Fake it till you make it

Od asian_scotch_tape

40.6K 1.1K 1.3K

After a two-week trip with the rookie 9 to the sand village what would change? Things take a wild turn but ar... VĂ­ce

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10

Chapter 9

2.3K 64 174
Od asian_scotch_tape

"Princess, What's wrong?" A voice rang out, pulling me out of my stupor.

I look beside me to see Shuin looking back at me in a concerned manner. I shake my head and say, "Don't worry about it. Everything's fine."

He sighs while shaking his head and saying, "Alright, if you say so."

I grab his hand and laugh as we walk through the red light district. Suddenly the scenery around me changes and Shuin lets go of my hand. "Prince?" I call out but he doesn't answer.

When he turns around he just stands there. I start to walk over to him but I freeze when his whole body jolts forward. He looks down and I follow to see both our gazes fixed on the Sword protruding from his stomach. The color red soaks and spreads onto his clothing. The cloth clings to his body like tape as he bends down slightly to try and pry the sword out. Still, it's too late.

The sword is pulled away and my prince starts to collapse to the floor. I rush forward to catch his falling body. I grab him by the shoulders and gently guide him to the floor beneath us. I want to speak but the lump in my thought forces my mouth closed in fear I would cry, or vomit, or both.

A tear slips from my eye and Shuin lifts his bloodied hand to wipe it away. He smiles before saying something. I can't hear anything he says because of the deafening sound of my heart beating one beat at a time. But what I could tell is that it's brief and simple but filled with passion and love.

His hand suddenly falls to his side and his eyes gloss over. His still warm body is morbidly still. I lift his body and stand up with him in my arms. I carry him over to a nearby wall and lay him down. I close his open eyes and lay his hands on his diaphragm. When I was sure he was settled I made my way over to the still-standing man ahead of me in the Alley.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? Two faggots and their disease spreading their germs around. One's a monster and the other's a whore." a man with headphones and goggles says.

I grit my teeth and clench my fists in anger. Then the man starts to speak again, "Sorry about your boyfriend. Or should I say, 'ex-boyfriend' ?"

He laughs giddily. With that, I run forward in anger. Forming a hand signal to call upon the wind to make wind blades. I slash through the man's shirt and pull off his goggles and headphones. He struggles with me; swinging his sword left and right in an attempt to hit me. I finally get leverage from above and fall on top of him. I straddle him and grab him by the throat. He gasps and wheezes. His thin fingers scratch at my own in his attempts to get free. "Why?!"

I ask angrily. The struggle continues until I start to hear a reply.

"Please." he begs, "Naruto... let go-"


"Naruto, I can't breathe. You're hurting me."

The sight of the man is now gone and I can see Sasuke struggling against my hold. I immediately jump away, my hands no longer on his throat and his own rubbing the sore skin tenderly. I get up off the bed and start pacing on the cold floor. My heavy breathing starts to turn into quick and irregular breaths that brings me to a panicked state. Then I remembered what happened back then and my whole body freezes.



The man smirks, "Cause' you're a monster and I thought it would be fun."


The feeling of disgust rolls into my system in waves. I feel the bile rise from my stomach and make it to the base of my throat. I run to my bathroom that's connected to my room and cough up my last meal.

As I dry heave into the toilet I feel a hand rub my back in circular motions. When it finally stopped I got up and flushed the toilet. Sasu walks away while I wash my face and brush the vile taste out of my mouth. When I was done he comes back with a glass of water and a hand towel. He soaks the towel with cold water from the faucet and lays it on the back of my neck.

The coolness of the towel sends a wave of relief replacing the one of disgust. In times like this, it's an unspoken rule between the two of us. If there is nothing that really needs to be spoken about at the moment then we just stay quiet. We embrace each others' presence and slowly recover with soft touches and other intimate actions.

Actions speak louder than words.

That's a motto Sasu and I like to go by. So, Sasu sticks close and stays quiet enough for me to gather my thoughts. The hand that lays on my cheek slowly caressing it, trails down to my hand. I feel a tug and I follow. He guides me over to the bed and gets under the covers. He then holds one side of the blankets up as an offering to join him. I start to get in bed when he takes the towel off my neck then flips it and places it on my forehead. As I lay down he snuggles close and puts his head on my chest.

I wrap my arm around his waist and rub his hip bone with my thumb. I hear Sasu sigh with content as I look down at him. He looks back up at me and smiles. I smile back but my smile fades to a frown as I catch a glimpse of his throat. The tender skin has started to bruise and turn purple. The smaller teen's eyebrows scrunch together in confusion until I carefully touch the bare skin.

I feel a tear touch my cheek and a hand wipe it away. I grab Sasu's chin and lift his head up to see the bruise better. As I inspect the multiple colors of pinks, purples, and greens, the teen's rough hand gently traces the whiskers on my cheek. I look up from his neck and search Sasu's eyes for any fear or uneasiness. I look down at his lips to see the boy smile. I look up again when Sasu says to me, "I'm fine. There isn't any reason to worry."

"It doesn't look fine," I say as I caress the side of his neck where the color hasn't spread. I trail and trace his more obvious jawline.

"I'm sorry. I never meant for this to happen."

"What did happen?"

I sigh heavily as I bring my hand back down to his hip and look up at the wall.

"It's called Pavor Nocturnus, otherwise known as night terrors. They don't happen as often but it happens enough to ruin my life."

I get up and gently settle Sasu down into the mattress but he soon follows. I set the damp towel from my forehead down on the bedside table and get up, but as I stand he sits up to observe me. I go to my bottom bedroom drawer and pull out chains and shackles with talismans and tags on them. I set them down on the bed and sit next to Sasuke.

"Things like this are normal in the temple, honestly it happens way too often. The nightmares and sleepwalking. Most of us have these;" I say while motioning to the restraints. "we use these specialized chains to restrain us if we start getting the terrors so we don't hurt ourselves or others."

I look over to the raven as he grabs one of the iron shackles and fits it loosely. He tries to close it out of curiosity but it just opens again. I grab the shackle and put it around the teen's wrist. But before I do anything I look up and he nods as confirmation. With that, I pour some in of my chakra and say, "Ligaveris."

The shackle locks and tightens around his wrist. When the metal started to close in and tighten to Sasu's size the older male started to panic. I gently grab his wrist and lift his face to look into my eyes. I then say as gently but as assertively as I can, "Calm down. You'll be fine. It won't hurt if you don't struggle against it."

The other teen relaxes then grabs the chain on the shackle and tugs on it lightly. He pulls his hand away quickly while wincing. I sigh as I say, "Why did you do exactly what I told you not to do?"

"There's something special about these. It shocked me just now and that surprisingly hurt a lot."

Worry started to fill my chest as I quickly grabbed the base of the shackle and took back the chakra while saying, "Expellere."

I check his wrist and there's a red mark where the shackle was. I lightly smack him behind his head and scold him, "You idiot! I told you not to do that. Now look, you have something else to heal. I pray that you don't do reckless things like this all the time."

I get up as Sasu retaliates teasingly, "Yeah yeah. Whatever mom."

I chuckle at this and offer him a hand. He takes it and he gets out of bed. I throw the dirty towel in the bathroom sink as I check to clock to see that it's 5 in the morning. I stretch and yawn as the cold air hits my bareback. That's when I realized that I was without a shirt the whole time. The thought of Sasu previously being asleep on my chest makes my heart flutter in my chest. I feel the skin on my face and ears start to heat up.

I turn around to see Sasu staring at me. We make eye contact and the other teen's face explodes with color. He grabs the sheets and hides underneath. I laugh at his cute reaction and get changed. When I Finally got ready Sasu had already gotten up and started double checking his scrolls and supplies. Before we head out I reach under my bed and bring out a red scarf. I hand it over to Sasu and he raises one of his brows in confusion. I point to his bruised area and he just nods and grabs the scarf. While he tied it around his neck I came over to help him fix it so no one would see the discoloration. I leaned in next to his left ear and whispered, "Be careful with this, okay? This scarf is something very important to me."

Before he could respond I turned and walked into my bathroom. By the time we headed out for breakfast, it was already 7:00 am (October 6th). When we walk down the hall we link our hands together and gently swing our arms. As we got to the kitchen we could smell food cooking so we turned the corner to see Killer Bee rapping and cooking us all food. We get to the table and hear the tall tan man say, "Yo yo yo, Naruto my main bro. I made us all breakfast so here ya go."

As we ate, more and more people started to file in at the smell of miso soup and rice. I look over at Sasu as a few of us start to eat. He looks around anxiously and I feel his nerves roll off his body in waves. I grab his hand under the table and gently trace the shape of his knuckles. I see him shiver and gasp at the sudden contact of my warm hand on his.

He grabs his water and takes a swig before boldly asking, "So, you're all tailed beast?"

I hear Utakata clears his throat before speaking up, "To be quite frank, that was quite... offensive."

"Oh, I apologize."

The jinjuriki sighs while saying, "It's fine. Just know that we ourselves are not the beast but it's a container or dare I say... a companion."

"I see."

Sasu looks at me and gives me an apologetic look.


I chuckle as he quickly looks away. I raise my hand and rest it on his head. I ruffle his hair affectionately while whispering, "It's alright, you didn't mean anything by it."

With that, the weight in the room lifts and Bee exclaims, "Don't worry about that guy, He just has a stick up his ass. We all know you didn't mean to say something rude."

Sasu carefully looks around and sees all of us take turns to nod in confirmation. The back of his neck gets red and he nods his head while saying, "Thank you, I guess."

After that awkward bit, we all started chatting about some of our unique ninjutsu and stories we had of each other. Since Sasu and I finished our food first, we got up and left out dishes in the sink. We say our goodbyes and offer to cook dinner for tonight. The others just smile and get excited for the awaited meal at the end of the day.

As we head out, we notice the air being crisp and cool. Each of our breaths come out like puffs of smoke. Despite this being a desert area, it could get extremely cold when the sun isn't out. We start to walk back to the hot springs hotel where the others are staying. I notice Sasu rubbing his hands together in hopes of gaining some heat. I grab one of his hands and shove it in my pocket. Due to me being a Kyuubi I thermoregulate pretty easily so I don't really get cold.

Sasu puts his other and in his own pocket as we walk at our own pace. I tangle his fingers with mine as we leisurely stroll through the dunes and ruins of old buildings outside of town. Sasu starts to ask why the buildings are crumbling and abandoned and all I can say is that it was too far away from the village so people left it. Then I pointed out a tall abandoned building to our left, talking about how Gaara and I used to go there to train our Kyuubi abilities so we wouldn't hurt anyone or expose ourselves too much. Small talk and random topics were tossed around to keep our minds active.

I can't help but look over at Sasu's throat. Though it doesn't show I could still see the way it bruised and reddened from my touch. Noticing how dangerous I really am I feel fear creep into my systems.

Maybe they were right. I am dangerous. A monster.

No, you aren't kit. That wasn't you just now. You weren't in control.

That's exactly the point! That happened in my sleep. If I can't control myself then I'm just a danger to everyone around me.

I know that you're scared right now but-

Exactly! I'm terrified! What if I didn't wake up! What if I killed him!

But you didn't!

But what if I did! What if I-

That's a lot of what ifs. What if this! What if that! You can't control what could have happened so you have to take control of what did!


I get it. You're gay, but NO BU(T)TS! I could say, 'what if I was stronger! What if I fought back harder! Then I wouldn't put you in such misery by making you my retainer!'

It's not the same! You couldn't control yourself! That wasn't you!

My point exactly!

I feel my hands start to sweat and that's when I realize that Sasuke was still next to me and I was still staring at him. I blush in embarrassment but he looks at me with concern in his eyes. "What's wrong? You were gone for a bit there." He says with worry tracing his words.

"Yeah, no. I'm fine."

He raises an eyebrow while saying, "Really? Because you were looking at the scarf while spacing out. Do you want it back? I can give it back since I know how this scarf means a lot to you."

He starts to take it off but I stop him. "No, It's fine. It's not that."

"Then what is it?"

"It looks like it hurts."

"Oh, stop worrying about me so much. I'm a shinobi, so I'll be fine." He says back to be exasperated while putting the scarf back in place.


"Hey, Sasuke-Kun!" Sakura interrupts as I was about to express my worry. With that, he quickly slips his hand out of my grasp and walks a little ahead of me.

"Sasuke-Kun! Where were you? Don't tell me you went with the Baka to... Wherever you guys stayed last time."

"Fine, then I won't tell you."


Sakura yells as she trails behind Sasu. I catch up to the two of them and say to Sakura, "Like I said last time Sakura-chan! We went to a place I usually stay when I stay here in Sunagakure."

"Yeah, whatever Naruto. I wasn't even asking you."

I just walk up to Sasu and scratch the nape of my neck. I let out a nervous chuckle and kept walking forward.

What a bitch!

When I get to Sasu's side I hear the same banshee yell again, "WAIT FOR ME!"

I start to look over to my side when I see her grab the red scarf and pull Sasu backward. They both fall against each other. Sasu ends up on top of Sakura in the jumble of things. Before I can reach over and grab Sasu I see the rookie 9 already walking over. With the others walking over I laugh out, "HAHAHA! THAT WAS SO UNCOOL TEME."

Sasu got himself up and started to fix the scarf again. He rubbed his sore neck discreetly as I assumed being choked for a second time this morning is far from painless. Sakura being too much of an embarrassed mess staring up at Sasu didn't say anything so Ino did, "No way Naruto. It's not Sasuke-Kun that's uncool, it's the pink haired bitch that is."

This snaps the red faced girl out of her trance. And they start fighting with each other. But, honestly, I'm sort of relieved. Ino still fights with Sakura but she isn't some crazy fangirl like she was before. Since the genin exams, she had changed her goals and started to become serious about being a kunoichi.

After that whole ordeal, we all decide to have a lax training day. We start walking again but towards a secluded area just outside the village. That's when I saw the tall abandoned building and it dawned on me. We were going back in the direction that Sasu and I had just come from!

The Sanctuary!

I nervously look over at Sasu and he nods his head. Then he pulls ahead of the group and says, "Come on, there's this building that Naruto and I use to train nearby. The others just talk to their friends and follow. Since we supposedly trained there, I sped up to walk next to him. Discreetly, I nudge his shoulder and whisper, "Thanks."

All he does is grunt and whisper back, "It's whatever... Na- Naru."

I feel my face heat up and smile.

So much has happened. And the day has barely started.


Sasuke is the top --->

Naruto is the top --->

Both switch (they change who's top and who's bottom when they feel like it) --->









Any other suggestions go here --->

p.s. no sexual content will be posted this is just a reference for their dynamic.

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