By Ayshasamira

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She was searching for her dream man all this years,,, she always dreams of him,, and at times give up,and thi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2:Introduction
Chapter 3:Prince charming
Chapter 4:Missing Rib
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11:The meeting
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 50:Final chapter

880 61 47
By Ayshasamira

Ibrahim I don't know how to spur that news to Noor,I still haven't tell her that,perhaps when we go back....

How is Hafsat is she alright?Yes she has cheered up but Rufa'i she is always quite,I told you you have to be with her all the time keep giving her soothing words you have been a player you should know how to better than me....

Rufa'i you and your wife will not stop
Calling me a player right,he laughed I will deal with you both but on a serious note y don't you tell her about the operation already she has been through it so she won't bother............

I am afraid of telling her but may be next month and you know the consequences of that my trouble maker if she finds out her Favourite is hiding something....

My Love,he abruptly turned and looked at me,My Baby  you are finally awake,I smiled,finish making call....

He held my hand here your brother,I smiled and talked to Yaa Khalil,I dropped the call and cupped his face in my palms.....

Ahmad I know what you are hiding from me,I am sorry I eavesdropped but I am ready for that,as far as you will be by my side......

Really Baby are you serious?I am Ahmad I am also eager to see my babies,and this pregnancy is too heavy for me,besides just 6 months....

My Noor thank you for being the light of my home,wallahi I am where I am only because of you,you are my life Noor,you know what I really wanted my Mama to see you but I was a bit late .....

Ahmad Rufa'i Sadauki he was numb for a moment,he stare at me and I stare back I blew air into his eyes and smiled
You live in me....

I have never felt what I felt when you called my name completely Noor Janan,he side hugged me.....

I can't wait to give birth and hug you for hours,I know right?You liked hugging so much,no no no hugging my Handsome husband rather.....

Yaa Ibrahim,you did not wake me up she pushed her mouth,sorry Love I was on a call and then I don't know I wanted you to rest......

He caressed her face,have you eaten?He nodded no I was waiting for you,Ahmad will never eat without Janan so I am following their food steps....

She laughed,one of the reasons y I missed Berlin,here I don't get to see them often,but in Berlin that love that make me feel like I am watching a movie....

You know Yaa Ibrahim I just love the way Yaa Ahmad loves Janan I mean it's out of this world,and you know what baffles me she feels his presence.....

When she says he will be her now,she will also say she feels his cologne and the next thing he will show up....

She said Hafsy you don't know my story but Ahmad lives in me,oh you never know about Noor Janan and Ahmad the people who fell in love from a slight eye contact that didn't last for a minute.....

She widened her eyes,seriously Yaa Khalil?there is this Magazine that I saw their story but it did not reveal how they met rather where they met.....

He smiled the love birds where hit by a love virus or do I say infected,you know Sadauki international schools right?

Her sisters were actually studying there hmm so she went to visit them and Ahmad went there too....

So they sight each other not closely but from a far and the guy fell in love immediately while she fell in love that instance but was afraid because she just got divorced....

Divorced?You mean Janan a man can let her go?Except a fool who never get to know her she is an Angel in disguise.That fool almost made my brother die....

What?Did he enstrangled him?No he married his Noor you can imagine how jealous Ahmad will be right?

He got a heartache because of Janan we did all we could in fact we almost cried for Ahmad but God so kind we found Janan....

Yaa Ibrahim how did you meet her?You mean How she met Yaa Khalil?Shw smiled she so much respect you like her real brother....

Well we met in Makkah at tawaf area,you know she is Ailurophobiac so I went to check up on Ahmad,he was praying to God to unite him with Noor while I spotted her and from that moment we became brother and Sister.....

Masha Allah!So she met him after praying,no they didn't meet till after a year,Yaa Ibrahim wallahi I am curious please tell me how they met and all....

Let me get your food first,She hastily arranged and came back,Tell me Yaa Ibrahim she said while feeding him...

Can I eat first?she blushed but y are you so eager,because I will hear it from genuine source not the social media lies....

Ohk then Ahmad met Janan on the 20th founders day of SIS and he had an eye contact with her and fell in love immediately he asked hired someone to scrutinize her every move....

While she fell in love with him and always searching for his pictures on the internet or she would snap his pictures from the school magazine....

Oh my God!That was funny she laughed it was not funny Hafsat Ahmad became seriously ill because she was married then.....

She got divorced but we didn't know that was when I met her in Makkah and we exchanged phone numbers and he forbade me from calling her that she is married,oh My God!

After a year I called her and she told us she is not married,so when she went to Abuja we met her there,Oh My my I wonder the kind of hug .....

What hug?Janan is a very well cultured I respect her for that,so tell me Yaa Khalil I am eager,he smiled y didn't you ask Janan?

Please Yaa Khalil,ohk I called her and she came and met me in the chalet in Sadauki hotels,so I invited her in the living room....

And God they stare at each other she couldn't move he couldn't utter a  word,you see I never know she was in love with him and looking for him all over.....

Sincerely at first I thought she has fallen for me not knowing she has fallen for my cousin brother,she smiled I am getting jealous....

So he did not hug her upon all the illness no he stare at her and she stare back at him,for couple of minutes I could sense the love between them I then ask her to sit....

She greeted him and sat down,what Yaa Ibrahim how can I not hug someone I love to the extend of scrutinizing her every move...

Janan is the most gentle person I know,she is cool and calm and gentle,he stare at her you can tell he feels like giving her a bone crushing hug....

Ohh he stare at her and she felt like staying forever she then left the next day he did not let me rest.....

He came earlier than early and we went to meet her,she laughed hysterically but she was not aware of the love?She was not but from the physical emotions you can tell.....

She keeps blushing and the Ahmad that will not smile is the one smiling,but wait Yaa Ibrahim what about his girlfriend?

He never had a girlfriend you know what Hafsy I for once thought my Rufa'i was impotent,we both laughed....

How did he tell her he loves her?I arranged a meeting that night and he couldn't utter it out I have to chime in....

I wish I have seen her reaction she was flabbergasted she stood up and even called me by my name......

That was when she said no please Khalil tell him I am a divorcee I have a daughter bla bla bla and he went closer to her and told her if she could have married the whole nation he still loves her.....

She kept blushing and pinching herself,she left the next day but you know she told him that she loves him and she told me how she fell for him and everything......

And from there it started my introverted brother was deeply in love with Janan,but Yaa Ibrahim you mean Janan has a daughter apart from Ummita?

Yes her first daughter Raudhah,OMG!You mean that cute little Raudah that I saw at Abuja,he nodded I was even joking with Yasmeenah saying they should give her to me.....

Oh she is so lucky and I know Raudahs Father will feel like  kidnapping Janan,Well the Mukhtar I know wanted her back almost immediately after the divorce he loves Janan....

But you know there are this kind of people that never appreciate what they have,and they will realize it once they miss such opportunities......

Janan is a treasure everyone needs,you know her Father always calls  her the light of his eyes,wow she is an incredible human being I like her so much.....

What baffles me the most about Janan is she is very secretive she is more of a private person.....

If it were to be another person she would have talked about me countless times with her Sisters but she never do that and she is a jealous wife but in a cute way....

Not the way other women overreact I just love how she handle things,very calmly,Yaa Ibrahim yes Tell me....

Please Yaa Ibrahim you should love and care for me I know you can't be like the Favourite but quarter of it the way he treats Janan is something all women want....

Hafsy I promise I will try my best but you also need to support me,she nodded I will I promise,are you not going home to see Mum?

Oh let me get ready then,Yaa Ibrahim will you take me to Janan on our way back?He nodded I will ......

I met him outside near the hut,his eyes closed he was inhaling the fresh air,He opened his eyes and saw me coming Noor are you alright?

I nodded no I actually wanted to talk once again about Baby let me chip in,this your condition you cannot go to Sokoto I promise when you give birth after 3 months you will go to Sokoto....

But shhhh he put his head on my tommy let me hear them talk,I smiled but deep I was hurt,Baby are you alright,I am fine I am just missing Raudah.....

If she is on break we can talk to Dad and Mum,I don't think they are but will ask Mummy,Do you know that when I went to greet Baba I was very shy like oh My God!...

You are smiling Favourite,when are we leaving then?Baby I love you I can't wait to take you to Maldives a lone time just the two of us....

I smiled that would be when I wean my babies,I can't wait I love you Noor my every heartbeat is for you,my heart my love he laid on my laps and we continued gisting......

Yaa Khalil met us in that position,Janan You have gain weight this twins I hope you are alright,on top that Ahmad you came and add your own weight....

I smiled I am fine Yaa Khalil,He is feeling sleepy,he then said oh ok Favourites,Ahmad I have sent an email to you if you don't mind can you check it for me?

Oh yes he sat up and checked the MacBook they continued gisting and typing and sending things....

Yasmeenah and Hanan went to Sokoto while Ummita went to Azzahras place,they spent few days and we went back to Berlin after a week....

My phone that was ringing endlessly woke me up,deep in my slumber Sa'aad Sadauki,sorry Pulche are you alright?

I am fine Sa'aad,how is Ummita and my unborn Babies,hmm they all are fine,I missed Ummita I know right?

She misses her Uncle Ta'aad too,we both laughed,sorry I disrupt your sleep,not at all atleast you called I won't be upset with you,ok bye bye regards to Baba.....

The girls wrote their exams which made Yasmeenah want to go home,but with Fa'iz around they did the vacation there and went back to school her final semester.......

Hanan and Hafsat became very close and it atleast made me happy I was in my 8th month and the CS was to be held in just two days.....

I was trying my best not to think about it,I went for a stroll and sat on the street bench,Oh My Allah!My Sister is now a balloon.....

I pouted Yaa Khalil am I really that fat?I am joking but you have add weight I know right,where is my Favourite I wandered my eyes.....

I left him in the office I was having a headache and I came back early oh oh so sorry brother,it's ok.....

I heard you will be spending two weeks in sokoto after delivery?What two weeks no not two weeks 1 month,he laughed you want to kill your Favourite,,..

Yaa Khalil y won't he ever let me stay for a month sincerely I do miss him when we are apart and it seems like forever I get disturbed too but still i need to visit my family and friends....

Janan I know you are trying your best but the thing is forget about caring Ahmad will loose his life the moment you spend a month not being close to him.....

He just can't do that I know,does he feel insecure?Not really is about missing you,you know he keeps teasing him about that he can't spend good 5 minutes without talking about You....

You know I know Ahmad better than anyone and he don't hide anything from me,so trust me you are a lucky woman and appreciate that....

I have been a player and tried my very best to be the best husband but whenever I see Ahmad I said to myself Khalil you have failed woefully,we both laughed.....

Wallahi Janan you have the best Husband I can say,I know right Yaa Khalil he never gets upset or tired,May Allah bless him abundantly....

But there is one thing he disliked about you,I looked at Yaa Khalil what is that?My Ahmad dislikes something about me?

Yes the fact that whatever you want you just buy it without collecting money from him and he keeps telling you that the money he send is for personal things but if you need anything ask him....

Yaa Khalil what is the point Ahmad sends money to my account every blessed month and not small amount then y would I have to ask him again....

He smiled just do what he wants ok?Ok Yaa Khalil I will Ahmad is Gods gift to me,and I promise to take care of him in every way.........

He saw us and came how is my Noor doing?He sat down fanning my ear,I missed you I know right?Khalil dodged out of office today....

We both laughed chit chatted and went back home,after a day I was ready for the CS and was carried to the hospital,I hugged Ahmad before going all the way to the OR.....

I came back and pecked him then went in,Yaa Khalil,the girls and Ummita were all there,Mummy Yaa Khadija came with Hajiya Innah.....

And at around 10:30 the Nurse preambled out of the OR with two cute babies a bouncing baby boy and girl,they were overjoyed but Ahmad was so eager to see Noor.....

I was taken to a ward room,and came back fully to my sense at around 3pm,he inhaled deeply and hugged me,Sorry my Baby how are you feeling?

Much better,is that Mummies voice?He nodded awwn he went and came in holding tha boy while Mummy was holding the baby girl....

Janan weldone and congratulations,get well soonest ok?I nodded yes Mummy welcome to Berlin,she smiled.....

I was discharged after two days and Azzahra came together with Yaa Khairat and Ummulkhair everyone was so happy to see the babies.....

I was recuperating and can do anything the baby girl was named Khadija at my request and the Baby boy Aliyu Haidar Baba......

I met Mummy talking to him in his bedroom,I will be back come in Janan, Noor,Mummy I sat closer to her,Are you alright?

I am fine Mummy just that I want to go with you,I pouted since it's your PJ we can go right?She looked at him,Janan you errm,Yaa Khadija she prefers you to me fine then she should do what pleases her he stood up and left......

Ahmad she semi yelled,I laid on her laps tears rolling down my chin,it's ok Janan he can't be upset forget him,he would be back in a jiffy......

She picked her phone and called him,he didn't pick but came back in,Yaa Allah!What happened to her Yaa Khadija,she smiled and caress my hair....

Noor he bend down I am sorry I was just frustrated and I am jealous of your Mummy always Mummy,he wiped away my tears don't cry Baby I am so sorry.....

He pecked me in my presence Ahmad,oh sorry Yaa Khadija he scratched his head,I just did it so that she won't talk about leaving me all alone here......

He sat down next to me,Ahmad what is wrong with you how can you sit here go there and sit she said smirking,I will leave you with your Janan so let me enjoy her company....

Noor I looked at him,Are you alright?I am fine I am just missing Mummy already,Yaa Khadija take her along....

Should I?let me go and start preparing her bags,he closed his eyes and nodded,let me go and start getting ready...

Mummy,Yaa Khairat Ummulkhair and Azzahra left but Hajiya Innah was left behind,Ahmad was so caring and loving ......

After a a month and half the girls were writing their examination and that was Yasmeenahs final exams....

My twin Mami and Abbaty were growing really fast just like Ummita,she is all grown up,I went to the hospital alone and decided to go to their office....

The employees started greeting me right from the gate,the protocol lead the way to his office,he was lying on the couch while Khalil was writing somethings......

I salamed and he was startled Janan,I placed my hand on my lips,I tip toed and sat beside him,I caressed his face,he opened his eyes and saw me....

He was flabbergasted Khalil am I day dreaming?He touched my face and they put his head on my laps,you didn't tell me you will be here.....

Can't I come see my handsome husband I missed you and I couldn't help it,I caressed his soft face,errrm uhm Yaa Khalil cleared his throat....

Which made Ahmad sat up,Noor you could have usher that you want me close I would have spent the day at home....

Janan where are the babies?At home on a serious note you both don't seem to welcome me here,like I don't feel welcomed....

No you know we are happy we are just suprised,I look at both of them,are you both hiding something perhaps you have girlfriends here.....

Janan don't feel insecure you very well know that I will not sit here and watch Ahmad do something nasty,hmmmm!!

Let me get going,I stood up but he held my hand,Baby don't be upset imagine waking up to see your face and you don't think I have every reason to be suprised we talked not long ago you were in the saloon....

And I thought of paying my husband a visit,I will take my leave besides my babies must be missing me now,he held my hand tightly.....

Khalil that was on a call dropped the call and picked the office call,send them in,A girl in her early 20's and a young man came in....

They passed the interview sir,we need your approval if you need to ask them a question then,the secretary announced,I looked at the lady and then at Ahmad....

Khalil was scratching his head,I think well Boss what do you think?We don't need a female worker for now the ones we have are enough,but Frau(Ma'am)The secretary chipped in....

I don't need your suggestion this is my decision,get another job for her may be in other departments but not here ok?She nodded...

Sir,So be it secretary you can go,Janan he looked at me,don't tell me you are...Yaa Khalil y do you want to keep sending female workers to my husband I pouted.....

Your husband is actually...he then kept quiet,Jaan you want female workers not at all Baby is your brothers doing,I gave him fake smile then stood up....

I was not welcomed in the first place and now I made the wrong judgement so I should,he stood up and hugged me completely ignoring Khalil he whispered some soothing words into my ear......

He then pecked me,In my presence Yaa Allah!when would you people change?Let me go to my office love birds,Yaa Khalil I am leaving already don't leave My Favourite all alone....

He smiled but you left my Ummita,Khadija and Abbaty all alone and came to spend time with your husband,Yaa Khalil I missed him and here he is sleeping during work.....

Baby I Overworked,but I never knew you need so much rest,let me leave you then,we are leaving together,no please I just missed you and stop by thats y I didn't pick your call.....

I thought you would be happy,I am overjoyed then stay and finish your work let me go my Babies needs me.....

He smiled,he laced our hands and excorted me outside,he kept telling the driver to be careful and we left.....

I went back home douched my body dress in my jeans and sweet shirt,I met the two of them in the bedroom,Hanan are they awake already....

Well Abbaty is awake but Your Mamita is still asleep,I pouted Yaa Janan you look like a sweet sixteen,really I giggled...

Yasmeenah can't you stay for a month or two please?I will miss you I am sorry Sis but I promised Mum that I will spend time with her before the wedding....

That reminds me the wedding date will be fixed tomorrow he called and he would excort me back to Sokoto after my graduation....

But Hanan you are not going right,she winked sorry Sister I will come back when school resumes you and your Favourite will need some space atleast....

We have all the space we want upstairs,please let me go and help Yasmeenah with the preparations,what preparations?

The wedding but no buts Yaa Janan please let her go,is it because of Sa'aad Sadauki?She nodded...

I have gotten a new boyfriend I am ditching your brother in law,you won't dare we all laughed.....

He was lying down and I stare at his handsome face,he was sleeping soundly,Baby?Y are you staring at me,I am looking at my handsome husbands face....

Come here he called with his hand,I am feeling very sleepy,I smiled and sat at the edge of the bed,he then grab my hand and made me fall on top his body......

My love I want you to have some rest,Baby let's stay like this for a while,I inhaled deeply and laid my head on his chest......

I looked up at him and joined our lips,he opened one eye and smiled we stayed like that for a while,I inhaled deeply.....

Yasmeenah was done with the her exams and comes the graduation we all went and it was fabulous,she met me in my bedroom that evening and sat down fumming....

Is everything ok?You can imagine Fa'iz he is not letting me go for the party organized by our course mates,then shove it off....

Yaa Janan Favourite would not have done that,who you mean Ahmad Sadauki let me go for a party?He wouldn't let me you know that....

Her phone was ringing she picked up and was talking while whining no Baby hmm ok I will get ready,oh really downstairs......

Well he said we are going on a date if I really want we can branch,wow you are going on a date oh that's so nice,Fa'izu uhm.......

My Favourite should take me on a date too,I pouted he said my dress is downstairs let me go and see it,let me accompany you......

We went downstairs and saw a gift bag,She opened it wow this is nice red is bae(before anything else),I love this I rolled my eyes,see this purse and stiletto high heels diamond color.....

Our Fa'izu is a Romeo,she smiled and went into the bedroom,my babies were awake I picked them up,I was breastfeeding Marmie when Leenah bring in Abbaty.......

I don't like this sucking of a thing I whined,bring the babies swing I gestures I put Marmie and picked Abbaty,just when he came in..

He kissed my forehead and stare at me,cute angels he pecked Marmie that was giggling,someone is missing,Yes Ummita she went to visit Hafsy her new Mum....

He smiled and sat down Leenah left,I missed you so much he purred I missed you more I laid on his chest,where are the girls?Yasmeenah is going for a date while Hanan is at Yaa Khalils....

Seems like Hanan and Hafsy get along oh yeah they really get along,interesting what about Fa'izu?

Not sure he then salamed and came in with Yaa Khalil,I gave Abbaty to Ahmad and we chit chatted in the night Yasmeenah was all dolled up.....

We were playing with Ahmad I remembered then went to meet Yasmeenah,oh my God!Stunning you look so beautiful Masha Allah,Fa'izu is all alone in the living room..

Really?Are you nervous?She nodded yes our first official date she rolled her eyes hurry,she went to the living room,and he couldn't restrain himself....

Angel you are an enchantress he smiled and hugged her,I love you Meenarh hum errrm...they turned to see Yaa Khalil,Oh brother we actually are about going out.....

Oh he inhaled deeply you can see the sadness in his eyes,Meenah shall we?She nodded smiling they went out,Yaa Khalil I said while coming out.....

He sat down without saying a word I think I have a heartache no Yaa Khalil please we have passed that level.....

Ahmad was coming down what is wrong Ibrahim?You don't know what is happening in your house?He nodded no oh they went out on a date,who?He closed his eyes....

Our Fa'izu I chipped in,that's nice he sat down how is Hafsa oh she is feeling much better I left Hanan and Ummita having drama She don't want to come home for some reason,Janan did you shout at her?

I frowned my face she did something wrong and I did not shout I only talked to her,Ahmad that was staring at me inhaled deeply,My Love you should go and bring her back...

Let her sleep there ok?Ibrahim you still on your honeymoon she would disrupt your sleep,not at all she is sleeping there final....

I looked at Yaa Khalil then at the Favourite who were whispering,let me excuse you both they both looked at me,I stood up.....

They didn't stop me I picked Mamita up and went upstairs what about Haidar,I looked at him,how can I pick the two of them?

Rufa'i stop stressing my sister,should I get her an assistant then?I whined good night Yaa Khalil my love to Hafsat he waved dismissing me.....

I went upstairs freshened up and laid on the bed next to Abbaty,I was thinking about random things,my phone rang Mum I picked up....

She informed me about Yasmeenahs wedding date in the next 6months I was overjoyed,I called Meenal and informed her she was happy that she would give birth before the wedding stupid ok bye....

I received Fareedahs call,My runaway friend sorry Janan you know things are becoming difficult in Nigeria no don't tell me that I hope you are alright?

Yes Janan well our wedding date has been fixed with Bujawa you should be the first to know,oh I feel special congratulations i dropped the call...

Hanan are you sleeping at Yaa Khalils?Oh no I am back already so sorry let me come,she met me in the bedroom with Abbaty I am so tired and what have you been doing there...

Hafsy is not feeling fine but she is trying to pretend,what's wrong with her I don't know really and she is trying to hide it from her husband...

Hafsy and Yasmeenah both of them can be very insolent I will go see her tomorrow I am feeling very sleepy Hanan,oh then have some rest let me go and freshen up.....

I saw Yasmeenahs picture she looked adorable,oh you should have seen her in person,ok good night Yaa Janan.....

Hanan is Yaa Khalil still around oh yes that reminds me Hanan,The wedding date has been fixed in less than six months I mean Yasmeenahs,she smiled oh Mum called earlier I am so happy for her....

I was in the midst of my sleep when I feel his hand caressing my face,I pushed the hand and turned Baby are you upset?I nodded not at all I am sleepy please let me be....

I will be waiting for you then,I turned and continued sleeping he woke me up again,Please let me be,I hugged Mamita that was about to wake up and slept off....

The next morning he was not home when I wake up and I didn't reply his missed calls,I continued my daily activities,he called the cook who told him about my absence.....

I went to Hafsy and met her puking are you alright?Subhanallh your temperature has risen let's hurry to the hospital no Sister please I will be fine....

I hesitated and called the driver,we went to the hospital and she was examined,Ahmad kept calling but I refuse to pick Khalil called too....

I ignore them all,The result came out and I checked and smiled I hugged her congratulations Hafsy you are 14 weeks pregnant,with her agaped mouth she looked at me....

Are you serious Sister?I nodded but where are the husbands,I didn't call them so let's go home shall we?She smiled and we headed home.....

We went directly to my apartment and I saw them going to and fro,I pushed my mouth,Noor he swiftly held my hand you ignored our calls are you alright?

Janan we even went to the hospital but couldn't trace you,I pushed his hand and sat down Hafsy go to the bedroom and get some rest,I will send food now.....

She turned about to leave Yaa Khalil hugged her from behind are you upset with us too,She inhaled deeply not at all....

His throat squeezed with emotions he uttered what is wrong with you Janan is upset with us and I am sure she will not tell us,Seriously Sister you are upset with them?

I smiled then said applies to me,I have to be upset with the husbands,don't be Hafsy tell him what the Dr said,ohk Yaa Janan she then gave him the paper and he widened his grin.....

Rufa'i she is pregnant they both smiled wow congratulations I am so happy,he gave him his brotherly hug,I left them and went to the kitchen I send he maids with food to Hafsy......

I came in rocking Marmie while Yaa Khalil and Hafsy were eating,Noor I am famished,I frowned my face,he stood up and came close to me.....

He hugged me don't crush Mameetas bones he hugged us all,the woman of my life forgive me....

We were discussing something important and we are sorry you know we must tell you what it is we were trying to propose something and afraid you will not believe right Khalil?

He nodded we are sorry Jananu,it's ok Yaa Khalil I have forgiven you alone and congratulations he arche an eyebrow thank you.....

Ummita came in running and hugged Hafsat,we then sat down and continued chit chatting,Khalil your sister is yet to forgive Ahmad Rufa'i we all burst out laughing....

The next day the girls left to Sokoto leaving us all alone,Yaa Khalil called me and I picked up amidst my sleep,Sister we actually wanted to make it a suprise that day that you were upset with us....

We were actually planning to go to Zurich and Ahmad could not leave you here so he said I should conceal it from you we are sorry about that,uhm y are you telling me now Yaa Khalil?

Because we are leaving tomorrow and I know you are still upset with my brother,not at all Abban Ummita I am not upset rather I am happy then make him understand that you are not I will Yaa Khalil......

Janan yes Yaya I want to thank you I am very grateful having a sister like you,you showed the way to Hafsat and I,thank you Janan oh My pleasure Yaa Khalil,I will come later so start getting ready.....

When he came back I was pacing the leaving room I swiftly hugged him,I missed you so much,I missed you more,I was in a conference meeting hence my lateness please forgive me...

You are the best husband on the planet I can't be upset with you,where are the kids?They all fell asleep so he kissed me before I could utter anything.....

We went upstairs and sat down I pecked him,Baby I miss you are you not healed yet,I smiled I am healed but afraid to you know....

But I will be gentle hmm!Ahmad is about pregnancy,ohh I will know how to,how to what I think we need to plan,no I hate family planning and you don't even know if you have natural planning....

Then Babe you know I have deep feelings,when we go to Zurich then,promise?Yes promise I smiled and we cuddled....

We went to Zurich and laid a new foundation of our love we spent a month and we went to United Kingdom with Hafsy and the husbands helping me take care of the kids.....

Ahmads eyes glinted with joy from hearing the soothing words I whispered in his ears,Oh that reminds me I need to do something,My Love I want to send money to Meenal you know she has put to bed her 3rd child.....

Oh that's nice you ought to send it but let me help you with it,I will send the money to you,I rolled my eyes I have enough please,shhhh!

But what about Ammah I haven't been hearing anything about her,oh yeah you know she gave birth few weeks back I bought some kids wears and send some money to her too...

That's nice you are doing a nice job,I smiled then Fareeda and Bujawas wedding is something we must attend I know right,just when my phone vibrates I picked up.....

Mum I talked to her really he didn't discuss it with me,but that's too much no let's not do that,really ok I will talk to him.....

I turned and he was nowhere to be found,I went to the living room and saw him playing with the 3 kids,Daddy I need to talk to you,but Baby we are playing.....

Now he then gave Ummita a signal and came closer to me,I held his hand and drag him to his bedroom,y didn't you contact me before Daddy and Yaa Khairat and what are you talking about?

Yasmeenahs house that you ordered everything you have already forgiven me about that it was all part of what we were discussing with Khalilullah,.....

Jaaan y do you keep hiding things from me,he hugged me and I fidgeted but he hugged me tight I only hide things I know you will oppose but if you won't oppose I will never hide anything from you.....

Thank you,thank you for taking care of me and my family for taking care of our every need,thank you so much Ahmad I really appreciate....

You don't have to thank me you are a business tycoons wife I mean young business tycoon I smiled and hugged him tight.......

After almost 6 months we went to Katsina for Fareeda and Bujawas wedding we left Ummita with Hafsat who refused to follow us because of her protruded stomach......

After a two weeks was Yasmeenahs wedding we all went to Sokoto,we had a very lavish and deluxe event Fa'izus family were an epitome of generosity......

And the Sadauki had my back on that wedding she was conveyed to Abuja from where they went to Los Angeles(LA)........

Yasmeenah was so happy while Yaa Khalil still felt the pain,Hafsat tried for me on that wedding I went back to Sokoto and spend few days then came back to Abuja......

I was lying on the couch when my phone buzz I checked to see Azzahra message that she has put to bed,I shouted and called Ahmad I couldn't wait and I rushed to the hospital to see a very cute Baby girl......

After Azzahras naming which the Baby girl was named Noor Janan,we went back to Berlin our Berlin after almost 2 months....

I was on the bed trying to get some sleep,his phone that was ringing endlessly kept disrupting my attention....

Bae your phone I said lazily pick up Baby,no let me see who is calling,what?I sat up after reading the name,he came out cleaning his body,Are you alright?

Y is she calling you?Maryama I don't know it has been ages,let me ignore the call,no call her back please,hmm!

He called and put it on speaker mode,Yaa Ahmad good afternoon I don't know you all have stopped checking up on us and Mum is worried.....

Maryama don't you ever call my line ok?Call whoever among the Sadauki not Ahmad he hissed and dropped the call,I inhaled deeply don't feel insecure ....

He kissed me should we get a sister or brother for Mameeta,I pushed him you must be joking they are just 8months old,But Raudah is almost 5 so she needs a 3rd sister,I giggled what happened to all the Sisters she have we both laughed.....

My phone rang,I ignored at first then looked at the screen Yaa Khalil and I picked up what seriously Yaa Khalil?

I put my bedroom slippers and started undressing,Hafsy she is in labour,Yaa Allah! He quickly wore his clothes and we rushed outside leaving the kids with Hanan.....

After a prolong labour she puts to bed,God Yaa Khalil was the happiest,A baby girl so many baby girls in the family I pouted.....

Yaa Khalil is incredible he named the Baby Yasmeenah,I thought Hafsy will throw a tantrum but she kept quit for a while and then held my hand.....

Yaa Janan you are an amazing human being I actually wanted him to put your name so that the Baby if not for anything will follow your footsteps but Yasmeenah not bad thou I am jealous.....

I hugged her and patted her back,don't feel insecure Khalil is yours all alone,and you know that the person in question is married and enjoying her marital life so don't bother and don't object to your husband be submissive Hafsy ok?

She nodded I respect you Yaa Janan thank you,after 3 months she went to The States to visit her Family she carried Ummita along leaving just us....


Yasmeenah please don't do that,just thank God for the gift,don't start planning now atleast get a brother for Affan ok?I love you,

Hanan I don't know Sa'aad Sadauki is on my nerves I pray she consent you know he loves her but I don't want to force her yes ok byebye......

Ummita came in running Mamie and Abbaty followed her wait for me Yasmeenah little shouted,God! You are back from school already,I am done resting I sat up they hugged me I called the Nanny .....

She took them with her,they came back after taking a shower,they ate lunch Mummy we want to go and see little Ahmad,oh please don't disturb Mummy Hafsat then I called out the Nanny to excort them......

They met with their Fathers outside,Khalil took them with him,He came in and pecked me,Welcome back you came back early,oh yes we have to I missed you and the kids oh really?

Of course i do,they went to see little Ahmad,that is good atleast I will have my Noor all to myself I smiled and we went upstairs......

The kids where running around while I was in the hammock swing in the backyard reading a novel,I felt his presence he sat beside me swinging Baby are you alright hmm!

Favourite I don't know I have this constant nausea,are you pregnant I smiled I don't know but I am not ready yet,Yaa Khairat has 4 kids,Mummy Yaa Khadija 3 Ummulkhair 4 and Janan here will have 4 in just few years  please.....

They don't want to give birth and I want more kids atleast two,Khalil and Noor Janan I smiled you are too much....

Abbaty noticed him and they ran and Hugged him Daddy we mish you,he hugged all the three of them,it was a nice Family we have always having fun and loving each other.....

We went for a walk and met Yaa Khalil and the kids in the nearby park,we sat on a bench and Yaa Khalil came to us,we are having fun here.....

Where is Hafsy?She went to the nearby store,oh ok we were chit chatting and watching over the kid....

There is this Orphanage in Sokoto I really pity the kids,so I was thinking of sponsoring 10 kids what do you see?

That's nice Janan count me in 20 children,oh is it a sister and brother something? I shrugged my shoulders I am in too 30 children.....

That's awesome I have the directors number I visited the last time I went to Sokoto so we carry on with the good work....

Janan you are Gods gift to us,you keep inspiring us to do good deeds what more can we ask for?Yaa Khalil Hafsy oh there she is.....

She needs to loose weight he whispered,I closed and opened my eyes she looks good like this,Ahmad playfully bite my ear....

Fav stop it in my presence,Khalil chatted,Yaa Janan she sat down and the kids came running to her,she gave them the slush and they went back it was a very happy Family indeed......

Babe we are going for Umrah next week,Yaa Allah!y do you always tell me things at the last hour?You are so inquisitive Noor,the kids will be going to Nigeria with Yaa Khadija from there....

Really?He nodded y we would come back to Berlin all by ourselves?No we are going to Puglia one of the most romantic countries in the world from there Khalil and Hafsat will go to Munich....

To that castle?Yes very well and we would be back to Berlin alone?No he nodded where do you want to go?Tell me let me prepare the visa but we still going to LA to visit Fa'iz and Yasmeenah......

Oh woah incredible I jumped on him I can't wait My Love but tell me where we are going after Puglia please my young handsome husband former Bachelor chairman....

Ohh is that what i get he followed me while I run and he caught hold of me tell me is that what I get,I pecked him this is what you will get,tonight I won't spare you.....

The following week we went for Umrah(Lesser Hajj)With the kids it was stressful Yaa Khadija met us after a day and her PA helped with the kids....

After 10 days they went to Dubai while
We went to Puglia,it is out of this world I loved Puglia we spend 5 days and then Yaa Khalil and Hafsat went to Munich while we went to Venice still in Italy........

Venice(city of water),nothing more romantic cuddlesome gondola ride though the Burano island,colour Ed houses with a canal piercing through the middle fundamenta delle zattare is where the true beauty of Venice at night shines......

Feast your eyes on the panoramic views of the Giudecca Canal, watch the light doing its dance on the water and see the charming pastel Baroque buildings fringing either sides of the canal as you stroll down this long promenade at night.

Venice was indeed a romantic city I said i laid on his shoulder the gondolier  humming mellifluous italian melodies y didn't Yaa Khalil and Hafsat came with us...

Well they wanted to see Neuschwanstein Castle and you know it's a romantic trip as well,oh yeah but y didn't we ever come to Venice before,well he closed one eye and nodded we are taking it step by step.....

Visiting places one by one,I smiled thank you Favourite for being the most amazing husband on the planet....

Ahmad I truly appreciate the things you do for me,he smiled and kissed my forehead after few,we went to LA Yasmeenah and Fa'iz were so happy to see us we spent 3 days and went to Zurich where we spent a day and Yaa Khalil and Hafsat met us there.....

It was a honeymoon trip,Sister I now see y you love Zurich,you can say that again Yaa Khalil I find peace in Zurich,should we relocate to Zurich,No fav please Zurich is way too expensive...

Besides I love Berlin and I am used to Berlin now,Yaa Ahmad what if Sis Janan really want to come back to Zurich will you really relocate....

Without question Hafsat I will leave Khalil in Berlin and come back to Zurich if that is what my Queen wants ,and who will stay away from his silhouette we both laughed.....

Yaa Khalil I will not even go away from Hafsy and I love Berlin too,anyway let's go shopping we would be off to Nigeria tomorrow....

We went shopping and we landed in Nigeria in the evening were we slept and rested,after 3 days Mummy brought back the kids,we went and Visit Azzahra and her 2 kids.....

It was a family something we went for Food Bazaar at Sadauki international school it was sumptuous,Yaa Khadijah husband is set to contest for presidential seat.....

Ahmad I said while enjoying the hammock swing my head on his shoulders,the kids have gone to the Palace with Sa'aad.....

Baby are you alright?I don't think I am it seems like I am pregnant you know I have all the symptoms,seriously he cupped my face in his palms....

I love you Noor thank you for bearing me the loves of my life,meaning I would be the happiest of you are to be pregnant but Ahmad.....

Shhhhh he placed kiss on my forehead then deepened the kiss I love you Baby you are a real gift I can't imagine my life without you......

Having you in my life is one of the sweetest things ever Ahmad he swiftly kissed me I told you I will punish you if you continue calling my name not adding any romantic something.....

I smiled oh my hearthrob I won't trade you for all the hearthrobs in Bollywood,Hollywood and South Korea he smiled really?

I mean every word thank you for bringing sunshine into my life Noor,you are a woman everybody would have wished for I cherish you Noor Janan you are my soulmate,my woman,my sunshine and the light in my eyes you are Mar'atus saliha....

Whenever I look at you I feel a thrill of joy,you make me smile you make my worries vanish by mere looking at you,either you are smiling or laughing or upset you look beautiful.......

My biggest fear is losing you Noor I love you so much,I love you more Ahmad you are Gods gift to someone like me,I can't imagine my life without you,my life is just like a fairy tale......

My happiness is when you are happy Favourite,I have sacrificed my ambitions my desires and comfort to you My Handsome husband you are all I desire.......

He smiled his phone that was beeping he picked up,Ibrahim!Oh you mean Dr Abbaty Hassan Turaki the Dr from Kano?

Really oh I would love to see him,he is a nice person,really he is in Abuja?Ohk I will pick up when he calls thanks....

And who is Dr Abbaty Turaki?Oh he is a friend we studied in thesame varsity in London,thou he studied medicine but you know Nigerians and that bond .....

He is a very nice Doctor,just then his phone rings,oh Dr Abbaty I am glad you called,you can call me anytime forget about me being the Favourite....

Khalil said you are in Abuja oh to pick your Sister?Khadija Turaki that's nice so she's a fan of Mr and Mrs Favourite they both laughed I will be glad to have you here,looking forward to see you......

He dropped the call,his sister is a fan,I laughed we have become celebrities by force he smiled I love you Noor I love you today tomorrow and always......

When a woman's love for her husband is not related to his wealth,his beauty,his position,his qualifications or anything else,she will win a prized position in his heart which none can wrest from her.........

One of the traits of the women in Jannah is that they will be "maidens with lowered gazes"-A Gift for the Muslim bride I acknowledged the book........

Family always and forever...........


Masha Allah!I am so glad to end this story here it has not been easy but here we are,if I should have a chance I will not end HE LIVES IN ME here because I find pleasure while writing it,nevertheless It feels overwhelming to witness the end.........

Nevertheless it ends just like a Korean Drama where you will be expected to predict the end while I will enjoy reading your comments and views also.......

To Noor Janan,Ahmad Rufa'i,Ibrahim Khalil and Yasmeenahs Fans it was a pleasure writing something that pleases you.........

Thank you for viewing,reading,and commenting

To those that inspired the writer thank you I really appreciate
I I'll not forget people like MAMANNANAKHADIJA,Ayshertmuhd,Hechagee and the rest that voted and commented thank you so much.......

Look out for my next Novel to be published soon you will Love Dr Abbaty Turaki....

With love from Ayshasamira

The End

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