The Six Year Solstice: The Lo...

By UnbreakableUnion

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They say that on the solstice, the past will come back to haunt you. As the dead will rise again, countries a... More

Prints from the Past
Glittering Gemstone
Smudged and crumpled
Inferno of green.
And so it begins...
Through the eyes of a dead man
Road to Reichstag
We meet again
Tensions Rising
A father and a son

Further beyond the grave

567 16 13
By UnbreakableUnion

America's POV:

I stood perfectly still, not daring to move a muscle, as the supposed dead country towered over my own head. Despite his awkward introduction, I cowered at his hight and muscular frame, he could stomp on me like a bug if he wanted to.

The intimidating man flicked his head and shot a side-eye at me I nodded my head at the speed of light as I let him speak.

"Have you seen my great-grandson?" He asked uneasily, staring at me who was still frozen in a walking motion. My mind raced, working for an answer, Prussia was Germs's Great Grandpa right? What does this thing want with Germany?

I sat in utter silence, so did he, we were both confused as to what move we should make here. He'd been dead for centuries, he still had an 18th-century Prussian military uniform on for crying out loud! I rubbed my eyes then took another look at him. Still there.

He had an eyepatch on his left eye with a black eagle stitched on it. He was slightly taller than Russia and he had the same bodily frame as him as well.

"No..." I lied, in reality he was just in the other room. Prussia continued to stare me down, now glaring directly into my soul as if he was trying to claw it out, I knew very well that he could see straight through my lies.

"This isn't any joke, America." He stated coldly, I shot a surprised look at him, he rolled his eye "Yes, I know your name."

Again, we just stood there engulfed by silence, I barely knew where I was anymore. I'd overheard random stories from dad and mom about Prussia and what he did during his life; what he did to them. What I learnt from those stories?

To never trust him, mom was convinced that he was excellent at manipulation, possibly better than Third Reich, who sets the bar pretty damn high.

Prussia huffed, swinging his feet up and down.

Alright, seriously. Where is he...? The fate of this universe depends on me finding him." He erupted. I was speechless. The fate of the universe?

"What? Are the ScArY rUsSiAnS coming to conquer the universe?" I blurted not actually thinking before I spoke. The tall man in front of me grumbled under his breath, I think he was cussing me out.

A fire glowed in his hazel eyes as he viciously pushed passed me, stomping down the hallway into the living room.
Ah, sh##.

I ran after him. It was too late though. I arrived at a scene with Prussia smack dab in the middle of the doorway with all eyes fixated on him.

"What in the name of-" Poland cried, scrambling to hide behind a big sofa chair I observed him raising his cross pendant to protect his face. Canada came crawling next to him sharing the holy protection of the cross.

Germany sat there confused and wide-eyed like I was when he poofed back into existence. He then facepalmed and chuckled sarcastically in his direction.

"Nice Russia, good try to scare us. You can quit the act now" he pointed at him. Prussia wasn't fazed by his great grandson's reaction in the slightest.

"Quit what act?" We all turned to face Russia hobbling out of the bathroom again, with another glass of water.

Germany who was now giving Prussia the signature German side-eye gulped, muttering inaudible German words.

"Hey~ Haven't met you before... Do you know who I am...?" He asked. Germany's eyes were still fixated on him, he didn't answer, nor did he seem like he heard. Did we break him?

Prussia chuckled nervously. "Well... Ahem, I'm Prussia. Your great grandfather, father of your grandfather... Mmmm, well that's obvious. Uhm... Yes."

"Yeah... I know who you are. You're that one guy." Germany said weakly, clearly on edge. Prussia nodded his head swiftly.

"Mhm... That's right, I was born in 1676... But! I became a country in 1701..." He directed his idol gaze to Poland who quickly retreated to his original hiding place.

Pruss then shook his head regaining focus

"Okay, listen. The very fabric of this universe could be jeopardy..." He erupted, I noticed everyone's expression change.

"The WHAT-" Russia leaned forward taking a large chug from his glass, almost instantly regretting it.

"Explain...?" Canada trembled, peeking out from behind the couch, he flinched then quickly ducked out of view again when the tall German turned to face him.

He sighed,"I'm here because the universe is in danger. Every millenia dead countries arise from their rest to help in battling a growing evil, we have 6 years to complete the task."

I don't think anyone caught that.

"Do-Do we have 6 y-years to defeat the evil or-" Nada stuttered, finally crawling out from his hiding place

Prussia mumbled something else before speaking. "Well yes, but actually no. We have 6 years to: A) Defeat the evil. B) Find all your relatives. And C)To find The stones or embers."

"Embers? Like from a fire?" Germany replied quickly fiddling with his jade. Prussia shook his head, but the shiny rock bouncing around in his great grandson's hands caught his eye.

"That!" He exclaimed, basically skipping over to Germany, the steel sole of his boots clicked on the wooden floor.

He snatched the rock from Germany's fingers then cradled it in his hands like he was handling a small child.

"Unbelievable! You still have it!" He cheered leaping into the air.

"Have... What?" Germany asked with cogs still visibly turning inside his head. 

Prussia grinned shutting his eyes then concentrated, taking a deep breath in.

I directed my focus on the rock as it began to vibrate and glow in his palm, he finally released the breath and slowly flickered his eyes open. To our amazement the rock began to levitate, steadily ascending into the air.

He carefully removed his hand from under the now floating rock, it stood in mid air, not seeming to do anything but stay idol. Then it started getting brighter, I sheilded my eyes from the immense light.

Buzzing. Loud buzzing had erupted, echoing in my ears practically melting my brain and making the world tilt, it was the same buzzing from when Prussia appeared but louder, closer and more intense.

"What's happening?!" Russia screeched blocking his "ears".

He fell to his knees and scampered across the floor to the gem, as he did a huge beam of hot, powerful emerald light burst from the source.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!" We all screamed unanimously, as we all went flying across the room, objects crashed around me as I went flying backwards into a wall.

"Well..." Prussia sighed seconds after the blast, I slowly lifted my head, the whole room seemed to be shaken.

The table and couches were all flipped as well as the paintings which had been Flung off of their hooks and into various corners. The stuff that me and Canada had Brought was too littered across the floor and some even hanging off the mantelpiece.

I noticed Russ crawl out from behind a pile of now untidy books, I edged my way towards him to help.

"The f##k was that!?" Germany hollered scrambling out from behind the T.V which was somehow one of the only things not destroyed.

Poland and Canada landed in a literal tree, it was a decorative tree and the shiny plastic spines of the leaves looked like razors from where I was kneeling.

"Stop poking me, please!" Nada screeched falling face first onto the ground sliding at least a foot forward. I cringed at the potential carpet burn.

"I'm stuck!" Poland called being engulfed by silicon leaves, Germany went to his aid.

"Approximately 5 minutes ago the dead were released." Prussia stated calmly. We all paused in our current position, looking up to him.

"The WHAT?" I exclaimed in fright, furrowing my eyebrows. The tall man stared down at me, not in a menacing way, it was more of an anxious frown.

"Like zombies?!" Canada asked, squealing.

"No, no," he responded instantly "Like living people, ones like you and me. Although people who had already died. Resurrection, if you will."

Yet another fit of silence filled the room, part of me believed him, I mean, he, a country who died in the 19th century is standing right before us. I could tell by the look of my brother's and friends faces they thought the same way.

"So.. What do we do with these said dead people?" asked Poland breaking the silence.

"Find them and help them so they can help us to defeat the potential universe-ending threat." Prussia confirmed in a maliciously confident voice.

{Some fifteen minutes earlier}

The alarmed chattering filled the halls as the emerald glow creeped further and further into the chambers, effortlessly consuming everyone the light touches.

"Zum Teufel ist das?!" A German man screamed, runnig down the hallway away from the beam. He was trailed closely by his wife and friend.

"Non chiedermelo!" An Italian screamed failing to outrun the light, finally his legs and lungs gave way as he went tumbling into the light, engulfing him too.

"ファシスト!"  The third one screeched, jumping towards her husband. The man reached for his wife protecting her as best he could.

But alas, they were consumed too...


Have you ever been so tired that you can no longer speak your own Language properly?


Oh, and should I just put everything in English so everyone can understand or should I use a variety of languages and keep it like that?

P.S: I have never Italianed before.

Till next time-

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