Chemically Created For You (E...

By ErrorPixelInk

34.9K 1.9K 1.3K

Error, a weapon of mass destruction made from pure radiation and dangerous substances. He never knew the mean... More

Chapter 1 - Awakened
Chapter 2 - Learning
Chapter 3 - Envolving
Chapter 4 - Analyzing
Chapter 5 - Changing
Chapter 7 - Remembering
Chapter 8 - Antagonizing
Chapter 9 - Protecting
Chapter 10 - Growing
Chapter 11 - Listening
Chapter 12 - Intercoursing - (Short)
Chapter 13 - Shopping
Chapter 14 - Drafting
Chapter 15 - Killing
Chapter 16 - Painting
Chapter 17 - He's Not A Bad Guy
Chapter 18 - Preparing - (Short)
Chapter 19 - Suspecting
Chapter 20 - Pained
Chapter 21 - Arguing
Chapter 22 - Tormenting
Chapter 23 - Apologizing
Chapter 24 - Breaking
Chapter 25 - Resisting
Chapter 26 - Withstanding
Chapter 27 - Answering
Chapter 28 - Challenging
Chapter 29 - Checking - (Short)
Chapter 30 - Pleading
Chapter 31 - Flying

Chapter 6 - Observing

1.3K 75 105
By ErrorPixelInk

  A few minutes ago, Ink gave me a book called "Dictionary". I wasn't very far into the book but I was learning a lot of new words. I think the scientists would have never taught me any of this.

  Ink was standing at a small counter on the right of his room. I learned that he lived in a one room "apartment". He was making something that had an "attracting" "aroma". When he was finished, he sat on the bed and handed me a small bowl with something in it. I gave him a "confused" look.

Me: What is this?

Ink: Food.

Me: You are aware that I have no need to consume food, right? That is the way the scientists made me.

Ink: Even though you don't have to worry about food or sleep, it doesn't mean you still can't try it.

Me: What is the name of this food?

Ink: It's called Ramen. Here are some chopsticks.

  He handed two sticks to me while having a pair of his own. I copied the way he held the chopsticks and his movements to eating "Ramen". When I finished the first bite of the food, I stared at the ramen for a second. Then, I took another with a more content look. I saw Ink smile out of the corner of my eyesight.

Ink: I'm assuming you like it?

Me: Yes, very much.

  Ink made a small noise which caused me to give him a curious look.

Ink: I laughed. It's something that you do when you find a certain thing amusing, cute, or funny. I found you liking food to be... cute.

Me: What does cute mean?

Ink: Adorable.

  I knew what that meant because of the Dictionary. Leaning in closer to Ink, I stared directly into his eyes.

Me: I find you to be adorable.

  For some reason, rainbow blush covered his face. He avoided my eyes and continued eating his ramen. I noticed that every time he blushed, he would quickly look away from me. I found it to be... cute. Strangely, I felt a smile appear on my face as I watched him eat his food.

  We sat in silence, finishing the last bites of our ramen. Every once in awhile, I would glance at Ink. It almost became a habit, taking a quick look at the artist to make sure he was okay. I didn't understand why I was so protective over him.

  After we were done eating, Ink stood up with our bowls along with him. He went over to the counter and started covering them in what looked like the clear liquid.

Me: What is that clear liquid called?

Ink: Water.

Me: Is it like the Athenal Oxide?

Ink: Oh no. The oxide can only be found in the Contra building so you have nothing to worry about.

Me: Then I wish to try water.

  He put the liquid into a cylinder shaped object and handed it to me. Once he showed me how to consume it, he went back to the bowls. While he did that, I continued reading the Dictionary. That's when I came upon the definition of cute but since I already knew the meaning of it, I skipped over it.

  Suddenly, there was a noise coming from the door. I went into alert but Ink said it was alright.

Ink: Who is it?

???: You know who I am, deary.

Ink: Oh, Mrs. Smith.

  Ink opened the door and a smile appeared. Taking note of his expression, I relaxed and went back to reading the book. About a few minutes passed when Ink closed the door. We exchanged a glance before returning to our previous objective.

Me: Who was that?

  I said without looking away from the Dictionary.

Ink: My landlord. She just stopped by to check on me before she headed out to buy herself food.

Me: Landlord?

Ink: The building belongs to her. I'm just living in it.

(Time Skip)

  I was focused on the Dictionary while Ink was drawing in his sketchbook. Suddenly, I felt weight on my side. A surprised expression showed on my face as I looked to my right. It seemed that Ink had fallen asleep. Something in my mind told me make him more comfortable. Closing the book, I carefully grabbed Ink's body and put him into a laying position.

  Since I didn't need to sleep, I thought I would learn more about the artist. There were some books in the cabinet next to the bed that I didn't get to look at. Quietly opening the drawer, I picked up the dark blue one. When I opened it, I saw writing. I began to read it in my head.

~~~~Ink's Journal Entries~~~~

  Father was excited about today for some reason. He kept talking to himself about a weapon. Ever since the war got bad, he's become grazed and maddened over a weapon that doesn't even exist. Mother has driven herself into her work, locking herself in the study. I fear that they no longer love me as their son, not after the "accident" that is.

  After I was done from healing the wounded soldiers, I decided to head back home. That's when I saw him... the fabled project of Contra... Project-7834EQ. Was that the weapon that father was so excited about? It was just a boy! I don't see the difference between me and him. Then again... there was the "accident".

  The morning after the night of the interaction between 7834 and I was... different. I felt a certain attraction to this boy. The boy locked within a concrete cell, the most dangerous thing to exist in all of history. I decided to give him the name, Error. It seemed fitting. Maybe I could talk with him more tomorrow.

  Why does love have to be such a cruel mistress? She tempts me with sweet and sexual visions of the one person that can't even understand the meaning of simple emotions. Every time I wake up, she slaps me in the face and yells the terrible truth. Error is a person that I can't have. He belongs to war and only war. They'll just deactivate him after we win. I can not accept that but... I don't know what to do to stop it. I don't know how to make him see that... I love him.

~~~~End of Entries~~~~

  This writing was about me. I didn't understand the meaning of the word love but it seemed... really important and I couldn't afford to look over it.

  I observed the second book. This one was filled with drawings. After I looked at a few, one caught my attention and it stayed vividly in my mind. It was a drawing of Ink and I. We were leaning against each other and smiling, his head resting on my shoulder. There was writing above it. It read "I could only have you in my imagination".

  The next drawing was even more attention grabbing. It was Ink and I again but this time, our mouths were connected. There was writing above that one as well. This one said "I kiss you in my fantasies". This made me perceive that what we were doing in the drawing was called "kissing".

  I looked at Ink, who was sleeping in the bed. Putting the books back into the cabinet, I walked to the other side and laid down. As I stared at him, there was an unknown emotion that grew inside of me. It made me feel like I could watch Ink for an eternity. He seemed so content in his motionless state. I had an idea suddenly. Doing what I saw in the drawing...

I kissed Ink

A Quick Discussion

Error is becoming more alive.

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