're just jealous. Just so you know, I had to stay after for Mr. Salazarez's class... You know, for misbehaving in class." Leah said taking her seat.

"You know, I don't know why you feel so compelled to taste the rainbow... Keep it to the damn skittles. Not dicks." I think I flatlined.

"So many men offer me-"

"Offer your thrush infested ass to leave but you still choose to stay and beg to be entertained by them; yes we all know that Leah."


"Enough. I won't tolerate this kind of language in my classroom. I want both of you to go to L6 and stay there." Ms. Sealy said as she wrote up the passes and stuck them on the corner of Leah and Chanelle's desks.

"You can't leave me Chanelle." I said as I watched her gather her things.

"Just come by L6 before you start the night class. I have some Leah to handle for a second time." Leah walked out first and Chanelle gladly followed... There was a slam of the door and a loud scream to follow that had all of us turn heads.


"So that's what happened. I felt that was a stupid reason to be sent to detention but the new teacher is just oh my God. He needs to let me just get a lick." I said. "Amber you were there, you tell 'em."

"Yeah he's drop dead sexy but I like my Mr. Corvo." She said as she was filing her nails. "Is Auburn here today? I need her to help me with this clay shit."

"Nah. She's with Mr. Sarota tonight making up a test." Mr. Kingston said. Honey and Chelsea came walking into the classroom with looks like as if they just discovered some kind of dick dipped in gold.

"Um, where's Mr.T-Money?" Honey was quick to ask as she took her usual seat. I was already annoyed with them and wanted them to just fucking leave. They're taking up good table-fucking space and that's just not acceptable. That table could easily be the host of a foursome, not harness four hoes.

"He's not here today. He's on campus in a meeting but not gonna be able to make it to class, so I'm subbing. My name is on the bored and this is gonna be our class for today." Mr. Kingston continued to say.

"Where's London? She's like never here." Chelsea said.

"Um... No one told you to keep tabs on the females at our table, Chelsea. Don't worry about London." Amber snapped at her. "God damn, you don't see us questioning your other bitches and where they are."

"I was just asking." Chelsea said.

"Chelsea you're working up a damn nerve and this isn't even my argument." Yvonne said in a really adorable irritated voice... I know she ain't mean to be adorable about it but it came out adorable.


Once again.

I come back here right in the middle of some feud that's left me out of the loop and so confused... I'm actually glad I'm out of the loop on this one.

Just by the tone of the room, it seems like this is the table I would want to be at... Not the other one based on how much hate was radiating off this table.

I turned my beats all the way up and pulled the chunk of clay that sat in the middle of the table over my way. I looked over at Yvonne's clay piece and instantly blushed... She made such a life like dick, it made me do a double take.


We were nearly an hour into class and the feuding was still going on. There was yelling, clay being thrown, and even a few lunged but that all calmed down as soon as Mr. Kingston pulled off his sweatshirt and his shirt rose up... I just shook my head in disbelief that his shirt accidentally rising up was enough to calm the dispute.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up to see Mr. Kingston standing near me with a pass in his hand.

"Can you do me a favor?" He asked.

"Um, sure." I pushed my clay piece off to the side and turned myself in my chair to better face him.

"Can you go to the detention room, give the teacher this note, and come back with Chanelle and Leah. They both need to finish their clay pieces. I didn't realize that Mr. T-Money said this was the last day for clay." I eagerly nodded my head and grabbed the note from his hand. Stepping out from behind the desk, I made my way out of the classroom and looked down at the pass to see I was going to L6... Well now I'll get to see why Mariah was so hype about the new teacher.

Mr. Ginot managed to creep into my thoughts as I was making the short walk. That one night was all it took for him to become the center focus of my being. Seems a little over dramatic but he had such an impact... I understand why he didn't just go around sleeping with his students like Mr. Jenkins. I never saw Mr. Ginot after he left Stanford... I hope to see him again at least one more time but I need to focus back on school, not a relationship with a teacher.

Arriving at L6, I opened the door to see Chanelle and another girl sitting in desks that were on opposite sides of the room, facing each other. Chanelle was blowing bubbles with her gum and making loud popping noises as she chewed, preparing for the next bubble with the death stare I remembered all too well from summer school.

"You're back? Wow. There seriously can not be anymore females in this night class-"

"I see you have beef with everyone-"

"Leah shut the fuck up. No one granted your ass any kind of permission to make your prostitute protests." Chanelle snapped with too much venom... I even felt that.

"Um, where's your teacher?" I asked praying Chanelle wouldn't snap at me. I wasn't scared of her, but I just didn't want to get in any kind of an argument with her. I'd prefer to keep the peace than start a war.

"He went to the store closet in the back to make a quick phone call or some shit." She said with her eyes locked right on Leah.

"Oh. Well is he going to be long-"

"Not at all. Wassup Ma?" I looked over and was greeted to a teacher that made my knees lock. The first thing that caught my attention were those eyes... They were too beautiful to even try to avoid.

He had that trill temperament that made my heart pick up its pace and a voice so smooth... He needs a new word to describe that voice.

Mr. Loso

"I-I have a pass." She said as she stood there looking at me like as if she never saw a fine ass nigga before... It was the eyes. Her stare been on these eyes for a hot minute.

"Bring that pass here, girl." I said with a small laugh as I held my hand out for her to place the pass in. She was shaky as she walked over to me but handed me the pass. "You good?-"

"Mhm." Her cheeks were so red and I saw her trying to hold back a smile. "SoCanIGo-"

"Relax Ma. We got plenty of time, we in Mr. Loso's room." I said taking a seat at the edge of my desk. I looked down at the pass and cocked a brow. I gotta let them two females go? I was enjoyin' their comebacks though."

"I was enjoying much more." Leah said as she bit her lip.

"I'm gonna put a match to you in a minute if you don't calm your shit down." Chanelle growled.

"He has me too wet for that match to do anything." Leah retorted back.

"I do cause that with females. Better not leak on my chairs though, uh uh that's ratchet of you do." I said crumpling up the pass and tossing it in the trash. "But y'all two can leave. But I want you to stay right here." I pulled the girl to me by the loop of her jeans so she was right between my legs.

... Already off to a good start.

The other two females got up and wasted not another second in my room. It was now just this female and I in my room and I was feelin' her... She got some soft ass skin, sweet damn.

"Don't you have t-things to do?" She stammered so nervously... Oooh she a nervous one... I could potentially be the one who takes all them nerves away.

"Actually... Lesson 5: Distractions Cum At A Price." I said lowly, right into her ear. "You're by far the shortest female I've ever seen." A chuckle coming from her as she tucked her head into my chest.

"So am I a distraction?"

"Mhm. You're about to cum at a price too." I grabbed her hand and hopped off my desk. Leading her to back of the classroom where the door to my closet was.

"W-where are we going?" That plea tone in her voice was too much of a turn on. She wasn't scared as in fearful, she was scared from excitement, I could already tell. Her voice says she's scared but her body sayin' she wanna be full of some Mr. Loso.

"Don't worry. You're in good hands, I promise." It dawned on me... I 'ont know her name... Not like it matters anyways, she'll be screaming my name within a few minutes... Just as long as she knows my name we' have a good time.

I mean... It's always a good time when Mr. Loso is in charge.


Class was finally over and I was wrapping up my clay piece so it wouldn't dehydrate. I was planning on coming tomorrow morning during Saturday school so I could add the last details before it went in the kiln.

Mr. Kingston left the classroom with everyone else so it was just me for now. I promised him I'd make sure the door was closed properly before leaving but there was a turn of a key and the door opened. Looking up I saw Mr. T-Money...

Oh he looked too good right now. Solid black basketball shorts that were sagged so low I could see those V lines and no shirt... Oh my oh my-

"Enjoyin' your view?" He questioned with a cocky smirk. "Them cheeks say you was till I caught you."

"I wasn't expecting anyone else to come in here and you came in looking as you do, so yeah..." I forgot what point I was trying to make when he approached me... He was just so close. I wanted to touch every last indent on his body that outlines his muscular physique. His skin was so rich and taunting, why does my art teacher need to be this damn attractive and have such an affect on me?

"Well this is my classroom." He said in a duh tone which made me feel embarrassed for making such a dumb statement earlier. "So how's your clay piece anyways?" He asked shifting our conversation.

"It's coming just fine. I'm making a dolphin." I smiled as I held it in my hands so he could see it. "I just need to score it and attach the two sides tomorrow, then it's all done."

"So you're comin' here tomorrow?" I nodded. "I have an idea. You trust me or nahh?" He asked staring dead in my eyes.

"I guess I do-"

"Perfect. Get your things, I'll take the clay." He took it out of my hands and walked over to the shelves, placing the unfinished piece on there.

"Where are we going?" I followed him to the door and he held it open for me. I naturally stepped out and heard the door close behind me- I was suddenly picked up bridal style and was being carried by him... Is this a dream? This has to be a dream because there is no damn way he is carrying me like this right now.

"My car." His casual tone said. "We're havin' what you females call a sleepover." No way. Okay I need to wake up now, I'm known for sometimes talking in my sleep and this would be the worst thing to announce while I'm sleeping, especially in class.


That car ride felt like the shortest car ride in the history of car rides... I don't even remember one single topic we discussed in the car because I was too overwhelmed with the fact, I was hanging out with Mr. T-Money.

I was set down gently on his bed. I was confused when he walked to the bathroom so I hopped off the bed and saw him grab towels from a cabinet, way up high. He proceeded with turning on the shower and I was a lil' nervous but all the more curious about what his intentions are.

"You wanna take a shower with me?" He asked as he began pulling off his articles of clothing till he was just down to his boxers... A certain bulge I remember feeling a few weeks ago was prominent right now. "Based on where your eyes are, I would assume yes?"

I didn't even move. I was in too much shock, but he made me move. Grabbing my hand, he pulled me toward him and closed the door behind us. The tick of the lock sending a chill down me.

"You alright?" I nodded my head. "You sure?" I nodded again. "So you're comfortable with this?" I'd be dumb if I wasn't. I started to pull on the sleeves of my dress, till it dropped to a pile around my feet. He gladly helped strip me down till I had nothing on. His boxers slid down and my eyes filled with shock.... There was just so much of it...

He gave me a quick kiss of reassurance before motioning for me to step in the shower. I wasted not another second, I stepped into the spacious shower and felt the hot water crash against my skin. He came in, filling the empty space, his hands snaking their way around my slick waist and his lips pressed to mine.

Feeling him, skin to skin like this was a lot to take in. The way his hands curiously caressed my body was a lot to handle. My own hands were taking this opportunity to get a good feel of him. Starting with the most obvious part, his package.

Wrapping my hand as best as I could around the base of it, I pulled it my way. My hand sliding smoothing along the shaft, a tantalizing groan escaped him, against my lips.

I continued doing this, feeling him become even harder with each stroke till he grabbed my wrist, making me stop. He pulled away from my neck and motioned for me to turn around. I did just as he motioned and bent forward when his hand was pressed to my back.

I heard the rip of the foil and in just a few short moments, I felt him gradually sliding into me. It was slightly uncomfortable because I had to adjust to his size but once that was out of the way, pleasure set in much faster than I could have ever imagined.

My screams were muffled out from the shower but he grabbed a large handful of my wet hair and held it tight, pulling me back as he increased his pace... Faster and deeper with each moan that left my mouth. Every part of my body tightened up as tension was just dying to be let loose. My legs shook at all the pressure and my heart felt as though it was ready to burst. There was a steady pulse in all my endogenous zones as I struggled so hard to keep going... Tapping out had never sounded better than right now- and just like that I went completely numb as the waves of pleasure went through my whole body.

I stepped out of the shower and went to the sink so I had something to hold on to. Looking up at the mirror, I saw him looking back at me with nothing but a face of pure satisfaction.

I sense a round 2.

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