[✔️] Deer-Like Eyes | Tarocha...

By shotarowrowrowurboat

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NCT's Shotaro x Sungchan (English) Complete ~~~~ He stared at the other boy's brown, wide, deer-like eyes... More

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[EDITES] 26 + Vote (not the last chapter btw)
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33 [End]


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By shotarowrowrowurboat

January 26, Thursday 2020

Dongyoung and Shotaro were sitting on each side of Sungchan in the back seat, Dongyoung making sure he's okay and Shotaro holding him with an arm around his shoulders, Sungchan softly crying with his head on the Japanese's shoulder. Jungwoo took up driving, having moved from the passenger side to the driver seat.

"Here." Shotaro spoke up as Jungwoo drove along the apartments, driving next to his. The car coming to a stop, Shotaro unbuckled his seatbelt, unbuckling Sungchan as well even though he knows fully well the boy can do it himself. Shotaro shuffles our the left side door, Sungchan glued to his side.

Closing the door, Jungwoo and Dongyoung rolled down the window, the eldest, "Are you sure you don't want us coming with you to check over your wounds?"

Sungchan, who more or less was hugging the Japanese's right arm, looked to the older korean before looking away, quietly requesting, "Tomorrow...?" Today, too much happened, he doesn't want to deal with any more anxiety of fearing their judgment of his scars and wounds. It's best to save it for tomorrow.

Nodding, the two in the car bid farewells, windows sliding closed as Jungwoo back out the parking lot, leaving the two standing outside the apartments in the night. Seeing the lights of the car fade away, Shotaro turned to enter the apartment building, perhaps a bit too sudden as Sungchan stumbled a bit before coming to walk step in step beside him into the building.

   The two of walked in silence, riding the elevator to the third floor in silence two aside from the sniffles from Sungchan who also was whipping away his tears and dry tears on his hoodie sleeves that fell over his hands that Shotaro found cute and would say so at any time, except, now is not the time.

Right now, Sungchan needed support, he needed someone to lean on, to care for him, love him.

He also needed some sleep.

The tall lad's doe eyes were beginning to droop as Shotaro unlocked the door to his cozy apartment. He guided Sungchan to the couch, sitting him, "I'll be right back, don't fall asleep yet." He patted his auburn hair before quickly jogging to his bedroom —trying not to step loudly as it is two in the morning and he doesn't want to wake the brig outs below him–. He searched his closet for something suitable to the younger to wear to sleep. He found a highlighter yellow long sleeve shirt and some grey sweatpants— woah, Damn I have a lot of grey sweatpants...

After being momentarily amazed at his ninety nine percent grey sweatpants collection, he held the articles of clothing, heading back to the living room where he found the korean nodding off. "Sungchannie," He shook him awake by his back.

The boy jolted awake, eyes wide in panic until he saw Shotaro and sigh in relief letting his eyes go back to looking tired. "Channie, here," he handed the other the clothing, "Go take a shower and then you can sleep. Theres a first aid in the first drawer of the sink." He lifted the other to stand up, leading him to the bathroom.

The slightly taller replayed with a tired mumbled, "..mm... okay..." Hugging the bundle of clothes, he waddled into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Hearing the water beginning, Shotaro walked to the kitchen, making some ramen for Sungchan and himself. At Lucas's party they were planning on watching a movie –probably horror or maybe start a drama– while eating some pizza and breadsticks they'll order, but since they left earlier than expected the two haven't eaten in a good couple of hours.

   At some point while making the ramen, the shower had stopped and Sungchan with a towel he found around waist, liked for the first aid kit, finding it where the older said it'd be. Taking it out he opened it. There was much, but there was the thing he needed, bandages, antibiotics, band-aids, cottonballs, a small packet of disinfectant wipes.

   Most of his wounds weren't bad per say –well, in his opinion. They could be worst. He applied some antibiotic cream to the bigger cuts and wounds, placing bandages or band-aids on them. There wasn't much he could do for the bruises, so he left them as is. His left shoulder though, that needed a bit for time. If he had to be honest, he still wasn't completely sure if all the glass were out of his shoulder. His shoulder had been bleeding and too blood for him to see clearly and of course because of the awkward angle he couldn't fully see where glass was, he only picked out as many as he could see and feel. Even now after a week he didn't know.

   Grabbing a disinfectant wipe, he gently went over the many little dried scabs and dashed of small cuts and healing cuts and the one bigger and deep cut that hurt like a bitch trying to pull that piece of glass out. Back then he was practically sobbing while slowly tugging out the shard. It was where the bottle had directly hit and the deepest a piece of glass got stuck. The shard was long though, and it was painful to take out, his hands had been shaking the whole time, he nearly gave up and was about to just leave it there for later when he let out a hiccup between a sob, causing his body to jerk which made his shoulder tense up and the glass probably hit a nerve or something and– yeah, let's say that he was fully crying and snatched those tweezers off the countertop and began again at the slow game of tugging as he was terrified of hiccuping again and causing more pain. That was a very painful day.

   He ran his finger over the wound that had a thin scab over it, ready to bleed out if he picked at it or opened it somehow.

Sighing, he treated the rest of his wounds, closed the white and red box back up, putting it away. He took the clothes Shotaro handed him earlier, putting on some boxers and socks, and then the sweatpants and the shirt.

On Shotaro the shirt fit well, a tad bit bigger, but barely noticeable. It fit well on Sungchan as well, expect it was looser. Being of thinner build, not really having much muscles compared to Shotaro how maintains his lean muscles from dance– Sungchan ain't gonna lie, the guy had some nice muscles, not muscular muscular, but like... nice muscular.

Yeah, he clung to Shotaro's arm for a reason.

One, he was tired and wanted to lean on someone.
Two, Shotaro was warm. He likes being warm and it was chilly outside.
Three, he got nice arms.

(A/n; flashback to that one Vlive where Yuta was just rubbing Sichengs's arms)

Freshly showered with fresh clothes on, he crossed the small hallway to where he believes is Shotaro's bedroom. Seeing the comfy looking bed in the corner of the room a sudden drowsiness overwhelmed him, making him realized how truest tired he was. Not waiting for ramen to be finished —yeah, he smelled it when he was crossing the hall— he got himself under the warm cover of the bed, lying near the wall. He closed his eyes, bringing the cover sup to his chin, falling into possibility one of the best rests of his life.

Short timeskip brought to you by JSMR

"Sungchan!" He called out, knocking on the bathroom. "Sungchan?" Not getting a reply he opens the door only to se sit was empty, lights off. Dumbfounded, he closed the door of the bathroom. Looking around for a second before seeing the inched open door of his bedroom. Smiling to himself he peeked into the dark room.

Seeing the younger snuggled in the sheets he decided the ramen can wait til they wake up later. Grabbing his pajamas from his desk chair —not really pajamas, just a pair of red sweatpants, yes, one of the only non grey sweats he owns— he changed into them. He closed the door of the bedroom, walking over to the full sized bed.

Now normally, a full sized bed probably could fit two nearly adult men... unless they were very close. And Shotaro decides that in bed there's no barrier, if you decide to sleep in his bed, be prepared to be cuddled.

Getting under the covers, he moved closer to Sungchan, who was facing the wall with his back to him. Gently settling an arm around his waist, he remembered when they were camping, in the tents at night when he would pull the korean close to him, hugging him to his chest.

Which he did just that tonight as he did that night.

*not edited*


What a nice chapter I think, a nice break from the drama:).

But don't worry, shits probably gonna happen next chapter lol

Well I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter—

One last thing–
If y'all got any ideas like, can I have some ideas for the member's Oneshots?
Like, I'm dry on ideas for that book.
You can even suggest ideas for a member whose birthday is later this year (coUgh, please ideas for the February lmao)

The ones I got a idea ish for is Johnny's and Jaehyun's, like for them I'm thinking of doing a two-part johnjae oneshot, one published on each of their birthdays.
And that's all I got lol

Anyways, I hope y'all are living amazingly, I hope you all do well. Stay safe, wear a fucking mask when you go out (especially if you're in the USA) and


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