• Smooth Criminal • Sebastian...

By ItsKrlyyy

108K 2.6K 176

Marina Fowler wasn't expecting to be granted an offer from Willaim McKinley High School in Lima, Ohio. Not si... More

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f i f t y - e i g h t
f i f t y - n i n e
s i x t y
s e q u e l

s e v e n t e e n

1.6K 40 7
By ItsKrlyyy

Santana sauntered into the room, smirking as she looked to Sam. "I just heard the news that Trouty Mouth is back in town. I've been keeping a notebook just in case this day ever came." Santana paused, pulling out the notebook and beginning to read from it. "'Welcome back, Lisa Rinna. I've missed you so much since your family packed their bags, loaded them in your mouth, and skipped town. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to enjoy a crisp pickle but couldn't find anyone to suck the lid off the jar. I assume you've been working as a baby-polisher, where young mothers place their infants' heads in your mouth to get back that new-born shine. So glad you're back. I haven't seen a smile that big since a Claymation Abominable Snowman got his teeth pulled by that little gay elf dentist. Love, Santana.'"

Marina held back a laugh during Santana's speech. When she finished, Sam smiled at her. "I missed you, too, Santana." The pair shared a hug before the bell rang.

As Arabella ran to get to class, Marina pulled out her phone, going to sit in her car.



Sectionals tomorrow. Everything's mayhem.


I still stand with my claim that the majority of New Directions are a joke.


I hope the ones who aren't in the majority are Bella and me.


Of course, he means you two when he's not insulting the New Directions.


Sebastian worships the ground you walk on, Marina.

Marina laughed, shaking her head.


No, he doesn't.


No, I do. You're my best friend, Marina, and anyway, who wouldn't worship the ground you walk on?


Amen to that.


The Dalton boys at it again, making sure to drink their respect women juice.


Aww.... Thanks boys!

Marina sat at the vanity in the empty choir room, being the first there. She had already changed into the white shirt, black skirt, and the black and white blazer, an undone tie around her neck. There was three knocks on the door, making Marina turn before grinning.

"Boys!" The girl exclaimed, moving over, and letting them in. Thad and Trent looked to the vanity, where makeup and hair supplies were dotted around the surface. Thad elbowed Jeff, telling him to do Marina's hair as Sebastian looked at the undone tie, knowing she couldn't tie the bowtie. Nick led Marina back to the chair, sitting her down. Sebastian tied the bowtie, making sure her outfit was perfect as Thad and Trent worked on the girl's makeup, Jeff and Nick doing her hair.

The boys stayed with Marina as more slowly trailed in, Marina handing them their outfits and telling them to get changed. The Warblers were offering to do hair and makeup, Tina and Arabella accepting the offer. Blaine was quietly talking to the Warblers before they had to leave to the audience as the Trouble Tones were on in five minutes.

"Hello, Will." Shelby smiled as the Trouble Tones came into the choir room.

"Looking good, ladies!" Mr. Schue smiled to the group.

"We just came to say, may the best glee club win." Shelby said.

Santana smiled. "Yes, and just in case that glee club is us, I have convinced Miss Corcoran to consider a contingency plan."

"Yes, in the event of a New Directions loss, Trouble Tones has voted to allow any of you to join us at Regionals." Shelby smiled, offering the New Directions they could join the group in the event of a loss.

"You're welcome." Sugar smiled to everyone.

"Excuse me?" Mr. Schue said, shocked.

"That's incredibly rude, Santana." Finn sighed.

"We're being nice. It would be rude if I followed you around and every time you took a step, I played a note on a tuba." Santana defended herself, sassing to Finn as she did.

"Thank you for the offer, Miss Corcoran, but right now, we're gonna concentrate on winning this thing." Mr. Schue said to the woman, as Quinn stepped forward.

"And we will be winning, Shelby. We've got it in the bag. Puck here is going to come through for us. He's such a shining star, in every conceivable way. Don't you think?" Quinn smiled knowingly between Puck and Shelby.

"Good luck, everybody. See you on the ice." The woman responded, before the two groups went to the auditorium.

Everyone was sat down as the judges were being introduced by the announcer. Marina looked around before spotting the Warblers, waving, and nudging Arabella, who waved at them too.

"And now, the judges for this year's Show Choir Sectional here at McKinley High. Department of Motor Vehicles Employee of the Month, Brandy Englebert! From the 11th District Court of Appeals, the Honourable Judge Dorothy Saunders! And Western Ohio's Birthday Clown of the Year three years running-- Tickles!" Marina had no idea who they were but clapped politely.

"And now, let's welcome our first performers. All the way from Defiance, Ohio, the Unitards!"

As they sang, Rachel and Kurt spoke to each other in distaste about the lead singer, knowing them from a NYADA hopeful group they met up with. She was good, but Marina hardly felt impressed, only lightly clapping when they finished. Next was the Trouble Tones. "Ladies and gentlemen, from McKinley High, competing for the first time ever, the Trouble Tones!" The girls stood on the stage, beginning to sing.

Marina was surprised by how good they were, the mashup performance mainly led by Santana and Mercedes. Once they finished singing, they went offstage as it was time for the New Directions to perform. "Also, from McKinley High, let's give it up for the New Directions!"

With the fact that Rachel wasn't performing, everyone else got to share the spotlight. During their songs, Marina saw Sebastian standing and clapping along, the rest of the boys following suit as they cheered for Marina and Arabella, everyone else insignificant. Marina grinned at them, the boys fuelling her competitive nature. At the end of the performance, Marina and Arabella both discreetly waved over to the Warblers as their loud cheering only got louder.

After a brief celebration in the choir room, the three teams stood on the stage, waiting for the clown to announce who was the winner. "As an award-winning clown, I'd like to say that it's nice, for once, to be working with kids that are just sick with talent. Third place-- The Unitards!" So, it goes to McKinley either way. "In second place... ...we have the Trouble Tones! In first place is New Directions!"

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