James and Oliver Phelps Imagi...

By _TomatoFace_

285K 5.9K 3.5K

A collection of Phelps Twins imagines for Y/N. If you want to send in a request I will try my best to complet... More

Scars (pt.1)
Scars (pt.2)
Scars (pt.3)
BSM - You have an eating disorder (Pt.1)
BSM - you have an eating disorder (Pt.2)
BSM - your boyfriend is abusive
Detention with Umbridge (Fred)
He saves you (Oliver)
BSM - you're bullied
He gets jealous (Oliver)
He cheats on you (Pt.2)
Family day out (Oliver)
Family day out (Pt.2)
BSM - Your parents are fighting
BSM - Your parents are fighting (pt.2)
Quidditch accident (Fred)
Meet&Greet (Oliver)
Escaping detention (George)
You're feeling insecure (Fred)
You had a bad day (George)
BSM - They yell at you
BSM - You're on your period
Road trip (Oliver)
Road trip - Oliver (pt.2)
Battle of Hogwarts (Fred)
BSM - You introduce them to your boyfriend
Press conference (James)
BSM - Your parents compare you to them
You're enough (James)
You have food poisoning - Fred
Your child is sick - James
He catches you self harming (James)
You baby sit Oliver's child (James)
You babysit Oliver's child - Pt.2
Anorexia (James)
You're insecure (Oliver)
Thank you!!
He hits you (Oliver)
Proposal (Oliver)
He finds out youre pregnant (James)
You teach him Spanish (James)
You flinch during an argument (Fred)
You come out to him (James)
You go on holiday with him (James)
Christmas at the Burrow(Fred)
You have oppositional defiance disorder (ODD)
You get caught👀 (George)
He's your teacher (James)
He's your teacher - James (pt.2)
Your child's first day at school (Oliver)
Family trip to Universal Studios (James)
Your child has separation anxiety (Fred)
BSM - You're non binary
BSM - They make you feel insecure
BSM - They protect you
BSM - They protect you (pt.2)
You defend him on social media - Oliver
Quarentine - James
You have ADHD - Fred
BSM - You wanna commit
You get cancer - James
You have a PTSD flashback - James
Requests closed for now😭
You get sick - George
You get sick - George (pt.2)
You have magic powers - Fred & George
You have magic powers (pt.2)
You're pregnant - George
Almost successful attempt - James
He saves you from your abusive boyfriend - Oliver
BSM - You come out to them
BSM - you come out to them (pt.2)
Your child meets Fred's ghost at Hogwarts - Fred
Your child meets Fred's ghost at Hogwarts (pt.2)
Author's note
You meet him at a golf course - Oliver
You're pregnant with a 2nd child - James
You go to the Yule Ball alone - Fred
BSM - you run away
He thinks you're cheating - Oliver
BSM - they help you through a panic attack
He's in love with you while dating Angelina - Fred
He needs therapy - Oliver
He falls in love with you - James
Fred meets James
BSM - they find out about your eating disorder
You get to marry him - George
BSM- you get casted in Harry Potter
You comfort him - George
Proposal - Oliver
He objects at your wedding - Oliver
He objects at your wedding (pt.2) - Oliver
He objects at your wedding (pt.3) - Oliver
For the rest of your life - Fred
BSM - you have Coliac disease
You meet for the first time. - Fred
The battle of Hogwarts - Fred
The battle of Hogwarts - Fred (happy ending)
You're having a bad day - Fred
Author's note
Waking up with James/Oliver
Him coming home after filming - James
Cuddly morning - James
Love - Fred
Brother's best friend - James
DDM - sick day (James)
You comfort George after Fred died
BSM - You break a bone
You fall asleep on him - Oliver
You're sick - George
Playdate - Oliver
He meets your family - James
BSM - You have a stalker
BSM - You have a stalker (pt.2)

He cheats on you (Pt.1)

4.4K 68 52
By _TomatoFace_

Request from elizabetaki 💕💖
You were spending your birthday at a bar with James, who was your boyfriend of 3 years, Oliver and his girlfriend Katie. You we're slightly tipsy and Oliver was completely sober seeing as he was the driver. James and Katie on the other hand were pretty drunk and dancing very enthusiastically in the middle of the crowd. The dancing was...interesting. You and Oliver stood there watching in amusement and you laughed out loud when James tripped and fell, bringing Katie down with him. "They're going to have the hangover of their lives tomorrow" you chuckled. "Oh yeah, definitely" Oliver agreed and laughed along with you.

"I'm going to get some water, I don't feel like anymore alcohol, want some Ollie?" "I'll come with you Y/N". The both of you made your way through the crowd, Oliver had his arm around you protectively, staring at any guys who looked your way. You two got your water and Oliver led you back to your previous seats but James and Katie weren't there. You guys looked at each other puzzled wondering where they could've gone. " Let's go look for them" you said and grabbed Oliver's hand dragging him all around the bar but you couldn't find them anywhere. "Lets check the bathroom, maybe they needed it" Oliver suggested and so you went to look for them. You opened the door to the bathroom and heard moaning. The voice was very familiar and your blood ran cold. You approached the stall, slightly opened it praying it wasn't him and your heart shattered into a million pieces right then and there.

You felt like you couldn't breathe as you ran back out with tears streaming down your face as you slid down the wall outside the bathrooms. You sat there breathing heavily trying not to break down completely. You were snapped back to reality when Oliver kneeled in front of you and placed a hand on your shoulder. His face softened as he wiped your tears, then grabbed your hand and led you outside.

"What happened Y/N?" He asked gently and you shook your head "Ja...James a...and Ka...Katie they were...they..." And you broke out in sobs. It clicked and he realized what happened. He was furious at James and Katie but he decided that you were more important right now so he put all of his anger aside and brought you into a tight hug and held you close. "Let it all out love, don't keep it bottled in" he said gently and you broke.

You let out a scream which was muffled by his chest and sunk to the ground bringing him with you. You sat there sobbing uncontrollably as you clung onto Oliver for dear life seeing as he was the only thing keeping you grounded right now. He tightend his grip around you and rocked you slighty back and fourth as you sobbed. "Do you want to go home?" You weakly nodded so he picked you up bridal style and carried you to the car, you a broken mess in his arms.

The drive home wasn't at all like the drive to the bar. This time it was dead silent and the only thing that could be heard was your heart breaking sobs. Oliver put his hand on your thigh in attempt to comfort you but it was no use. That scene of James and Katie kept replaying in your head causing your heart to break even more. You didn't even realize you had reached Oliver's house. "I figured you didn't want to stay in yours tonight" You didn't respond, just sat there sobbing your heart out. "It hurts Ollie" you whimpered as tears poured out of your eyes. Oliver looked at you sympathetically and brushed the hair out of your face. "I know love, I know".

He exited the car and opened the door on your side and helped you out. He led you inside and up to the guest bedroom. "Take a warm shower or bath, I'll make dinner, take as long as you want" You nodded slightly and he closed the door. You decided to take a shower cuz you decided it would be more fitting to sit and cry. You felt a bit better after the shower but your heart still ached seeing as you just lost your boyfriend of 3 years. You stepped out, wrapped yourself in a towel and went into the bedroom. You saw Oliver had laid out some clothes for you so you put them on, smiling very slightly.

You made your way down stairs but to your luck you tripped on the last few steps and slid down landing painfully on your side. You yelped and Oliver came rushing out and helped you sit up. "Are you okay? Where does it hurt" he frantically asked. You kept your eyes shut as the tears escaped again. You were embarrassed from falling, hurt from James and the stairs and you couldn't hold back. "It hurts everywhere! It hurts so so bad, 3 years, he threw it away like it was nothing! Do I mean nothing to him Ollie?" You yelled as you burst out sobbing. Oliver looked at you sympathetically and his heart hurt for you.

He sat on the steps, picked you up, placed you on his lap and held you comfortingly until your sobs died down. "Sorry for the outburst" you sniffled and wiped your tears. "Don't be sorry, it's better to let it all out" Oliver said sweetly and helped you up. He led you to the kitchen and grabbed the first aid kit. "There's gonna he some bruising from that fall likely" he said and got some bruise cream from the kit. "Where did you land on?" You pointed to your hip and slid the waistband of your sweat pants down a bit and surely enough, a big blue and purple bruise was forming. "Can I?" Oliver asked and you nodded. He slid the waistband down more to reveal the whole bruise and applied cream to it gently.

"All done, and dinner is ready love, you should eat something" You sat down at the table and Oliver placed your food in front of you. "Thanks Ollie" he nodded and started eating, you only took a few bites seeing as you didn't have much of an appetite. You waited for him to finish his plate and you cleaned up. "You don't have to, I can do it, you go rest" "It's fine Ollie, just a couple dishes, it's the least I could do". He smiled and kissed your head and helped you clean up.

"Get some sleep Y/N" "Can I erm... Can I sleep with you tonight? I don't want to be alone" You said quietly expecting to be rejected but instead you felt an arm around you leading you to Oliver's bedroom. "Of course you can" He picked you up and dropped you onto the bed making you squeal and laugh for the first time since the incident. "There's that beautiful smile" Oliver said proudly and you blushed. He climbed in next to you and covered you both with the blanket and turned off the lights. He desperately wanted to hold you in his arms because unknown to you, he had developed some feelings for you tonight but he didn't want to cross your boundaries and knew that you were still very hurt.

"Goodnight Ollie" "Goodnight love" he replied and turned his back to you. Your mind wandered back to the scene and tears started to leak again. You put your hand up to your mouth to try not make any sound and you sobbed quietly. Suddenly you felt two arms around you and Oliver pulled you over to face him. "I felt you shaking" he said. He wiped your tears and held you close to him. He held you until your sobs died down and wiped your face again. He then laid your head on his chest and wrapped his arms tight around you. "Now sleep love, you must be exhausted". You nodded and slowly began to fall asleep to the beating of his heart feeling comforted in Oliver's arms.

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