X-Men (Male Reader)

By IvanBullock

138K 4.3K 2.6K

Their world was destroyed, turned to ruin by the arrival of Apocalypse. With no other option, Charles Xavier... More

The Day The World Ended
Our New World
New Bonds
The Teachers and Students
First Class
Our Youth
Night of the Sentinel
Weapon X Pt. 1
Weapon X Pt. 2
A Thief's Heart
Reunions and Investigations
Burying the Past Pt.1
Burying the Past Pt. 2
Our Friendships
The Choices We Make
The Brotherhood Pt. 1
The Brotherhood Pt. 2
The Brotherhood Pt. 3
A New Day

Burying the Past Pt. 3

3.8K 179 48
By IvanBullock

You pushed your way through the burning remains of the mansion. Jubilee stayed out of the flames since she had no way of protecting herself. As for you, you used your telepathy to push the flames away from you.

You found yourself in the center of the blast where you found Fahd standing tall, the fire burning away his clothes, and Betsy pushing the flames away.

Fahd: How did you do that?

Betsy: Why do you want Matsu'o Tsurayaba?

Fahd: I want him dead.

Betsy: Understandable. But why?

Fahd stepped forward with the orange flames dancing around his finger tips.

Fahd: You know him. Where is he?

Betsy narrowed her eyes at Fahd. She looked into his mind, but his thoughts were guarded. He wasn't a man, or a mutant. He was something else entirely. And he wanted Matsu'o dead.

He screamed out for a woman. His wife. Rhe same wife that was murdered by Matsu'o. He was a killer, just like she was. He left the bloodshed behind for the woman he loved. They were going to start a life. His lover was...

Betsy: Your wife...oh god....she was pregnant.

Fahd: Stay out of my head!!!

He relased even more fire which you blocked with your mind. You rushed forward and protected Betsy from the fire.

Betsy: Y/N?!

Y/N: Fahd, my name is Tag! This is Psylocke! We can help you! You just have to...

Fahd: Out of my way!

He threw a ball of fire at you but you sliced it with a telepathic blade. You then kicked a piece of burning wood at him which you charged. It erupted in his face and he shook his head.

Betsy: What are you doing here?!

Y/N: Not now!

Fahd charged at you but you flew up with your wings. Betsy grabbed his arm and flipped him over her shoulder but Fahd caught himself midair.

Betsy: Listen to me very closely. Matsu'o is not yours to kill. I have nothing but sympathy for your wife and child, but I cannot allow you to do this.

Fahd blasted Betsy away as he stood up.

Fahd: Psylocke, he said. He is wrong. I saw your mind just as you saw mine. I saw your desire for death. I do not care for your action against Matsu'o. He will burn in my fires for what he's done! If you stand in my way, you will burn too!

He ignited his entire body and flew up into the sky just as you landed. You stood beside Betsy as Jubilee moved through the dying flames.

Jubilee: You're alright!

Betsy looked over to where she left Yukio, only to find her complete missing. She escaped.

Betsy: They both escaped.

Jubilee: So did that guy me and Y/N were fighting. Uh, what was his name? Deadpool?

Betsy: I know where Matsu'o is now. I saw it when Jinn was in my head.

Y/N: Who?

Betsy: Fahd Jinn. The guy on fire.

Y/N: Oh. Well, let's go then. And after that, we can talk about how you shouldn't put people to sleep like you did.

Betsy blushed in embarrassment before she sighed and lead you all out.


You flew overhead with Jubilee in your holding onto you while Betsy rode the motorcycle she stole from the mansion. Or what was left of it.

She said she knew where Matsu'o was. Once you found him, you could end all this madness.

But, Betsy would be a killer again.

Jubilee: Hey.

You looked at her.

Jubilee: You think she's alright?

Y/N: No. Not even a little bit. Trust me, she is completely losing it. That's why we need to be here. To stop her from doing what she'll regret.

Jubilee looked at you then returned her gaze to the night sky.

Betsy knew what Jinn was now. He wasn't a human. He was fire given a body. A creature of magic. And he was right about one thing.

She had a death wish.
Logan: Son of a bitch.

The Wolverine stood on the cliff's edge and looked at the smoking ruins of his destination. Someone beat him to it. And he was sure he knew who.

Logan touched his ear piece but got no answer.

Logan: Yukio? Wade? Someone answer.


Logan: Damnit.
On a Cliffside of where he lost his lover, Matsu'o looked out at the sea. Shrouded by the darkness of night.

Jinn: Matsu'o!

The former crime lord didn't even move. He simply looked at the sea.

Matsu'o: Tt. I thought the girl would be here first. Tell me, Jinn. How is your lovely wife?

Jinn's flames burned hotter as he stared down his former boss.

Jinn: Make piece with whatever God you believe in, villain.

Deadpool: Did someone say, villian?!

Jinn was suddenly stabbed in the back by a flying knife. He pulled it out and turned around to find Yukio and Deadpool there.

Yukio: I didn't get to play with you at the Tsurayaba Estate, Assassin. I'm Yukio. This is Wade.

Deadpool: DEADPOOL! Come on! You're just being lazy.

He was suddenly punched in the face by a flaming fist.

Jinn: This is not a game!

He fired off a blast at Yukio who dodged it and flipped to her feet.

Yukio: I thought Betsy would be here by now. Kinda glad I get to take you down myself.

Yukio threw some knives but they melted before they even reached Jinn.

Jinn: You have great spirit, human. Not like the red one.

Deadpool: Hey!!!

Jinn: But you die now.

He reached his hand out and relased a powerful blast of fire but it never reached Yukio. It did get Deadpool, though.

Deadpool: Why?!

Yukio opened her eyes to see that the fire was moving around her. She then looked at her savior.

Betsy: If someone is going to make her pay, it'll be me.

You dropped Jubilee nearby and landed beside Betsy. You then looked at Yukio.

Y/N: Sleep.

Yukio's eyes rolled back and her body dropped to the floor, now unconscious. You then looked at Deadpool who was running around like a maniac on fire.

Y/N: Uh, take care of him, Jubilee.

Jubilee: Gladly.

She fired off her energy blasts which sent Deadpool flying off the cliff and into the rocky water.

Jinn: You intend to fight me?! Why?! Is this not what you want as well?!

Betsy: I want Matsu'o dead. But I want him dead on my terms. He's playing us. Drawing us both in. I need to know why.

Jinn: I do not.

Jinn's flames grew higher and he charged at Betsy. However, you caught him and threw him aside. You then lunged to follow him. Betsy watched you fight Jinn before she turned to Matsu'o.

Matsu'o: I assume Jinn is no threat to me any longer?

Betsy: For now.

Matsu'o: And what of you, Elizabeth? Will you heal? Will you live?

Betsy created a blade of energy as she glared at the shadowed man.

Betsy: Why did you do this to him? To me?

Matsu'o sighed.

Matsu'o: You were my preference. Jinn was a...contingency.

Betsy: Why, Matsu'o?!

Matsu'o: You wish to know the truth? Very well.

He turned around and pulled off his robe. Betsy's eyes grew wide at what she saw.

His entire body was burnt, scared. Tubes filled with blood attached through his skin and only one eye remained.

Betsy: Dear God.

Matsu'o: I did this, so you would kill me.

Jinn flew right towards you but you dodged his attack. His flames were hot. Too hot. You couldn't get close to attack without breaking concentration. If you did, you would most certainly get burnt. You will heal, but not fast enough to stop him from attacking Betsy.

Y/N: You have a hot temper, don't you?

Jinn: Stay out of my way! You know not of the pain he caused me!

He punched you which sent you right into a tree. Jubilee rushed forward and fired off her blasts which distracted Jinn from you.

Jinn: Girl, you would be wise to leave this place. Death hangs over every soul.

Jubilee: I kinda need this one alive! He's my big brother guy for school!

Jinn surrounded himself with more fire as you recovered from your burns. You then felt your body grow lighter. You glared at Jinn as your eyes began to turn black.

Y/N: N-No...not now.

You shook your head and your eyes turned back to normal. You then jumped back into the fight.

Matsu'o: I did this because I can no longer hold a seppuku knife and take my life with honor. Kill me.

Betsy: I....I...

Matsu'o grabbed her wrist and Betsy could feel how weak he now was.

Matsu'o: I won't stop. Your brother. Your school. Your lover. They will all die by my hand. You can stop me. Kill me.

Betsy: Who did this too you?

Matsu'o: Kill me!

Betsy: Who did this?!

Logan: I did.

Betsy pulled away from Matsu'o and looked behind her to find Logan there with his claws out.

Logan: Matsu'o's not done paying for what he did, yet. He doesn't get to die. Not now, not ever!

Betsy held her ground as she looked at her friend. Her teammate. Her family.

She recalls the story Storm told her some time ago.

Logan met a woman, Mariko Yashida, while he was in Japan on some adventure. Against all odds, they fell in love. His love after he moved on from Silver Fox. The Savage and the Princess.

She had asked him to kill her to save her from a slow and painful death by poison. Logan had vowed the death of the man responsible.

Logan: He killed her!

Betsy: Logan...

Logan: Walk away, Betts. Walk away right now!

Jinn slammed into you again which dropped you to your knees. He then kicked you away. Most of your suit was now burnt and your skin was slowly healing. It was painful. Extremely painful.

Jubilee: What is Logan doing here?

You looked over to the two X-Men to see them circling each other. Logan's claws were out. Betsy had a sword.

Y/N: I love you, Elizabeth. Just remember that.

Betsy: Dont say that. Come back to me. Promise me, Y/N.

Y/N: I could never leave you hanging, Elizabeth.

Jinn: This ends now.

He lifted a foot to stomp your head into the ground.

Instead, he found his flames blown away and his body grow cold. He stumbled back as smoke rose from his body. Even Jubilee felt the cold touch on her skin. She turned around and saw you push yourself back to your feet.

She saw your eyes. As dark as the night sky. As evil as the devil. As cold as death.

You looked at Jinn as he tried to summon his flames once more. Instead, the grass and trees around you began to die. You reached your hand out at Jinn and he suddenly found the air in his lungs gone.

He gasped for air as he reached for his throat. He struggled and dropped to his knees as Jubilee watched.

Jubilee: Y/N? Y/N?!

Betsy: How long has this been going on for, Logan?

Logan: Not long enough. He's got it coming. Every cut. Every drop of blood is his payment for what he did. What he took from me. And it'll never be enough. Every year, on the anniversary of her death, this bastard pays with his flesh. Every year, I make sure he pays.

Betsy: Why not just kill him, Logan? Kill him and be done with it.

Logan: Because that's too easy. We both need to suffer.

Betsy: This isn't you, Logan. This isn't what X-Men do.

Logan: That's rich coming from you! But you've always always been a little blood thirsty, Betts. Don't act like you haven't.

Betsy held up her blade and looked at Logan. It wasn't him anymore. All that remained was just the animal.

Betsy: Please, Logan.

Logan: Get out of my way!

Logan lunged at her but she moved at the last minute. Still, his claw cut her cheek. Blood dripped and Betsy touched it.

Betsy: So be it.

She charged at her friend and they locked blades.

Jubilee: Y/N!

You focused harder on the magic being in front of you as you struggled for control in your own mind. This power, you hated using it. It was fueled by anger and hate. Both of which you were filled with.

Jinn contiued to struggle as you moved closer to him. Finally, you reached him and lifted him up by his neck.

Y/N: L-Leave. Now! Bury your wife and leave this life behind!

You threw him across the way and he finally caught his breath. You closed your eyes and calmed down before you returned to normal. You opened your eyes, now back to normal, and looked at Jinn.

Y/N: Go. Please.

Jinn looked at you and ignited his body. However, he blasted off into the sky. You dropped to a knee and caught your breath before you looked over at Betsy and Logan fighting.

He sliced her back and kicked her away Betsy recovered and stabbed into Logan. You could see it in his eyes. The anger and the hurt. You saw the same thing when you went to the Weapon X program.

He was now just the Wolverine.

You pieced it all together. The reason Deadpool and Yukio were here was to make sure Matsu'o didn't die. He wanted to keep him alive. This wasn't Logan at all.

Y/N: N-No.

You got to your feet but you stumbled. Jubilee caught you and held you up.

Jubilee: You need to recover.

Y/N: I can't. He might kill her!

Betsy dodged another attack and stabbed into Logan again. However, he just allowed the pain and instead tried to stab her. She narrowly avoided his claws which cut into her side. Betsy stumbled back and Logan lunged at her.

Betsy caught his arm and turned her body so that he was thrown away. You finally recovered but the fight was already at it's end.

Betsy know the truth. Jinn was right. Logan was right. Everyone was right.

She had no idea who she was anymore. She longed for death. She wanted to make someone hurt.

It was all she knew.

All she was.

So she got rid of her blades and stood between Matsu'o and Logan.

Betsy: Enough. If you want to contiue torturing Matsu'o, you need to kill me first.

She then closed her eyes.

Betsy: I'll give Mariko your regards.

You and Jubilee watched as Logan made his way towards her. You pulled away from Jubilee, ready to rush in and help, but you didn't have to.

Logan's claws retracted and he returned.

Logan: Kill him.

Betsy opened her eyes and looked at Logan.

Logan: Go ahead and kill him. But someday, we're going to talk about this death wish you've developed.

Logan walked over to Yukio and picked her up. He then looked over to where you were once standing and saw the dead life.

Logan: I'll meet you all back at the Blackbird.

He then looked at you.

Logan: Make sure everyone gets back in one piece. And, sorry. None of this was personal.

He carried Yukio away as you all watched.

Betsy: That's it? You're not even going to stay and watch?

Logan looked over his shoulder. He looked at his beloved's killer. The man who caused him more pain in his life. And he laughed.

Logan: Nope.

Logan vanished in the woods while the rest of you stayed. You looked at Jubilee.

Y/N: You should go, too. You don't need to see this.

Jubilee hesitated but nodded. She let go of you and went to catch up with Logan. You turned back to Betsy as she looked at Matsu'o who was on his knees, facing the ocean.

Matsu'o: Thank you.

Betsy: You don't get to thank me.

Matsu'o: I know. But, it still felt polite to say. That's what you British are about, right? Manners?

Betsy looked at Matsu'o.

Betsy: Are you ready?

Matsu'o: I am.

Matsu'o looked up into the sky and closed his eyes. Betsy created a blade but you placed a hand on her shoulder.

Y/N: Are you sure about this, Betsy? You know there's no going back from this. I saw what he did to you. All the pain he put you through. I know your angry and scared. I understand.

Betsy: He took what was left of me. I lost you. I lost myself. Now, he'll pay for it all.

Y/N: But by doing so, he wins. He bests you. You'll have to live with this for the rest of your life.

Betsy looked at the crime lord and considered her options.

Y/N: Betsy, I know you're not this person he thinks you are. You're kind. And you're brave. But, I won't stop you from doing this. At the end of the day, this is your choice.

You pulled away and headed toward she woods.

Y/N: I just hope you make the right one.

You walked into the woods as Betsy looked at Matsu'o. She clenched her fist and raised her blade. She considered your words.

Y/N: Elizabeth, you're truly a wonderful soul. You always ask me why I never killed the man who killed my parents. It's because if I did, he wins. I become what he always precived me to be.

Betsy: A killer.

She lowered her hand and her blade vanished. She sighed and turned away.

Matsu'o: Where are you going?

Betsy: Home. The place I need to be.

Matsu'o: You can't do this. You need to kill me! You can't leave me here like this!

Betsy: You'll live with your mistakes. You'll do so until you die on your own. Goodbye, Matsu'o Tsurayaba.

You leaned against the wall of the Blackbird as Logan and Jubilee sat in the seats in silence.

Talk about awkward.

Logan: So, what did you do back there?

Y/N: I don't want to talk about it.

Logan: Okay.

Suddenly, the door opened and Betsy walked on board. You looked at her as she sat down. Logan sighed and started up the jet. As it took off, you walked over to Betsy.

Y/N: So, is it done?

Betsy stayed silent before she looked at you.

Betsy: When we get back to the mansion, can I take you somewhere with me?

You looked at her oddly.
You stood beside Betsy as you looked at the gravestone that was placed near the school. It was now the day time and you were beyond exhausted. You were also still without a shirt and Betsy was still covered in blood.

But you chose to come with her to the gravestone of this world's you.

Here Lies Y/N L/N.

Betsy: I'm sorry if this is too much for you.

YN: Nah. This is fine. You...you needed closure, right?

Betsy nodded. She slowly kneeled down and placed a flower on your gravestone.

Betsy: I wasn't able to save you. I failed and you died. But, even now in death, you saved me. And I can't begin to think of a way to repay you.

She stood back up. You looked at the grave then at her. The wind made her hair fly freely as did yours. Your hat was in your pocket still.

Y/N: If you want to repay me, stay alive.

Betsy looked at you confused.

Y/N: You have this death wish. Don't go granting it. Stay alive. Survive. Get strong.

You smiled as you pulled your hat on and walked back towards the school.

Y/N: And maybe we can have dinner sometime. As friends.

Betsy smiled as she watched you walked away. But what she saw was you. Not you. But the man she had loved. The coat he always wore and the bowler hat she got him for his birthday. She blinked and you were now you.

Betsy smiled.

Betsy: Alright then. As friends.

You both headed back to the mansion. You both deserved some rest.

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