Jazz Up

By Trintrinas

20.2K 394 721

Life is life, you never know what's going to happen nexts or what's to expect. See how Huey and Jazmine's une... More

The Drive
Sleep Over
Triple Date
The Hill
First Date
Love Sick
Lie Detector
Christmas Eve
Happy New Year
Valentine's Day
Black History Celebration
Game Night
Spring Festival
Dull Day
Unforgettable Night
Parting Ways
The Fallen Mind

New Beginnings

668 14 8
By Trintrinas

I heard a calming sound wave coming from somewhere. I could feel myself moving on soft sheets. I slightly opened my eyes waiting for the sun to cause them to close again, but it didn't. I sat up a bit rubbing them so my vision could be cleared in a dark room with only a little like appearing. I observed the area to see this wasn't the pink room I was used to waking up to.

Instead, it was a room with historic black heroes posters on the wall, a shelf full of books, and a cleanroom. I still heard the calming sound and I looked to my side to see Huey sleeping while the alarm on his phone was going off. I reached over him to tap stop on the phone and to my surprise, he didn't wake up. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping.

Usually, I would see a whole scowl on his face like he was bothering him, but he seemed relaxed. I looked him up and down to see the sheets weren't fully covering him. It really showed the top half of Huey's toned body while I had most of the sheets covering me. I gently started to slowly rub his body until he pulled me in close to him. My face felt a little hot on my cheeks from his action.

I don't know if I should stay or depart from him. "Are you awake Huey?" I asked hearing a grunt from him. I guess that answers my question with a yes. I looked up at him to see those lids open up to reveal wine eyes. "Morning!" I smiled at him with a cheery voice. I got a glimpse of a smirk appearing on his face making me giggle a little. "Morning," he said with a low tone.

"Did I wake you, I'm sorry if I did," I apologized "No you didn't wake me up, I woke up earlier and went back to sleep," he told me. "Oh ok..." I said and it was nothing but silence between the both of us. There was one question that lingered in my mind that I was curious to know. "Huey?" I asked as he focused his full attention on me. "Yes, Jazmine," he said as I took a deep breath before I asked.

"What made you want to be in an official relationship with me?" I asked. "I don't know, I kinda enjoyed our semi-dating relationship even though we had boundaries, and I want to know how it feels to be in an official one," he explained as I understood now. "How come you weren't downstairs yesterday; I didn't see you when I came in last night. The others said you were down there with them but you left upstairs before I came in," he was in deep thought with this one until he finally came up with an answer. "You do realize how crazy and immature our friends are right?" he rhetorically asked.

He's not fully wrong on our friends being crazy and immature. I can name a couple of the things they did that I've witnessed over the years. Before Cindy and I became friends I heard whenever fundraiser season came around for school she always ran a part of the area where she sales cookies and if she ever caught or heard someone that was in her area selling cookies as well she would deal with them. Thankfully, I stayed in my neighborhood and didn't go anywhere near where she was selling.

Riley is always doing something bad around the neighborhood or with those two grown men name Ed and Rummy. I've only interacted with them a couple of times, but it's only when I'm with Riley and Cindy (most of the time Riley). They make me uncomfortable because they're always either checking me out, trying to get my number, or shoot their shot. I'm surprised I've never told my dad about them hitting on me but that would cause drama. Ed Wuncler, the mayor of Maryland and grandfather of Ed Wuncler the third would get involved. So I just keep my mouth shut and ignore it all.

I hate to say it but Ceasar is a walking hormone. I'm surprised he doesn't have any disease from the girls he messes around with. He's really the reason I wanted me and Huey to get tested before we did it. I remember one of the girls he had sex with had got HIV and she thought Ceasar gave it to her and the parents had to get involved in the situation because the girl was planning a lawsuit. Ceasar and the others knew the girl messed around with other guys and he claimed that he only did it with her one time.

He went to go get tested and it came out negative which was good for him. He told the gang he wasn't going to be doing it for a while, but the last person he did it with was Makayla. After her, we started fake dating so the girls could leave him alone.

I wasn't too sure about us fake dating because Huey and I were semi-dating and the girls he was with were envious of me. I don't think Huey was too comfortable with him kissing and hugging me at school. All he would do it walk away with a disgusted look.

Hiro would disturb the neighborhood with his new remixes or tunes he made. Not that they didn't sound good which promoted his business, but he would be on the wrong side of the neighborhood. Last but not least there was Ming. You would think she would handle stuff maturely but she doesn't sometimes. She once injured one of her teammates on purpose because of what the girl had said to her.

I don't see Huey do anything immature or crazy to anybody except when he and Riley are fighting or his beliefs go a bit too far in some situations. I remember the time he fired the whole class for the Christmas play the teacher had assigned him. He wrote his own version, hired his own cast, caused a riot of parents, the teacher got fired, and at the end of the day it was only Mr. Freeman, Riley, and me that showed up. Me being a supportive friend I cheered him on even though he went a bit too far.

Thinking over how the gang is I had looked at him and nodded "Yes I know how crazy and immature our friends are; speaking of them I wonder where Mr. Freeman and Riley are at, along with my parents," I said about to get out of bed. I could feel Huey bouncing out of bed putting his boxers on. I got up out of bed with the sheets covering me but then I fell to the ground.

My legs feel so sore! I could hear Huey surprisingly trying to contain his laughter. "It's not funny," I said as I heard more laughter. Footsteps were coming towards me and I looked up to see Huey. "You need help," he asked with a mischievous smile. "Please!" I sighed feeling my muscles ache. "Yeah..." he said gently picking me up off the ground, I was curled up in his arms with the sheets still around me looking down in embarrassment: "This lets me know my performance was good," he smirked.

"Don't get cocky," I groaned as he put me on the bed. "I won't ," he said looking me up and down. He started to grab my clothes off the ground while I watched him. As I was watching Huey I couldn't help but observe him. I'm not gonna lie he had a nice butt. I'm not sure if that's normal for girls to be looking at boys behinds. I was never too full-on it but I couldn't help looking.

He turned around with my undergarments and dress I had on yesterday: "Here you go," he said handing them to me. "Thanks," I started to slip them on under the covers. He put his clothes back on while I looked out the window to see an uber car pulling up in front of the house. "Huey someones in front of the house," I said as I could sense him right behind me.

We had seen Ruckus get out of the driver's seat walking around to the backseat of the car. "What's Ruckus doing here," I asked quite confused. "I don't know, but I'm going to go check it out," he said. He left from behind me heading downstairs. I followed him downstairs as we heard the doorbell uncontrollably ringing. Huey's footsteps got heavier in irritation of the bell and opened the door to see Ruckus holding a wasted Mr. Freeman whose arm was over his shoulder for support.

"What happened?" Huey asked with a bit of concern in his voice. "Well thank you for asking how I'm doing, but yo' grandad and little monkey of a brother was drunk during the New Years' party, and the Uber Drivers Service had to take people home," Uncle Ruckus said with irritation. "Hi Uncle Ruckus, what happened to them and the others," I asked coming from behind Huey.

"Oh hi, little mulatto," he respectfully said. "Not only your grandad and brother, but your group of friends, and parents had to be driven home too," he explained. I didn't think they would get this drunk. "Oh, and you owe me money for driving them home plus a tip because yo' brother and grandad puked in the backseat," he stuck his hand out.

Huey rolled his eyes and took Mr. Freeman from Uncle Ruckus to direct him onto the couch in the living room. He went upstairs to go get the money while I just stood down here with Uncle Ruckus who went to retrieve Riley. As soon as he came back to the door with him I had awkwardly asked him: "Umm, do you know what happened to my parents, are they okay, do I owe you money for if they had puked?" I quickly asked him.

"No, you get a free pass mulatto because unlike these two niggas yo' Uncle Tom of a daddy had enough sense to puke in his shirt which was still disgusting," he told me. "Ok, please don't refer to them as the N-word and an Uncle Tom, those are rude terms to use upon the African American community," I kindly asked him. "Just for this time as a respect for the half of you, I will kindly watch my language," he said as I smiled.

Huey came from behind me with some cash for Uncle Ruckus. "Here and thanks for getting them-" before Huey could even finish his sentence Uncle Ruckus snatched the money. Huey was of course upset and about to say something until Uncle Ruckus cut him off: "Glad you two have enough sense unlike the others, but if I was you little mulatto I would watch out for this...rapist because I heard you a couple of weeks ago with a girl in your car," he warned as Huey rolled his eyes.

"What?" I asked taken back. "Your....fr-iend hear was getting something on with some girl in the museum parking lot, the perfect place to do on the whites man property, you should be ashamed of yourself for taking advantage of the girl. You should be-" "Thank you Uncle Ruckus for your services, have a good day and we'll see you off," I interrupted him.

"Bye," he turned around as I shut the door with a sigh of relief. "Sorry!" I apologized as he looked taken back. "For what, you weren't being rude, I'm surprised he didn't say something like nigga, monkey, slaves, etc," he scowled. "It's because I told him to correct his language before you came back," I told him. "Well thanks," he said as I nodded.

"Do you need help before I go check on my parents?" I asked as he shook his head. "Nah you should get home and help them out," he said as he looked at the couch to see Mr. Freeman and Riley knocked out. "Okay, but I really enjoyed what we did, and thank you for the Christmas present," I smiled at him. "Your welcome and I like what you got me, how did you get it?" he asked.

"Turns out they like to get rid of stuff at the Maryland museum because they like to bring in new things to impress the people, and they happen to be selling this so I bought it since you admired it. I didn't want to leave you out of our Christmas exchange so I got you a gift even though you're not too full-on Christmas," I explained.

"Did you get someone to paint that piece in a small picture frame?" I asked him. "I did it myself even and I know how much you love the character from Smash Bros," he said as I smiled. "Yeah, I'll be keeping it right next to my bed," I beamed. I was about to say my goodbyes until he stopped me. "Do you want to go on a date, I'll take you out to eat," he asked as I felt my face heat up.

"I will love to, when do you want to go on the date?" I felt my cheeks get hot. "We can do it next Saturday when we're both free from school and extra-curricular activities," he suggested as I quickly nodded my head in excitement. "Ok, I'll see you then," I said waving but before I left I gave him a peck on the lips. I was surprised when he responded kissing me back.

"Bye Huey!" I exited out of the house making my way back home. Oh my, I can't wait till then. Maybe being in an official relationship won't be so bad to experience.

Thank you for reading!

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